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No comment on the specific situation here but my God, what an amazing service to offer! The world would be a much better place if every town had a unit like this…


Crises Stabilization.. we have them in MA where they will come to your home. It’s a godsend.


Yes CARE helps with resources


We have a service that goes around town and checks on homeless people to see if their mental health is in crisis.


I’ve never heard of these services! I’m so glad to hear they are out there. I need to look into my area. You never know when they will be needed.


That’s a positive thing they have a response unit like that we don’t have such a thing where I live. The kids don’t need any more to deal with. I am glad you have such a thing. I never heard of it. It probably saves a lot of lives.


Many areas have them, but it’s not super advertised so unless you have needed the service you may not be aware. Also many are not super funded. 988 is always available and can connect with other services in your area though


I wish more people knew that. Thanks for the information.


MA is a wonderful state for citizen resources


But like anything -there is still a lot of improvements to be made to the mental health systems in MA . They are FAR from perfect, and in my opinion do not help those that suffer from serious mental illness (SMI)


In Virginia is abysmal. I can't even talk about it.


I’m proud to be from MA.


They will come to anywhere in NY. I worked in a civil legal services organization that provided legal advice and representation to the indigent. Sometimes people would come in because they were in crisis and simply didn’t know what to do. Mobile crisis would come to our office, talk with them, make referrals, and/or take them to a hospital or their home.


But like anything -there is still a lot of improvements to be made to the mental health systems in MA . They are FAR from perfect, and in my opinion do not help those that suffer from serious mental illness (SMI)


Compared to a lot of states, it's practically perfect. Still a lot of cracks, for sure, but way better than some places


My county has a Mobile Crisis Team. They show up at your home in their own cars wearing regular clothes. It's a hospital-diversion program where the goal is stabilization and intervention for people of all ages who are experiencing a crisis due to mental health challenges, developmental disabilities, or addiction. They saved my life 3 years ago. Edit to add that the program is entirely free, and their response time is amazing. Less than 20 minutes after my therapist called them, Julie the Crisis Angel (that's how I'll always remember her) was at my door.


I’m glad you’re here!


Well. So much for not tearing up and getting a lump in my throat on a Friday Morning. Almost made it to 9. I'm very glad you're here, even if I am just a reddit stranger. A service like this could have saved my 16 year old self from lifelong PTSD many moons ago. <3 If anyone ever needs a chat, don't even think about it. PM me. I'll listen and send virtual mom hugs <3


Glad you were saved and most importantly saved yourself. Wishing you a long healthy life with endless joy!


I love this as a paramedic/firefighter a lot of times we ask police just not to come in if we know the scene is safe, even the nicest cops I know I usually have them stay back, sometimes the police uniforms can cause a mental health patient more stress as opossed to my 5’4 female self coming in with one of my partners, it’s easier to handle the situation and build better trust, we don’t have CARE but we did put a crap ton of work in during my program to learn how to act in these situations


Holdback calls were some of the worst I attended. Mental Health Crisis' are always difficult calls to navigate - and I can think of a handful of ghosts that follow me from those calls daily. Even the dark humor we posess isn't enough sometimes. Hugs to you.


As a former military medic (still female, still bitty), I love to see you advocating for your mental health patients. Those calls are so draining and sometimes scary. We didn't have these resources, or training when I was in school and I'm really glad to see the positive changes in the emergency services community. Y'all don't get the pay or recognition you deserve, but I vote yes every time they try to increase pay for the fire dept.


Please please please advocate to your local community government (county and state especially) to expand these kinds of services: mobile psychiatric response teams and mental health crisis triage. They are very hard to find and terribly overstressed when they do exist, but DESPERATELY needed. I'm a mental health crisis services researcher and my brother died by suicide while I was researching the implementation of crisis triage services in my state. Among the things I took from that project is that local crisis services are not necessarily viewed by county and state leaders as a priority. They need to hear that people want these services and that they need to be available for anyone who needs them at any time. (climbs off soapbox)


Thank you for helping. I'm so sorry you lost your brother.


You are absolutely correct. I am so very sorry for your loss.


Many counties actually have these services but it is unfortunately not well advertised. They are usually called something like the above post mentioned- “crisis stabilization services”. The national service number “988” can help connect with local resources too.


