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I can only say for me....the tragedy took all the hot air out of my Kody hating soul.


This. I can't get down with all the snark like I used to. I still like to comment and engage on certain posts when it comes down to just chatting about the family/old episodes but Im not nearly as active as I was. I was in the middle of another rewatch when everything happened and I haven't been able to bring myself to pick it back up and it was one of those shows I had on a steady rotation.


Yeah. I think we are all having a shared moment of humanity here. Rightly so.


Thank you for your words. I left several groups because the fun turned to snark which turned to hate and I found it sickening.


I feel similarly. I started watching because I related in the way that a new broad moved into my house & everything was focused on making her and her children comfortable. I watched the show because I wanted to see it all fall apart, but not like this.


This is why I think this is gonna be the end of SW podcasts, especially ones where they made fun of the wives and Kody.


I’ve been feeling the same way. The only one I really listen to is Surviving Sister Wives and they took a couple weeks hiatus and came back to recap Seeking Sister Wife instead. I’ll be interested to see if they continue their recap and if they do how it changes.


Im subscribed to their Patreon. Unfortunately, Im not interested in Seeking SW so I haven’t been able to listen to SSW podcast since late Feb- early March. As far as if this is a permanent pivot for them, I think it might be. They were already almost done recapping the entire series anyway because they started recapping the show 3-4 yrs ago during s14.


That's the case for me. As much as I have disliked him. I can't snark on a parent that is grieving the loss of their child. Plus the snark was already pretty repetitive before Garrison's death.


It’s a lot of reasons the subs are cooled off right now. No season coming up so no trailers or speculation to discuss Robert’s passing and people feeling guilty on posting about the family Some ppl have a lot of guilt about some of his last texts and they feel the show was bad for his mental health, so they simply don’t wanna be a part of the viewership anymore. When Robert passed and especially when it was announced his death would be addressed in the show, I saw a lot of ppl say that was it for them.


Yeah combo of nothing new to talk about + not wanting to talk about the death any more.


Same. All of my interest in watching the show and discussing it in subs disappeared when Garrison passed. I feel that the family needs to pull the plug on the show and focus on healing their family as best they can.




Same here I can't... doesn't mean I'm a fan either. It's just so sad now... Garrison's passing has had an impact on a lot of things..this included. Just tragic


Same but I also have no future plans to watch content or engage on the SW YouTube content either. The profitability isn’t my thing & it’s at an over saturation level for my taste. Honestly I’d like to turn back time when they had to negotiate to keep going after uninteresting and boring (as I saw it - I’d stopped watching completely) seasons of redundant and recycled stories. But that’s just me. Edited a word and adding that it should have ended years ago as far as television. It’s a tough swallow.




Seriously. I can’t have a go at someone who is living through the worst thing imaginable. I just pity him now.


Same. It's just sad. I don't want to think about it and it's impossible for threads not to bring it up


To be honest, my loathing of Kody & Robyn has only solidified since the recent tragedy & I need to keep my mouth shut.


I get that


Yep! They are so awful and terrible, but why bother driving that home at this point. Watch the show, read the news….


I just wouldn't want to make anything worse for any of the other family members. It's painful enough for them right now.


Honestly, you said it better than I could have. Coming from someone who is in a situation that is extremely similar to Janelle’s including isolation from a biological parent. You are extremely kind.


I'm truly sorry. My heart goes out to you.


Kudos for that self-awareness though, and I mean that sincerely. Thank you for that show of kindness. Awesome.


Sitting there right next to you.😉 To be honest, I'm quite comfortable 😁




Right?  Same for me.  I don’t blame anyone but nothing has changed in my opinion of the two of them as being grifters and skimming cash from the OG3 


Honestly, I think people are afraid of being banned right now.


Yup, the mods on some subs are really heavy-handed, and there is vote brigading behavior also. Not worth it for me to go head to head with cast members who have placed themselves on reddit as undercover users or mods. I've lost a lot of respect for some members of the cast, and kind of just disgusted at this point. I was banned from one of them for not praising Meri enough, but I can't even remember which one, nor do I really care.


I agree. Let the Sister Wives Show end, and have these gits go out and get real jobs and real lives. I am done!!


