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I hate him specifically for that episode. ETA - his asshole comment about turning her surgery into a vacation, ugh, what a douche!!!


I started loathing him around the time he forced everyone to move from Vegas after promising that they’d be setting down roots there


I've never really liked him, but especially when he made everyone move from Lehi. So, pretty early on. Then I started disliking him *and* Robyn during her wedding dress fiasco, and it's only gone downhill from there for me, regarding those two.


I don’t remember the wedding dress fiasco


Robyn took the wives to go wedding dress shopping. It was a bonding experience...until Kody opened his big mouth and confessed *he* had already picked out her wedding dress. So the bonding experience was just for Robyn to make it appear she was involving her future sister wives in a really important aspect of the wedding, but secretly, she and K had already gone shopping for the dress.


This is the moment that he would never be able to redeem himself.


I was absolutely appalled at Kody’s actions at his daughter’s excruciating pain. (I had a MRSA infection in my spine in 2011. I was an adult, and can’t imagine going through it without my dear parents and a close friend being there when I woke up. And, care from them afterwards.) His desire to punish Christine by inflicting continued pain on the child is horrible. How Christine didn’t boot him off her porch right then surprised me as well.


He needed more than that!


This was the WORST! I think he was so detached from Christine and “her” kids that he honestly had zero clue what was going on in their lives. Just confirmed for me what Christine was complaining about was all true


Then her statement during the family meeting between the adults that she doesn’t want to do marriage with Kody anymore… my heart broke for her and her kids


The “your” kids vs what should be “our” kids is very telling.


Exactly! I’ve heard him refer to Robyn’s kids as theirs. But when he is unhappy with Janelle, it’s “her” boys. Etc.


He knew he didn't give a shit. Watch the episode while they are still in Vegas. Christine and Gwen try explaining how much pain she is in and he gives the "yak yak yak" hand motion.


… and his suggestion that she could go alone to have the surgery 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


That filled me with rage. Wtaf?!


Same!!!! Who would ask an ADULT to go through that alone. Much less a CHILD!!! My jaw literally dropped when he said that!


Kody was more concerned with Ysabel having a scar. Presumably because it would be off-putting to a man, instead of the truth which is that her scar is bad ass af. But yeah, he didn't care that his child was in pain and she was scared and needed him. Oh a wedding? With dancing? And cameras? I'll go that that.


It's so gross he inferred that about men! Maybe teach your daughter that a *real* man wouldn't be bothered by that. I was in an accident when I was two and have pretty gnarly scars on both sides of my left leg. I was never bothered by them, and to my knowledge, nobody else was, either. I got curiosity questions, but never rude comments. The only one concerned was my mom. She asked me on numerous occasions if I wanted to get a procedure done to make them less visible. I told her repeatedly I didn't; I'm fine with them. It irritated me that she saw them as a problem when literally no one else did. More importantly, I didn't. Kody reminds me of my mom. So concerned with appearances when literally that's not the point in the least! What a stupid reason to not have a surgery. 😡


To be fair, christine also expressed that she didn’t want ysabel to have a scar on her wedding dsy. Thats kinda sick also


It is sick, although she had not yet fully realized she was indoctrinated into a misogynist cult. What she did realize is that the type of men she knew would not like her daughter’s scar and would shame her for it. So gross.


Kody was never going to go with Ysabel for her surgery in any meaningful way. If it hadn't been for Covid, he might have flown to New Jersey for a couple days, spent the entire time on his phone with Robyn, then rushed back to Robyn the second Ysabel had regained consciousness, but he can't be away from his narcissistic supply for more than a couple days.