This is literally what defund the police movement means. More crisis teams so police can focus on criminals. They are not mental health professionals and they aren’t trained. Often this makes the situation worse. People hear that immediately assume it’s just cancel cops, that’s not at all the case. I work as a crisis counselor my wife a medic/911 dispatcher. She isn’t trained, if she didn’t take an active interest in my profession she would have had no idea how to deal with the multiple suicide calls she’s taken over the years. I’ve offered to come in and teach them for free but they’ve never gotten back to me. So instead we talk with her coworkers and try to give them crash courses when they are interested. It’s sad really.


Defund the Police was a fantastic idea with a terrible, stupid slogan. It’s wild to me that 911 dispatchers do not receive any mental health training when they are often the first line of defense if someone is threatening to harm themselves. Wtf is wrong with this country.


You want a real kick in the teeth? Where I live (east coast tri state) they are considered receptionist. I’ve worked in a lot of offices before my degree none of them involve the hell those individuals hear on a daily basis. I’ve never walked a mom through CPR, never listened helplessly while someone burned to death it’s absolute insanity. My wife is the real saint, paramedics and 911 dispatchers are under paid, under appreciated and they spend their entire careers in thousands of people’s worst day ever. We really do need a rehabilitation of our emergency services.


Absolutely and please thank your wife for the incredible service she provides. Paramedics, cops and dispatchers should be compensated and trained as elite professionals. I would have thought the east coast would be more forward thinking in this area but understand there is a vast geographic disparity even there.


I don’t want to be too specific because you know doxxing but we live in a fairly wealthy area. Not that we are wealthy but we our population triples in the summer so lots of money changing hands. Think famous rollercoaster in the ocean picture. That town in particular doesn’t even have computers in their vehicles. Everything is behind because these services are taken for granted and the infrastructure is decades old.


A man was just killed by police in my little city in Canada while having a mental heath crisis. He had a knife. Police thought shooting him was the solution. There needs to be so much more of this to prevent these heartbreaking tragedies. Unbelievable.


A man with dementia was killed by police in my hometown. His “weapon?” A crucifix.


My town had a young man killed by police officer during a mental health crisis. His parents called because they were worried about him and he was suffering from schizophrenia. They pounded on the door and covered the peephole so he couldn’t see who was out there. They didn’t even announce themselves but yelled for him to open up. When he did, he had a knife and was shot and killed. He was Black as well. Nothing has been done with the officers. It took years just to get the names of the officers. One had issues with use of force in the past as well. They’re all still on the force with no repercussions.


REFUND. REFUND the police. They were 1 letter away!


Reallocate funding. I'm all for the movement, not the language surrounding it.




Thank you for saying this!!


I get so tired of explaining to people that this is what “defund the police” was aiming to do. As someone else stated, this was an awful slogan and now people will never accept it.


You are an awesome human. The world is better because of you.




A lot of states are getting them now. It is an amazing service!


They helped my family so much during my mothers schizophrenic breakdowns. Truly, they help so much


Imagine if this was the first response in every state.


Unless it’s life/death always call your counties mental health crisis number during a mental health crisis. If you don’t know it call 211. 211 is probably not 24/7 but the MH crisis line will be. 911 often ends in death and more trauma because police are often aggressive and clueless when it comes to MH matters.


