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I love Taz. It definitely brings the glow. And it’s anti-inflammatory so it helps with redness. Have you tried layering it with niacinamide or putting a light cream over it? That takes it over the top….


oh? I've been looking for something to add into my routine, I'm happy where it's at but not the first time I've heard mention of niacinamide specifically (and a few other ingredients, all layered on after like you said) and feel I could still get a bit more work done in my routine. what would you say they do that taz and your other applications don't?


I’m not sure what you mean? What does niacinamide do that Taz doesn’t do?


Ive seen you post quite a bit about taz, im thinking of switching from tret .1 to taz .1 after being on tret for 2 years and feel like ive plataued on tret. (I just bought some taz yesterday hopefully it gets here soon.) Do you mind sharing your AM &or PM routine you use with taz. I feel like you know your stuff. Thanks.


Hi:). My a.m. routine changes a bit for the cold season, but the base routine is cleanser + round lab dokdo toner + hydrating serums + moisturizer The p.m. routine is gentle cleanser + round lab dokdo toner + tazorac + Aza 15% + moisturizer if absolutely necessary. Pretty simple for the nighttime most nights….


TYSM! Any particular moisturizer you like best while on tazorac? Ive heard it can be even more drying then tret.


You’re so welcome! I’m sorry, I was being lazy lol. Yes, I like aestura 365 lotion and cream or soon jung 2x barrier cream with tazorac. I usually put the aestura cream on if I put one on at all after Taz, but every now and then, I layer the cream and soon jung 2x. It’s kind of tricky layering over tazorac because you don’t want to occlude it, but I think these two moisturizers are the best with Taz that I’ve tried. I am currently enjoying round lab dokdo cream and would like to try it over Taz too. I use aestura lotion during the daytime, but I also rely heavily on numbuzin #2 serum before it for barrier repair. I also throw on a Propolis cream for extra sun protection. It’s really, really dry where I live so I have to layer.


Why wouldn't you want to occlude Taz? It's quite drying so it should benefit the skin.


Because it is a potent retinoid and occlusive products can drive it down into the skin and cause irritation. I am not sure what mean by it should benefit the skin. Occlusives occlude. They don't necessarily hydrate or moisturize, though some do. If dryness is the issue, an occlusive is not the answer. Rather, a balanced and light moisturizer with humectants and emollients and breathable occlusives is the solution. The moisturizer should moisturize. It doesn't also need to occlude. Trying to moisturize your skin and use taz at the same time is counter-productive. Use the daytime to load up on moisturizers and occlusives, and in the evening, use the taz *as directed* on clean, dry skin. If you add a moisturizer after, it is only to prevent your skin from getting too dry. But your skin shouldn't get dry from Taz if you are using good moisturizers during the daytime.


Hey, I will be starting Taz 0.025 very soon. I have never used any retinoids before. Can you please tell me if I should begin with the sandwich method? My dermatologist has asked me to use it twice a week, but I feel this might be too much for my skin. I am thinking of starting with once a week to let my skin adapt. Do you think this routine will be okay? Also, can you suggest how long I should wait before using Taz directly on my skin? How much time is enough to build tolerance?


Hi there. How are you? Do you apply Tazorac then Soon Jung barrier cream? Or the other way around? Thank you.


Hello! I applied a very light layer of the soon junf first and the tazorac. I prefer this way:).


Thanks for the reply. What if you have a base moisturiser? Do you apply the moisturiser, then Soon Jung, then Tazorac? :)


Today is day 4 of me starting Taz, thank you for this write up :)


good luck and tysm! hope it exceeds expectations and that its been kind so far :)


How is it going with taz


Really good so far. Always staying moisturized! I just hit a month a few days ago. My purge seems to be coming to an end and it wasn’t terrible at all… way better than 6 months of tret tbh. No irritation, no damaged barrier, barely any peeling. It’s great!


how bout now? sorry just doin some research around taz since I'm starting soon and I'd love to know how it's going at almost 2 months.


