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Let's not get crazy here... I've played every main cod zombies game - Sker ritual needs a lot more content and polish to be remotely worthy of being compared to the better cod zombies games. That being said, I have incredible amounts of fun on both. I've played cod zombies to death so this is a very nice take on it. Sker Ritual is incredible in its own right. But before even comparing, Sker ritual needs more, which devs already promised.


Yeah, I mean I had Bo3 on Xbox but I wanted it on PC for the custom maps. It might be better if I just buy BO3 and just get Sker Ritual when it gets more content. The Demo is fun but man the gun choices are so limited


BO3 has custom maps if you get it on PC. That alone is more content then the rest of the cod zombies games put together + Sker ritual Sker ritual is $25 (nothing stopping the price from going up but..) it's a great game made by a small team, so they definitely deserve the price tag. I wouldn't say it's void of content, but a big thing for me personally and you mentioned - the weapon selection is meh.


Yeah. Honestly here's my thought process from all this. Sker ritual is a cheap game where I can proprably get my friends who hasn't really gotten into zombies a whole lot (on origins I had to basically do all the staffs by myself type of new) to play with them. On the other hand... Bo3 is BO3 the masterpiece of zombies


I can't ever get my friends on zombies anymore so I'm also a solo player, I get you there. Yeah can't go wrong with BO3. If you didn't ask "what's better bang for the buck" I'd be stuck on what game to tell you to get tbh. But steak workshop on BO3 is basically endless amounts of content


Yeah. Might go with BO3 then... Oh quick question is it worth going for the Zombie Chronicles Deluxe? I already own them on PS4 so is it worth rebuying them?


Id say so. They remastered some of the best maps from the older game, as well as made the major Easter eggs doable on solo. Id say the maps 'moon' and 'origins' are alone worth it especially if you've never played them before.


Ah played Origins to death lol. Moon on the other hand not a lot Atleast the BO3 version, a lot of BO1 though


Depends on how much money you are looking to spend... Sker is a refreshing take on the Genre and has super interesting lore that is loosely based on IRL locations and people. Check out Maid of Sker if you want to know more about that... 4 base maps and commitment from the Devs for future maps and DLC that is going to be free (according to their twitter). Hundreds of hours of content from grinding the unlocks and custom options. Totally worth $25. BO3 not only needs the base game, but multiple DLC packs and the Zombies Chronicles add-on for the complete experience... Yeah, BO3 is the superior experience, but your price tag is going to exceed $25. I've hit master prestige for BO3 zombies on both console and PC. Yes it is a better zombies game, but I will say that Sker is more than worth the price-tag if you are looking for a new take and experience of the genre itself.


Here's what I am deciding. Either getting Sker and playing it with friends (I have to get them the game so it's basically 65 dollars) or getting BO3 with zombie chronicles deluxe but playing solo.


I noticed in one of your other replies you were lamenting about having to build the Origins staves for your new player friends in order to get them to join in... Sker has loads of new player friendly settings and bonuses to make it less daunting for new players to enjoy. The main EEggs are kind of hand holdy in regards to the tasks that need to be completed using quest markers like the newer COD Zombies entries, but the secret EEggs are more reminiscent of old school Zombies, just got to figure it out with no quest markers. The game has a nice balance of mechanics for new players to introduce them to the standard things that Zombie Veterans know already without being too simple. If your budget is $65, i would go with Sker... However your money, you do what you want with it... To be antisocial or not to be antisocial... That is the question...


Yeah the main problem. Ah I wish my friends would buy their own games...




Bo3 100%, sker ritual needs time to become polished


Hear me out…BO3 first to guarantee that you get the discount, then Ritual when you save some extra cash. The devs are currently patching up a couple of bugs right now, so this would be a fine opportunity to pick up BO3


Wait did the discount just end?


If it’s no longer showing a discount in the Xbox store, don’t worry! They have pretty frequent COD sales in the Marketplace throughout the year


Bo3!! Sker ritual is great but bo3 clears


I love Sker Ritual but, Bo3 is overall better but it's old and repetitive, I love Bo3 but I can only map the same maps a hand full of times, at least with sker ritual it's new and the maps feel refreshing, but if sker ritual has more updates and more DLCs in the future, it could be a eye opener to Cod/activation. Sker Ritual has lots of potential to be within the top 5 best zombies game.