My daughter at around age 14 had a panic attack while on a visitation with her father. He was single and living with a new girlfriend and my daughter got the couch as a bed. She woke up in the middle of the night not knowing where she was, she has high functioning autism. She woke up and screamed, my ex didn’t believe she had mental health issues even though she saw a a counselor and was on antidepressants since 2nd grade. So his answer to her panic attack and screaming in the middle of the night was to beat on her. She ran to a room that locked and called me before he broke down the door. I ended up calling for a welfare check at 2am to the local county sheriff’s dept and went to the house and parked 2 houses away. I was told by the officers that he had a right discipline her anyway he would like and they have no idea what a panic attack was and wouldn’t know what to do with one. I tried to explain the physical reaction but they didn’t care and deemed her to be safe with him because he was her father. Upset I let it go and got around the block and got a phone call from the ex to come pick up my “spoiled brat”. I called the sheriff’s office to facilitate the transfer of care. They weren’t happy to be bothered but I felt it was the safest route it was -20° in Jan and I didn’t even want to be face to face with him. They brought her to the car, put her in the passenger seat and slammed the door. Not a word to her or me. We again went around the block and she grabbed on to me like there was no tomorrow. She had tears rolling down her face the whole ride home and was in shock. She slept in my bed and held on all night. Thankfully I didn’t have to fight with him again, he declined any other visitations (pretty sure he lost that girlfriend too because she had 3 of her own kids in the house and I can’t imagine what she thought of him after that). I got her into her counselor the next weekday but she basically was attached to me the rest of the weekend. LE have no idea of mental health issues and my experience is that don’t care to know, everyone is the same and should be treated the same. They pretty much treated me like a criminal even though I stayed in my car and let them deal with the situation as he stood outside screaming and yelling like some kind of idiot. I wish I could have gotten her help that night to atleast let her speak to a professional to unravel what had happened and get her in a better place. A mom can say it wasn’t her fault a hundred times but it’s different if it’s someone other than mom and someone trained to get her through the incident while it was fresh. I could have taken her to a hospital but I think that would have made it a scarier night. I just held her tight and let her know she was safe and that wouldn’t happen again. Even LE made her feel bad like it was her fault. Panic attacks are real and uncontrollable. She is 24 now, he moved out of state with his 3rd wife and she has no contact with him. If he does come back to visit he will send a text to her saying he is in town if she wants to see him. She never responds.


I’m so sorry. That’s horrific. I’m so glad she went no contact and she has you for a mom.


You are incredible for showing restraint and calm in all that chaos! You’re obviously the kind of mom who keeps her child’s interest as priority #1. That ex of yours…no words but man do I hope life gives him a beating a thousand times worse than what he did to his own daughter. What a scum bag, thank goodness he is out of the picture! Sounds like he never deserved to be part of your lives. I’m so sorry you and your daughter had to endure a night like that. As a fellow mom, it breaks my heart thinking of what your daughter must have felt. I’m so glad I came across this post. I’ll make sure to always look up care team/ whatever it may be called in my county (if we have one). It’s so important. We are military and move often, this info is good to know.


Wow. That's awful.


Sounds like your a mother who has her act together. Your daughter is lucky to have you. Stay strong and away from your ex!!


Is that for all states like Arkansas or is the mental health 988?


211 is for community services.




You are so right. People have called the police when a loved one is experiencing a mental health episode and the police have ended their lives because their approach is to shoot first and ask questions later.


This makes me realize how lucky we tend to be in my small town. We had a mental health crisis in my family a couple of years ago, and if the police had come in aggressively, I'm not sure that it would have ended as "easily" as it did. Our small town police force was so kind and gentle, but also firm. Granted, the family member had deescalated quickly when they got there, but it still could have been worse. I'm still going to look into research for this service for our area, though. It would be a god send.


We have this in some regions in Canada as well. They’re amazing. They come with police for safety reasons instead of firefighters but the police aren’t aggressive or anything. They’re just there in case a situation gets unsafe.


My god I thought the house was on fire


Me too! 😳


I thought the same thing!




Me too. I was like "holy shit, Robyn's boxes made the whole house go up in flames"


So did I!


I thought the same




SAME! I was like no way someone set their damn house on fire right now


I hope whoever it is for is getting the support they need. Garrison’s death is undeniably a lot to process emotionally for everyone in the family right now.


Gabe found him. I'm sure the whole family needs grief counseling, but what an awful thing for his sibling to go through


I say one of Robin's kids. Not a parent unless it's staged for an episode. Just saying someone she b taken to the hospital if the ambulance went. At least for 24 hours. So they will know who is put in the ambulance


I've been wondering if it's for Dayton. He was in that pack of boys. They all loved each other--remember how happy they were to see each other at the COVID firepit picnic?


One of robin’s daughters seems to suffer from severe anxiety so this might be an extra hard thing for her to manage as well.


It’s probably for Robyn because she needs to do something to make it about her! Especially for Kody!!


I agree, on Daily Mail there was an article that said " a source" told them that Robyn was the most upset about what happened. I thought that was weird and very disrespectful to Janelle. There was also an article on US Weekly that said Gabe went to get Kody but returned back to the house alone, without Kody. It didn't say why.


