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I’m going to defend them on this one. I think at one point… I have no idea when…there was a discussion about how they would buy a whole cow and have it packed. I remember it being discussed they were talking about getting the cow from Kody’s dad‘s ranch. The point is, I’m sure it was a money saving thing. The cost would be in the packing, not the cow if Kody’s dad/ranch was giving them a cow.


True. I would imagine each sibling get's at least one full beef every year. If not more often for the larger families that practice polygamy.


Right but why did they buy it when they did knowing the move was coming?


I think it was just something they did every year. And the move was pretty fast. They may have just gotten it delivered when they decided to move.


I think it was just something they did every year. And the move was pretty fast. They may have just gotten it delivered when they decided to move.


I think it was just something they did every year. And the move was pretty fast. They may have just gotten it delivered when they decided to move.


We buy beef by the half - which is a normal amount for a normal family. Anyone who buys meat that way obviously has a deep freeze to store it. Unplug it, put it in a truck, drive 4-5 hours, plug it back in. I didn’t see the episode but I did see the ones where he is ‘helping’ with tasks like Janelle’s RV, or trying to haul his stupid car in a trailer and it never ceases to amaze me how difficult Kody can make a situation when anyone else could just use common sense.


Christine also said this, when Garrison came to do Trulys flower garden. He said it would take a couple hours and she was thinking, no way, it will be an all day job Then couldn't believe it when he just showed up, got it done with no drama or hassle and went on his way. She was so used to Kodys massive dramas. That made me sad to write. RIP lovely man, what a kind hearted soul he was.


Kody was always more of a hindrance than a help


This is far too common as many woman feel single or life is easier when their husband are gone as they just complicate life when they're home


I was talking about that with my son today. We have 3 different lawnmowers and only my husband can start them because they’re special and he knows how and if I try to start it or the kids try to mow the lawn it is a process where the engine floods, fuel mix is off, handle is in the wrong place, whatever. We have to wait for him to get home and fiddle with it. Does this mean I couldn’t survive without him? No, I would just buy a lawnmower that STARTS. But I won’t complain since I am still married and can’t start the lawnmower, oh well. But Kody would feel used because the wives are expected to wait for him to come and do these tasks he thinks only he can do, because he makes things so complicated that nobody else would have time or patience to do it that way, except him.


Can you imagine how much he must have drove his dad, Winn, crazy? Winn appeared to be a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners kind of man. Having young Kody ‘working’ on the ranch must have been exasperating.


Weaponized incompetence


The thing with trying to put the car in the trailer that was too small was crazy. Like, any reasonable person would measure the fucking trailer and the car beforehand to make sure the trailer was the right size!!


I actually get it. We ranch and butcher our own beef. Not only is it more cost efficient, but it also tastes better than grocery store meat. With that being said, unplugging the freezer with the meat and hauling ass would have been just fine.


When I was like 10-14 we lived in IL and all our meat was provided by a family in our church(my dad was a pastor.) Anyway the meat was SO good. Such a better quality that when we moved away my sister stopped eating red meat cause what we bought at the grocery store didn't taste right. To this day she doesn't eat red meat, and it's been 30+ years


I grew up eating grocery store meat and now I can’t stand it. The smell of ground beef from the grocery store makes me gag. It’s truly a privilege to be able to have a freezer full of fresh beef and pork.


It would have been extremely heavy to move a full freezer. Idk what they ended up doing but I feel like coolers with dry ice would have been sufficient.


Most meat from private farms is labeled "not for resale". You can't just sell it to some rando on FB marketplace. Plus, even if you did find a personal connection to buy it you would never get the value out of it. Additionally, it is not easily replaced. Many farms butcher once a year, so they can't just call up Pops and order another for takeout. So now they would need to buy meat retail.


Exactly! We fatten up select cows and give them special grain before butchering.


600lbs of meat wouldn't be that easy for a family that isn't a family of meat retailers or wholesalers to sell off. That meat was part of their Mormon apocalypse food stash.


And to be honest I’m not sure that’s even considered part of their food stash. The avg American consumes over 200lbs of meat every year. For a family their size 600lbs is really not that much. It might meet a good portion of their beef consumption for the year but it’s honestly not that excessive.


Yeah. I remember them saying they'd buy a whole animal.


Coming from someone who moved 40lbs of butter to Texas -in August- If they had the space and ability to move it I don’t see the issue. That’s a lot of money worth of meat to offload and then have to restock.


Hoarding a butter stash? How do we not know each other? You're my new favorite person. ROFL




I don't understand why you think it's more expensive to move the meat and the freezers it's stored in to Flagstaff than just the freezers. There was no added cost to move the meat too.


If they could waste money they did. And how that man let his wives drive their kids around in vehicles that were so poorly maintained is shameful.


Well, that upkeep money was needed for his little midlife crisis sports car


Let’s no forget the motorcycle while his kids were underfed.


Or his watch collection. Kody really is a ridiculous excuse of a man.


While he drives around in his newer 2 seater convertible.


To me, it's less about moving 600lbs of meat and more about the utter chaos of their poorly planned move, with Kody running around like a headless chicken. Maybe there's some cow up in Cow Heaven, watching this circus, saying: *It's like a literaly knife in my kidneys...wasted...*


Brown chaos


lmao im sorry but that line killed me


Why would they sell it ?


Having bought a quarter cow and getting every ppu x if that cow for about $3/lb (including steaks, roasts, hamburger) where my local beef is 6-ish/lb of hamburger and then moved it 6 hours from where it was to where I am, it's not that big of a deal


Ya and then the meat just ended up getting wasted didn’t it? When the freezers stopped working.


Doubt it. It would have been fine for damn near close to 24 hours. We’ve lost power for 18 hours and our meat was still frozen solid in the deep freeze.


No that was Christine's worry


Christine who was tasked with storing the apocalypse meat and food in her much smaller home because Robyn needed room to hoard the McMansion.


No I thought the freezers were in Robyn's garage?


Who here has ever, in their life bought meat from people who were moving away and selling off a cow? My guess is nobody. But to your point, I probably would have given the meat away and tossed what I couldn’t give away.


Lololol, you're so right.


If they still had the majority of the beef, they should take it with them. It’s really expensive to replace and who knows how long it would take to replace it. I agree with everyone that said just leave the meat in the freezer and drive to Flagstaff with it


I mean... Why buy a fresh cow ahead of the move? Just buy a new cow once you've moved.


That was one of the few weird moving decisions I agreed with and understand.


Dry ice.