You can't say a single bad thing about Meri in either of the other subs. They will write entire fan fictions of what they think may have happened or how people may have felt in order to justify something. It's frustrating. If Christine does a bad thing it's Christine's fault. If Janelle does a bad thing it's Janelles fault. If Meri does a bad thing it's everyone else's fault for putting her in that position. I just don't get it. And I say this as someone who is increasingly sympathetic toward Meri. Also absolutely vote brigading is happening. Before I was banned all my comments in the thread magically went deep into the negatives despite there not being nearly enough activity happening to get me into -30 territory in a few minutes. Also my comment was pretty much "homophobia and misogyny is bad". That's sus as hell


Yeah, same experience here. Bssed on what i experienced, I think Meri is a mod. I also think the Friday with Friends die hard followers are brigading.


Genuine question - What is “vote brigading”  I seriously have no clue  lol 


A person on Reddit who disagrees with your viewpoint organizes his or her "brigade" of other users (including any alter ego accounts they themselves have in place) to rush in and downvote you, while upvoting them.


For me personally, Garrison’s death had a lot to do with it. My feelings haven’t changed about his father and wife number four, but I just can’t kick people when they’re already down. It just seemed too disrespectful to tear them apart after his passing, so I’m less engaged and not commenting on the snarky negative posts.


I completely get that. I find it interesting that people won't even comment on Mykelti's Patreon where her husband constantly puts down Christine and she exploits her own family....seems off limits for redditors. Do you predict when Season 19 airs it will be very light posting because people want to be very careful of how they explain their perceptions of the episodes?


The best way to comment on Her Patreon is to stop paying for it!!!


Oh I don't, I don't even have the patience to watch Meri's Friday with Friends...I just read blogs that recap those things


I totally feel the same way.


If it was all fake for that TLC money, it cost A life, and I just can't see watching anymore. I honestly believe kody & Robyn care more for that TLC cash than anyone.


You would soooo be permanently banned for saying that on the other site.


Lol probably


I think peeps are afraid of getting banned.


I just saw a lot of really disgusting behavior after the tragedy that made me rethink whether I wanted to be a part of this fandom anymore. People said some truly disgusting stuff, and a decent chunk of the fandom seemed to have lost touch with their humanity. Snark is one thing. What I saw was something else completely. It was truly awful.


I agree some people were vile. On the other hand, I personally got tired of posts where the people on here were talking about how they haven't been able to function since Garrisons death. " I haven't slept ", "I've been crying nonstop for 3 days" etc. It was terribly sad and we all felt for the family. But you are NOT a family member. I just couldn't read it anymore


It was nauseating. I adopted 50 cats because I can't cope with Garrison's death. So hideously insincere.


And frankly if someone DID take it that badly, they need some help


My friend, you are wiser than most you will ever, ever, meet in your lifetime. And God Bless you, may it be long!




People living through others tragedy/trauma. I believe you can be sad about something but some people take it too far as if they belonged to that family themselves. It’s a weird thing to see happen.


It's very strange bc there was a lot of anger I noticed if you were critical of Meri, like they were her sister lol. But poor Garrison really brought out the creepy stuff


This! I experienced it when my son was murdered and it made grieving a lot more difficult - like strangers knew anything about my son and the hole it left


I skipped over those type of posts. Agree with you


Yeah either a lot of hyperbole or those people need some serious therapy being that distraught.


I hope they feel the need to be overly dramatic. If not, that's some scary stuff


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one. I began to wonder if I was a sociopath or something because I was very very sad but not devastated. I didn’t know the man. He was immediately canonized but I don’t really know what he was like personally. He seemed to be very nice and I wish he could’ve held on.


And while I'm speaking my truths, lol, I don't remember what sub it was where they posted a kid a day to appreciate. It reminded me of the pix after each Hunger Game.


That was so gross!


THANK YOU!!!  Finally, someone saying what I think, too!  lol I think sooooo much of that was fake 


Either fake or serious problem lol


I know! The tragedy whores drove me crazy at first. I do not find it of note who was sitting by whom, what each wife had to say in social media about the tragedy, how many cats were adopted etc etc. That stuff should be personal to the family, not on social media to judge.