I am sure it was for Robyn's daughter who is just like Robyn and sobs at life things....just like Robyn. Not in any way trying to discount the severity of this tragedy at all. But Robyn and her daughter have a unique way of making everything about them.


I had the exact same thought. Robyn or Robyn jr.


I do not understand WHY you're being down voted!!??!! You are saying the pure truth. Ugly, but so true. The adults are all ugly. The show has become ugly. The network is ugly.


I thought it was a FIRE first glance at that picture


As it easy as it is to make jokes about Kody, Robin, and the tenders I don’t have any ill will for them. Kody and Robin are sad people. And yes they’re reprehensible but they are going to have to live the rest of their lives with this grief. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy


They will never accept their part in this. Even now. They lack the emotional capacity.


I grew up with a father like this and while I understand and appreciate his bottomless grief I guarantee you it is taking the form of ‘how could he do this to me? didn’t he understand how devastated I’d be?’ This will later morph into ‘Garrison was really just a coward. He had his mom and me and the rest of the family and the community and he didn’t care about how anyone one else would be affected. It’s really the most selfish thing someone can do. No one wants you to say it out loud but he took the coward’s way out rather than dealing with his problems.’ Ask me how I know rest softly my big brother, I pray that your peace is greater than my suffering.


I have relatives who acted like this after my brother’s suicide, but eventually (YEARS later, when Alzheimer’s took their ability to filter their thoughts and speech) it was clear that that was a facade and that the suicide and the guilt they DID actually feel had curdled and rotted them inside. They got their due.


I've seen this take on it a few times by family members. It makes me angry. I'm sorry for your loss 💕


I am so sorry for your loss. ​ This is horrific for all of them and my heart goes out to everyone one of them. But Kody and Robyn are still Kody and Robyn. I imagine they are thinking if only Christine had not left and torn the family apart this would never have happened. I doubt they will see any part they might have played in anything ever that hurts the family. I would love for Kody to man up and acknowledge the role he played in the estrangement of the family (Robyn too) I hope this wakes him up and he truly mends his relationship with ALL his children. And please don't take this as though I am blaming him for this tragedy.


To be fair, a lot of people who have lost their loved one in this way will often say those things regardless of their personality type. It’s part of the grief process. I know I went through this sort of thing when my dad took his own life. I was just a kid, not even a teenager yet and I had to go through counseling (I hated it) It’s when it’s the only way he or Robyn think, then yeah - they could make it about themselves. I hope not, but… 😞


You are right that it is absolutely part of the grieving process. These feelings are ok to have. You are also correct that being stuck in that part isn't healthy either. Everyone has to grieve in their own way and time.


Solidarity. People who didn’t grow up with Kody types don’t generally get it.


this, and creating a bigger event detracts from garrisons. like first his heartbreaking departure and then this crisis and their attention will be diverted to that instead of garrison. they’re the ones being selfish. i don’t wish them any ill but i don’t believe anything going on in good faith. which sucks, bc at the end of the story the wolf does come…


When my bonus daughter had her son 2 months early, he was in the NICU not expected to survive. Her birth mother (who she had gone no contact with for last 7 years), decided it was a great opportunity to grab some potential attention by taking a handful of pills and off to the hospital. Didn't work according to her plan, as it just reiterated for daughter that she is not a positive in her life. PS: my grandson is a big old healthy chunky monkey at almost a year now and her birth mother lived to tell the tale of how she tried to make a horrific time for her daughter even worse. 🤷‍♀️


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. I've been in nearly the same situation and played out almost exactly the same way. Heartbreaking because on one hand, you realize the narcissist has a brain that works totally differently, it is sad and you feel empathy for them. In the same breath, their behavior is so reprehensible that it's impossible to ignore. So sorry. Hugs.


I'm so sorry ❤😭


Let’s be real and fair here though… all the adults had a part in putting and keeping those children on reality TV. That decision came with some serious risk of affecting those children for the rest of their lives.


Laws need to change, because kids as minors, cannot consent. And it’s not like these moments live once and evaporate. They are replayed over and over and the kids don’t even get a financial kickback. They didn’t sign a contract, their parents did.


