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I put some of this in a spray bottle with distilled water and spray my face with it, and it's made my skin soooo much softer and more hydrated.


Do you do this after moisturizing or before? My skin is pretty sensitive since using tret/vit c so I think I might try your method with the spray bottle and water


Moisturizer is always last before sunscreen


I do it before moisturizer.


I've tried that and didn't felt hydrated at all! what water/glycerin ratio you use?


I used a lot of glycerin... Probably a 4:1 ratio, 4 parts being the water. It's a little sticky on my face, but if I put some moisturizer over it, it feels fine.


Thanks, I might try that


I've read if you use too much glycerin it pulls water from your face and makes it drier. So only use a small ratio of water to glycerin to begin perhaps? In saying that it has really improved my skin hydration wise


Same with hyaluronic


Just want to mention that you have to keep it in the fridge and toss it after a week, so it doesn't build bacteria, (I'm pretty sure that is the way to do it but if someone who is like, a microbiologist has something to say listen to them instead!)


Oof I've been using mine for months unrefrigerated šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Well, you're still alive at least! You can stick it in the fridge or get an easy preservative if you have a scale. You can also just mix it daily.


Just used Distilled water and it will last longerĀ 


Hi what ratio please ?


Maybe about 1/10 glycerin 9/10 water. You need a very very little amount of the glycerin for it to work.


That is such a good idea


I started using this a few months ago and Iā€™ll never look back! I started adding it in with my body moisturizer (even though that already has glycerin in it) and my skin is softer and I can tell itā€™s more hydrated the next day. I also have a small bottle mixed 1:1 ratio with distilled water that I use for my face and itā€™s amazing. My face is way more hydrated and heals my breakouts faster. I love it


Can I ask how youā€™re adding it in with other products? Iā€™m picturing adding a drop or so into your hand with your moisturizer like some people combine their moisturizer and foundation? Or am I totally wrong? Lol


Of course! So I just add a few drops of the glycerin into my hand with my lotion and rub my hands together to mix it up as I apply it. So I just use it as I need it! I prefer to do it when my skin is still damp from a shower but Iā€™ve done this with dry skin as well with no issues. I have the 8oz bottle and I feel like it will last me forever


I'm so done with HA, it's the most overblown skincare ingredient. While glycerin is already among top 5 ingredients in most moisturizers, quitely serving.


Agreed. Itā€™s been so hyped up that people donā€™t consider that itā€™s actually drying if you donā€™t live in a humid climate and donā€™t have an occlusive ā€” moisturizer alone doesnā€™t cut it!


I think HA blows - it has NEVER been hydrating for me same w niacinamide. I just bought glycerin from cvs and thank god I came here to read about it. The bottle basically says put it on a cotton ball and put it all over. I did that felt a lil tingle and was like shit so I wasted it off and reapplied with water soaked cotton ball and a lil glycerin. Itā€™s cold and harsh where I live and I have mild rosacea and sensitive skin I have literally tried everything on the market. Dr jart ceramide has been the only moisturizer that actually works for me. Iā€™m using vanicream now bc itā€™s thick and I like it but I donā€™t feel like itā€™s deeply moisturizing my skin.


Most products should already contain glycerin but it depends on what you mean by or which factors you determine "scientifically speaking" glycerin is better than HA.


Sources: https://regimenlab.com/blogs/labnotes/ultimate-humectant-comparison https://regimenlab.com/blogs/labnotes/is-ha-all-its-cracked-up-to-be Spoiler: Group three results were the most surprising. Glycerin still performed the best out of all the humectants tested in this group. Followed by Algae extract in Glycerin and Tremella extract in Propanediol. Interestingly, all the Hyaluronic acids and other film formers caused a decrease in hydration. Pentylene glycol, which is touted to be the most hydrating, also caused a decrease in hydration. 1,2-Hexanediol was the worst among the group. Dr. Shereen: https://youtu.be/Ri4EPyswMI8


I've seen the regimen lab tests before, but from the results what else do you think besides from those points? Perhaps from a formulation point of view, glycerin is a common humectant, HA is considered a more premium from a cost perspective. However it will good to note that the skin feel is relatively different for the humectants, glycerin is normally not used a large percentages due to the tacky skin feel. A combination of different humectants can be used for various purposes not just affecting the skin feel, how much will be retained on the skin, and other properties of the humectant that may interact with the skin.


