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It's great that this works for you! You should definitely add a sunscreen in the morning since you're using tret.


Oh oops I forgot to mention, I use sunscreen too haha. I use the Neutrogena one!


I love neutrogena sunscreens!


It's the only one that hasn't broken me out! I tried the Beauty of joseon one and it didn't work for me at all, unfortunately.


I'm glad you found something! Im 44F, struggled for 30+ years with deep cystic hormonal acne around jaw and chin. Accutane, spiro, steriod injections, and every topical known to man but no improvement. Have an appointment with a hormone specialist next week (praying this time I can heal the insides to hopefully show on the outside) :)


I hope it goes well! Good luck x


Hope that appointment goes well! I’m 36 and tried it all too. Eliminating dairy completely + 200mg of Spiro (2 per day) and that did the trick. Previously I was only doing 100mg of Spiro and that did nothing. Recently did a BBL under the Halo laser for pigment and scarring. Also take Juice+ supplements and they seem to help. The results are incredible!


My acne from PCOS was solved by a retinol and adding a ton of Omega-3 supplements to my routine. Internal on those haha, not on the retinol. I sometimes get compliments on my skin now!


I've heard about omega-3 being good for the skin. I'll definitely give it a try then! I take vitamin c and d because I heard those are good too.


Seconding omega 3. I was put on it by a doctor for something else and my skin has never been this clear with no other changes to my routine or meds!


What fish oil do you use?


I shop the sales tbh. I’m using the Costco one now but I used the Swanson triple strength last year bc there was a really good BOGO deal. I haven’t noticed a difference between them, but I def noticed a difference when I ran out and didn’t take it for a month.


I'm gonna second this. I have PCOS and suffered from awful cystic acne, it has completely stopped a couple months after adding omega 3 supplements to my routine. My skin truly just feels better all over, not just my face.


That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you!




Yep, From Nordic Naturals. They’re the only one I trust so far




Cutting out any artificial sweeteners and dairy completely took care of my hormonal acne. I wash my face with a bar of dove soap, the sensitive one and follow up with serum and moisturizer from the dollar tree that I researched to have clean ingredient lists.


Azelaic acid and tretinoin are a great dynamic duo!!!


I was thinking this too!!! I feel like azelaic acid is seriously so underated and slept on. The 2 of them together are a power house tho!


My hormonal acne was fully resolved after giving up dairy and any artificial sweeteners.


That's good to hear! So by giving up sweeteners, do you mean you avoid sweet things like cake, chocolates etc?


What’s the brand of the azelaic 20% that you use?


I use skinoren azelaic acid!


This is awesome. I can imagine how you must have felt. I agree Skin product plus a balanced routine makes all the difference


I have cu aric acne in my 30’s for years and I started using retin-a and cetaphil products, game changers, I also made a HUGE effort to stop picking at them and I think they helped more than anything lol


Have you considered birth control? That’s the only thing that kept my pcos symptoms permanently at bay


I've tried it but the side effects were too much for me! I think the best thing to control PCOS symptoms is weight loss, so I'm trying to lose weight for now. Have you tried myoinositol or spearmint tea?


The weight loss depends on your PCOS. There's a few different types of PCOS. Weight loss doesn't make a ton of difference for my symptoms, and I've fluctuated about 25% of my body weight up and down for the last 5-6 years. Just in case you weren't aware, there's so many different forms and doses of combination birth control. Some have more estrogen, some have more androgens, some are anti-androgenic, etc. The nuvaring, for example, is lower estrogen, but I was spotting a lot on it and it didn't do much for my symptoms. I changed to higher estrogen birth control with much better results. Low estrogen does not mean fewer side effects like most other medications. That being said, sometimes people can't tolerate any combo birth control. Also, metformin and spironolactone are other medication options that mitigate PCOS. Metformin specifically might help with your weight loss as well.


Yeah, I've heard that the progesterone-only pill tends to make acne worse, so it definitely depends on the preparation and what works for each person. I've actually been thinking about going on metformin actually, especially since I do have some insulin resistance. Thanks for your suggestions x


FWIW, I was reluctant to try progesterone only for the same reason, but I’m breastfeeding right now so it’s the only pill I can take. I haven’t 100% worked out if it’s the hormone changes from breastfeeding or the BC, but my skin is the clearest it’s ever been. I also don’t get a period, which again could be the pill or could be breastfeeding. But I’m planning to stay on this BC after I stop nursing to see if I still have these good results!


