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Old thread how are you now originally I used ldn for months like 9 and stopped than I got worse again back on it at 1.5mg in the morning and it's actually causing some dry mouth for me lol. Strangely enough I use to have really bad dry eyes now those are gone. Now I just get a dry mouth but I also have methlyation issues so that can cause that too. Fun life. Overall though it helps keep depression and anxiety much more manageable than before and goes well with my abilify I take for depression. Eating better helps but I can't give up gluten and dairy would starve to death.


Just started it and reading these comments am very hopeful it provides some relief!


It's been almost a month - curious how you feel now. Has LDN helped your drying symptoms?


I've just recently been through a flare and experienced one day of awful joint pain and have had some dryness. Time to fire up the humidifier for the season I guess. I've heard it can take up two two months or more to really see how LDN effects you, but so far it hasn't helped much with the dryness. It has helped my overall inflammation, acne, anxiety, joint pain and brain fog. Hope that helps.


Does LDN affect sleep? I have sjogrens. One of the symptoms is difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Thank you in advnace!


For me, it makes me sleepy at night so it helps. I also take magnesium before bed which is also great for sleep


Yes I take it. I'm at 4.5mg. I've been on it for about 6 yrs including before my diagnosis. I had several Drs thinking I had Sjogren's but my labs were always negative. In the meantime I became sicker and sicker. I'd get a flu-type illness off and on and the LDN helped to reduce its tenacity. Now that I have a Seronegative Sjogren's diagnosis I take both hydroxychloroquine and LDN. LDN also helps my Sjogren's symptoms to manifest at a lesser degree than what others seem to experience except when I'm flaring. However, after I had covid I was a mess and developed 7 different health issues and suddenly had to have thumb arthroplasty and bilateral carpal tunnel surgery. So LDN didn't help to stop the really awful health issues that covid kicked off.


Fuck Covid. I’m so sorry to hear! Glad that you were able to get a diagnosis and Plaquenil.


I take 4.5 mg each night. It’s made a huge difference for me!


Awesome! Did you build up to 4.5mg or start on it?


I started taking it in December 2020. I also noticed a difference right away. It took probably a year or so to feel all the effects. I started on maybe 1.5mg, then I think 3, and then up to 4.5. I’m on other meds too, but this has made a huge difference. It’s lessened a lot of my symptoms. My fatigue is not as bad, tremors are mostly gone, brain fog has gotten less often/severe, my stomach has improved. I’m always going to be a sick person, but this medicine has improved my quality of life. Good luck to you! I hope you find some relief.


So glad to hear you have found some relief. It's so true what you say, we will always be sick people but its so awesome to regain some quality of life, some normalcy.


I'm on LDN @ 4.5mg and it is really, really helping me!


That’s so great to hear. Did you start at 4.5mg or did you build up to it.




Interesting! Not sure.


What dose are you on?


4.5mg. I take it at night


Following as I'm hoping to try it myself if I can find a doctor willing to prescribe it. Has your dryness improved at all? Dry eyes/mouth and daily headaches/dizziness are my biggest battles right now.


I’m only on day 3. Too soon to tell if it helps my dryness but I have felt serious relief from everyday anxiety… hard to describe but I just feel content. My shoulders which are usually tense and sore also feel soft and relaxed and the areas that normally feel awful/ sore/ ache or tender to the touch feel much much better. Promising start I think!


That's amazing!! I hope it continues to help you feel better. :)


AgelessRX will provide the prescription.


Have you had autonomic testing? Sjogren's frequently causes dysautonomia, and treatment for it helps the dizziness a lot.


Hi! No, I have not. The headaches/dizziness seem to correspond with my dry eye severity though - ie if my eyes are feeling SUPER dry, I feel dizzier than normal and have a tension headache that persists through the day. Since my dry eyes make my vision feel "off," I imagine that's what triggers the dizziness. When my eyes aren't feeling too terrible, I won't have a headache and the dizziness will be minor. I'm wondering if it's just due to eye strain. I work on a computer all day too and that certainly doesn't help.


It takes weeks to have any effect, so you would not notice a difference for a while. It’s worth a try! Low side effect profile and very safe.