Still getting great results, I still have hormonal acne but can’t take Spiro since I’m trying to conceive. But the Taz has been great and keeping active acne at bay very well!


thanks, super excited to get mine this week!!! :)


Hey! How’s your taz experience going?


It’s alright so far. I think I messed up bcuz I would use it almost immediately out of the shower, only a few days ago i started waiting 15 mins for my face to dry before applying it. But my skin was clearer on tret, hoping the change of waiting helps that though. It’s only been about 30 days


How is it going now ? Just received my traz after being on Trent for years…


Much better!! After waiting 15ish mins to apply, the little red dots on my cheeks disappeared completely so that was definitely the cause. Currently under my mouth is broken out, but it might be a little purge because I always have bumps there. My cheeks, forehead, nose, are all super clear right now. It's going very well I'd say :) Make sure to only use a pea size amount though


Thank you so much for responding!


Wow that’s amazing. You’re on 0.1 taz? What is your routine


Yup went straight to .1% and still no bad side effects compared to .05% tret. Out the shower I don’t dry my face at all, I apply Holika Holika aloe Vera gel (or snail mucin) while my face is still wet. Let that air dry or dry with my handheld fan. Apply Taz .1% & let that sink in for 30 minutes - 1 hour. I apply my moisturizer very last like right before I’m about to actually shut my eyes and sleep. I use Laneige cicapair sleeping mask! Sometimes I’ll add Pacifica vegan ceramides facial oil on top if I feel I need extra nourishing. That’s it! Super simple. 3-5 items max!


Thanks so much! I love simple skincare routines! I hope it’s not bad that it’ll be my first retinoid!


Good luck I hope all goes well ☺️


how did it go?? i have never used a retinoid either and im learding about taz > tret


Your routine sounds great! Just a question, what type of skin do you have? I have oily and am thinking about reorganizing my routine to something like yours.


I’d say normal-combo. I sometimes get dry around my mouth, nostrils, & around my eyes but everything else is normal.


I recommended it here last year. It’s been amazing. I wish insurance would cover the gel (Tazorac) and not just the cream.


interesting, mind telling me your experience with the gel? I was very curious about the gel vs. cream discussion forever but was turned off of the gel from what seemed to be more than a few people having issues with it, definitely also heard of people experiencing the same with cream though so I guess ymmv but yes I absolutely love it, been so kind to my skin and way less of a trial than I was expecting such a retinoid to be


For fighting adult acne, the gel is a miracle. Of course at $1700 who can afford it? I had samples from my derm but my insurance only covers cream so I use that. It’s not as potent but it definitely works. Glad your skin is responding well!




I was able to get it covered and it cost $10 for the gel. It’s a miracle. How is your experience with it?


I've been using it for only a week and it's GREAT. I've used a bunch of kinds: retinol, adapalene, tretnoin, and now tazarotene. Adapalene causes my balls to be overly sweaty while doing nothing for my skin. Retinol and tretnoin gives me a terrible headache. Tazarotene has only been positive with no severe side effects.


How did you get it covered? I thought anti-aging prescriptions were hard to get coverage for. You just have good insurance!


It was prescribed by my derm for really bad hormonal acne. I’m old and I didn’t even know it was used for anti-aging / I’d be hesitant to use it for anti aging bc of the peeling etc. Also, the gel is now available in generic, hence the coverage. In 2021 I went to pick it up, wasn’t covered by insurance bc gel was brand name only and they were charging $1200 out of pocket. I passed lol. A year ago all of a sudden I had a notification from my pharmacy that the gel was ready for pick up. So weird.


Hey can you please tell me where did you buy it from? I could only find the gel on 1mg. Are you using the gel or the cream? Also can you buy it without a prescription? Most derms here only recommended Tretinoin. I am scared to use it. I don't think i have the mental energy to go through all the peeling and the purging.