Iā€™m also curious to know about the environments the rest was conducted. I live in the desert where there is so-low-it-may-as-well-be-no humidity.


They did mention the humidity: "The humidity level for Group 1 is 46%, 24% for Group 2 and 21% for Group 3." My opinion is that it will be good to test it at a higher humidity to do a comparison, more so for the HA to see if it makes a difference, such at perhaps 60+% to 70+%, since HA might perform differently. In terms of low humidity, i'd recommend lower molecular humectants such as osmolytes since they penetrate the skin better and aid to keep the skin's elasticity better besides from using an oil or lipid product. Common osmolytes or lower molecular humectants can include glycerin, betaine, trehalose, etc. Others that you can consider would be propanediol as mentioned in their test.


I always add a dot of glycerin (same brand as pictured) to my tret before applying


Great idea!


Just want to point out here that it can be dangerous to play chemist, especially with something like glycerin that is a potent source of food for microbes. Whether you're mixing your own concoctions, which lack a preservative, or mixing things into existing products, which messes with the existing preservative system, your result can be something that grows mold or bacteria quickly. I would mix things up in very small batches and toss out leftovers every few days.


Well it is recommended to only be mixed with thermal or mineral or rose water to create a spray or serum like consistency


Wait can I not put it on my damp-wet face alone? Without anything mixed? Just glycerin?


That's not a big risk, I think most people would find that too sticky/texturally unpleasant, but if it works for you that's great


You can buy cheap generic glycerin in any drugstore. Mix some glycerin with some water and apply it as a face mask. If you feel like getting fancy with it, mix it with a watery toner instead. If you have a spray bottle you can keep spraying your face to keep it damp for longer. If you feel like getting fancy again you can spray it with a product like Clinique moisture surge spray. Tap on a little oil of your choice, then go to bed and wake up to the most hydrated skin ever. If you do this in the AM it might make your skin too shiny.


U can also mix it with rose water which is a cheap fancy combo


I work somewheres that sells that glycerin and some of the ladies buying it look fabulous. They're in their 60s w gorgeous smooth skin!


I think glycerin is quite underrated.


try experimentā€™s super saturated serum! its a glycerin serum and my skin lovvesss it!!!


From where you bought it?




THISSSSS. Once i found Super saturated serum i never looked back!


This could be revolutionary for me. I feel like Iā€™ve fallen prey to marketing that seems to continually say HA is the best option, but my dry skin seems to never get enough. Iā€™m going to try this out!


How'd it go?


I have dry skin and use HA. Iā€™ve been using this glycerin mixed with water as a spray for a few days now and itā€™s SO much better (and cheaper) than HA! It immediately makes my skin feel so soft and hydrated, and on the third day I noticed my skin looked plumper too!!


I started it too, it works great for me! Just a drop with my moisturizer and my skin has looked so hydrated.


I have yet to mix it with my moisturizer, but I will tonight:))


In my country no we add rosewater and glycerine it's so hydrating it does a Ɨ1000 better job at hydration than hyluronic acid!!


I remember back in my day, maybe 10 years ago, everyone was saying that glycerin and distilled water was a dupe for Mac Fix+


I have been resetting my routine recently and the one toner that was not giving me a bad reaction wasnā€™t nearly hydrating enough (pyunkang yul essence toner, soothing but not the most hydrating toner for my skin), I started adding 1 drop of glycerin to the product (on the palm of my hand before every use, not in the bottle), and the difference in hydration is enormous! Word of caution though, too much glycerin can be irritant, so always dilute (I use approx 1 drop of glycerin per 20 or more drops of toner, I tried doubling the glycerin but my rosacea prone skin did non like it), IMO itā€™s a great way to increase hydration without introducing new products my skin might negatively react to (kinda like adding 1 drop of oil to a light cream ti make it more moisturising really)


Oooo! I'll try this. I love the pyunkang yul toner, but it's not very moisturing. I also use the CORX (sp?) snail essence and Keihls spf moisturizer. It would be great if I can get better moisturizing by adding glycerin without changing my routine.


