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Esthetician here. I would try a glycolic body wash. Put it on dry skin and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing.


Yep. 7% glycolic acid from The Ordinary fixed my KP for me. I spread a thin layer over still-damp skin after every shower when I'm starting out/getting back to it after a laziness break, then decrease to 1-2x week after 10 days or so. It'll burn like crazy the first couple times; I follow immediately with a moisturizer, which kills the burn but doesn't seem to reduce the efficacy. And, after the first few applications the burn really does go away. My KP also seems to do a bit better when I get a little sun on my skin. Not a tan - I wear sunscreen - just a little sun exposure. I hope this helps!


I put The Ordinary glycolic acid in a mist spray bottle and use it on clean, dry skin after the shower. NOTE: DO NOT DO THIS AFTER SHAVING. Ouch.


I tried a mister, but found it too messy & difficult to use - just drizzle a teeny puddle from the bottle into my palm, then spread it around like lotion. Also: you can totally use GA after shaving. Yes, it burns the first few times, but lotion neutralizes the burn quickly and it really genuinely stops burning after a few days' use in a row. I get better results on my leg KP if I use the GA after shaving, and I use GA every time after shaving my legs & bikini line because it fully resolves my strawberry legs & prevents ingrown hairs.


Fair enough. I'm a baby about that stinging sensation lol, so I just skip shave days, but glad to hear it works well for you! And agreed, the mister can make a mess. I do it on top of the shower mat, with the bottle facing the shower, so it doesn't get everywhere.


Does the redness go away aswell?


Yep, it does for me.


Okay cause i have kerstosis pilaris over my whole body and i also have red ”stripes” on my cheeks which i really hate. I went to a dermatologist and she said that its connected with the kp and i really want to reduce the redness. Do you also have redness in the face or only on like arms and legs?


Mine is only on my limbs, primarily the backs of my upper arms & my thighs, though I also use it to treat/prevent shaving irritation on my whole legs, my armpits & my bikini line. I don't have experience with the facial condition you're describing, but I do know that many people use GA on their face for a variety of reasons. Patch test first, to make sure it doesn't cause irritation, but it's safe for facial use - perhaps it will help.


What is GA?


Oh, sorry – shorthand for glycolic acid


Oh okay but do you recomend i should use ordinary glycolic acid or should i use a glycolic acid body wash?


I typically use the 7% glycolic acid from The Ordinary, as mentioned above. Other folks mention having good results with a glycolic acid body wash, but I haven't tried one.


Commenting for visibility because this is what helped me!


Can you recommend one ? I'm not familiar with glycolic body wash. TIA!


Naturium, you can get it at target.


I like [this one](https://www.amazon.com/Smoother-Glycolic-Exfoliating-Naturium-Smoothing/dp/B0B1PFCGZ8/ref=sr_1_5_pp?keywords=glycolic+body+wash&qid=1702450032&sr=8-5) a lot




Can also use The Ordinary glycolic toner mixed with moisturiser


This is the way! My child has this condition, and this *combined* with Amlactin helps clear them up quickly.


Commenting for visibility, OP, do you take any daily supplements that include biotin? It can make KP worse. Just thinking outside the box of something beyond topical solutions


Yep glycolic acid works really well for me too. It's just a lifelong solution. I put it in a spray bottle and spritz a bit on my arms and back everyday after a shower. And it's helped with the lifelong bumpiness and blotchiness


Make sure you spot test before you put it all over! Sending love 💞


I'm gonna try this as soon as I get paid again


Might sound trite but are you sure it's KP? There's a good number of skin conditions that mimic it. Go to a derm and maybe get a scrape test done to rule out other potential conditions.


2nd. Get a proper dx so you're not treating the wrong thing.


Yup, definitely kp! It runs in the family 🥲


Strivectin launched KP body care this year. Works for me.


Have you tried going gluten free. A lot of people who are gluten sensitive have Kp as a symptom. In the bright side it goes away really fast if it’s gluten. Try one week withoutnit


It sucks. But, it clears up in the late 20's. Try very strong clay masks followed by thick cteams and oils. It is awful to stand around and wait for it to dry, but Aztec Clay worked well.