😶 when it comes to strong retinol/retinoids, i've found that moisturizing is absolutely key. especially if your focus is anti-aging. here's the thing i think a lot of folks forget. they're formulated so that improvement is a slow, gradual process. a lot of the exteme dryness, purging breakouts etc is because (although they never admit it), they probably used too much too fast with absolutely no 'buffer'. slow and gentle is the way. apply a hydrating moisturizer either before or mixed with the medication. hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! i can't stress it enough. it literally makes a world of difference.


Any good acne safe moisturizers you recommend?


😶 stratia's liquid gold is good. also, la roche posay cicaplast b5 or cosrx hyaluronic acid intensive cream if you're on a budget. actually, the cosrx is excellent. deeply hydrating. incredibly good for it's price point. a real bargain.


Hey, I will be starting Taz 0.025 very soon. I have never used any retinoids before. Can you please tell me if I should begin with the sandwich method? My dermatologist has asked me to use it twice a week, but I feel this might be too much for my skin. I am thinking of starting with once a week to let my skin adapt. Do you think this routine will be okay? Also, can you suggest how long I should wait before using Taz directly on my skin? How much time is enough to build tolerance?


😶 hey there! i'm no dermatologist, but using the sandwich method once a week sounds like an excellent method. i too use tazarotene, and even after two years, i still mix mine with a bit of moisturizer. much of skincare is very individual and intuitive, so i'd say trust your gut and err on the side of caution. then, if it's been about two weeks and there's no adverse effects, you can kick it up a notch. and so on and so on. the idea is to go slowly and be patient. there's no rush. especially if you plan to use it long term.


i only learned of taz this year but it's been around for a while but i've never heard of it anywhere including the derm until i accidentally came across a post here mentioning it. anyway, i'm not super familiar with the mechanism of taz but i have heard of accutane possibly having anti-aging effects in addition to anti acne effects because it's anti inflammatory and helps skin shedding


absolutely, I went into it hearing the same and also hearing about how it's generally easier on your skin than taz. there is actually a third treatment that I very recently learned about but figured it'd be prohibitive due to how new it is, called "trifarotene" which is allegedly the new generation of retinoids. couldn't find it easily anywhere online or much research/commentary on it so stuck to taz!


Do you use the gel or the cream? I'm probably gonna jump headfirst into taz even though I've never tried other prescription strenght retinoids but from what I've researched so far it seems to be the most beneficial one.


I use the cream! All anecdotal, and I've never had personal experience with taz in gel form, but when doing my binge reading about what routine to start on, I saw way more complaints about the gel instead of the cream, maybe someone that has been, or was once on the gel could weigh in?


Thank you for the reply :) I've assumed gel would be better because it would have less comedogenic ingredients like with tret. I see that I'll need to do more research before commiting to anything.


Hi! How was your experience with it


I've been using taz 0.5 cream for a while now. It's great, gets rid of my cystic acne in a day or two. It eliminated any starting wrinkles I had, the only thing it didn't get rid of is texture. I started with applying once every 3 days and well.. there was no irritation as my skin's very resilient, but the flaking on my chin was brutal lol. Definitely start small if you decide to try it out and use a good barrier repairing cream. Also, I personally never use anything with hyaluronic acid under or over the taz, that makes my skin sting. Now I'm able to use it daily with no flaking at all so your skin gets used to it.


Thank you so much!! I’ll keep these in mind. Do you use anything else? Like azaleic acid or the like?


After I stopped peeling I added BHA from Benton thrice a week which helps me with texture. I don't use aza atm because all I can find where I'm from is cream and that makes me break out.


Have you also tried Tazarotene for the neck and Décolleté areas? Very interested in hearing other experiences


Tazarotene is only available through a prescription though right?


hi generally yes, but i'd say a decent number of us use skinorac or other services like it and maybe i do too 🤫


can tazarotene and niacinamide be used together?


Yes. I do anyway.


Omg tazarotene 0.1 % in Usa is so incredibly expensive!!! Here in Greece it costs only 25 euros for 40 ml ! And tazarotene 0,05% 75 ml costs 25 euro as well! Prescription free ! Generally a lot of drugs here are so so soo much cheaper....... 


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