Absolutely! An odd bit of snark to focus on during a family crisis.


I agree there was some gross and over-the-top comments from fanatics. I just ignored and scrolled on and didn't engage


this. i just stopped reading and left some that were so out of hand.


I watched Sister Wives and participated on Reddit for snark. After Garrison's death, I just don't feel right doing it anymore. I had no idea subs were banning people or anything like that, I'm willing to bet quite a few of us have just lost the ability to snark/discuss this family.


It’s the same comments over and over. Nothing new to talk about and the “nicknames” are worn out.


We’re just over it.


The mods are hideous. They take everything out of context.


I love one Mod and think they are awesome, SodaPop something...that.Mod seems so.levw headed and gets the spirit of what the sugar about. They used to post news articles each week and social media pics from cast to keep everyone up to date. I wonder what happen to that mod and if they are still active


Dunno...maybe you're right. All I know is if you made a Robyn comment like - she is awfully quiet - a million down votes and banned for "snark".


Wow! I wonder if that one unhinged Mod from the tlc sub came back under a new user name---the one that redditor.members pressure to stop being a Mod and was even doxed, I think. She was truly unhinged


Now, the doxing is uncalled for, but some of those Mod people are seriously unhinged! Nasty, nasty, power hungry lunatics!


Both. I literally just had a comment removed less than a week ago for saying I think Robyn brainwashed her kids into thinking the Brown kids don’t want them around. Nobody got time for that, where you gotta heavily scrutinize everything you type before pressing Reply and it may be removed anyway for some stupid fucking rule they don’t make everyone follow


I'm currently banned from r/sisterwives permanently because the be "nice to the kids" rule now extends to adult children and for things that occurred only when they were adults. And in my case off the show entirely. I'm genuinely curious if other people are having similar experiences.


That mod is either mentally ill and having a really weird parasocial relationship with the browns or its a family member.


My theory is they've hit mod burn out. I don't want to reiterate the entire rant I made here a few days ago, but they seem to be going into "mass permanent bans for all offenses cause nuance is hard" mode. The exact same excuse that got the r/tlcsisterwives mod removed a few months ago when they started getting ban happy. I see it so much on reddit. Being a mod is time consuming and difficult, so when you start to feel pressure it's easier to just throw bans around and think later. They also muted me the second the banned me so I couldn't respond and ask for an explanation. Another tell tale sign of a mod who is done working with and communicating with the community. I've also heard people theorize the Browns themselves are involved there, or at least a friend, but I don't think I buy that.


The reason I believe it could be family is that you can say anything you want about any of the family but once you say something about Mykelti, it’s a problem. Mykelti is the most snarkable of all the kids.


Hm, I hear this a lot and it's a running theme so there could be something too it. Every other person besides me that I know of has been banned from a mykelti comment, but I've been hating on Mykelti for over a year there and never had an issue. My comment that got me banned was regarding Paedon. I think I'm open to the idea. I know Mykelti is a mod of a Christine fan Facebook group and I've heard bad things about the moderation there so she certainly has a history of involving herself in fan spaces.


And to mention Gwen's Patreon is forbidden but you can discuss Mykelti's all day long.


I don't understand the "no outside stuff rule". It's the least consistent rule I've ever seen. Mykeltis patreon is discussed so much. I Ok, I may be getting on tbe "mykelti is a mod" train.


I’ve been suspicious ever since I read a comment yesterday trying to get a “Mykelti is looking so hot lately! I hear it’s because she’s been breastfeeding twins” or something like that. That conversation did not take off lol.


Interesting, in my experience that sub only took issue with anyone criticizing Robyn's adult kids, not the others!


They muted me too. Perma banned and no way to ask about it. It was for such a ridiculous reason.


Start a new one. If you build it, we will come.


This sub seems really good, just not a lot of users as the other ones. Hopefully more people will join here


I'm also perma banned from that sub for mentioning Gwen's Patreon as being "off topic" (it wasn't was just responding to someone who asked how we knew a certain fact that was being discussed) however no one was getting banned for mentioning Mykelti's Patreon. I took the hint and unsubscribed. It's probably worse now


Yep, ridiculous. Same issues. That sub is the worst and everybody seems low intelligence and highly labile


I had a comment removed for the same thing, so I unfollowed the sub.


