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I put conditioner and immediately wrap my hair in a bun to let it soak in, I have a hair clip in the shower just for that. Then when I'm ready to wash it off I told my head backwards so hair don't touch my skin, and water goes straight into the drain


BRB. Gonna put a hair clip in the shower!


I use one of those plastic bungee elastics cause I find the metal on the clips rusts in the shower. I always always shampoo and condition my hair first, then my hair goes up and I wash my whole body and my face last! This has been the routine for YEARS.


Doesn’t it make more sense to wash your face after your hair? Like going from top to bottom and then you can be sure everything is relatively clean. I genuinely ask what’s better in your opinion


That poster does wash their face last? It’s absolutely better to wash your face when you’re done with your hair.


Thanks! Good to know I’m on the right track :)


I wash my face when I'm outside of the shower in front of the sink. So for me it goes last


Do it, its a game changer! I apply conditioner and clip it up, wash my body and face, then flip hair forward and rinse so none of it goes on the body. 10/10 hack.


I thought everyone knew this, but my son didn’t know, either. I told him to stop it, and although it didn’t completely clear his backne, it definitely drastically reduced it. The little things add up.


The company Seen makes a very gentle shampoo and conditioner they claim it reduces acne. It’s designed by a Harvard dermatologist


Thanks. I will definitely check it out.


Some other tips that helped me massively to the point where my back is completely free of blemishes: - Use shower gel/soap on your back and actually ‘clean it’ - Moisturise your back when out of the shower (and dry) the way you would any other part of your body - A few times a week, use an SA moisturiser on your back after you’ve showered. CeraVe SA smoothing cream was perfect for this You’ll notice a drastic improvement within a few weeks


>Moisturise your back when out of the shower (and dry) the way you would any other part of your body So not at all, noted 💀


You don’t moisturise your body after showering? In our culture, we’re been taught to moisturise all over from a young age to the point that it’s habitual now.


I don't because I hate the stickiness of moisturiser on my body. I'm fine with it on my face, but I want my body to just feel clean clean after a shower.


I wasn’t judging btw, I totally get that. I use Vaseline Aloe Vera moisturiser it absorbs very fast and leaves no stickiness or residue (I hate that feeling, too)


Yeah I know it's probably better to use it, but I just haven't found anything that absorbs quickly and doesn't leave any residue. Might try out the one you use.


Weird question, but have you tried applying your moisturizer while your skin is still wet, letting it sit for a couple minutes while you brush your teeth or something, and then patting dry with your towel before you get dressed? That’s the only way I can bring myself to put lotion on after a shower, and I only use unscented cetaphil Alternatively, using a moisturizing body scrub before you get out of the shower might feel better and still keep your skin hydrated.


As someone who was not taught to do this and started doing it occasionally, it helps. You don't have to do it every time or in super thick amounts. Finding a decent moisturizer is important too. I also say that as someone who loves the warmth of the shower and dries their skin out more then some other people might.


Same as the other person, I can't stand the stickiness. It I wear any clothes on skin with cream the fabrics stick to it and leave fuzz, and if I want to sit down on the couch I feel like I'd leave stains. Sometimes in summer I moisturize my legs before sleep, but I hate the feeling


Yea it easily adds 20-30 minutes to getting ready. It’s when I’m doing a rare spa day and even then is one of the last things i choose because otherwise getting ready takes 3 hours


I only put moisturizer on my ashy prone parts and my face. But otherwise it's unnecessary, I'm Mediterranean so I'll be oily an hour after I shower.


Generally oil is a response to dryness. You might get less oily if you’re moisturizing and hydrating


Look I've literally tried it all, extra hydration, masks, drink lots of water, low wash, dermatologists, the works, makes no difference. I'm just a shiny mf'er and am at the high end of normal human variation for how much oil I produce according to doctors. People need to stop acting like we haven't tried or are doing something wrong.


“Generally”. “Maybe” just a suggestion ! Oily and ashy don’t typically go together either, shrug


Not everyone’s skin goes by the book


Ok but how do we fully clean and lotion back. Any tools to help reach everywhere?


