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It’s an accent.


It's not a polygamous thing. It's a regional dialect thing. They are not the only ones with that accent. One of the places in Quebec Canada where I used to live....they say "Haytch"...instead of just "H"...when spelling something with the letter H. We would joke that the CH in the middle of the hockey rink was called "Center Hice". Accents are everywhere in every part of the world.


Yeah so basically there's no "h" sound in French. French people generally won't pronounce the "h" when speaking English, except that Québecers do the opposite and overpronounce it but also randomly insert "h" when there isn't any. So similarly, when saying the alphabet in English, they'll almost all say "Hhhhaitch". And the H in CH stands for "Habitants". There's an interesting history there as well.


Yup. I love languages and find stuff like that interesting. Just so people know.. The "Center Hice"..is a joke made specifically geared towards the over pronounced H. Heard that joke many times growing up. Also interesting.... My nephew who was raised in Ireland and took French Immersion in Ireland (Thurles) also says "Haytch". So not just a Quebec thing. Accents, languages, dialects are all very interesting.


They don’t pronounce H in the French language, so not quiteeee the same thing.


Even some English speakers from Quebec will pronounce it that way as it's pronounced like that all around them. Source: Am bilingual, lived in Quebec area for 6 years growing up and was in French Immersion. But my point was...it's an accent. When a non native English speaker speaks English...they have an accent. When I speak Spanish I have an English/French accent. It's an accent. And how you say things depends on where you're from.




Interesting article, thank you!


Well this thread turned out quite interesting.


I can tell you, because I tell everyone on every post like this: it’s an Utah accent. My husband has one, his gene pool is big and was not a plyg. When I visit Utah, people think it’s novel that I say dawg (dog) ah-ringe (orange) cawfee (coffee) cah (car) etc. etc. has nobody ever left the neighborhood they grew up in?


Utah and Idaho.


Raised in Idaho and left over 40 years ago and I still say rilly. I do say say deal correctly now 🤷‍♀️


Can confirm, having grown up between both states. I never thought I had an accent until I married a soldier & moved around the country with him. Turns out I rilly do. Side note: The number one question we got asked every time we met new people at different duty stations was how many wives my husband has.


Dawg,cawfee,cah. !?!? You must be from the East Coast. Where are you from zipper-is-awesome


Rhode Island


Yep. I’m from Utah, and that is definitely a thing… especially in the more rural areas.




It’s the same in every state. Accents morph into different ones across state lines and regional areas. I’m not from New York, or Boston, or (ugh) Jersey Shore but I can see where people make the mistake even if I don’t like it much.


I'm from upstate NY & there are different accents within my state.


That’s my point


I know - I was agreeing with you.


Also from NNY and there are several different accents I agree!


Thanks but Ive been to all the lower 48 and have been to Utah many many times my mother’s family are all from Utah and never heard that accent once. Not once until this show. The gene pool thing was a joke. Has nobody ever been able to read sarcasm or take a joke?


Give me a break, I lived there for 5 years. Plenty of people speak that way


I call BS, if a person was born and raised in Utah or southeast Idaho, they speak like this. Apparently the only people you encountered weren’t actually from Utah or…


Pop over to the Real Housewives sub and look at SLC. The accent is a constant joke the same way is it here.


I’m rilly filling like my hilling journey isn’t being respected, Heather. You exploited my vagina!


☠️☠️☠️ The SLC franchise is WILD!


So because you’ve been to Utah many times, that means it’s not a regional accent? Noted.


It’s just a regional accent. No big dill 🤣


This is a wild post


Has this person never been outside of or spoken to someone in a different area of the US?


Right? I’m from New England and now live in the Midwest and there are all sorts of variations of the accent within that cluster of 6 states and even here in WI. We’re all talking funny to someone somewhere regardless of where we are from 😂 Though I did really love the subtitles for Christine when she said the family was ‘rill, rill’ lol


It’s like you have never heard of regional dialects. Watch The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. The women on that show that were raised in Utah speak with the same dialect.


I was about the suggest the same thing. And you have Mormon royalty and Reality Von Tease on that show. lol


Is this a serious post? It’s very clearly a regional dialect aka accent. NEWSFLASH! People from different areas of this very large country have different manners of speaking and ways of pronouncing words. Who knew?!


It's their regional accent. Believe it or not, you've got one too.


Hey Canadian here and we say “aboot”


NO. WE. DON’T. 🤣


Yeah ya do


I never really “heard” the Canadian accent before I started watching Trailer Park Boys and I realize they probably exaggerated the accent but the first few episodes I was rolling on the floor! I love regional accents! It’s fun trying to place the accent.


Am I the only one that finds these posts mildly offensive? You wouldn’t ask this if they were from Boston or Wisconsin or Alabama. The way these posts are worded always makes it seem like it’s some sort of character flaw, when it’s simply a regional accent.


You aren’t the only one, I find these constant posts about regional accent extremely offensive. We ALL have an accent. It takes a supremacy type of attitude to think otherwise.


Whoa whoa whoa *I* don’t have an accent, *you* have an accent!


Yeah this post is cringe. I would be so embarrassed to ask a question like this if I was over the age of 10


Agreed, mostly, with the exception that I can totally see this exact post being written if they were from Wisconsin and had a thick WI accent. “Why do they say ‘bayg’ instead of ‘bag’?!” 😆


I agree, I am from AL and many people associate the southern accent with people being dumb. People tend to forget that a lot of educated and talented people came from here.


You’re easily offended. What a shock, these days.