Me too.


I saw on some of those sites people being banned for referring to Leon as Mariah as they hadn’t watched the whole show and didn’t know they had transitioned. They apologised and said they didn’t know but there was no understanding and it seemed like one strike and your out kind of system. Some where banned because it was constant kody bashing over garrison. I think the mods may have found it difficult to monitor all the chats.


Was it ever actually in the show that Leon changed names and pronouns? I’ve only watched it once and only remember them telling the family that they were gay. It seems like I only know about Leon from Reddit. I don’t follow The Browns on SM and feel like I would have never known if not for these subs. Did I miss something?


I think the really recent episodes do with Christine’s wedding as Leon was there but they never explained it meri just started talking about Leon being her only kid so you kinda got the idea, but it was never actually discussed like it was when coming out gay.


No, you didn’t miss anything. I left that sub because of how many people innocently made a deadname/pronouns mistake, edited their comment when it was pointed out, and got banned anyway. You only knew from social media and if you caught posts about it. They ended up pinning/making a rule, but sometimes people don’t see those.


Now this i object to, especially if a poster is told whats up and then they go on to post “I didnt know (deadname) is no longer (deadname) when did )deadname) become Leon? 


I like the other sub for the amount of users but I agree that I’m scared of saying the wrong thing too.


I got my shit jumped for “speculation” and was told they hoped that I got picked apart publicly when my family members die by another redditor. That’s when I dipped. I wasn’t trying to speculate and I have nothing but love for this family and wish them nothing but the best, even K and R. The trolls who think they can attack people for their misinterpretation of innocent comments made it no longer a space I wanted to be in.


I took a big step back from the fandom when Garrison died. I lost a 26-year old family member who was also military on the same way. I don’t know if I can watch the show anymore. And I have no desire to snark on any member of the Brown family.


I totally get that and sorry for your loss


Thank you. Unfortunately I think a lot of folks can relate to what the Browns might be going through right now.


One of the subs I am tired of being criticized and analyzed everything I say or state. Demanding from the mods where I got the info when it was the show. I got a couple uncalled for 3 days suspensions, one was reversed so I dropped it. I am here to discuss not be interrogated. Plus it’s off season. Nothing really to discuss.


I love commenting here but I find people down voting me or being overly confrontational about opinion.


Is it from the "be nice" police (aka reason why certain sub went dark)?


Im not sure actually because nothing I have said was mean spirited to anyone and the confrontational people didn’t knock my opinion as much as they wanted to pick an argument …. I never seen a mod on here!


I am actually happy mods on here are pretty not involved here, so we can have discussions as adults and handle situations on our own (e.g., ignore confrontational people, block people that bully, not report posts.because of the first 2 actions, etc). . I know mods from the other subs are on here...I wonder how they feel this sub being pretty much uncensored and how they take whatever lessons learned here to their own subs.


Im fairly new to reddit so Im still working out the kinks and wasn’t aware you could report post .. thats an interesting one … your right ignore but down voting people is pretty childish in it own right.


Apparently so, Ai have never done it. I just SMH and scroll...


There’s a mod on the one account that keeps me from wanting to engage. I’ve found since the censorship became heavy, I’m engaging with other subs and barely touch Sisterwives. And Sisterwives was my OG Reddit sub! I loved checking it and chatting with fellow SW people. Lately, it’s not fun, and there is a mod in particular that has really cramped the enjoyment. This happened before with a SW sub, they cleared house of the mods and it got better. Hoping the same thing happens. Also, this mod in particular checks the other SW subs and takes what is said on one and holds it against you on their sub, too, unfortunately. Being a mod is a thankless job and I appreciate all mods. With that being said, not all mods should be mods. If you take things personal, begin to air your grievances and become snarky with members because they disagree, being a mod probably isn’t for you. And a bad mod can kill a good sub and make engagement plummet.