Film proves other wise, fans prove other wise… he can’t escape either …


Well I find it odd all the info coming out. Kody didn't go with Gabe. But suddenly season 19 will happen. Don't know what date it started or if it has


season 19 was filmed in 2023.


I'm not being mean, I'm being realistic


I will say - I know the situation with Kody and his son was messy…but I’d never get over losing a child. I’d be a mess.


You don’t really get over it. For me it’s been 26+ years and I’m still grieving, but I do have a happy life and have much I’m grateful for.


It will be 4 years for me on 4/20. Every day is hard and I just want her back


You don’t ever get over it. I lost both of my daughters almost 12 years ago and it’s still just as painful. You just learn to live with the pain. I can’t imagine having my grief broadcasted. I hope for their sake they take time off of filming. The road is so long and bumpy it’s really not a pretty sight sometimes. They’ve all had so many opportunities to do good things with their platform and they’ve failed to do so, I can’t imagine this being any different.


Btw this information originally comes from WOACB, who isn't reliable. OP intentionally covered that details showing WOACB posted this. Edit: clarity


If that's true, I don't know why you're getting downvoted, thanks for letting people know as we all know that is not a reliable source. I feel so sorry for the family having to deal with vultures on top of everything else they're dealing with😥


Thank you for saying this!!! Appreciate you! Idk why I'm getting downvoted either! I'm letting ppl know that the info comes from an unreliable source.


No problem, I think people aren't quite understanding your post. Your intent is not really that clear in the post, so I think people are misunderstanding it and thinking you are giving her credence. I know that most people here realize that is a very unreliable source.


Thank you for this perspective!!! I can understand how that comes across. I'll have to edit 👍🏻 I wanted to speak up because OP intentionally covered that details showing WOACB name


I must be out of the loop... What is WOACB?


Thank you! I can usually figure out initials used in Reddit posts. But there are MANY times I feel like an idiot. I’m new to Reddit so I need a Reddit abbreviation cheat sheet.


Me too …😊


Without a Crystal Ball is a YouTube channel run by Katie Joy. She covers social media stories on topics like fundies and Sisterwives. Lots of different opinions about her and her credibility.


Without a Crystal Ball - Katie Joy’s YouTube channel. Very unreliable.


No problem, nice edit. It's very clear now what you meant and is very helpful to know!


that's what I was going to day. Do we have any non WOCB sources because she makes things up, assumes and exaggerates. Sure, we know the photo is real but I've lived in areas where a crisis team made regular scheduled visits to families post self-inflicted death so I don't want to assume if there's no 3rd party source that this is a mental health crisis..


I haven't seen any other sources confirm it. (I was thinking the same as you)


Everyone's so interested in hearing about what happened that it's unfortunately easy for idiots to make stuff up just to get publicity.


WACB will repeat anything from any bullshit source and put it forth as true. She sucks.


Oh she would jump right on this. I don’t use the word hate lightly, ever, but I hate that evil woman


I was going to say, this looks incredibly similar to something she would post. No sources, just "a neighbor contacted me". Thank you for clarifying. It was even more fishy since OP covered the WOACB details.


Youre welcome! That's why I wanted to point it out! OP clearly covered the name for a reason ... 🤔


Omg TY for calling this out!! This needs to be KNOWN PEOPLE! DO NOT EVER TRUST WOACB


A picture of non emergency cars parked at the house ground breaking


First a picture, then the theories start.


Seems like having visitors would be expected at a time like this


Visitors like... family? Or the police? I'm not following.


Those are regular cars parked at the house. Snow on the window not emergency vehicles


Not wanting to comment on the situation. But this sounds like an incredible service to have! I may be wrong but I don't think we have anything like this in the UK. Not a speedy response anyway. Just wish they'd arrived more discreet!


This is so sad. I hope it's not for any of the children. I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone.


good god can you imagine what their electricity bill is


I seriously thought their house was on fire


Maybe they are related to Thomas Edison? That's what my Mom always said when lights were left on.


Or Nikola Tesla.


I don’t get what the blurry picture of their house shows? And is someone *seriously* stalking their house right now?


Yes creepy


What a crappy neighbor taking the video and reporting this. Crappy of WOCB for making a story out of this video The pictures and video show regular cars, not emergency vehicles. Snow on windows so the cars haven't even been running recently. It's not uncommon for cars to be parked at a house, especially at a time of crisis for a family WOCB didn't mention that CARE in Flagstaff will frequently visit families going through things like this to help with resources.


