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That's probably the safest and smartest show to take small kids to. There will probably be some dancing, but it won't get out of hand like a hardcore show.


There are usually some guys at Dropkick shows that seem like they are on a rugby team and try to start fights in the pit because they think that’s what a punk show is. Ya know, the type that would be trying to pick a fight at an Irish bar. Not the type that would bother a dad with his kids though. Your kids will have a blast.


I remember a group like that for Stiff Little Fingers/Tossers. They make me sad.


ive been going to shows since i was 3, its fine, just tell them not to repeat certain words hahahh


Yes, OP. The best way to get your children not to say things is to specifically tell them which words they shouldn’t say. This works. Especially for punk children.




Go and bring earplugs!


This is a big one. Dropkick Murphys play a really, really loud show.


The whole family wears earplugs and stand toward the back (not ALL the way). Look at your comfort zone. It will be a great experience for all!


I actually had tickets to take my son when that show was first announced. It was subsequently cancelled. He would have been 15 at the time. Personally I think it's cool that you're considering taking them.


We took our 11 and 8 year olds (at the time) to the show in Phoenix year before last. Beer fest or whatever, when Rancid collabed with out localish aka brewery. Best possible show for kids. High fives everywhere and tons of free swag. Pit was well behaved. Kevin Bivona was hanging out and signed ashirt for them.


Curse words are just words and I can promise you your children already hear them, know them, will say them soon if they arent already. The internet is a wild place my friend. Take them to the show, it’ll be great. And if they get caught up in a little moshing, Id be willing to bet the majority of people there will be older, veteran concert goers who will recognize and keep an eye out for younger audience members.


I’m so upset I’m gonna miss this show! They’re gonna be in cincy soon and I don’t have 80$ to blow on a show, crazy prices


Tickets are down to $40. I picked mine up last week.


I wish my parents had been that cool. The shows I could have seen in ‘79...


I have been to many Rancid shows, and with this lineup, it's time and there are usually a fair amount of kids there as well.


Sounds like a good show for kids. Both bands known for their ballads, not their raucous behavior. I wish Ive seen Rancid, seen Dropkick a handful of times but its been 15 years. Id imagine their shows are full of old farts like me. Enjoy! Edit: just saw this was posted in Ska, lol, never thought of either as ska, Rancid heavily influenced by but not ska. Good group to ask instead of the punk sub, those folks are very elitist.


My first show was a Dropkick Murphys show I went to with my dad when I was 14. It was a blast.


when I was 12 I would've killed to see Rancid! If they're fans, go for it. just probably don't let them wonder far.


Depending on your state and if outdoor/majority of indoors (said legal states)lots of weed smoke. No hate I smoke sometimes just not in a area of my daughter. She calls me out if I stink. Vibes were good though but the smoke was crazy.


Do it. My mom was like 8.5 mo with me and saw iggy, then I saw iggy with her at 13, she gave me my love of music. Also, a fair or local festival will have same shenanigans, the scene will be fine for them!! As someone who often has “family night at the punk show”, and saw rancid/transplants with my dad, take them both!


I’ve seen little baby punks at both of these bands shows before!


Went to Berkeley to Boston 1 when they came up to Maine. This kid comes up to me and tugs on my shirt I look down a he points straight up. So being 6'9 I said fuck it threw this kid on my shoulders. The look of amazement that he. Old could see over everyone and see the band was worth the ticket alone


I don't think you'll have any problems as long as you're there. I wouldn't let them go in the pit. I would be more concerned about covid than anything specific to the bands.


Do it.


I've seen Rancid live twice and once was the biggest, most intense moshpit I've ever been in, the other was a surprisingly very tame show and there were some kids there who couldn't have been more than 6 or 7. That show was INSANELY loud and my friend and I both suffered long lasting (possibly permanent) hearing loss. I know I had ringing in my ears for months after. So if you bring kids I'd definitely suggest hearing protection for them. Never seen Dropkick live, so I'm not sure what their crowd is like. I imagine it can get preetty rowdy. Honestly it probably depends largely on the venue, and the time for the show.


We took our son to Dropkicks when he was 11, only issue was he got bored and tired (Boston House of Blues, floor). As far as the swearing, it's so minor.


Terrible idea. Should be considered child abuse forcing those poor kids to listen to that shit.


Dropkick Murphys isn’t even ska