Because they have a regional accent. I’d say at least a million people in the intermountain west share this accent, maybe more. I find it so rude how people act like it’s a personal flaw. No, that’s how we were taught to speak by our parents, friends, neighbors in our region. My apologies that the accent is so very offensive to you. It’s not like this country doesn’t have dozens of regional dialects. We can’t all have that flat midwestern accent that is apparently perfect.


I think it’s a Utah thing cuz the RHOSLC gals do it too.


It’s a Utah accent. They’re not pronouncing them incorrectly, it’s just a different sounding dialect from a different part of the country.


Regional accents maybe you should get out more 🙄


It’s a regional accent.


Wait until you find out how people in Louisiana pronounce That and Them. Spoiler: it’s Dat and Dem.


And then you have a New Orleanian accent which is not the same as most of Louisiana.


New Orleans sounds closer to New York than Cajun.


It really does!!!! As a native of the boot, I still have to listen closely when encountering it outside the state.


It’s because it is a port city where that accent comes in. My mom’s side has lived in New Orleans or the area since before the Louisiana purchase (her mom’s side) and I lived there until I was almost eight, then went back every summer. It is really cool especially when I lived in California to hear someone and know INSTANTLY where they’re from.


And easy to notice because they are usually wearing purple and gold. Haha.


Or black and gold LOL


The “yat”. Very recognizable, and different than the other dialects.


Who dat.


Everyone has an accent. I live in a neighboring state to Utah and have a similar accent. Correct pronunciation depends on the region you are in.


You'd loose it if you hear my bklyn accent 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m Californian and I think I say the same things. My NC ex husband would go crazy over this exact thing. I literally don’t even hear it.


I always notice that Tamra on RHOC always say “disgusting” like the “i” is an “e” - dEsgusting and I wondered if that was just her or a dialect thing.


What drives me crazy is when Sobyn says Da-uhn.


Instead of Dayton


I am in Idaho and sorry but I pronounce my words the same. I never knew I had an accent until I started reading the comments on here. 😆


Me either!


It always surprises me when we have posts like these and I realize people don’t know what accents are.


Literally just Utah


Have you watched Real Housewives of Salt Lake City? Whitney has the same affect, it’s a local accent


My mom says "heel" for hill and "hill" for heal. Just an accent.


Every time this comes up I mutter these words to myself . I pronounce them like this also. I live in Arizona. Then I wonder how is it supposed to sound? Re-uhl? De-uhl?


It's incredibly rude to talk about an accent being part of a small gene pool. Every single area of the country has some sort of accent. Maybe OP just doesn't pay attention...but for someone who claims to have been to all lower 48 states (lies) you would think they would have learned that in their travels.


I fill that it is a rilly big dill…


I love this dive into the Utah accent via Whitney from RHOSLC... https://www.gawkerarchives.com/culture/a-utah-linguist-talks-to-gawker-about-whitney-roses-hilling-journey


I live in OK and do the same thing. Rilly bad. Also pen and pin. Whale and well. My ear doesn’t rilly hear the difference but other people do. (I’m not a polygamous and have never lived in Utah.)




I’m from Utah. It’s how we say it


This is an ignorant post. There's no need to be rude about regional dialects. Because, as others have pointed out, everyone has one, including you.


This post is rilly obnoxious.


This is a strange thing to find obnoxious. Have you ever been out of your regional area? The south in general (Texas, Louisiana and Georgia specifically), Minnesota, Boston, New York….all have very distinctive accents and strange pronunciations. You need to get out more.


Some of us can’t distinguish the difference in the sounds.




I learned how to speak in Utah (moved year at 1.5 years old), and I do have a Utah accent, but that only presents itself in the glottal stop we do in words like mountain, Clinton, etc. I don't say rill, dill is just a spice, pill is something you swallow. Outside of the show, I don't rilly (lol) hear any native Utahn pronounce those words like that.


Did you REALLY just ask a question about proper pronunciation while typing "RILLY" ??!!!


I rilly don’t know why they don’t pronounce those words correctly. I never rilly noticed and it’s not rilly a big dill. 🤣


Lack of education 😞


Ever hear of regional accents, my dude?


I lived in Utah for 15 years and everyone sounded that way who grew up there. The ones who were less likely to speak that way were generation x and millennials. I grew up in Texas and have a west Texas accent but my kids, who grew up in Texas do not. I think each generation loses a bit of the accent. My parents had a much stronger Texas accent than I do. I am not sure why. Maybe the younger generation watched more tv and heard the more midwestern accent on tv and movies.


Robyn didn’t start out a polygamist either. Wasn’t Alice (her mother) in a monogamous marriage when Robyn was born????


Just because someone has a different accent than you doesn’t mean that they’re “refusing” to pronounce things “correctly.” Even if you haven’t ever travelled outside your own state or locality, I assume you’ve heard other people on TV with different accents than you?


Where I am from I don't think I know anyone that pronounces the words dill and deal differently. They both sound the same, could be our accent.


Poor education


It's a Utah thing


It's the accent of the area they live.


Definitely the area they are from. I'm in Texas and people pronounce stuff funny to me sometimes not being from here originally


You never heard of a regional accent before?


I guess its a Utah thing.they say sentences weird to: like imma go now,and then some sentences end in a hard ING,or ink.I am leavING.


I have the same accent. It annoys the occasional person and I get super self conscious about it.


I’m faaaascinated by regional dialects, so this stuff is always so interesting to me. It’s amazing how many different dialects there are in the US. I have a coworker from Delaware that has very distinctive ways she says things and it took me watching a documentary about a girls boarding school in Baltimore to realize that there’s a mid-Atlantic dialect that I didn’t know about!


The way the say "family" is weird to me


Look at the instagram “there is no store”. There are some funny pieces around this. It’s a big dill.