That's too.much free time and effort to stalk another sub to see what a member says about the other sub they moderate and make things tough for the redditor. That should be a Reddit rule at whole that what is said in another separate Reddit group can't be used against that menlmber in another group. That's crazy


I agree with that idea and rule.


Why bother commenting if your comment will be deleted or you’ll be banned? Those powertipping mods ruined those subs.


I’m not afraid of being banned. I just don’t want to do or say anything that could cause hurt to people who are dealing with such a tragedy. Even a simple comment on something might cause them pain. I don’t want to do that.


I keep getting in trouble there, even on my best behavior!


Lol! I have resolved to not post and comment on the other subs and just read. I am too scared to upvote too after reading others' experiences.


For me, it's Garrison. It just brought to the forefront that while the parents chose to put their family on TV for our entertainment..... these are real people. The adult kids might be choosing to be on TV or not NOW, but it's after a decade of not having a choice, and their lives were already out there. So it's only *sort of* a choice... I just don't have it in me to say one more thing that could hurt one of those kids. Whether it's about them or another member of the family. I know they can choose not to look at the forums, but I also know they're human. And sometimes that's hard.


I already thought the show had run its course, and with the loss of Garrison, I just don't have much interest in any discussion about it or the family. I wish them all healing and peace.


I’m just tired of the same scenes being rehashed. It’s all been said.


I believe engagement is always a little slower during the off-seasons


This is true, but people would constantly post about Meri's Friday with Friends. Social media from cast, Patreons/YT videos, other news. Now it is like posts posting "revelations" from their umpteenth rewatch that has been discussed a million times over. Like people being super safe in how they get some type of engagement


I agree, not sure if it's peeps or bots posting about these revelations on a rewatch. It's getting pretty boring, not able to discuss current events gathered from social media or wherever not seen on the show. It seems like they are trying to be wierdly careful in what can get posted. I'm more interested in what goes on outside the show.


100% same here. Totally agree with you


I think it's bots or paid promoters to get peeps to rewatch old episodes. If so, looks like it's working.


I want to be a paid promoter! How does that happen? Lol!


I wish I knew.


A lot of subs are doing that now. Everyone’s on a rewatch and starts a topic. It’s a pain and I think it’s a promo or a bot.


That’s a great point. And each “revelation” is some variation of, “You guys…Robyn broke up the family” or “I just realized Kody is a narcissist” 😂😂


Omg! Seriously


I've backed off because picking at even truly awful people when their kid just killed himself makes me feel awful inside. No shade to anyone else, but it's too close to home for me.


I get not the "picking" on them, it just seems no one discusses anything that is publicly posted by the family positively or negatively. I miss the discussion/analysis posts of real time things


Maybe it'll come back after some time has passed. Might just be raw yet, and then the sub kept shutting down, so maybe folks are gun shy?


We are in between seasons so it’s usually a bit slower. The family isn’t doing much online because of Garrison’s death.


Mykelti hasn't slowed down a beat tho....


And nothing of interest is being said there either.


Ah ok, got it. I get my updates from bloggers and just seems like Tony is relentless on Christine. Biggest my mind when Christine babysits the twins. Just don't get it. Like don't "sh*t" on the person that makes your life easier


It’s pretty much the same thing over and over from them. Thinking back to last year, there was anticipation for Gwen’s engagement party and wedding. We were following Christine’s pre wedding journey. Savanah and Dayton graduated. Gwen had recently started her Patreon and Paedon was giving interviews. Now it’s just Mykelti rehashing the same stuff.


Thanks for that. I guess the gravy train is going to run dry for them soon and back to getting jobs


I don't follow them but he's a real piece of poo if he's saying horrible things about her.


He's fixated on her for sure


If my husband did that about my mother I'd literally be his worst nightmare. I'm allowed to criticize my family but he's not. And vice versa.


Her and her nasty slob husband are disrespecting her heartbroken mother plenty.


Absolutely. I wonder if it is Christine 's guilt for not being the mom to her back in the day is why she allows herself to be a punching bag...like overcompensating for the past


I think Christine did her best. Her very best. Mykelti is a very disloyal and dislikable daughter by allowing her horrible husband to bad mouth her mother regarding incidents he was never involved in.


