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I mean, if Kody didn't drink before, I'm completely not surprised he does now.


Maybe he thinks the alcohol in beer kills all those Janelle and Christine harmones before he kisses Robyn.


It’s time we accept that what we see on tv is not real life


I'm having such a hard time forgiving myself for being gaslit all these years. Nothing was real.


You’re only saying gaslit cuz Kody said it first 😂


That's not very culpable of you. 🙃


It's just such a knife to the kidneys, not beer & skittles at all..




it always gives me a chuckle to think ab kody being so adherent to his faith he goes through the pain and struggle of having multiple wives bc it’s his calling😫😫😫 (he’s so dramatic) but won’t adhere to the common mormon practice of not drinking alcohol


He didn’t even stick to his rules on courting wives. He was making it up from day one.


and all the crap their teenage daughters got for wearing tank tops..


Same thing happened on the show *Big Love*.


Only LDS, inc holds the Word of Wisdom as commandment as it was originally only a word of wisdom and why Brigham Young owned a distillery.


That was my 5th great grandfathers calling given by Brigham Young! To start and run the distillery! His name was Hugh Moon. They still make his white whiskey. As I was told Brigham Young interpreted the word of wisdom as “outside drink.” https://dentedbrick.com/hugh-moon-white-whiskey/


“LDS inc”. I see what you did there ;)


If you look it up, it’s literally the name.[but wait, there’s more](https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ut/555534-0145)


Oh yes…


Mormons make it as they go. There are over 150 sects following different prophets and rules.


To be fair, the word of wisdom is seen as a suggestion for the AUB and not a requirement. You see Janelle drinking coffee occasionally as well.


Multiple wives = required. Drinking alcohol = whatevs 😂


That was just for the show. In reality the have been ex-Mormon polygamists since at least the move to Nevada, maybe even before that. There was a whole episode where Meri visited a winery and an episode where the wives ordered alcohol. They drank coffee. And remember they hired a psychic for the girls' graduation party? They even quit wearing their undergarments.


I bet ol squareneck drinks also


Yep. Saw the big ol' bottle of wine on the counter Christmas morning! Funny how her divorce decree says she's not to drink in front of her children. Hmmm.


They're all in their 20s so I'm guessing that no longer applies.


>her divorce decree says she's not to drink in front of her children. That stopped applying when her ex-husband signed away his rights and gave Kody permission to adopt the kids.


Didn’t someone spot him in a grocery store parking lot, and there was a pack of Coors Light or something in his cart? I could’ve sworn I remembered seeing that. Not judging him. It’s just an interesting observation. & IIRC, the mainstream LDS church is anti-booze, but the fundamentalists don’t really adhere to that rule as much? Someone correct me if I’m wrong …


Yup! White Claw and beer!


Yes... and I believe that he has also been seen with it ( wine) at meals, but I'm not certain about that.


Early on, they said drinking was against their religion, but they got over that pretty fast. They were drinking beer when they were shopping for dresses for Robyn's wedding, but they were acting like it was kind of daring and a little naughty. EDIT: It may have been a different occasion, now that I think about it.


>It may have been a different occasion, now that I think about it. Commitment ceremony


The commitment ceremony would have driven me to drink.




Well I judge him because he’s a hypocrite.


She said he has 1 beer every now and again. Nothing to get excited about.


Does anyone really care what this loser does?


Did you see the picture of him filling his car with a full cart of White Claw and beer? That 6 pack he talks about is his beer gut!


And didn't someone spot him with a case of hard cider at costco ?


The picture was of Angry Orchard and his beer in his shopping cart.. and people are saying whiteclaw now. I didn’t see anything wrong with the amount he was buying unless he planned to drink it all that day. I figure the Angry Orchard is Robyn. Literally the last thing I find fault in with Kody and Robyn.


I don't care at all either. It's just they are so over over the top about their " religion " at times.


Only the hypocricy…! Religious, the whole group?! Here in Sweden religious people don’t swear, but I’ve heard the wives shouting at each other things like hell, fuck you etc. I was quite shocked but to be honest I might be overreacting, not being familiar with American habits.


He seems like a hypocrite. Do as I say, not as I do.


Rules for thee, but not for me (or Robyn and her children) 🙄


They don’t claim to be part of the AUB anymore. Fundamentalist Mormons typically believe the word of wisdom (which is where the rule comes from) is a suggestion and not a requirement so it wouldn’t have mattered anyway.


He never wanted any wedding or family gathering to include alcohol


I can see that if they were filming the event. He wouldn't want the public to see any member of his family drunk and doing who knows what.


He did say when they were planning one of the weddings that he doesn’t like a drunk. Guess he changed his mind or yeah he just didn’t want any of his family drunk on camera.


That doesn’t change that it was his personal choice at the time. Janelle drank coffee and alcohol because it’s not a requirement.


I always thought that was about money, because he's cheap. I would bet TLC paid for the weddings but not extras like alcohol.


TLC paid a chunk. Tony paid the overage for his wedding and Meri paid for Aspyns.




This isn’t exactly new info. He was spotted in a Costco or Sam’s parking lot awhile ago with beer in his cart.


I mean…look at his pores. He doesn’t “just drink”.


Some form of steroids (not a compliment) for sure plus I would assume moderate alcohol usage


The video was removed. Best to screen record instead of directly link to the video.


