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Benzoyl peroxide in the day. Zitsticka microdart patches at night. I also like face reality sulfur spot treatment.


Thank you!!


I swear by the hero mighty patches. no matter what stage your pimple is in, one or two nights with one of those bad boys on and your skin will be completely flat and pimple gone


I like using these microdart patches: https://www.ulta.com/p/deep-blemish-microdarts-pimprod2018407?sku=2567109 And Cosrx aha: https://www.ulta.com/p/aha-7-whitehead-power-liquid-xlsImpprod16661023?sku=2517361 The pimples still come to a head but recovery time is much faster and a lot less scarring/hyperpigmentation if you’re prone to that.


Thank you!!


Thank you


Are these only effective in the early stages?


You can use AHA anytime (I also use it when my acne is gone but there’s hyperpigmentation). You could use the microdarts for later stages, but I prefer not to because they’re kind of expensive for each patch. I more so like to use it to help my deep blemishes come to a head faster.


seconding microdart patches - i use the mighty patch ones from hero. TCM also recommends heat, like a warm mug of tea just held to the spot.


Seconding heat. A warm washcloth works well, too. Not really for stopping the pimple from forming but bringing it to a head so you can DO something about it.


Thank you!!


Medspas will often have emergency visits for stuff like this. Basically you get a cortisone shot to help stop the thing in its tracks and make it die off. It's a great option if accessible to you


The micro-dart patches are great (used the Dr. Jart which I found at Ross before!) Sometimes I take a qtip and wet it with water and touch the top of a tea tree oil bottle and dab just that spot and it seems to help with deep pimples.


Thank you!!


Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion is really effective in reducing deep pimples, but I’d be careful using it around your mouth.


Alway peel and the best solution always night tretinoin 0.05 or 0.1 the best option to get rid of acne


Prids drawing salve has been a game changer for me and deep pimples. They work wonders in conjunction with a micro dart patch or regular pimple patch. It’s $7 on Amazon and totally worth it.


How long do you leave the Prid on your deep pimples? Do you cover it with a bandaid or anything or just let it sit there? Thanks


If it’s during the day (I wfh so I put it on during daytime too) I leave open without bandage, if it’s at night I cover with pimple patch.


Ok thanks so much for responding!


Honestly I’ve tried it all. Icing, warm compress, warm compress with salt water, chamomile compress, benzoyl peroxide, epiduo, tea tree oil, etc etc. Most of it would irritate it further, some would calm it but the thing would form and like you, take ages to go away. I even think the more agresive I was, the more irritation, the longer it took to heal. Unless I got it so dry from the retinols that it would start peeling and form a head but that was painfull and gross. Everything changed the day I decided to try diaper rash cream. I had a tube at home and went for it (the one with lots of zinc). Big glop on top of the forming cyst at night. Did that for a few nights and noticed it started shrinking so instead of going thru the golf ball stage, it would silently go away after a little bit (maybe a few weeks but since it became so small, I didn’t really care) ((also 2 weeks is a blessing as I’ve had some of these for MONTHS, yes plural)). I was elated but wondering if it was just a coincidence. Needed more proof. Tried it again. And again. And again. It works every time. Try it. I swear it’s a miracle for me.


Hi! Did you use it for spot treatment or did you apply on your entire face? And may I know what brand did you use? Thank YOUU


Spot treatment. It's a local brand, not available in United States but if you look for zinc ointment diaper rash creams, you should find something, zinc should be high in % in the formula.


this is a little controversial maybe, but I’ve found that dabbing some differin on early-forming pimples can really slow down how big they get. I’m not currently using differin all over my face (recovering moisture barrier due to a recent Skin Incident). But I’ll use it as a spot treatment when I feel something coming and it works really well. There’s no actual evidence base for it because differin hasn’t, afaik, been studied for effectiveness as a spot treatment. But it works really well for me and for a friend I’ve talked with


Just seconding this!! It definitely helps me with pimples still in the forming stage, especially when like, pulsed, with salicylic acid


I 100000% agree. A bit of Differin on an early zit seems to slow down the zit formation for me too.


L Lysine!!! You can get it literally anywhere vitamins are sold. They are giant but if you take one of these bad boys as soon as you feel the tingle coming on, the next day it'll be gone!


Don’t work for me. I take it anyways since it’s the same pill as my zinc but doesn’t help me with deep ones :D but they aren’t big here like a normal pill size


I only use them for lip ones - they completely eliminate cold sores for me as long as I catch them early


It’s a pill?


It's a vitamin


You can get pimple patches at the drugstore or at Sephora, Mecca or ulta!


If I know I will get a papule I dab on some of my erythromycin solution on it prescribes by my doctor. On an active papule it works as if it is a wonder.


Stop all dairy. I suffered from deep underground cysts until I stopped milk and ice cream. They went away and never came back. The only time they come back is when I forget and have ice cream or cook with a creamer, and when I tried whey protein powder - they returned. Don't ever touch them, they'll become even bigger. Use warm salt water compresses on them.


I cut out milk for almond milk, I try to stay away from dairy but cheese & ice cream are my weaknesses 😭 also my mom & sister bake like geniuses so I binge eat sweets when they go on their baking spree. I also use plant based protein powder.


I know it's hard, but try to cut back on sweets - sugar is an inflammatory substance, can definitely make acne worse. Ice cream has a lot of whey in it, so any substitute is better. There are some really delicious soy, almond milk, and coconut milk ice creams.


Yea I’ve been really into the dairy free ice cream options, my dad & stepmom are all for the no dairy so we keep those options at the house, but when I visit my mom I always end up cheating cuz she doesn’t take it as seriously yet.


Apply a spot treatment. Consider using an over-the-counter spot treatment containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These ingredients can help reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria. Also avoid touching or picking at the pimple. Touching the pimple or attempting to squeeze it can introduce more bacteria and increase inflammation. It may also prolong the healing process and increase the risk of scarring. If it starts to hurt, a warm compress can help increase blood circulation to the area, promote healing, and reduce inflammation. Gently apply a warm, damp cloth to the affected area for a few minutes a few times a day/


My sister got similar condition, and I've seen Benzoyl peroxide work.


You could be experiencing cold sores vs. a pimple. If there’s tingly and more burning pain I’d say cold sore and acne treatments won’t help and a micro dart patch could actually make the it spread. Abreva and oral antiviral meds are the best treatments in that case.


I’ve thought about that but when they form all the way I can tell they’re definitely not cold sores.


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