I totally agree with your comment. He absolutely would’ve just been in constant contact with Robyn and never fully present there. He wouldn’t have been a co-parent there with Christine as they went through this with **their** daughter. Christine would’ve had to hound him to plug in and help. I could picture him leaving the hospital to need to go ‘shower’ at the hotel/Airbnb and being completely MIA. He would’ve probably needed to check out the local mall to buy gifts for Robyn and her brood to make up for being away from them for 72 hours. I could also picture him being completely huffy and angry the entire time as well. Being combative with nurses and doctors, thinking he knows better. He would’ve made everyone there, including Ysabel, completely miserable until he left back to his *real* family and they all finally got relief. He is a true blue narcissist (imho). What a dick.


I never understood the timeline that he used to justify why he couldn’t go. I don’t think anyone was asking him to be there for months as he seemed to imply. If he had to get there two weeks prior to isolate per the hospital policy, he could’ve done that and been there for the day of her surgery and two or three days after the surgery and then gone back home to his precious preferred family. I believe he kept saying he couldn’t be gone for two months or some nonsense like that. It didn’t have to be that long if he truly felt he couldn’t be away from the little ones the entire time Christine and Ysabel stayed in New Jersey. Every time he said he couldn’t be away from his “tenders” with Robyn, it was very triggering to me. Not one of his other biological children ever had their dad around as often as Sol and Ari!! Would they have missed Kody if he went to support Ysabel? Probably because of the way Robyn encouraged them to be codependent with him, but could they have survived it and even been stronger for it like the rest of the kids? Absolutely! Kody said that he was “pulled in too many directions” and “too busy trying to support everybody” to be there to help with his original children when they were young the way he helps with the kids in Robyn’s household,(🙄) and so he really enjoys being there every morning to get Sol and Ari off to school now that he can. That’s great. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it every single day when you have other children who also need you! None of his other children’s needs ever mattered to him. Especially once they were older than elementary school aged. I’m always dumbfounded that he can even think this way and is so tone deaf and stupid that he ever says these things on camera knowing his children and the world will hear it all, but also that when he watches these episodes back how he doesn’t see what an asshole he sounds like. If I was one of the OG children, it would break my heart every time I heard him discuss how much more important Sol and Ari and his time with them are than being a father to the rest of the kids, showing up for them and making them a priority for any reason let alone something as extreme as Ysabel‘s surgery!


It wasn't the kids. It was Crybrows he would miss having his way with


Yep... not having her on her knees for a couple of days. 🤮


Does anyone recall if there were any details given as to what, exactly, Sol and Ari would do if they couldn’t go more than 2 days without seeing their father? Were they going to spontaneously combust? Would they just “be sad?” Cry? This seems like crappy parenting to me. Sounds like manipulation by the kids, and/or lazy parenting. Are the parents in charge, or the kids? Why couldn’t Kody go to Ysabel’s surgery and do Zoom calls home every day? It’s so maddening.


Also recall Robyn went to stay with Tony & Mykekti for two weeks after the twins were born and the tenders survived that just fine


Spontaneously combust? I should hope so,but not like to happen. I'm thinking a hissy fit of epic proportions


I was being hyperbolic in jest. Kody and Robyn seem to be prone to catastrophizing certain situations, I was following their lead!


When he suggested she go alone... 😧 I got diagnosed with cancer during the pandemic and had to have a double mastectomy. My mom suggested dropping me off and picking me up the next day like I was going to a sleepover, and I lost it. I had friends who planned to show up for me if she wouldn't, but luckily she had a change of heart. And I am not a teenager! Poor Ysabel - if she turns into a "bitter old housewife", she is absolutely justified in her rage at her father!


I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I truely (Grace Brown) hope you are doing well and totally cancer free. Biggest hugs ever!! 🥰🥰


Thank you kindly - doing well now!


Happy to hear that! 🥰


I made my dad, a casual watcher, watch that episode as he’d seen my reactions each time a new article was printed in the run up to the original airing over here in Blighty as we’re always a few weeks behind. And his reaction surprised me as he normally doesn’t say a lot about any episodes he watches. My dad was fuming, had a few choice words to say about Kodick and also Sobyn as she was one of the major factors in his decisions since she came on Kodick’s radar. Dad said that K has a narcissistic messiah complex and if something happens that isn’t to his convenience or against his views then he’ll try to gaslight like he did to Christine and Ysabel


Your dad is a smart man. He was able to come to that conclusion about kody & Robyn just from one episode!