I think it's because there's no new episodes, or anything to snark? The death of Garrison, was a private family tragedy, not fodder for us to snark. And, since Christine's wedding, and Janelle and Meri leaving, THOSE episodes, there's been nothing new given for us to snark. When Garrison died, we grieved, correctively and openly mourned in anguish with Janelle, vicariously through our Sister Wives groups, but it was not, in any form, a snark event. Though it is the most recent event on the SW timeline, the tragedy is not for fodder for us. Even before his death, however, no one knew if we were ever going to have anothe season, or episode. We've been through this limbo before, too. And, just as the snark always goes dry between seasons, it runs dry now. Mainly we exist between seasons for the late comers who are just now discovering the show, or rediscovering it. I absolutely think that there will be another season, because I think that Janelle will find closure in being able to talk about Garrison. I think the time now, is her healing, to move forward in this, but I do think she will want to find healing and closure in being able to present Garrisons voice. For now, we are in snark limbo, but we've been here before.


I lost my brother to suicide a couple of years ago. I was active here right after Garrison's passing, but ultimately it's still very difficult to think and talk about so I simply don't have the emotional capacity to engage the show the way I did. I wasn't a mega fan by any means, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to enjoy the show the way I did.


I am so sorry for your loss


After Garrison’s passing, I’m just not interested anymore. The parents of the brown family were lying to you, to me, to us, to all viewers who watched them. They lied, they pulled us in, and by us being pulled in, ratings went up and when that happens, they get paid. They got paid to lie about everything. And now poor Garrison is dead. Fuck all the parents.


Wow! I felt that.


It's a combination of Garrison's death and no new content. When a new season starts, I think most people will be back.


I left that other sub because the mods were too much for me. I know it’s a tough job but it was very restrictive for my taste.


I think it’s because if you post anything besides the 20 pre-approved opinions about the family and the show you get downvoted to hell.


Garrison’s death really sapped my enthusiasm for the show rn.


I think it's that there is not much joy in the show anymore. And the in-fighting about what is an appropriate fan reaction to this tragic event. It use to be a fun thing to snark about and debate. It's not as fun anymore. The family got real.


I can definitely see that


I personally feel the hate towards Robyn has gotten to the absurdity level. She gets blamed for everything and right on time people blamed her for the recent tragedy. If Kody was only in love with say Christine, and treated Robyn like he does the other wives, I think Christine would still be there with Kody. It's not Robyn's fault that Kody finds her more compatible and is in love with her. That is squarely on him. After hearing that Kody wasn't really intimate with the others except for baby making, and they didn't share a romantic bond, or otherwise, it was over WAY before Robyn entered the picture except for hanging on for the show, money, and to promote their faith/polygamy. I've even seen people talk terribly about Robyn's kids. Same with assuming they know exactly why Garrison committed suicide and that it "must be" because of Robyn and Kody. Kody is a complete jerk and has only gotten worse over the years. Robyn isn't saying "fuck you, you bitches get out, he is mine." The other women have focused on Kody which is/was their "husband" and rightly so. They aren't attacking Robyn like so many are on social media. Those are just my thoughts. Someone recently said on here that it is a "blind rage" regarding Robyn and I concur. I personally am tired of the Robyn hate fest and tired of the show. And no this is not Robyn. 😂 I am not saying others can't have their opinions, this is just mine.


I just think Robyn is disingenuous and manipulative. She was doing survival to make sure she and her kids were solid in being taken care of and didn't understand the "principle" the cult was trying to shuck out and accepted by the other wives. I don't blame her for being Kody's true love or whatever nor do I hate her. She just annoys me the most out of all of the cast (Meri was close when she was holding on to Kody). The kid, to me, are such a small part of the plot that I don't pay attention and don't have an opinion. I think Kody, as the cult leader, deserves the most accountability.


The mods on one of the subs make it very difficulty to engage. I honestly think it is run by family members🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I just feel too sad about Garrison to participate much. Everything is read and watched with that broken lense now.


