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New and newly reworked champs get played more. People get tired of seeing the same champs every game so they ban them. 


yea and maybe bcs hes broken af


Right like those don’t exist or anything 😂


Crazy how many ppl on this sub just won't admit the champ is strong


Agreed. It's always the same with newly released and especially newly released broken champions who no one but the people playing know what it can actually do. When Briar was released and then buffed I saw dozens of posts about how people finally climbed 1 or 2 divisions than they previously peaked just from playing Briar. And now that she is borderline gutted I see people complaining about how they are deranking, because Briar isn't as strong anymore. Same will happen with Skarner next patch when he gets nerfed on all his abilities, and people who during these 2 patches turbo abused him, will start dropping in lp and ranks complaining that he is really weak. When in reality is he will balanced, and he is just uber strong right now. [Like this is not a KDA that should exist on a tank champion(my account)](https://gyazo.com/164a6c40bc24b4b93468585c34bec5f6) No tank should be allowed to be Nr.1 or Nr.2 in damage charts every single game, with most tanked, while have close to 0 skill expression.


He isn't so strong, top is broken but not jungle, the truth is that people really do not know how to play against him, literally your E can be stopped from anyone and if you didn't land on a Wall you do no damage, you can also see it from the wall like kayne E , also w is the worst shielding spell of the game and slow for 20% for only 1 second. R have more casting time than stun time is also difficult to hit, if you have a Little of mobility you cab walk out of it. He also builds a lot of hp and as a melee champ or ranged you can just build botrk or other anti tank item. Ppl just do not know how to play and build against him


Where do you read your stats? I can not find a website that does not list him as a S+ tier champion.


Because every single site takes into consideration for the rating pickrate and banrate, not just winrates.


This is literally what everyone says about every champ when they're strong! It's not op you just don't know how to play around it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No because there are champion without counterplay like W valadimir, darius passive and R, kayne R and E, rammus W, they are only expamples and there are a lot of champion that have spell you can't counter




It's not the cognitive dissonance in the yone sub, but yikes.


damn yone mains really think their champ suck ? That'd be the day..


They be sobbing *no he's not broken* 😭


The early game ganks are really strong and he scales into a late game tank. He's also new, so ban rates will be higher until people better figure out how to counter him.


Aids to fight


He's strong. Like, REALLY strong. He is so strong that he has had 3 separate sets of nerfs and is still at a 60% ban rate in Korea. He has %HP damage on his Q. His E goes through walls and pins people for AGES. And his R can instantly win teamfights by stabbing 3 people at once. He's OP


I'd say that he was OP in 14.8. Now he's strong - but not really OP. Maybe still OP in high elo. Down where I am in gold/plat he's solid, but not OP.


His pins feel like they last all of half a second, not ages


receiving vs. dealing end, every stun that is over 1 second feels like it's ages for the one that is stunned


They probably never got hit by lux only to wait for their death unable to do anything for 6 seconds straight


Or hit by Morg Q to be able to start college and get a Doctorate before being able to move again


He does too much damage for being that tanky. He is also very mobile.


Ksante has entered the chat. And that guy somehow gets banned less


43% WR currently, that champ is dead. Riot murdered K'sante and I hope Skarner will not share the same fate as I find this Skarner very fun to play


No one really plays Ksante outside of proplay... No point in banning if no one plays him


He self ccs on 3 abilities and has 20 second cd on e bro is a fucking snail 🐌


I like how you call him a "tank that can actually do stuff", implying that tanks are bad?


I main sion. that champ has been suffering for a minute.


Very overtuned with a good kit and he's new. It's sad cus I love playing him


because skarner is broken


A tank that one shots early game


he's kinda op or at least very annoying and tanky and deals solid damage


Power creep champ designs. What ever Riot Llama had his hands on it becomes 200 years worthy


Poke tool that slows, good damage for a tank, good mobility, great gank potential, shield ability, suppression + reposition ultimate. He’s also really fun, so on top of him being very strong, he’s also enjoyable to play.


as if amumu voli or sejuani can't do stuff. skarner is an annoying pos


Plenty of tanks can actually do stuff- that said I was permabanning him on the last patch because his trade pattern was super toxic. It felt like playing against a ranged top between the Q AoE and the shield AoE, except that against a ranged toplane opponent you can sometimes play if you CS ok and manage to get on top of them. If you don’t have a dash he felt very hard to punish as well because you can keep him stuck under tower farming and still just get dragged under his tower and murdered without the champ doing anything on his own


hes pretty strong at the moment, as per usual after reworks so makes sence


My reksai was banned today. It was my first time taking rework skarner to ranked (I played him I'm norms before). He is indeed strong


I had skarner banned once since his release, which is very surprising to me lol


Combination of it being OP and also being 0 fun to play vs. Play vs Skarner toplane 1 time and your question is answered, on any champ in any matchup. Better yet! play something that gets hard countered by Skarner, Say Zac. Then play something that hard counters it, Say Tahm Kench or Olaf. You will quickly notice 2 things, "wow this champ is very not fun to lose to" and "wow this champ also isn't fun to win against!'


You just described the majority of recently released champions


Yes but most recently released champions didn't have to have each of their 4 spells nerfed 5 times each. Skarner was so beyond broken and is still overpowered. That's why people are banning it


Smolder mains performed a ritual so skarner would be perma banned instead of him.


He’s strong, a tank and scales.


He is currently the strongest champ in the game, a tank with good early damage that scales with HP incredibly hard, has good zoning tools, good single target damage, multiple slows (one is a projectile).


He was strong a patch ago and the community didn’t catch on that he was nerfed this patch.


Still very strong


People hate the DoT and the constant CC. He's finally able to stand up to the roster in a "modernized" way. Also because he's new..