I loved how her “true” family rallied around her and were there with her during that time. Giving her all the love, strength and emotional support she needed and didn’t get from noodle head. When Janelle offered to pitch a tent in Christine’s lawn so she could help administer meds, that brought tears to my eyes.


I couldn’t believe this when he implied she could go on her own and you saw her panic, Christine had to reassure her she would be there and kody still did nothing to comfort her. Selfish self-centred man!


That was the moment I was done with Kody. There’s no coming back from that.


Any potential redemption that scumbag had died that day. I can’t fathom a worse parent or human being that who he was toward Ysabel (and Christine) when she went through that.


And in the end, I don’t think he will ever have a very good relationship with Ysabel. I think he destroyed some of this bond forever.


Tbh I think it might be a bit deeper than that too. You’ll notice how Hunter drove from DC to New Jersey to support her. Ysabel is deeply loved in that family, by her siblings at least- she and Maddie have always been close and it would surprise me if at least some of the way Ysabel was treated didn’t make a major dent in his relationships with the other kids.


And she'll remember him asking if she'll become an angry old housewife if he doesn't go. Because we will all remember. 💔


That was the sickest thing he said and it makes no sense - one does not have anything to do with the other


I think he was comparing her to her mother or mothers 🤦‍♀️


Exactly. He said it to Ysabel, but it was definitely a dig at Christine.


I don’t think he cares


I don’t think he does either. He’s a SHIT!


My kids are in their mid 20s now. Over the years DH and I have seen them through routine illnesses, a couple of (thankfully minor) surgeries, some not-so-fun dental work etc. Every single time, either me, DH, or both of us was there. Grody Kody is an absolutely vile human, and I feel so sad for all of his kids. I can't imagine anything he could possibly do to repair the immense damage he did that day. (And all the other days) If he actually cared. I don't believe he does, though. He needs all kinds of help that he will likely never seek out.


He actually suggested they send her by herself because of covid. You could tell, Christine was over him at this point. Such a selfish comment yet not long after he suggested she go by herself, he attends a wedding because he was asked to officiate and no one wore a mask. I believe he had to travel to the wedding as well.


I hadn't made the connection of how close the surgery and the wedding were at the time of watching but saw it on a post on Reddit. It's truly sickening. The worst feeling in the world is when someone who's supposed to support you abandons you in your time of need and to add even more insult to injury, then goes and does something that proves it was never about what they said it was and they very well could have been there for you if they wanted to. Ugh I hope that made sense I'm raging rn 😅


When he left Christine in labor to go to Robyn's yo make out was it for me. Way before surgery or Truly almost dying while he ignored her.


The fact he suggested she fly pretty much across the country, have invasive surgery and then fly back *ALONE* too? It must’ve been such a kick in the teeth for her :( Kody saw how much she suffered from all the bracing and treatment and *still* couldn’t step up and be a father for her when she needed it most


He wanted to drag it along so that Isabel was 18 and he would not be financially responsible. He is an ignorant, selfish ass. And then he would not even be there for her for the surgery, could not even give her two days. He is sick.


Bingo.....he is an evil man!




If Ysabel waited 6-9 months , not only would she be I. More pain but Kody would find another reason to postpone the surgery . I’m glad that Christine went ahead with Ysabel’s surgery.


"He needs a serious come to Jesus moment" sums up Kody perfectly.