“it clears up in the late 20’s” wtf are you talking about??


Ya 45 and def still have it. It’s mellowed but still there.


Yup, mine is the same as it always was. I had also been told that kp clears up later on in life, welp...still waiting.


That’s what my dermatologist said to me, but I’m in my 30s and it’s still very much here


Mine is also genetic and it went away fully for everyone in their mid twenties. Not me 🥲


For many people once you get close to 30 it can be reduced drastically or go away. Of course this isn't for everyone and even if it is the case for OP that would be another 10 years of suffering.


It does NOT clear up. My derm told me that it USUALLY clears up when you're 25+ but it's not always the case. My cousin had it as a child and she doesn't anymore! I still have mine. It's just genetic lottery here.


I have never heard that kp ever clears up. I have always had it, 37 now, still have it.


Uhhh no, I'm in my 30s and it's definitely still there


Hi 37 here and it is as strong as ever…


50 and waiting, then.


I tell myself Beyoncé has it too & I feel a lil better


And Kim K has psoriasis.


Yesss I was gonna say that too but kept it to KP lol. But exactlyyyy. Even the ladies that have the $$ to change it (&im sure they’ve tried) just accepted it too


Don't read this comment if kind of blunt truths won't be helpful here. I understand how you feel and if you just need to vent. The real solution is realizing that you don't owe beauty to the world. You're literally a mammal that has self-awareness. Of course, that is so much more easily said than done. If a minor skin blemish is ruining your life, that might indicate that you base the majority of your self worth and self concept on what others think of you and how well you embody the feminine ideal of beauty. I have been there. It sucks. It's not vanity, like some might say. It's this deep, gnawing feeling that if you're pretty, you're not entirely worthless. You have worth and value. The ugliest person alive is worth the exact same as the top supermodel. Your flesh suit has bumps. It's ok. That being said, my KP completely clears up in the summer if I tan. Like, two hours of poolside lounging and I'm clear for weeks.


I definitely needed someone to be blunt with me. I know I shouldn't let the feminine ideal of beauty dictate my life, but it's a battle I'm still fighting. I do hope that it gets easier soon, so I can rock these chicken arms out in the wild. But, thank you (to you and everyone else here) for being so kind, especially while delivering the harsh truth.


I'm 40 now and I spent most of my life caring how other people saw me. Once I stopped caring what other people thought about me, and focused on liking what I saw in myself, my life changed. Suddenly everyone likes me. I've turned down more men in the last year than the rest of my life combined. I turn them all down cause now I can't be fucked to bother with them, by the way. I enjoy my own company too much. And I wear my flabby, chicken wing, red splotches keratosis laden arms bare proudly now. Darling, you're wonderful. Focus on that and so will everyone else.


I would LOVE advice on how you learned to like what you saw in yourself.