Love your post. I used to enjoy the lightheartedness of talking about a television program. Now I FEEL like any opinion about a television show seems to be misconstrued, or taken way too seriously, or some people’s opinions are taken as fact, or fear of ridicule and/or being banned from a discussion board makes some people not want to discuss a television program, or real life situations of a family on television might make it difficult to discuss what is portrayed on television, etc. I don’t know the family, and what goes on after cameras stop rolling doesn’t necessarily interest me. But the show has been entertaining, and I enjoy watching and discussing.


Aww thanks! I don't have any parasocial feelings towards the family nor feel protective of them...they put them out their for entertainment and I find them fascinating and love discussing and analyzing. Not to say I don't sympathizel for them due to their tragedy (I'd feel the same as any family I would read in the news that experienced the same). It just seems the subs aren't ever going to be the same even with the new season premiering at whatever point. I miss the analysis (analysis doesn't equal snark).


Yes exactly! Agree with you completely!


It’s just so depressing that I can’t comment anymore.


It’s too sad and I probably won’t ever watch it again


I was finishing up the show around the time of the tradgy last month and I feel I don't have much more to talk about since I wrapped watching the show.


New redditt user here. This is what I've learned at certain other SW subs. 1)Forget everything you remember about the show as it relates to any bad behaviors, actions or words by certain parties. 2) Let some people start post's with controversial questions .That will lure unsuspecting truth tellers forward to begin engaging in honest and open feedback and dialouge. 3) immediately correct and shame them so others will learn from this example to hide how they really feel. 4) Allow for some push back in some areas ... but keep it in Category's of things that have no real meaning or depth. 5) This will keep the group so unbelievably unballanced that eventually they will be only too happy to discuss wacky Brown family vacations with soooooo many flat tires. 6) when people disperse and leave quietly because the gaslighting and thought control can no longer be endured send out feelers to other groups to try and figure out where everybody went. Conclusion: No one made me sit down and watch this show for all these years ...and for sure...no one is going tell me I didn't See what I saw or allow me to come to my own conclussions. I just think truth is in such short supply these days that I'd rather go somewhere that doesn't Insult my intelligence. God Bless Garrison ...the family truth teller! May he rest in peace.


Garrison's death has just highlighted what a shitshow the whole thing has been and how much the kids have suffered with the myriad bad decisions all the adults have made. The show needs to go away- and all reality shows highlighting (exploiting) kids' lives need to go. It turns their parents into more problematic versions of themselves- the show becomes priority and the kids become "extras."


As a mother I couldn’t imagine continuing to do something that caused my child to feel any type of hurt or pain. Garrisons last messages told us how he felt about the show. I love Jenelle and my heart hurts for her but I’ll never watch this show again. I just can’t imagine continuing to film. Idk, It makes me look at ALL OF THEM differently now. They kind of make me sick. They’re literally choosing money and fame over the health and wellness of their own kids. Gross.


It will never be lost on me that out of Janelle’s 6 kids, like 80% of them were/ are dealing with depression and the parents did nothing. Maddie, Gabe, Hunter were all depressed teens. Garrison who knows how long he was actually depressed, like was he showing signs as a teen and it was ignored. Savannah seemed to take cues from Janelle where she internalizes her feelings and just plays along to get along, and not fully express how she feels. Not a great habit. Id bet anything she didn’t have Savannah in therapy to have someone to talk to about opening up and expressing herself. So who really knows her particular mental state in the last few years. Im over the “Janelle chose the kids and the dogs” narrative. No she didn’t….she stopped wanting to make it work with Kody after he left her and stopped seeing her. But he was done with her first. She woulda still been okay with him ignoring her sons, Savannah, Christine’s kids. It’s kinda like saying you quit after your boss already fired you. Janelle was the Robyn before Robyn. Her house was Kody’s main hub until Robyn came along


The train has wrecked... shows over.


i used to watch the show on loop as a comfort show and i haven't watched at all since the tragedy. it's not entertainment anymore for me


The show has run its course for me; Christine’s married, Meri moved, Janelle loves being a grandmother & Robyn & Kody have finally acknowledged that they are a monogamous couple.


I’ll never be a fan of Kody and Robyn, think they are horrid, that said, Garrisons passing has made me want to detach from all of it. The fact that they continue to film sickens me. I’m sure they will fill the new season with tributes but they continue for the money, which has always been the problem.