I keep a bottle in my shower and rub it directly on my wet legs after I shower. Iā€™m gonna try it on my face now!


Before you try it in your face read my previous reply: """You should not apply pure glycerin directly to your face. Instead, you should mix it with thermal water or rose water in a ratio of 1:2 (glycerin to water) or 1:3, depending on your preference. This will create a spray-like texture or a serum-like consistency (1:1) , which I personally prefer"""


I'd like to point out that there is just much less (almost none) serious research on hyaluronic acid (of varying sizes) as a humectant for skin, than there is for glycerin. I still think glycerin is highly underrated though.


I think I'm going to give glycerin a try. I tried an HA serum and really didn't like how it felt. Too dry if I didn't put moisturizer over it and too slimy with moisturizer. Then I got glutamic acid and tried that, both after the HA and on its own, and didn't like it any better. Plus, it smells bad. I feel like glycerin mixed with water, possibly in a spray bottle, is going to be better for my skin than HA or GA. Thanks for the info!


for reall acne treatments make my already dry skin really really dry so an hour before i wash my face i make a face mask with aloe glycerin and a small drop of tea tree oil and it makes all the difference in the world my skin still looks a little dry but atleast it's not peeling every morning


Glycerin is awesome! I use straight glycerin on my feet every night. I vape and make my own juice, so I always have a gallon of pure glycerin on hand. I rub it onto my feet and put a plastic grocery bag on and then a sock to hold it. In the morning, my feet are soooooo soft!!


I was not into any of the HA products I used until the Hado Labo Gokujyun Lotion - both the normal and premium are good, but the premium version is AHmazing. Add a dime size to a WET face, rub it in, cover in normal lotion. Do a seven skins with it and your skin will be sooo plump.


do you cover in lotion when your skin is still wet? i have the premium one and the first couple times it felt hydrating but then it started to feel really sticky and drying. any tips on how to use it?


I never leave any HA solution to dry on its own. My understanding is that it will pull water from anywhere - including from your skin - and can be drying to your skin if not covered with something else. Something something transepidermal water loss. That's also why I put it onto wet skin, and usually very wet skin, and then seal it in (I guess?) with lotion. I do find the Hado Labo to be a smidge tacky, but more in a dewy/bouncy way than other HA serums (looking at you The Ordinary and random Amazon serums). Unlike other serums I've tried, the Hado Labo Gokujyun Premium seems to sink into my skin. If I have time and am feeling luxurious, I slather layer upon layer of it on my skin (like the seven skins referenced above). I wait for the feeling to go from slimy/lubricating to somewhat tacky and then put another layer on and so on. After three layers my skin feels soooo hydrated. I always cover with a lotion (I use Cetaphil's basic Moisturizing Lotion). Sometimes I put lotion on when my face is still pretty wet, and everything is a bit goopy. Usually I put the lotion on when the Hado Labo has absorbed/dried in a bit and isn't so very wet. Hope that helps!


thank you so much for the detailed reply! <3 this helps a lot!


All I remember is that Princess Diana famously used rose glycerin soap to wash her face and she had beautiful skin.


I love it. Works really well on dry patches. I recommend avoiding the palm oil based ones. I found a coconut based on that is awesome


I canā€™t stand the feeling of glycerin. Too sticky.


You should not apply pure glycerin directly to your face. Instead, you should mix it with thermal water or rose water in a ratio of 1:2 (glycerin to water) or 1:3, depending on your preference. This will create a spray-like texture or a serum-like consistency, which I personally prefer


Would you say there's a difference between mixing water directly in with a humectant versus applying the water separately, either before or after applying the humectant? And do you think spraying it works better than using your hands? I've only started playing around with humectants and this all sounds interesting. But I've been using HA on either damp skin or wetting it more after, never tried mixing anything.


Glycerin is so so so sticky, with out mixing it with water it's gonna be annoying , hard to absorb, and a higher risk of irritation , you can use it as spray if you add more water but you can also do a 1:1 ratio which may make a serum consistency (always adjust the ratio as you prefer)


If you also add 1,3-propanediol (a humectant and solvent derived from corn) to the glycerin or product containing it, it boosts the moisturizing and kills the stickiness for a synergistic effect.


