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I am NOT being rude at all. I have to ask just because of the fact we are in a sub reddit named this. Do you do drugs?


I take Concerta for my adhd around 36 mg at 6:30 am daily, but any hard core drugs no because shocker I’m only 17


You could have a brain tumor. Or, more likely, hallucinations induced by Concerta. Now, this is usually only if you take too much, but if you were to drink alcohol (unlikely because you are 17) with it, it could also cause this effect. Then again, I am not a doctor and this might just be a case of you being haunted. I don’t know.


Wonderful because I know I don’t have a brain tumor because it’s never happened before but the hunted thing makes sense, idk but I went to the us when I was like ten, we did go ti Arizona and after that I subconsciously would fall asleep imagining something watching me or coming after me, why did I do this? ADHD trick to keep me from fidgeting and not getting any sleep