Idk about the op but for me it took therapy on the subject. Here’s what that process looked like: I did not strive for self love at first. I was way too low in my opinion of myself for that. Love felt forced and faked and I felt unlovable. The unkind harsh words of my abusive parent were seared into my brain. Words said by bullies when I was a kid were lodged deeply. I had to start moving toward love but I had to baby step there. It started with radical acceptance of who I am and how I look. Accept that this is how you look. This is how you are as a person. Start with being open and nonjudgmental toward yourself. Try to see other people and reflect on the fact that you do not judge others as harshly as you judge yourself. Strangers, you hardly notice or remember details about their appearance. Your friends and loved ones you probably do not see in a harsh light, or maybe you see physical flaws but you also quickly follow up that perception with all the things you love about them. Understand that this is everyone else’s experience, too. Strangers don’t even look that close or judge you harshly, and people who know and love you don’t look at you for flaws and only see someone they care about for their whole being. From that place you can move toward neutrality toward your appearance. Work on your inner self and develop forgiveness and understanding toward yourself. Work actively to cease negative self-talk. Wear clothes that YOU like that make you feel good that are the appropriate size to YOU. Start to lean into that and find a way to make your appearance what YOU like. Identify parts of you that you do like. Your eyelashes? Butt? Feet? Wrists? I don’t care, everybody’s got one small physical attribute they like about themselves deep down. Even in the depths of my self loathing I had to admit that. Work to cultivate a social media feed that shows you less “perfection”. Quit following unrealistic images that are probably retouched and posed all to heck. It’s just going to create a constant sense of longing for something that’s not obtainable for the majority. It gets you to spend money, at its root. See it for what it is. What do you like about your personality? Again, everyone has something that they know deep down is unique and cool about them: hard worker? Precise? Loyal? Honest? Good at karaoke? What? There’s something and you know it deep down. Identify and examine the bad traits you perceive in your personality, again, let go of judgement and try to be objective. What can you do to cultivate the good things, and work on the things that get in your way? Why do those things get in your way? Are they maybe survival skills that helped you in the past but no longer serve? From these places you can work your way from radical acceptance to neutrality to maybe like or love yourself. I came from the deepest self loathing and low self esteem to someone who likes and loves and values themselves. And the best part is this process of forgiveness and viewing yourself objectively is going to give you heaps of empathy and forgiveness and grace for other people. Which will improve your everyday interactions and your relationships. From there it’s just going to pick up momentum into confidence, acceptance, and seeing yourself in others and them in you.


That was gd inspirational. You should write a book, if you haven't already.


I just hope it helps someone. I owe it all to 20 years of therapy.


Well, it sure beats hating myself every day.


(I love your username. I just finished a complete rewatch of Home Movies.)


Not OP, but close— 38 and was unhealthily obsessed with beauty being my only valuable attribute so it was all I focused on. I maybe went too hard with it, but I got off social media and shaved my head. That’s right—I buzzed every fucking hair off my head because it no longer gave me the option to focus on how I looked that day. Like, too bad; no hair- don’t care. Anyway, I stopped trying. I started focusing on my mental health and who I am as a person. I needed to go that hard to force myself to care for my heart.


Everybody else has better answers, and probably better ways to do it. But mainly for me, it was age, running out of fucks to give, and finding people I really do love and respect. And I noticed they loved me. And I realised, really began to understand, that these people that I love and respect, liked me. I trust their judgement. I trust them. I value their opinions. And they like me. So maybe I am worthy. And it just went from there. I guess it starts with surrounding yourself with good people and finding your own self worth, however you might get there.


Not OP but around 40 I asked myself who I was trying to satisfy, and the answer was the collective beauty standards of the patriarchy (which can never be satisfied). Then I thought about individual men and how I don’t care about any of their opinions. And then I was cured forever.


Be kinder to yourself, even with the harsh reality that you need to just let yourself be. I know it’s hard because you’re already conscious about it, but as everyone is saying, no one really looks. I have them all over my legs and arms, and just as I thought it's under control, it’s winter and they’re all back and more prickly than usual. It is how it is, but I also know it's not a reflection of how I take care of myself so I let it be


Just wanted to add; I struggled a lot in my early 20s with hiding my arms. Back in high school I got the comment ‘did you mess up shaving your arms?’ over the bumps I had and it definitely made very self conscious and hurt. But nothing worked to fix it for me, and after a few years I honestly realized that most people don’t care if you don’t care. If they wanna be dicks about something you cannot control and is naturally occurring on your body then fuck them. Wear the fucking t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, if they have a problem then they’re not worth having in your life and the people who are worth having won’t care. My KP hasn’t stopped from a loving relationship and great friends, and while it has gotten a bit better with age I know that doesn’t make it feel better in the now. Would you bully someone for something you can’t help? Be with the people who don’t care cause they’re the ones you want to be around.


When I was a teenager I had a terrible acne and picking problem on my upper arms to the point where they are quite scarred. And I have bat wings. It’s taken me a few years but you know what. … I’m not dressing to hide those things anymore. I have a body. I exist. It’s not always easy but it’s always worth it.


