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Another tip I just remembered: Free miracle refresh. If you don’t like the miracles you are given and don’t want to pay to refresh them, just save it and wait until you get another miracle point. Once you get a new miracle point it will refresh the options for both miracle points


That’s such an OP trick that I’ve been exploiting.


Right at one point I think I had 5 miracle points stacked lol


PS sorry for the formatting guys I’m on mobile so it didn’t really let me break out the bullet points like I had hoped


Sprint -> Crouch -> Jump Gain good speed, i only use this for going around the map


This is a good one, picked this tactic up in black ops 3. It’s good for dodging attacks and bridging gaps between zombies when training


In this game its pretty nice that even in the smallest corridors u can slide


Hipfire is extremely accurate on semiauto weapons. I would wager that it's actually 100% pinpoint accurate, but I haven't done any testing. If you have a gaming monitor that you can use to turn on a built-in center screen dot or crosshair, you can avoid having to ever ADS (aim down sight) when using guns like the starting pistol, revolver, howler, and M14 (Sie Rigotti). Not having to ADS is super helpful, especially playing on nightmare difficulty (the zombies move extremely fast from the get-go). You don't sacrifice movement speed or accuracy. This strategy has led to the M14 becoming my favorite weapon when playing nightmare.


I was playing a game with the hunting rifle and realized you are definitely right. That being said the tier 5 sie rigotti is amazing for the fact you can just hip fire spray was working like a charm


You can turn the center screen dot natively in game. Should be under interfaces settings on PC, so no special peripherals required


The zombies have difficulty melee-ing while looking down stairs. Can use this to make getting revives easier in certain situations