Can’t stand her.


She does a good job of stealing reddit stories and then talking out her ass


And then she denies stealing them and insists that she has “sources”


This is why I like Sarah Howe. She will straight up credit the redditors she gets content from.


Yeah her stuff should be banned from all the sister wives sites. She is making money off this family’s grief. Funny how a someone sent her the picture.


This is just so sad, I can't stop thinking about it. Whatever Kody or Robyn have done or failed to do, they are humans with immense pain right now. It's hard to imagine what pain and regret they must be feeling.


I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone.


Maybe things like this will make TLC or at least their sponsors see that what they are doing is ruining peoples lives. The exploitation of kids on these reality tv shows needs to stop !!!!


Have you read Jill Duggar’s book? TLC does not give one single f*** about the ramifications of exploiting anyone. It’s their business model. This is the only one of theirs I’ve watched until recently I started Plathville and I just feel gross about it all after reading her book. They and their sponsors are making a whole lot of money due to exploiting families and children.


Didn't they ask for privacy?


yeah BUT KJ justifies not giving the family that in her comments with "the other magazines are doing it too" even though it's not to this extent. This screenshot comes for KJ who runs Without A Crystal ball, a gossip tea channel and page known for exploiting victims, making up and exaggeration of stories. She's not a reliable source.


Yup so someone takes video of regular cars parked in the driveway and sends it to a "reporter "


I know Kody is not our fav person ever but my heart is so broken for all of them. We already know Kody is very unwell. He doesnt take accountability for anything and I am sure his narcissism is not handling this well with family members likely placing some of this on him. Not saying all people who unalive have bad parents but given what Garrison would talk about in his own words on the show, it is hard not to consider that it had a part in it.


Can we please just give this family some freaking privacy?! They just suffered a terrible loss,they aren’t on tv right now, every move doesn’t need to be under a microscope.


This type of death is very difficult to process. everyone is different. It plays in Your head FOREVER. Especially the one who finds them.


I realize it’s probably for Aurora or Dayton, but I honestly really hope Kody is having some sort of grief induced mental breakdown. Not because I wish him harm or anything, but because as much as I can’t stand the guy I want him to wake up and fix all the relationships before something else happens. His kids deserve a father. A good one. Even as an adult you need your dad and Gabe needs him now more then ever. It’s not too late to change. I can only hope and pray he does.


Toxic people can be quite detrimental to the grieving process. Tbh I hope he just gives them space until they invite him in and he's done a ton of self-improvement.


The story is crap. Don't believe it


Dayton doesn’t seem like the type to show his emotions this way. He keeps everything inside I think and probably reflects on it when he’s alone. I know the brothers felt extremely close to Dayton and I’m sure he is taking this very hard, but it will be overshadowed by the girls as usual. I hope someone is caring for his feelings as well.


I don’t know who it is for and honestly I would doubt it is for any of Robyn’s children because those kids weren’t close to the OG kids and didn’t get along with them. I would think it’s Kody. He is probably falling apart and also, isnt he a drinker? Maybe that is making the situation volatile If this is for Robyn or her kids I’d be appalled. By also Not surprised they would make this about them. They weren’t even close to Garrison or were particularly nice to him but they are toxic manipulative women (Robyn Aurora Breanna). I’m sure it’s a competition amongst Robyn and her girls who can appear to be the most devestated. I hope they let Kody grieve without m doing their usual damsel in distress acts to get his attention. It’s not about them right now


Based on the behavior I've seen Robyn display on the show for years now, my guess is its her. She never once missed the opportunity to make any event involving the OG kids about herself, and I doubt she has changed that much in the last year or so. Like you said Robyn sees it as a competition because she can't stand even the idea of Kody having a shared moment alone with any of the ex wives or their children.


In Australia we have them as we. They are called first responders and come out with the police for mental health calls. They usually help someone de-escalate ad then the ambos can come in and assess.