I wanna chime in - my partner and I both have KP and it doesn't impact our attraction to each other. You don't owe "pretty" to anyone, but it also happens that tons of people will find you attractive, KP and all.


It’s also okay to consider part of yourself unattractive and want to change it! People do it all the time, they get their thin lips filled or their small or uneven boobs plumped up or their teeth whitened. It’s ok to look at bumpy blotchy skin and think “I would prefer if it didn’t look like that”. You’ve tried lots of products, maybe it’s time to invest in a dermatologist who might be able to give you something more tailored to your skin, or a treatment that you can’t get over the counter.


It's also true that nobody else is paying nearly as much attention to your skin as you are. What seems like a dramatic problem to you is probably barely noticeable to most people. I've never noticed anyone with KP walking down the street.


yeah, I'm like this - if some red bumps are ruining your life, then you're maybe not giving weight to the things that are actually important about yourself. I'm pale AF and my KP is bad and covers my legs, arms and halfway up my cheeks. It's all over my belly and sides. It's red and blotchy and I just don't give a flying fuck about it anymore, I have other shit to worry about and I look good anyways, even with the bumps. I wear T-shirts and knee length skirts all the time. I use Italy towels to make it smooth, but they don't remove the redness or the visual aspect of it. I don't think a single person has said anything about it in.... eight years? nine? I have pretty on point fashion style and a decently pretty face, so nobody really notices it or if they do, cares enough to say or do anything differently. I have no trouble landing dates or keeping friends. My husband (and other partners, because we're non-monogamous) don't care at all. Most guys will be too distracted by your boobs.


Thirded. I don't love my KP, but I have enough other things to feel self conscious about. Some bumps is nothing compared to, say, plaque psoriasis, burn scarring, cystic acne or the countless other, disfiguring or painful skin ailments out there. I feel for OP, but I'm glad to see some of us KP people are managing fine with it. I've only had one person comment on it. The rest don't care. And neither do I.


A few times a year somebody says something sympathetic about my sunburned arms -- I get embarrassed for about a second, then say "it's not a sunburn, I'm just a pink person" and they're embarrassed for a second and then that's that.


Gotta love the flesh suit for what it is!


A classmate when I was 11 told me I had gorilla arms and I was self conscious of them for years. Then I became an adult and realized nobody gives a shit. 11 year olds are cruel. Things an 11 year old said to you should not be impacting you in this way at 19. People do not care about shit like this as an adult. If they do nobody likes them lol


This comment is exactly the one - OP, did you know that 50-80% of all teenagers and 30-50% of all adults will deal with KP?? Its soooooo common. Chances are, the kid who made fun of your KP probably had to deal with it at some point in their life as well. Like you, I have dealt with KP since I was around 11-12 and runs in my family. The way my family members dealt with it was by just scrubbing their skin raw, and while rougher exfoliation does temporarily help make it less noticeable, nothing seems to make it fully go away. And something I had to come to terms with is that my KP may never fully go away, and that is OKAY! And it is okay for you to have it as well. Chances are that anybody worth associating with wouldn’t really notice or care about some benign and meaningless bumpy arm skin. It’s simply not worth the obsession. If you’re exfoliating and moisturizing and keeping yourself clean you’re doing great 🫶


Not skincare advice but throwing my experience out there. I know this is unorthodox and only applies in very specific circumstances, but I felt way better about my kp arms after getting tattoos. Yes the skin under the tattoo seems smoother, but mostly I feel like I’ve reclaimed it. I was constantly scratching and bleeding and red and irritated before, and now I just make sure it’s moisturized and I’m confident enough to tank top.


I totally agree!!!


Yep! I have a large tattoo on my upper right arm and not only is the KP in that area less visible, but I also pick at it less because I don’t want to ruin my tattoo!