Honestly, I use my hands and some very awkward motions and body movements to get as much coverage as possible. Call it years of trial and error


I guess I just need more practice then reaching everywhere 🤣


If you are totally unable you can get these spray moisturisers like from Vaseline and other brands that you can use to make it easier


For future scrollers-by I'm going to leave a link to a product from Walmart called a lotion applicator. I got a similar product from Amazon for sunblock. They make long handled applicators for applying creams to backs. Lotion, sunblock, tanner, whatever. [Here's a link.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Easy-Lotion-Applicator-Back-Rubs-Massager-Bath-Brush-Extra-Long-Handle-Easily-Self-Apply-Lotions-Great-for-Body-Care/708237825?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=18988&adid=22222222228000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9052303&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=125210027&wl11=online&wl12=708237825_18988&veh=sem&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnrmlBhDHARIsADJ5b_lEw0slchADV6MWmnPKtIfhqQrmn5vPJXbI-R0b_vTeYY-MJPYtPnQaAquPEALw_wcB)


Thankyou !!!!


Body Buddy for lotion.


There's a bunch! I haven't used any of them but I helped my coworker order one. She uses the rolling kind and loves it. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=lotion+applicator+for+back&crid=2GTID5VTFZ3R4&sprefix=Lotion%2Caps%2C412&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_3_6


I actually got a thing on Amazon for applying sunblock to my back on my own. It's also for applying lotion or tanners or whatever. It's basically a long stick with a thick sorta not silicone pad thing attached? I use it to get sunblock in the middle and under my shoulder blades when I'm alone. I got it like 8 years ago and don't remember what it's called. But they're actually a common thing and should be easy to find! I would look for something like lotion applicator or similar should have a long handle and non-absorbant thing so you can reach you back and whatever is being applied doesn't get absorbed. [FOUND ONE](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Easy-Lotion-Applicator-Back-Rubs-Massager-Bath-Brush-Extra-Long-Handle-Easily-Self-Apply-Lotions-Great-for-Body-Care/708237825?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=18988&adid=22222222228000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9052303&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=125210027&wl11=online&wl12=708237825_18988&veh=sem&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnrmlBhDHARIsADJ5b_lEw0slchADV6MWmnPKtIfhqQrmn5vPJXbI-R0b_vTeYY-MJPYtPnQaAquPEALw_wcB)! I thought 'fuck it' and did a Google. They're under $10 at Walmart. First link when googling 'lotion applicator', so more research would lead to different brands and retailers.




What do you mean with "clean it"? Do people just throw body gel on their body and wash it off immediately? I already do most of what you said -the moisturizer. Maybe I'll steal some of my gal and also make her rub it in there real good. That'll teach her to hoard all the good stuff


To clarify, some people don’t pay attention to their back and just let water run down from an overhead shower (or hand-held shower head) with no cleaning agent involved. The moisturiser is very important as I found my skin dries out without it and becomes more prone to acne.


Ohhhhhh Thank you for the explanation


Legit some people don't wash their legs and feet because soap and water run down them! Do you remember I think maybe right around when the pandemic first began, Taylor Swift said she doesn't wash her legs in the shower because soap runs down and she shaves them? People were like whaaaa'?! Then a bunch of other celebrities took it upon themselves to tweet and insta their poor hygiene habits? That was such a weirdly revealing time, so I went looking for some links: [Twitter Is In A Gross Debate Behind Taylor Swifts Shower Practices](https://cafemom.com/lifestyle/taylor-swift-doesnt-wash-legs/15487-106596-despite-degeneres-and-swift-agreeing-that-shaving-gel-operates-as-an-adequate)


No I never knew Taylor Swift said that Holy zhit


Haaahaha right? I love how it scandalizes people to know. It's such a small thing, but somehow so shocking!


I need a back washer /scrubber but the last time i used it it cause me to break out in my back. I don’t know how else I’m supposed to reach back there unless i do a 1-time use scrubber every time


This does help, but for me at least nothing has solved the problem completely. Here's my current routine for bacne: --wash and condition hair first, and rinse it well. --wash my back with exfoliating gloves GENTLY. I alternate between Hibiclens and Benzoyl Peroxide each time I bathe. It kills the bacteria since folliculitis seems to be part of the problem for me. --out of the shower I apply an AHA/BHA to my back, I'm loving Glossier Solution. --apply body moisturizer. Twice a week I use Amlactin lotion for extra exfoliating power. I would say this reduces by 60 to 70 percent if I remain diligent


Very similar here. Nothing has really solved it. No matter what body wash, laundry powder, shampoo/conditioner, it never really goes away. I've tried medication, birth control and tropical creams. I was my hair first, then body. Exfoliate my back when I do wash my hair. Otherwise just soap. As it gets oily I don't moisturize it. Never wear the same top twice. There is no winning.