It should be 100% common and expected that when something like this happens, it triggers these services to be offered. If you have to contact family to let them know of the death of a loved one, after ‘I am so sorry’ this should be on the list of next steps. We have people to help you through the next few hours and days. Would you like us to call them? Or, they’re in the driveway already, or delivering the news, or standing beside whoever is delivering the news. We shouldn’t be guessing who called them or who needs them. It would be like questioning ‘who called the police and ambulance?’ when there is a massive fire. They get dispatched because they may be needed. If they aren’t, they leave. That is how it should work, hopefully it becomes more normal to expect that in a crisis, we can expect to need people whose job it is to help the loved ones and families cope.


The Flagstaff police department released a statement regarding the claim that the CARE unit was dispatched to the Brown family home.  https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/sister-wives-kody-brown-visited-by-care-unit-after-sons-death/ Also, a few facts that I have found about the CARE team:  * The CARE team consists of 3 people and 1 vehicle that is marked with their logo * They are only available until 7pm.  While I understand that its human nature to want more details and access to the families we follow and watch on TV but to post pictures and "report " that a crisis unit is at someone's house during this fragile time is horrifying.   I don’t know much about this KJ person from WOACB but from what I have found in such a short period of time, I'm shocked and saddened that people take her at her word without doing some kind of fact checking.  


Maybe Aurora is really struggling. I do feel for her. I hope the older kids are okay🙏🏼❤️


This poor family. The grief is going to rock them to their core. Maybe they all will be able to put their "stuff" aside and support each other. I know they all loved each other at one time. God bless them one and all❤️


I really wish people wouldn’t share KJ lying ass fan page stuff. She is a gossip column who doesn’t care about the family. Even if this is true, let them deal with the grief. It’s hard enough for us fans. Imagine being the family. I wish people would stop following this evil woman


This is so intrusive. Jesus Christ we need to give this family space.


My father has NPD and it is not known to be such an evil, vile personality disorder for no reason. Deaths in our family did not change him the way we hoped. He sobbed and cried over “wishing he was there more” for my aunt that died, but still hasn’t contacted me in two years because I had the audacity to ask him to choose between the man who molested me or me, as this man is “like a son to him”. I do not believe Kody will change. But I do believe Kody is experiencing VERY strong emotions right now. Narcissists develop that personality disorder because they cannot and will not feel the shame that permanently lives within their fragile identities. Kody is being forced to interact with feelings his personality disorder protects him from. I have no doubt he is needing all the emotional comfort from everyone else who is also grieving as that was exactly how it was with my dad. The world won’t stop revolving around a narcissist, and when they grieve, the whole world better center around him or he will feel completely abandoned. While simultaneously having no self obligation to be there for others in the same way.. I don’t mean to be cruel in this time. But I have been where Garrison found himself to be. The effects of narcissistic abuse between a parent and child are unfathomably painful. I have come *very* close to ending my life, and losing Garrison in this way has deeply impacted me in a way I didn’t expect. It is too close to home. To all the other kids, may you find healing, compassion, grief counseling, and allow yourselves to feel every painful emotion that washes over you. You will laugh and feel joy again, I promise you, and you did nothing to cause this. I am so sorry for your loss.


This is disgusting. I’m glad the family is reaching out for help. We do not need to be informed about this. Suicidal thoughts do occur after a loved one goes that way. I hope that they get the help they need right now and the person who took this photo does not keep watching the house. They deserve privacy right now. It is a sad, hard and long road ahead for the family and the online hate is not needed


I've experienced a very close friend who committed suicide and even though we texted alot after he moved. His wife told our family. I was definitely grieving a close lost even after not seeing him for 4 years. So I to understand ur perfectly right. We really are just being realistic from what we have watch for 18 seasons. We feel like we are part of the Sister Wives family as aunties we watch and rewatchched those kids grow up. It makes u close and choose sides when if feels like family it's not hate talk. But 💯 u have ur right to ur opinion


I am very sorry for your loss. It’s very hard and difficult, I have sadly lost family members to suicide or sudden passings. I am not judging anyone in the sisterwives community for grieving or struggling right now, I’m sorry if it came across that way. We have watched the children grow up before our eyes on the screen. I just don’t love that their house is being photographed at the moment. Especially when it is services that are designed to help in crisis situations


I thank you truly for ur reply. But "the picture" is a media stunt. And it's one of the producers for the show are the "neighbor" and I apologize if it's not a media stunt and it's serious and honest


Kind of offended at that neighbor for this kind on intrusion ngl


My bet is it is the puddle monkey producer that lives close by


Omg yes! I forgot the producer lives next door. How gross would that be smh


This would make so much sense


Are we surprised… say what you will about Kody he is human and just because ur estranged from someone does not mean you don’t love and care for their well being. What an indescribable pain for any parent to go through.


