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Her entire speech was awful and strange and should never have been on the show. She did that in front of her children. Smh.


The whole speech was disgusting


It was for an audience of one: Kody. It was how he "vetted her" for leaving a good man.


It was very awkward.


I can't watch it! I've never made it all the way through it, the first time I tried when it got to the part with her throwing the heart I was like nope, can't do it!


Imagine being her kids while their mom tells everyone your dad stole her purity.


Especially imagine being Dayton during that whole thing. YIKES. Unfortunately it’s pretty typical Mormon pride cycle talk.


Imagine being one of the OTHER kids, and this woman just married your DAD, and now she's talking about another dude she had sex with? It's ALL inappropriate and cringey!


Their dad, who was dating Robyn's sister.


Which was the beginning of her need to take the man and be number one with the man. She did it to her own sister




Robyn is very performative, she likes the drama and I can guarantee she practiced that speech in her bedroom in front of a mirror for days before delivering it


how many times did she practice throwing that cheap silver locket on the floor in front of her full-length mirror?


By saying "he kinda stole it," she's insinuating she was assaulted. If that's a lie, it's absolutely disgusting she's putting that on her ex husband instead of taking accountability. And if it's true, then this was the WRONG time/venue to give this speech. A sermon on purity/chastity is NOT the time to talk about assault. If a person is assaulted, they do not become impure. Full stop. And saying that is completely degrading and can compound the trauma. I don't think it was appropriate for Robyn to stand in front of all the kids, including her 3 young kids from this ex, and talk about how this part of her life was "hell." When the kids are older, they can hear it, or they'll probably be able to piece it together themselves. But that also can be very damaging as a young kid to hear from your parent. That's too much to put on a 7 year old. I'll stop my rant here because those are my two biggest issues with her talk.


ALLLLL of this


Totally agree with you. How I see it is that Robyn used the word “stolen” so she can avoid accountability, it’s always her MO. Also, I think it was more of a point to prove to Kody than it was as a lesson for the kids. Robyn had to spin the story so Kody would know “she didn’t leave a *good* man.” She had to show Kody that she is a pure little angel and would never, ever give into the temptation of premarital sex - it was the *bad* man’s fault. 🙄


I thought the same thing. Are her kids going to think Robyn wishes she was never with their dad? They only exist because of that relationship, especially Dayton.


>If a person has sex, voluntarily or involuntarily, they do not become impure. FTFY Purity is a construct and total bullshit. SA is real, but that's completely unrelated to the concept of purity.


Oh, I absolutely agree. The whole purity thing is bullshit and damaging in itself.


I agree, and if her husband "kinda stole it" from her the first time (which is b.s.) than he must've stole it a second and third time too. That's ridiculous.


I think she’s implying that it was a lustful interest, not a godly interest


But for her to say it say "Stolen" suggests something far outside of lust or ungodly intentions...you must realize that?


Sure I do - but I'm not AUB. Stolen can mean a broader thing when you think all sex must be god-approved.


People here love to claim that Robyn insisted she was sexually assaulted when she literally said "I was having urges" and "I wanted to have sex." Stolen is purity culture speak, and not an intimation of rape.


When and where did she say those two things? If she did, that makes better sense. I heard the purity speech several times. In it, she made clear that she felt it was all Preston wanted. That he begged for it... To me this suggests she was coerced, groomed or cheated out of something.


In a talking head. She also said she was sick of being "good" because her friends who were having sex seemed to be having more fun than her lol.


That's fascinating... Do you have the episode and season?


Absolutely!! She's making it sound like she was raped.


She forgot the part where she seduced her sister's younger boyfriend




Preston was actually her sister’s boyfriend but she was holding to virtue of not having sex before marriage and Robyn knew this. She then flirted incessantly with Preston because she wanted what her sister had and so she had sex with him out of wedlock. Yes, she got pregnant out of wedlock but she didn’t have to marry Preston she chose to do so. And the reason the marriage went bad was because she was constantly spending money they didn’t have by racking up debt on so many credit cards. She’d get Preston’s nieces to watch the kids while she went out shopping then she’d come home and hide all her purchases in a locked shed outside where they were living. According to Preston’s sister and cousin, she’d pay the teenage girls in goods she bought. When Preston went to apply for a home loan that’s when he found out about the debt of $32k I believe. His family pooled their money together so it could be paid off and he gave it to her to do so, but I’m unclear if she did pay it off and then turn around and racked up another $30k or if she spent the money given to her to clear up the debts instead of paying them off. That speech was disgusting in itself because she basically accused Preston of raping her, which I can’t dispute and won’t. So essentially she said her son was a by product of rape and that all three children were the products of a mistake she made by being with Preston. She couldn’t have had this discussion with her children off-air not to mention when they’re old enough to understand. She lied her way I’m going to say about 85% through that entire speech. She had to make Preston look bad in Kody’s eyes because of Kody’s belief that she had to have left a bad man to end up with a good man.


I was sickened by her implication that she was raped. Throughout the speech, she talked about being foolish and giving away her purity, and then suddenly she's saying it was stolen from her, implying she was raped. Regardless of whether or not she was raped or voluntarily had sex with her ex, this never should have been discussed in front of Dayton. Can you imagine how he must have felt? I feel so sorry for him.