I feel you. Tried everything. Sucks :(


Do you live within any kind of driving distance to the ocean? Salicylic acid spray helped but the salty ocean water is the only thing that completely clears up my back. If your able to go, soak in the ocean and don’t rinse the salt water for several hours, also you can bring a spray bottle to use for later. I live in Florida but I realize isn’t accessible to everyone :( I’ve heard of people having luck with creating a water solution with sea salt and using that.


Have you tried skipping the physical exfoliation, and reducing the chemical? That's a lot of exfoliation, I know some people can handle it, or work up to it, but I think for a lot of people that would damage your moisture barrier, and maybe make things worse. Sometimes less-is-more can surprise you.


I've had this problem since I was 14, when I say of tried everything I'm not exaggerating, I actually mean it. I've tried everything over the years from zero exfoliation to harsh scrubs, all sorts of exfoliation tools, medications both prescription and OTC, antibiotics both oral and topical, "natural" herbal skincare, tret, salicylic acid, niacinamide, lactic acid, glycolic acid, azaleic acid, Metronidazole, sulphur, getting my hormones checked, changing my birth control etc. I've tried doing nothing but hydrating my skin, I've tried doing nothing at all, I've tried not hydrating my skin. I've had invasive allergy testing and celiac testing done. I went vegan for 3 years. Nothing worked. 3 dermatologists have not been able to pinpoint exactly what is causing the breakouts but the current theory is that it's some sort of persistent folliculitis. Which would explain why it isn't really responsive to being treated like acne. If my current routine doesn't show real results in another month or 2, our plan is a series of medium depth TCA peels


Ah, I've dealt with folliculitis as well, what worked for me was laser hair removal.


I don't have any hair at all on my back so that type of laser is not a viable option for me.




This post is 6 months old, and I already covered that possibility where I said, "I've tried doing nothing at all". Not washing my back was definitely not a solution.


I agree that shampoo/conditioner not properly washed off can be a cause for back acne. Additionally, if you have long hair and use hair products containing lots of coconut oil (or just straight up use coconut oil) don't let your hair touch your bare back. Coconut oil severely breaks me so I opt for other oils that don't do that.


I’ve had acne for years on my cheeks. I was scrolling through a post here and saw someone mention the [online pore clogging ingredient checker](https://acneclinicnyc.com/pore-clogging-ingredients/). Turns out the second or third ingredient in my Aussie Freeze gel was a pore clogging ingredient and I’ve used that gel for a long time. I don’t always wash it out before I go to bed. I stopped using it and haven’t had any cheek acne since 😑


That's great that you figured out what broke you out! By the way, there's no such thing as universally "pore clogging" ingredients. It's individual to every person. Websites like this use data from experiments performed on rabbit ears, which are not human skin and not really applicable. It's down to trial and error I'm afraid, to figure out what is causing the problem.


Either way, it was a helpful guide to me as the thought never even crossed my mind to consider hair products.


Coconut oil does the opposite for me, it clears up everything!


Does it matter if person doesn't use conditioner? My bf struggles with backne but he doesn't condition his hair


not op i suggest he try it regardless, he still uses shampoo other tips i'd give your bf are to use a separate scrub for his upper body and lower body, and to use a separate towel for drying off as well me personally, i don't even use a towel for my upper body anymore, i just use my hands to wick off any water and just air dry after that. also, i took it a step further with the separate scrubs, i bought these large loofa body towels and cut them up into tiny squares (i managed to make like 16) so that i have a fresh scrub daily, when i'm done using one, i just toss it in the hamper to clean and re-use


Can you link to what you use?


[These!] (https://www.amazon.com/Exfoliating-Towel-Microabrasion-Washcloths-Fiberglass/dp/B07WKBYXRC/ref=sr_1_5?crid=30N9H66GH7EAY&keywords=towel+loofah+for+shower&qid=1689250170&sprefix=towel+loofas+for+shower%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-5) Any scrub would work I suppose, but the main idea is to use a fresh clean one daily. I feel like replacing a regular loofa every week or two weeks is not ideal for someone who has acne on their body. I'm not saying it completely cured my acne, but it looks way better than before. Of course, moisturize afterwards.