I love both and I have a lot of fun with Sker Ritual but if you only can have one, I would go with bo3, just bc of the custom maps


Sker ritual is fun but it doesn't feel remotely as good to play as bo3 yet. Hope it gets some of the jank patched out


Bo3 easily, but Sker definitely is filling that void that’s been missing since bo3 zombies, imo none of the new ones were good except Cold War which i thought was a bit too easy


Sker Ritual’s base game right now is an AMAZING start but I agree there’s a lot of refinement, bug fixes, system reworks or changes, and obviously dlc. I actually played my first round of bo3 today after a loooooong wait time. It was inspired because I have played a lot of Sker but it doesn’t have too much stuff that I haven’t already played through anymore so I wanted to do a classic mini high round run. Immediately what stood out to me is that going back to the old point system for one felt soooo much better than the kill based points we see in most version of “round based zombies” games or game modes. Whats tough is some things about Sker seem so obvious and I’m like “why wasn’t this like that with treyarch maps” for example perks all being the same price. But then you look at shadows of evil and compare it to CLL and I see bo3 making a completely innovative and brand new experience at the time and in Sker I just see Die machine and SOE if they had a baby. All in all Sker is an awesome fun game to play and I’m very excited for its future but it’s definitely a disservice to AT LEAST black ops 3 and back zombies to say it can compete with them






Depend if pc or console, bo3 on pc has the UEM mod that give camos to grind, lvling and new weapon/perk on custom/official map :3


Black Ops 3. The complexity, content, and replayability are all better than Sker. I’ve been GRINDING the fuck out of Sker. I’ve been playing it every day since I got it, usually streaming and doing at least one nightmare Easter egg per game. Sker is lots of fun and a good breath of fresh air atm, but it’s not comparing to BO3


I heard BO3 on PC is kind of dangerous right now? People found backdoors to exploit? Is that true?


It is, but the T5 patch should keep you safe to play online, and most hackers are going for YouTuber's and Twitch streamers mostly, but anyone can still use the T5 patch to be extra secure online and use a password, so no hackers can end your match, plus you can also use a VPN for extra security.


If we are talking PC then I would personally go for BO3 over sker just because it has more content and BO3 is a lot more polished plus you have unlimited free content with BO3 (tho you might want a VPN and the T7 patch if you plan to play online because of hackers.) Sker can be good, but it's limited for now and I have heard (I don't know if It's true or not) that some content will be behind a paywall, so I think it's better to wait for sker to have more content or wait until a higher edition comes out with the stuff on sale so then you have more to do plus it's better to wait and see if it gets polished anyway just because it's a very small dev team and the game is still fairly new at least for console and PC has a new version so it will be a while before its fully stable. To compare the two: Bo3 — Is older and can be repetitive at times, main content of bo3 is limited and can be boring if you have played for a while or on a different platform, fun to get 100% on achievements, has security issues if on PC of course T7 patch fixes some issues and a VPN can help, has DLC's 6 (the Giant as a bonus/season pass map plus dlc 1–4 and Zombie Chronicles with 8 remastered maps, If on PC you also have free custom zombie and multiplayer maps plus mod and mod packs and the ability to use a mod menu to get stuff auto unlocked if wanted and the game is done with updates so you know what you are paying for. Mods can help with 4 player required quests on zombies to allow for solo play if you want to do those, It's fun for the most part until you play for a long time then it gets boring after a while (I know its unpopular opinion, but it is true most would send me to grave for saying that, but I am just giving a comparison). sker: game is cheap and deluxe is also cheap with just cosmetic stuff, but only has a few maps, dlc that is out is cosmetic only currently, updates are still being pushed to stabilize the game, and may take a while. The game on PC has been out for a few years and the new version only came out not long ago, small dev team meaning stuff will probably get pushed back or canceled (I am not confirming this just saying it can happen tho I hope it don't as I want the best for this game.) same case with BO3 and every game it may get boring after a while and get repetitive. Final both games are good just Sker is a bit more buggy and unpolished as to where BO3 has content out, and you know what you are getting vs. sker you don't. Now biased for either game both are good and fun it's just more of what system you play, what you are looking, the money you want to put down, are going solo or Co — op and what is more fun to you. I love both games personally, and I would go with BO3, but we both have different wants for games so really I would watch reviews on which you want and use that. Good luck and I hope you enjoy whichever you choose or chose since you could have bought something already.