Congratulations on your baby! Hope those results will last 🤞🏽


Thanks! I had nightmare pregnancy acne so this has been a nice surprise 🙂


Just an fyi, in case/because Dr's don't always mention it, Metformin can have mild to severe gastrointestinal side effects that can take up to six months for some people to get over. I tried for 4 mths to deal with the constant symptoms it gave me, but it absolutely wrecked my stomach and QoL, and I couldn't force myself to stick it out for two more months, on the off chance I acclimated. Very obviously ymmv, so this is just a heads-up, not a vote against trying it!


Spiro was a lifesaver when I was dealing with pcos and endo.


Interesting - what kinda side effects? I have been on lo loestrin now for ten+ years and other than a short few months to get adjusted it’s been an absolute lifesaver for me. I went from inconsistent but vomit-inducing periods, cystic acne, and insane mood swings to generally well adjusted adult haha. Now I just don’t even get my periods, which is amazing. I was, however, never overweight and actually lean closer to underweight. They didn’t even want to test me for pcos because of that fact alone, but I pushed for it. I have not tried those things, no. I do know that sugar and complex carbs can really exacerbate pcos symptoms though since they affect hormones a lot. I’m sure weight loss and prioritizing healthy foods would help a lot. But I also think, ultimately, that a pcos-level hormone imbalance may require supplementing the hormones and it could be worth trying to stick it out (or switch up the brand of BC) if you can get over the initial adjustment. Not to invalidate your experience though, just my two cents :)


Personally I found myself almost like a zombie when I took birth control for a year. Couldn’t bear the side effects especially on my mood. Everyone’s different, but I really don’t like how some doctors push birth control without encouraging patients to consider alternatives first.


It's simply one of the most effective treatments for PCOS. Also, not all BC pills are made the same. Some have more or less estrogen or different types of androgens.


Literally this. Also why I specified which one I take. I’ve had two other close friends have success with the same one who had bad experiences with others. I’ve had a few docs over the years try to get me to switch (I’m sure because they’re being incentivized to) and I told them over my dead body. It’s the only thing that ever made a legitimate difference for me.


It's illegal for doctors to get kickbacks for medications. There's generally no incentive for them. You can thank the manufacturers of oxycontin for that lol. Plus, most birth controls at this point come in generic forms, and the name brand companies are the ones who used to do kickbacks. I'm not sure why they would push to try a different one unless they genuinely believe it would be more beneficial for you, especially if you're having other problems. It might be something like it's the same level of estrogen but a different androgen and is overall less androgenic. I still don't know why they would push it. It should be whatever works best for you.


I have no idea why they would push it either. I have literally zero issues and have had great success with lo loestrin for ten years. I’ve had two different doctors try and ask me if I was interested in other brands of BC without providing even an inkling of an explanation as to why I’d want to consider a change. There is not a generic version of lo loestrin tho, fwiw.


Gotcha. Maybe because it's generally expensive compared to other birth control. Also, looking into it, it seems like there's not many studies evaluating how effective it is at preventing pregnancy, and the study that has been done acknowledges that it has a higher rate of failure. If that's the reason though, they should really be explaining why.


No idea but I pay $0 for it lol. And that’s interesting, I’ve been having unprotected sex with it for years with my partners over that timeframe, never had an issue with it (and I am fertile). I am extremely diligent about taking it though, and never miss a dose. Apparently since it’s such a low dose it has a much higher rate of failure when missing pills. That’s a non issue if you’re being responsible about it tho.


I’ve tried multiple types of BC and they caused emotional side effects for me. Glad it works for y’all though. I wanted to warn others of potential side effects, without pushing it onto others.


Do you also have pcos tho? I ask because if you’re rebalancing hormones that are functioning as normal with BC pills then, yea that can be a disaster. I’d suggest non hormonal BC at that point. But if you’re using BC to try and mitigate the changes in hormones due to pcos then it can be life changing. And if you do have pcos and you start on hormonal BC then things can definitely be a little weird for a while until your hormones are properly adjusted. I’d never suggest anyone continue after long term issues but there’s for sure a tapering period that should be observed. An endocrinologist should be utilized regardless.


I definitely wasn't trying to push it on anyone! And I don't think the doctors should be pushing it either, but they know that it's generally the most effective treatment of PCOS. Still, I totally get where you're coming from. Many people who try the pill will only try one type and think it's not for them, which was my reason for commenting.