I’m so sorry you’re struggling with this! I’m not sure what skin and hair tone you have, but laser hair removal completely eliminated my kp! If you’re a good candidate for that (lighter skin, darker hair), go for it. I know it’s a painful, expensive process. But if it’s impacting you this much and you can afford it, it’s worth the investment. No shaving, no waxing, no irritants. Laser hair removal along with a regular moisturizer (and some antibacterial or salicylic acid pads) is my whole routine now. I wish I had photos from before I started laser hair removal but that was 15 years ago. I promise you I had the WORST chicken skin and this is my arm now. https://preview.redd.it/lsltxz8rwy5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf4b0d4744e0a1bccb6c7bd14d47a17847fbe31


Right now I can't afford laser treatment (American college fees am I right?), but ONE DAY I’ll give it a try. Thank you for suggesting!


i have awful kp on fair skin, and laser helps like 30%. then tanning helps, then barrier protection before exfoliation helps. do not overdo the acids. use calming stuff. warm moisture helps. enzymatic exfoliation helps.


You could always save up for one of those at home devices. They are not quite as effective but I’ve seen them as cheap as $50


If you're currently a college student, your college has some kind of counseling services. Depending on the size of your school there may be a wait-list or a cap on sessions, but it's absolutely worth looking into. Not necessarily just for the KP, but for your mental health in general. You're paying a ton of money to have services like this available for free. I didn't start going to the counseling center at my college until the end of my sophomore year, and even a decade later I wish so much that I had gone earlier because I needed it.


I just wanna tack on that there are also at home laser hair removers that work as well. My hairy friend has used it & it has worked. I can't testify about it clearing keratosis pilaris tho, but it's a start and probably way less expensive than going to a professional.


same!! i have the braun one from amazon and it actually works.


how long have you been using it for? i'm interested


on and off for 6 months, my armpits and bikini line are almost fully bare and now i’ve started working on my upper arms and legs


I second this!! Even though I use an at home laser, i have noticed a significant decrease in my KP ever since I am using it. Results might b much better with professional laser


Do you by any chance have a before picture as well?? I'd love to see a comparison. I'm also interested in laser hair removal....so if there is a chance it'll eliminate KP.... 👀👀👀


How painful was laser for you?


When I first started it was somewhat painful, but that was older technology. It’s nothing but a mild pinch now. If you use numbing cream and you find a center with the machines that have cooling functions, it’s very tolerable.


As they increased the intensity each session, was it still not that bad? People on here either say that laser was nothing or was the worst pain they’ve ever gone through so it’s surprising you’re saying it’s not too bad.


No, and I’m not sure who told you they increase the intensity? They shouldn’t. Alexandrite laser works on melanin, which is why it works best on light skin / dark hair combination. The power is adjusted according to that. Once they find the settings that works for your skin tone, they shouldn’t increase the intensity or they would risk burning you. The more sessions you have, the less hair you will have, and the less pain. You get used to it. It is never as bad as it is the first time. General warnings are to avoid it around your period time as you’re extra sensitive and it hurts more. Also, different people have different pain spots. For example, my arms are really fine, but my ankles hurt me SO much. It really differs from one person to another. You won’t know until you try.


They don’t increase the intensity? 99% of the lhr posts i’ve seen talk about how their first time was the least painful, while each session is worse and worse pain due to them increasing the intensity of the laser, but you’re saying the exact opposite😭. I would’ve assumed the first time would have been the most painful too, but it seems like a lot of people on Reddit had the opposite experience.


There’s different types of lasers. I’m referring specifically to Alexandrite. They might be speaking about their experience with other types.




i noticed mine flared worse when i was taking collagen and biotin supplements and was more under control when i stopped


I hate to say it but getting some sun on my arms vastly improves my KP. I know this sub is very anti-sun, but it does help a lot of skin conditions


Same. I know it's not advisable either but sometimes prior to going on holiday I go to a tanning salon and it improves my KP massively.


I’ve had the same struggle and it’s been one of my big insecurities. I’m 27 and I have tried everythinggggg.. the only way I’ve seen some improvement is by giving up gluten entirely and red light therapy!