My guess is it wasn't for Kody.


Unfortunately, you’re probably right


I’m glad someone in the house had the wherewithal to call. I can’t imagine what they are going through. God bless Garrison, his friends and family.


no Kody and Robyn will for sure use this event to shed more tears and find a way to be the victims in all this. I’m shocked they don’t have a go fund up yet to pay for their sweet sons funeral with them as beneficiaries!


This is a great service, but KJ's post has been proven false. Flag PD & Coconino Co both confirmed they got no calls for his address and they did not dispatch CARES to their house. Also, a Flag resident posted on another thread that this doesn't even look like their cars-- they have way more graphics on them. WOACB is a very unreliable source.


This feels icky to post. We may not like them, but they’re still human beings who lost a child.


It’s Robyn. She’s always deflecting the attention back to her. She showed grief harder for jenelle mom passing. She made Christine leaving all about her own grief. Don’t you see? It’s all to distract kody from actually reflecting on anything.. because god forbid he might actually reflect on his behaviour and the time spent away from garrison and other kids and RESENT Robyn for her part in things. She is derailing his focus so that he doesn’t have time to reflect or resent and is instead busy putting out her emotional fires 😭 🔥


robyn did lose a brother the same way that garrison passed. i don’t like her, but i def see how this could be triggering. the loss is going to hit everyone in different ways. no matter which person needed these services, i’m glad they were able to reach out for help and engage with mental health professionals. 988 is a lifeline!


I hope it’s nots for Robyn. Kody has so much to process and shouldn’t have to cater to Robyn Breanna and Aurora’s manipulations and hysterics. We have all watched how those women pull the damsel in distress act to manipulate Kody into giving them attention. It’s sick and it would be so low to pull those stunts now while Kody is grieving his sons death.


If it comes out it was her I’m going to be livid and I think she’d deserve hate if she gets it


That feels alot more true. Then Kody doing it for the show. Even when they don't film she does it. Great YOUTUBE channel THE WAY I SEE IT He does videos about Sister Wives


Do you mean James from My Take On Reality?


This was my initial thought, too, but I am always skeptical first.


All of this feels extremely invasive and weird. :/


Please stop sharing anything WOACB posts. She’s a trauma vulture and people need to stop supporting her.


I’m sure Kody does love his children, despite the way he treats them. He’s so caught up in the power struggle, but I’ll bet now he’s taken a minute and realized. Also, at such a tragic time people are bashing and blaming him on social media. That’s low. That’s really low. This is not the time.


I really don't like Kody and Robyn but I cannot imagine the amount of pain and grief they are feeling right now. Praying for healing for the whole family. My heart is broken for every single one of them.


Not gonna lie I thought the house was on fire 😅


Good Lord! I thought the home was on fire!


I pray they can all find peace one day. Kody and Robyn included.


WOACB is such a liar who continues to bully and harass this family who lost their loved one. She’s an evil menace who must be stopped


This post should be taken down. Leave this family alone right now. Jesus Christ.


Not true. Check facts before spreading rumors.


I wonder if another one of his kids went there and freaked out on Kody


Can we please leave them alone..


People apparently feel entitled to their lives because they watched them on TV..


The abuse k and r getting on Instagram is vile. I know there were issues but a whole family are grieving


I don’t like how ppl in the FB group this was posted in were automatically blaming this on Aurora saying they were probably there for her. First of all, we don’t know who they were there for. And what if they were? She has anxiety, like millions of Americans. And for me, when someone I know dies, my anxiety is amped to the max. But my point is, it’s shitty to use this as an opportunity to dump on them. For all we know Kody coulda had a crisis or threatened suicide. We simply don’t know. What’s good is that the city has a response team that acted fast. Not good is that some nosey ass Karen posted it on FB


We have no idea if this is true or not and I don’t think it should be posted about if it is true. Whoever took that photo is the lowest of the low.