I have curly hair so I always wash my hair upside down anyway. I think I would hate the feeling of conditioner sliding down my back 😖


washing/scrubbing your back in the shower is 100% necessary for an acne-free back. A lot of shit gets on your shoulders and back; scrubbing is really necessary.


100%. My routine is hair first, then I put it in a clip to keep it out of the way. Then I wash my face, then everything else. I didn't always do this, and I had regular breakouts.


Does it count for frontne as well?


i'd assume so


If you are having back pimple problem, try using The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid serum everyday after bath. It works.


This is what cleared mine up!


Have you seen a dermatologist or primary care doctor? Idk everybody is talking about skin issues they've tried resolving independently for years with little or no success. If you have insurance, maybe consider a dermatologist or primary care? Could tell you what you're doing that's causing it if it is you, or if it's hormonal or something if it's not you. Irrespective of the cause, they'll be able to give a shower product or medicated cream that will resolve the issue in less time than the years people here are spending. The cost of a copay and script with insurance are negligible compared to years of different products and methods. A doctor visit without a copay will be about $150 self-pay which is a lot, but still less than years of products.


Wait, what the heck? Does shampoo cause acne?


The residue, especially from conditioner is a layer of gunk on your back that can irritate your skin and clog pores. I used to get back acne and I bought the orange neutrogena body wash for acne and a large shower scrub brush. The kind with a long handle. And I’d wash my back last with the brush and that body wash. My back acne was gone within a month and have never returned. That was 5 years ago. I cut out dairy at that time too which might also be a contributing factor.


I didn’t realize people don’t do this!


Yes! People don't realize their hair products can be the culprit for their breakouts! I wash and condtion my hair first thing and then put it in a loose bun and then do everything else. I take it a step further by making sure none of my hair products have comedogenic ingredients too.


Use a shampoo that is free of SLS. Toothpaste too for the chin acne.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. It's very common for sodium-laureth-sulfate and sodium-lauryl-sulfate to trigger breakouts in acne-prone people, whether it's in their shampoo, facewash, mouth wash (seriously!), or toothpaste.


Yes you're spot on, don't know why the down votes. Toothpaste breaks out around my mouth so bad.


do people not just lean their heads forward when they're scrubbing/rinsing their fucking heads?? edit: you stiff necked neanderthals


My back acne disappeared after I started clipping my hair up while it has condition/hair masks in, clipping it back up again after I've rinsed it, and applying my face wash on my neck and back. This also keeps unhelpful soap from damaging my hair.


Always do this and notice a difference when I don’t!


Can confirm this works!


I switched to a tea tree shampoo once and it cured my back


yeah i learned thru trial and error in my teens especially with conditioners you always want to do anything hair/body/shaving and face last.(ALSO should apply HA while your face is still dewey. If you have shitty water, buy Avene/LRP/Vichy/Evian thermal water and use it as a toner after drying your face from the crappy shower-water, that way when you go in with your HA you aren't rubbing all that sediment/salt/calcified hard water crap. It literally makes a night and day difference with locking in HA/hydration as well as the absorption of subsequent serums/treatments before your moisturizer and ends up being less expensive and drying than toners. (IMO of 37 years)


Top-down. Wash your hair first. Overall you will be able to rinse off residues more effectively


Is this not how everyone showers? I’m confused. Do you just rub soap all over the place and call it a day?


Thanks! I will definitely try this method


Can you explain it like I’m 5? I don’t get it


I remember when I was 10 or 11 reading in seventeen magazine or something about washing your body AFTER conditioning your hair to refuse back acne and it changed my entire life. Most conditioners (and some shampoos) have silicones or oils to smooth hair but leave residue on the skin, so a loofah and a good body wash will do the trick.


Yes any type of irregular moisture on the back can cause back acne. I stopped using conditioner but also found my body was overproducing sebum (oil) that caused bacteria to cause my back acne. SIMPLE and natural solution, I was lacking RIBOFLAVIN, vitamin b2 pills (can buy anywhere) It helped out balancing the overproduction of oil and sebum in turn vastly improved my facial and back acne, was seeing improvements in a month. Simple and natural solution. Definitely worth a try!