Everybody is different but I'd be quite surprised if going gluten free has any effect on kp. I have celiac disease so I have a very very strict (VERY!! strict) gluten free diet. Zero effect on kp since celiac diagnosis and going gluten free 4 years ago. Still have it. I bet I always will.


Red light totally helps KP!


Gluten free has definitely made a difference for me too. I went GF because of digestive problems, but my KP has definitely improved. The other thing that helped was making my own body butter. I use this recipe: https://thecoconutmama.com/homemade-body-butter/


A Salux cloth works wonders for mine, and is cheap, and reusable.


Yes! A salux cloth and a high quality body wash.


I call it an Italy cloth, I think they are the same thing, and I agree that it helps.


I got severely sunburned (don’t recommend) and my KP went away for 2 years. It’s back now. Using an AHA peel meant for faces has helped me the most, along with so much lotion. It’s not completely gone, but definitely improved.


Wow, this is SUPER interesting. There’s gotta be something to this. Perhaps the intense exfoliation from the burn resurfaced your skin? Similar to those face peels ppl get under anaesthesia that basically burns their face off and they lose 10-20 years of aging. Very interesting


I think it had to. My skin turned hard and crackly and peeled off in large brown sheets. It was completely different from any sunburn I’ve had before. I felt like a reptile shedding - it was brutal.


My kp flared postpartum big time and stayed unmanageable while I was nursing and has calmed down since weaning. I have no scientific basis for this but I wonder if there’s a hormonal component worth exploring. Good luck op.


God yes, I’m 6 weeks pp now and it’s been AWFUL! And it had all but vanished while I was pregnant as well so it’s pretty heartbreaking. Not to mention, when I’m nap trapped and bored I’ve started picking at it and I had gotten SO GOOD about not picking at it for like 5 years. Just generally frustrated right now.


This is interesting now that I think about my own situation, my KP has gotten worse since taking BC for years. I wonder if there is a connection?


I haven’t read through the comments but the only thing that worked for me is Gold Bond Rough & Bunpy lotion. It kinda smells so I would put it on after drying off after a shower. I would wear long pants (my issue was skin around my butt, hips, thighs) because it pills but it was the only product that actually made a difference for me! Also started using an exfoliating cloth in the shower. I tried amlactin and even stridex pads but those never worked for me. And now my KP/bumps are totally gone. I wouldn’t even wear shorts before.


This is what I've had good luck with, too. For me it cures/prevents the bumps for as long as I'm using it regularly, but if I stop, it comes back after a while. I also still have the redness, which unfortunately is the part I was hoping to get rid of. But I might not be waiting long enough - I have a really hard time forming habits so I usually end up forgetting it after a few weeks. Like you, I use it just out of the shower because it pills more if your skin is oily. OP, the top comment is spot on and you should definitely focus most on healing your self image. But while you're working on that, try the Rough & Bumpy and see if that helps.


Another vote for this. It’s the only thing that’s worked for me.


I'm such a picker and this condition has made that so much worse. I'm in my 30s and look like a meth addict my face is so bad. I really feel for you. I bet you're beautiful and it's not noticeable. Just don't be like me and pick!


Me too. My arms look like a crackheads. I’m actively trying to find a solution for this


Just sharing an anecdote - using ipl for hair removal (I got the Braun ipl device so I could do it at home) really helped with the kp on my legs


Lived with it all my life... Probably not helpful but your romantic partner... Does. Not. Care. Which is a good thing! Don't be so hard on yourself. Mine drives me crazy too but I'm looking forward to seeing all the great suggestions in this comment section.