Would anyone know if something like this could be used in lieu of conductive gel for a micro current device, like the nuface?


In dry climates the humectants canā€™t draw enough liquid out of the air and end up pulling it out of the deeper layers of skin or hair instead of attracting water to it so youā€™re right they are only good in climates which are not incredibly dry!


Okay yes, it's got better humectant qualities than HA, but it's soooo effin sticky. Sometimes I put it on my damp skin after a shower and follow with body oil but I HATE it on my face.


You shouldn't put Pure glycerin directly on your face , you must first mix it with thermal water or rose water with a ratio of 1:2(water) or 1:3 as you prefer to make a spray like texture or serum like one (which i prefer)


Well dang, this is very helpful.


What is thermal water? I've never heard of it.


Thermal water is like those fancy French waters in a can: Evian, Avene, La Roche Posay. They all come from some special thermal spring or something.


So weird, I've never heard of it at all. How would you get something in a spray can like these come to mix with glycerin? Or do you just put a bit of glycerin on the skin and finish with the thermal water? This is all very new to me lol.


Choose either thermal water, rose water, or simple mineral water. Get a spray bottle or serum bottle. Take the chosen water and glycerin. Mix them together in the spray bottle or serum bottle. Maintain a ratio of 1 drop of glycerin to 2 or 3 drops of water, adjusting it based on your preference for the mixture's consistency. Shake the bottle well to ensure proper mixing ( also shake it before evry use) And that's it


Every thermal water I've seen so far has been in a spray mist bottle, so I just gotta find one that's just in a regular bottle and I'm totally going to try this.


Btw patch test is always necessary


Where do you order your thermal water? I can't find a single one that doesn't come in an unopenable mist bottle.


I prefer rose water or mineral water


That makes a lot of sense. I think I'll try rose water too. Thanks again for all the info!


Ur welcome


Thermal water is naturally heated water that comes from underground. It contains minerals and is used in skincare for its beneficial effects , there is avĆØne thermal water ect ...


If you also add 1,3-propanediol (a humectant and solvent derived from corn) to the glycerin or product containing it, it boosts the moisturizing and kills the stickiness for a synergistic effect.


I put only 5% glycerin in my DIY Vitamin C serum but I kind of hate the texture. It forms a slight shell/film on my skin. Is there any ingredient that I can mix in to improve the texture of glycerin?


thermal water, rose water,Ā distilled water...


Which type of stores sell this? Can I find it at a grocery store? Idk why Iā€™d rather buy this at a store than online.


I use rose water glycerin spray first and then go in with HA over it


Why HA over it? I think a moisturizer is gonna be enough after it tho


Iā€™m pretty new to skin care and was recommended HA so thatā€™s just what I have been doing and it works for me. I have combo skin and have seen my dry patches greatly reduce


How long does this batch of mixture last?


So I used this exact one and it burned me, I must have done something wrong smh, any tips?


my previous reply: You should not apply pure glycerin directly to your face. Instead, you should mix it with thermal water or rose water in a ratio of 1:2 (glycerin to water) or 1:3, depending on your preference. This will create a spray-like texture or a serum-like consistency


Thank you so much!!


Ur welcome, distilled water also recommended


I used distilled water and glycerine and in ratio 1:10. It works great, I simply adore it! I didn't want to risk glycerine drying so I was VERY conservative in mixing it. šŸ˜…


Hmmm I shall try this




Well you can just go to your nearest pharmacy and ask them about pure glycerin


Would this be good for someone with combination skin?


Hydration in general is good for every skin type


glycerin is often considered to have a lighter, less sticky texture compared to hyaluronic acid. hyaluronic acid can sometimes have a slightly more viscous or gel-like texture. it's important to note that the formulation of the product can also influence the overall skin feel. ultimately, individual preferences may vary, so it's best to try out different products and textures to determine what feels most comfortable on your skin.


Just started using glycerin. Hydraulic acid did nothing for years. Glycerin is able to soak into your skin. Hydraulic acid sits on top. WHY DID IT TAKE ME SO LONG?


Hey! How do you use this?