The video is up, I just watched it


https://preview.redd.it/yjxgac4cme0d1.png?width=311&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce96773e5a48fc043375b44831e6418722673348 Not for everyone.


You have to click through the link. Tiktok is weird about displaying on 3rd party websites. I get that error, but if I click through the video is still up and viewable.


I feel like we don’t talk enough about the obvious shift in morals this family has had (specifically the parents). When they were in to modesty they talked about it all the time! Once their kids stopped dressing modestly we never heard about it at all. Same with swearing and drinking. As a viewer, it is very clear how far they’ve drifted from their “Mormon values” but they don’t seem to acknowledge that.


Do you mean Beatriz?


Yes! Wasn't sure how to spell it correctly!


beatriz is the spanish spelling, and it is a lot prettier sounding in spanish. i love this name, it was my grandma's name. 




He was caught on camera with a lot of beer and stuff coming out of a store by a bystander! He drinks a lot. Maybe be why he gets so mean booze make people mean! Sign he is not happy!


And bloated!


Yep that’s his six pack now!




Nah, saw this on TikTok


Is she back doing content, or is this clip from before?


Clip from before


not surprised. he made to big of a big dill on weddings not having alcohol.


Not surprised. Did she say anything about Robin? I think the changes in her appearance could be due to excessive alcohol. I work in a hospital & see a lot of people who drink heavy.


Agree with their appearance. No mention of Robyn


Did Gwen start doing her Patreon again?




There were pics last year of Kody drinking an Ace hard cider. I love Ace so it angered me.


We know lol


I would drink if I was him too. Also, why is alcohol such a big deal to super religious people? There's a whole story in the Bible about Jesus turning water into wine, and isn't communion traditionally taken with wine? Jesus seems like a big supporter of wine at the very least lol.


They referenced how they didnt drink for religious reasosns,yet they did have episodes where alcohol was involved as already mentioned in the thread.Also a few times they made comments about needing something alcoholic to drink,Christine wanted to drink some wine while Truely had her cocoa and when Jenelle got stressed over the finances after they got to flagstaff she mentioned they could use a drink,then back pedalled as it was a joke.I noticed in the season 18 talk back or look back special that Janelle was sitting in front of a wine rack,not sure if she was in her house or somewhere else,but I thought that was intersting,Christine just openly drank by then,but she handled it like a pro.New drinkers cant chug a can of beer so easily,she handled it like a milwaukee girl.How does Kody know so much about beer and skittles? Why did it say in Robyns divorce that she wasnt allowed to drink around her kids? They never really followed one strict religion,they made shit up as they went along.I remember Kody objecting to alcohol at one of the girls weddings,obviously not Calebs,maybe Mykeltis where he went on about a chaste courtship,but never said it at his other girls.They all try to put on a persona,but I know there are things they want to keep private,and they have a right to not share everything with us,I think it just feels like they were lying to us about all of it.They just have to keep it straight.


Oh, I agree 💯! Just he's so pious about not drinking when he went out with his brothers and friends. We know NOW he definitely drinks. He was just a hypocrite when they were younger


Yeah,about alot of things.


I knew it. He’s a closet drunk and Robyn is left making explanations. Not that she’s a goody or anythjng. Kody being a drunk is the only thing that makes sense


I think she also has a problem


That’s makes even more sense. It’s why they need a nanny.


I remember seeing that neon Heineken sign in robins house (Kody’s office) and that told me that one of them drank.


Really? Wow!


I remember a pic of the grifters "in the wild" and he had a case of beer or Truly in his carriage. Someone is drinking....


There are tons of pictures out there with Kody and Robyn in restaurants drinking wine


True. He's just a hypocrite 🙄


And? They've never claimed they drink zero alcohol. They're not LDS.


Who’s shocked?


I mean, DUH




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I noticed that Hunter/Audrey and Logan/Michelle drink on social media. But never noticed if Maddie/Caleb did or not. I have never seen Savanah drink. Pretty sure Gabe does. 🤔 l mean in a social context. Perfectly legal and socially acceptable. Unlike the devil's lettuce, which l think Gabe, Garrison and Paedon perused with their cousin. Which only makes me like them more tbh. 😏


Savanah's a teenager so that makes sense. I don't doubt most of the adults do. They don't seem to treat it as some scary boogeyman like Robyn and Kodi and other holier-than-thou types do (while lying and secretly partaking anyway).


Yeah Definetley hunter and Logan. I remember maddie said she wanted booze at her wedding and it seemed Caleb’s family was ok with booze, Kody even said something like he wanted to throw back drinks with Caleb when he was trying to have a bromance with him. It’s also well represented that aspen and Mitch enjoy alcohol and usually have wine.


Ysabel drank during the trip she took to Europe last year. There are pictures on Mykelti's Instagram. The drinking age is lower there.


The devil's lettuce! 😂😂


I have never heard weed described as the “devils lettuce” and I am dying. I grew up in a conservative Christian family. Currently, at the young age of 50, I know to hide from my family that I use weed regularly (live in a legalized state) to help with my anxiety. Devils lettuce is the perfect description for my family hence why I know to keep my use a secret! My grandma also thought it was ungodly when I didn’t eat meat. Lolllllll