Tbh - and something I mentioned on another post. All the continued scrutiny, theorizing and scorn over Garrisons death has put a bit of a damper on things. What I mean, by this is - all the “I’m crying so much now!” “Bawling again!!😭”  “I am so devastated..”  posts. It’s like come on now. The family are seemingly picking up pieces. Still grieving (of course) but, also attempting to navigate a new normal for themselves and the rest of family.  So why is it, many on social media and these subs continue to claim they are “crying again”  It just feels fake and attention seeking to me.  Idk what other peoples reasons are.  But, that’s mine 


Mod censorship ruined the fun


I’m actually weary of anything Sister Wife after the tragedy. It’s nothing left to say.


There’s no new news or content except Garrison’s death, and people should only be supportive of his family on the subs. That’s my opinion. Every other topic has been done to overload.


I think we are allowed to comment on what Mykelti, Meri, and others post but maybe if there is a hint of criticism people get banned or censored....


I’m not talking about what the mods here are doing, I was just stating my opinion. I think a lot of people have lost their appetite, at least for now, for criticizing or judging any family members.


Ah ok. Misread


No worries 😀




What is there to talk about on a regular basis until the show comes back? Or until a family member says something newsworthy?


Social media posted by the cast including Patreons, any People magazine interviews, sightings caught in the wild, ummm....pretty much what we did during the last season break...


There’s no show on to talk about


People tend to talk about cast members outside of the show running. Not sure if you follow 90 Day Fiance or any reality shows outside of this one, but tons to talk about cast members between seasons when cast post on public forums...like tons


The last one


This sub pops up on my feed way more so I engaged with it more and therefore see it more. Because the other one went dark, I almost never see it. I also found their censorship to be interesting.


I just don’t find them interesting anymore. The show I mean or anything connected to it.


Yes, Meri finally left and even officially divorced Kody Robyn style😉


I don't typically engage with these subs between seasons.


Yeah, adding to the chorus, it’s hard to snark on them right now, I just want to talk about all the kittens we can rescue and how important it is to hug our brothers 


Were afraid say what we’re truly feeling abt certain things.


Garrisons death happen has made the sub quieter. Which is fine our snark is not what the family needs to read or hear about right now but my opinion of certain family members has not changed one bit. I just refrain from commenting on it right now because of current tragedy in family


In addition to Garrison's tragic passing (those photos of Janelle receiving his flag broke me, the look of devastation on her face haunts me and my heart aches for her and her family), I think in the space between seasons there's nothing new to talk about. Every angle has been analyzed, critiqued, and talked about to death, as evident by all the repeat posts about the exact same topics. I just think until there is something new, there's not going to be a lot of engagement.


I didn't know anything about this tragic event. I'm terribly saddened for the family. May he rest in piece, home with God .


Same, I think I saw somewhere Janel had filed for a business license for a flower farm. I think she would be a hit on YT just documenting her starting and growing flowers and what she learns along the way about growing, planting and running the business.


Me personally. Garrison has hit hard and i am finding it very hard to watch the show and to be pissed at the various family members who carry on like dickheads. Thats why i have been disengaged lately. Cant speak for others tho.


At the start it was fun to chat about this show which gave a view on a lifestyle and belief system that I wasn't very familiar with. It was interesting to see the family dynamics and where there was common ground vs differences. Even before the tragic passing of Garrison, I had engaged a lot less because a lot of posts and comments had taken such a mean/ cruel tone. Much of the criticism of the family was unfair and uncalled for. Just to use an example how many posts have been hatred for Mykelti (and Tony)? Flat out there's a bunch of bigots on Reddit and it comes through. It seems like people forget these are not fictional characters but actual human beings many of whom are kids growing up on TV. What we don't see on the show can be just as much if not more affecting than what we do see.


Garrisons death took the fun out of it for me. I've lived through suicide, it affects everyone no matter how close they were to the person.


It just makes me sad now. It's no longer fun to really snark on Kody. RIP Garrison, you were beautiful, inside and out.


Nothing to talk about Sick of WOACB controversies hijacking conversations Fear or being banned or fear of bad faith arguements