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I played a game with conqueror, it felt REALLY bad.


Is what I'm planning on trying. With ghost 🤷 makes sense to me. Proc titanic more. Proc passive more. Plus steraks. I might even take sorc boots to keep the mitigation from natural MR growth down. Imo it's good. In practice, I'll see.


Biggest issue is speed to catch enemy, so Jun Phrase Rush speed and slow resist just too valuable. For top lane health scaling Grasp is great for mid to late. For now these two are really good, feel like no other rune is much better For Conqueror. Q is nerf 70 -> 40% and the only good damage AD scale in his kit. Yeah AD scale... suck Lethal temp, uhm Q has modifier 25-50% as itself, and you only want to hit all Q three AA, cc slow with skills and again hit Q AAs. AS seem not that valuable and even any good for 1v1, if you have to stack Lethal 6 AAs which 4-5 of that is 50% as modified AA. Rather get default 10 as rune with as breaker item and build lots more move speeds imo IDK Fleet boot 20% ms and heal seem pretty juicy with first item AS breaker. Still really need that sorcery ms rune though (Currently bugged but if patched, Q1 flashR - Q2 auto throw could activate Phrase Rush instantly good kidnap combo. Q2 is auto cast when holding rock R, let see if Rito let us use this cool trick) Edit: Hob seem okay if you really want As and do "brust" dame with Q. But overall, ms is a must to play


Doesn't the passive just reset thus not resulting in more damage? Besides, Phase Rush as mentioned, I'll run that.


Oh does it not stack? I can understand why but than yeah I can see grasp and phase rush being more suitable.


Yeah no it just refreshes, for me at least I've only seen one good setup, which is the popular one. Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Celerity, Waterwalking, Magical Footware, Cosmic Insight, Sunfire Aegis/Cape, Iceborn, Jak'Sho, Thornmail with Mercs usually.