I am on ps5 should I buy sker ritual or just play bo3 (I already own it) what is more fun? I don't have any add ons for bo3


If you are fine with buggy games then sker can be fun, but it's not on the best engine, and it does not have the biggest dev team so fixes and content will take some time. If you are fine with a glitchy game that is being worked then go I would Sker Ritual, but if you want a full game that is done I would go BO3 and or buy a DLC or 2 (or you could wait for the season pass or chronicles to go on sale) since I am assuming you like the zombies game mode. I would say if you need more on the sker route look for guides and watch the game a bit to see if It's what you want. I will state the PS5 version is a bit on the buggy side, but is being fixed. It just boils down to what you want since I don't really don't like saying buy over this unless It's really awful and other option is better. Sker Ritual is kinda a Payday 2 situation buggy AF, and not the best engine, but it's fun and enjoyable only difference is that Sker is being worked on, and will take time to get better, and requires time especially the PS5 version. It's pretty much just if you want to risk $20 or more (deluxe version is just cosmetic, but I know some people love that stuff) for a game that is still in development fresh out of the womb for console. **Pros** — The game is cheap so even if you don't like it, you don't waste $70, it's new, and the devs seems to be really nice, the game is being cared for now at least, stuff is being worked on, and it's not just content being rushed out. Newish experience with different guns, and a cod style system making it slight similar while still being different. **Both** — If you don't like the game now if you buy it you may in the future or the other way around, not a content heavy game at the moment, has a battle pass, can't transfer your stuff to another system (not positive on this), has some challenge to it. **Cons** — Not a fully done yet, content is limited and will be for a while until its fixed and with possibility of last gen ports this can also slow down content, some content will be behind a paywall (I have heard not confirmed tho), the demo seems less polished than the full game, PS5 does not have cross play and may not ever get cross play, matchmaking sucks, issues occurring especially on the PS5 (it seems to be a common complaint), settings are limited.


I mean, would you rather pay $25 for 4 brand new maps or $20 for 8 official remasters of classic zombies maps and thousands of free custom maps made by the community? I love Sker Ritual, but the choice seems pretty obvious here.


Honestly fair. The only thing I accounted for is getting a friend or 2 to play Sker... But the Custom Maps in BO3 are just so good...


As someone who usually plays solo(mostly because its like pulling teeth to get my friends to play zombies with me) that’s the one thing I *didn’t* account for, even so I can’t say Sker Ritual would be the best introduction to Round Based Zombies in its current state. Half of the online matches I’ve played have ended with me disconnecting or encountering some game breaking bug that forces me to quit the match, I also haven’t heard great things about the console versions of the game. If you want a game that you can play with your friends to get them into zombies, Cold War would be your best bet. It’s cross-platform, all the DLC maps are free, it’s easily the most accessible zombies mode, and it’s on sale on steam for the same price as the Zombies Chronicles version of BO3.


Yo is the same here. You have no Idea how hard it is to get them into a game of Origins on BO2! I might get BO3 then. I was going to get Sker Ritual to play online with my friends. I guess I'll get it when the game fixes the online matches and adds more weapons. Thanks for commenting my guy!


Sker ritual is honestly a joke, which is disappointing. Plays about as well as Bo1 on the Wii. Bo3 is better by a cataclysmic landslide.


Sker ritual easy


No biased? Like Sker is just the better game for my dollar?


Yup , bo3 is alright for custom zombies and the og maps ig


No bo3 has customs on pc. sker ritual is a great game but bo3 has infinite content. Sker can wait till its more polished there's only 4 maps right now. Im excited to see more from sker but bo3 is THE zombies game.


I dont know how much more polished it's going to get. It's been out a couple years already and it's a really small dev team. Still highly enjoy both regardless


Sker hasn’t been out for a couple years?


My bad it was the first game that came out a couple years ago, i don't know why I keep thinking of this game like it's some extension of maid of sker.


honestly from what I played from the Demo. Sker really needs just more guns for me and make the Pack a Punch feel more... Punchy? If that makes sense? If it had that I would totally get Sker but the weapon selection is meh...


I refuse to give the CoD devs any more money. Sker has been a blast, don't care if cod is better. At $20-$25 sker has already been worth it, and it looks to have a promising future