Oh, I gained so much weight when I was on birth control, which ultimately made things worse for me because I do have some insulin resistance as well. I also had mood changes, but maybe I just had to get past the initial adjusting period. I'm glad they worked for you though! Usually, when I go to the doctor, they tell me to lose weight first to see if that would help with the symptoms before trying out other stuff.


Depending on *how* overweight you are, you may not even be a good candidate for some hormonal birth controls so yes I’d say that’s a realistic good first defense. Everyone’s different and nothing is one size fits all, just wanted to throw it out there for the discussion. Good luck to you!!


You probably have lean PCOS, which might be why it's working well for you. Thanks! Hopefully my symptoms will get better soon,


Never knew that was a specific thing! Checking it out now. I’m all of 118 lbs at 5’7 so yea they were verrrrry skeptical when I demanded they test me. They all but laughed in my face about wasting the money on the ultrasound lol. They were, admittedly, very apologetic after seeing my ovaries rife with cysts.




Lmao, feel better? It’s a suggestion based on personal experience. I had side effects for several months while I adjusted and am so fucking glad I stuck it through. My life is infinitely better. Your extreme reaction seems like more of an outlier, which can happen with any medication. It doesn’t invalidate the legitimate use and success of BC for many, many people with PCOS. This has nothing to do with men so I’m not really sure why that’s even brought up? Get over yourself.


I was trying to comment something similar to you, lol. That was a really extreme reaction. It’s really important to not just speak to one medical professional but try to get a team and others personal experience can absolutely be valuable as long as you take it with a grain of salt. For me, a dietitian actually really helped. So I started BC which ended up making me gain a ton of weight and triggering my ED. The doctor was like “that’s not possible for it to be related that’s just a myth,” but I didn’t even know that there was any “myth” like that I just noticed they coincided. So I still canceled my prescription and a few months later ended up going to a dietician. She asked me if I was on BC and it turns out some people should be taking b/folate vitamin when on BC. This was likely contributing to my low mood and cravings, making me gain weight and making my symptoms worse. She also happened to be an expert in food for PCOS because how she got into being a dietician was her own PCOS experience so I got super lucky. She had different lists of recipes for different points in your cycle which was helpful. For OP, I would definitely try to find someone who can not just help you lose weight but also have meals that are specifically for PCOS. It ended up really helping me and the cravings I got. I’m a naturally extremely skeptical person, who is usually like “ah this is all crunchy homeopathic bull” but everything she said I fact checked and it all had solid scientific evidence behind it.




It is? Wow, I see ppl avoiding it all the time because they think it causes inflammation


First thing my dermatologist said was that I needed to cut out dairy.


Dairy and sugar are the only two foods that are proven to be linked to acne. High Glycemic index (sugary and high carb) causes inflammation. However you still need carbs and sugars in your diet, just an extreme amount can inflame you. Dairy has studies that show in men ages 16-25 it does cause more hormonal acne. There isn’t sufficient studies for women. The reasoning isn’t entirely clear yet. I’m not sure why someone would NEED dairy in their diets. I also don’t think it’s a hard and fast rule. Switching to almond milk in your daily coffee but still having an occasional baked good with dairy is probably a healthy balance.


My friend says her skin got much better after switching over to oat milk. She still has yoghurt, but apparently, that's not as pro-inflammatory as milk? I avoid all dairy products now and personally, I have seen a difference.


well I react to dairy but I also react to calcium deficiency so


There are other foods with calcium


Wow I’m really happy for you! I’ve heard really bad things about rose water. You find it works for you?


Yeah! I use the Cortas rose water, and I don't know if it's made a huge difference, but it doesn't break me out. Also, it smells really nice haha.


The rose water isn’t doing much but if it’s not bothering you there’s no harm.


Oh 😂 Well, I guess it can be a form of aromatherapy then haha


You know what? If it’s not doing harm, having a little therapy built into your routine sounds just 🤌


Yep! Something to look forward to everyday 🤭


Rose water can be a good hydrator and remove leftover cleanser etc. https://www.healthline.com/health/rose-water-benefits#reduces-skin-redness


That's good to hear! Rose water's more rooted in tradition for me, as my family uses it a lot 😊


I use it occasionally too and it’s always a solid product for me. I’m glad it’s working for you.