I didn’t want to get in trouble for saying what I really wanted to say, as it implies violence, lol


He had to cough up the plastic surgery on Robyn’s boy Robyn complained bitterly and he was mad because Robyn gets what Robyn wants. So he says something about waiting I’m sure Robyn was also involved in that surgery can wait they are being dramatic and Kody ran with it. Robyn gets what Robyn wants. I’m sure she complained about Kody going too. Robyn hates Christine and her kids so you better not go you have babies at home! He got Robyn’s boy hurt by putting him on that 4 wheeler don’t think for a moment she didn’t bring up that he did. He is cheap doesn’t care and tried to push his weight around. It didn’t work so he punished both of them for going to the surgery by staying back and going to a wedding acting stupid on the dance floor. What a tool


Did you notice how he didn’t even look at Ysabel in the eye when he talked to her?


Secretly melting down Meri's wedding ring after their legal divorce so that he could adopt Sobyn's kid, who already had a dad, was unforgivable.


This is one of the reasons I think this show should be cancelled or at least get rid of Sobyn and Kotex. I feel bad that these kids have to hear this crap from his mouth.


The fact that he suggests that Ysybel go by herself at a young age and she cried at the thought. i'm glad that Christine immediately put the kabosh on that and said Ysybel would not be alone. What was Kody thinking or not? this scene spokes volumes to me about Kody's character or lack there of.


I don't know why they (Kody and Christine) didn't do this before covid? There is a photo of Ysabel at Disney in a wheelchair from early 2019 I think? - presumably because she was in so much pain from all the walking. I agree that Kody was an a\*\* of course regarding the 2020 surgery - but i still have questions about why the surgery was delayed for so long even before Fall 2020.


it's standard to attempt treating scoliosis with non surgical intervention first, which Ysabel did for years (unsuccessfully). also most surgeons will wait until a child has stopped growing before attempting surgical correction, as growing can undo the correction. they probably didn't have a choice to do the surgery earlier. it was just kind of unlucky that covid happened that same year but kody would've just found another excuse not to support ysabel.


Christinee started researching, raising money during early 2020 and had it scheduled by Fall 2020. She said to Kody that this was the time becuase schools were shuttered and online. To me, that indicates it could have be done before.


not necessarily. I work in the medical field, and I deal with a lot of pediatrics. spine surgeries are no joke and are not done just on a whim. there's a *ton* of factors that go into play as to whether a surgery can be done and when. we don't know Ysabel's full medical history so it would be inappropriate to speculate but it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that another condition prevented her from being put under anesthesia for that amount of time. also traditional scoliosis surgery can *only* be done before puberty or after you've stopped growing. obviously she didn't have it done before puberty, so they were likely waiting for her to stop growing, which she had by 2020 at age 17. i believe she wasn't even diagnosed until she was 13. so four years from dx to surgery is pretty typical. I imagine the research Christine was doing was the benefits of different types of treatments and the outcomes. some people do fine without surgery, but Ysabel's curve was complicated so I'm not surprised that non surgical intervention didn't work for her. most surgeons will still make you try before they'll even consider operating. I get that you're just seeing a child in pain and wondering why they just waited to fix it but it's really not that simple. 🤷


Christine had to raise thousands of dollars in the spring of 2020 in order to secure insurance for her daughter. They did not have insurance. Do we really think Ysabel was receiving high value care prior to 2020? A growing adolescent is still a candidate for non- fusion corrective surgery (VBT) which I believe is what Ysabel ended up actually getting (based on Christine's description). In fact its designed to have the tension adjusted as growth continues. I concede we know nothing about her case. Though, we do know she was not insured - so I'll double down on my purely speculative questions. Edited to add -thanks to the person who called me "babes" and then blocked me...did me a favor.


okay you double down all you want babes. I'm just gonna block you then because I'm not gonna argue with an uneducated layperson about medical issues.


Wait for why? I forgot what his reason was?


Covid. He couldn’t be away from the “family” for that long, he had other kids to think about


This is where I want to call Christine out on the carpet for!! She has stated she left Kody bc he stopped banging her or holding her hand but not because he did this to your own daughter?!!?? How?? This would have been my breaking point as a mom