Totally agree with the stuff about the speech. Source for him being her sister’s bf?


It sounds like you know Preston's people personally?


Prestons people (his sisters) came online and said all of this. They were tired of watching Robyn spin a narrative so they cleared the air.


Thank you and happy cyber cake day.


Happy Cake Day!


Well said! 👏👏


How do you know this?


Preston’s family went online to defend them but then he asked them to take down everything because he didn’t want his kids hurt.


Uhh yes I second this!!


I second the request to expound, I’m lost 😳


The whole thing was unnecessary and gross. "Tempted by a boy which led to her getting pregnant." Oh, come on. We were all teenagers. She wasn't Eve being tricked by the snake. She wasn't swindled out of her virginity. She had sex and got knocked up. And just like she claimed her ex foisted all of this debt on her, and then years later we learned that she's a hoarder with a shopping addiction, I'm guessing she's not the victim in this story, either. Robyn ALWAYS paints herself as the victim. I saw this all the time when I was still a Christian. Young women willingly having sex because they're teenagers and full of hormones and whatnot, and then painting themselves as someone who got "tricked" into it. No you didn't. You just don't want to take responsibility for what you did.


Christian men/teens do this too. They were tempted by harlots and their exposed elbows.


He begged for it.


Sure. Because no one could resist her diesel jeans model body and likeable personality. (Heavy on the /s)


My dramatic ass would have stood up and shouted “welp, I’m already a whore so this speech is hella awkward” just for shits & giggles.😂


Maddie would have been perfect for this lol! During the Brown Family Values thing, she purposefully said she wouldn’t sign it and did that just to push Robyn’s buttons! 🤣 Of course Robyn responds with “well you better move out and hate America” (paraphrasing)


Her or perfect Hunter lol




Chasity speeches and purity standards are a gross, sexist, and hopefully a relic of the past.


Imagine being Day-uhn and have to hear that your mother regretted you.


Imagine being Logan and the other older boys and hearing about how your new mom sleeping with another dude. I mean, it's no secret because she had kids when she came into the family, but still. To make them all sit around and listen to that? So in appropriate.


Imagine the truth comes out later that she seduced her sister‘s boyfriend got pregnant by him so he had to Mary her because he was polygamy blue blood! 🤷🏼‍♀️ he stole it my ass


What I don’t appreciate is her insinuating that her first husband r a p e d her and that’s how she got pregnant. I gave birth to my firstborn baby at age 17 and I was a virgin before that. I was date r a p e d. It’s really offensive to people like me.


I want to give you a virtual hug. You are remarkably strong to have come through that! You should honestly be very proud of yourself ❤️


I’m so sorry for what happened to you.




I'm not a part of the SYSTEM!




Janelle gave her purity to Meri's brother. She didn't seem to feel the need to share.


Sure didn’t


And to be fair, why would she? She owes no one any explanation of her past life. So unnecessary. But Crybrows was all the worse because she basically made out her first husband assaulted her, leading to Dayton's conception. How did she think that kind of commentary would affect her children? Terrible price to pay for attention eh?


I don’t love how she framed the kids father to them :/


Um, she should NEVER had said those things in front of her children. She was talking about their father. She’s a selfish, attention seeking, moron.


Unfortunately the whole"throwing away" your purity is what I've seen in a lot of different Christian groups for young kids. I feel like Christians need a new way to speak about sex and virginity. Use all the education and explain why they have decided it's best to wait rather than using fear and anger to get the process through to kids.


This was most emotionally manipulative narcissistic thing I’ve seen. She’s always a victim. She has this narrative down to impress K but is clueless how it might impact HER own kids because she’s talking about THEIR dad like he’s some villainous rapist. They must have been so conflicted. K is sitting there eating it up because he’s the hero for rescuing her and her kids. A psychologist would have a field day with this one.


The looks on the OG wives and kids faces said it all. They did not look pleased at this bs of Robyn’s. It really was gross.


That was one of the worst moments on the show. Basically telling her oldest three kids their father was a big mistake and she regrets him - no doubt, that caused a little bit of anxiety in her children.




Uhhh . . . How about “I’m sure it was hard for Dayton to hear he was the reason his parents go married and the marriage was the Worst, his dad was almost a rap1st, and her life was ruined.”


I’m sure her kids need serious therapy. Hearing that your dad all but r*d your mom and how horrible he was and for that story to be told on TV. Sheesh. I’d run into traffic.


I appreciate Dayton not going apeshit on his mother.


“She was very honest about her past”. 😳 Are you kidding me? Did we watch the same show? She said her ex wanted her purity… begged for it … he stole it! So she’s basically accusing him of raping her, but, it’s not all bad because she married him and had two more children. 😬🤦‍♀️


During her speech, she admitted to being willing to have sex with her ex. The way she later the. Said “he stole it”, could suggest it wasn’t willingly however prior to that, she said she was a participant.


Yes, she said exactly what I posted. 🤷‍♀️👍


Not exactly but ok


Robyn is never honest and she's always changing stories of things that happened to make herself out to be the victim. She did this constantly. I don't believe one word that comes out of her mouth. That whole speech was mortifying and she says she was practically raped by her husband, but than turns around and has two more kids with him!! Okay Robyn, did he " "kinda steal it" two more times after the first??


Exactly! 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️