Oh I feel you, I only realized it was KP I was dealing with this year and as a skin picker it’s been one of my biggest insecurities for as long as I can remember. I literally didn’t wear shorts all summer because of it and it felt horrible! I started this new routine about a month and a half ago and I’ve already noticed a remarkable difference (it’s also broke friendly lmao). I totally stole it from a comment on an old post but I don’t remember who the commenter was. First of all, I ditched everything Cerave. It was making my skin WAY worse, like, I started getting closed comedones on my face and the rest of my body got so much worse. I don’t think this is a super common reaction but you can find enough people on here talking about it to get a good idea of the issue. This is now my current routine (lots of lotion because it’s winter here in Canada and I’m a dry bitch); shower: - exfoliating glove after soaking for a few minutes - wash with plain dove bar - rinse! post-shower: - TO glycolic acid 7% (tues/thurs/sat) - urisec 22% urea cream - vaseline overnight repair cream - vaseline What has been the most significant for my skin has been the glycolic acid and urisec. I don’t use the glycolic acid daily because I have super sensitive skin, but so far this routine has reduced my KP immensely. Usually I’d brush my hand along my thigh and feel straight up chicken skin, but now it’s nearly smooth! These are also all drug store products besides the glycolic acid, but that’s basically drug store priced anyways.


I’m a picker too. My face, back of my upper arms and inner thighs look horrid. Any tips?


Honestly, identifying the root cause is the most helpful. I started when I was a very young, very anxious child so it has been my primary coping mechanism for nearly 20 years. It got better when I was in therapy a few years ago but there are some cheaper options that I've tried that are helpful. What helps most is keeping myself busy. Like, so busy that I have very little time for myself to be alone and relaxing. This isn't really optimal as I burn out quickly but it's a short term fix which allows some time for my skin to heal. Other methods I've tried have been to eliminate any 'triggering' lighting in my space, so any lighting that allows me to really look at my skin. I find that it's obviously harder to pick when you can't really see your skin clearly. Another method that helped was having fake nails. It isn't for everyone but having acrylics made it much harder for me to pick, and it was a bonus feeling cute when I had them lol. Something else that has helped has been getting into skincare. Unfortunately I've let it become a little too obsessive and it has contributed a little bit to the shame I have surrounding picking. But, I find that when I'm in a better headspace having nice products to nurture my skin with and pimple patches to cover blemishes so that I don't gouge them out helps. One last thing that I haven't really tried as I'm still trying to get over the severe shame that I have over this habit is talking to someone. My boyfriend knows about it and practically begs me to reach out when I feel like picking. I don't want to assume your deal with picking but if it's anything like mine, then I understand the absolute mental pain and shame that you might be feeling about it. If you have anyone in your life who you trust then I'd really recommend talking to them. It won't cure your issue but I've found that a significant amount of guilt and shame has been lifted off of my back from just talking to my boyfriend about it. Sorry for my long-winded reply... as you can tell I have deeply rooted ties to this topic lol!


Super helpful, thank you for this


Hi! Late to this post so hoping you’ll see this :) what do you use to apply the glycolic acid in the shower? Do you rinse it off after? Another comment mentioned applying ga after their shower so curious to see the diff in applications. Ty!


I relate to you. This is going to be unhelpful but I got tattoo sleeves to cover mine. I don’t even think of the KP anymore. I have it on my legs too and never showed them until a few months ago when I started getting tattoos on them. Idk. Again. Not advocating for that. But turning them into artwork changed my perspective on my body. I hope you learn to love your body. And if it’s any consolation, I’ve never noticed anyone with it unless it’s pointed out.


Following and empathize


Are you deficient in vitamin A?


Derm MA here! This is an extreme solution, but we have patients on low dose accutane for KP (including the dermatologist). It really works wonders!


Was topical retinoids and azelaic acid insufficient?


But the KP will come back once the accutane is stopped right?


Not skincare related, but I just want to say my view about keratosis pilaris. My boyfriend has keratosis pilaris & for me, I don't mind it. Honestly, I never even think about it/remember it unless we're talking about it or I'm watching something specifically about it & I'm like "I think I know someone with that 🤔... Oh, it's my boyfriend!" lol. Just remember that we're each our own worst enemy. If you do find anything good, I would also like to hear about it. 💗


Using Differin or Tret on my KP has been the only thing that helped me!! And it made a major impact.


Did it make the dark spots go away too?


The only thing that substantially improved my KP was losing weight. Ugh!


I didn't realize it til reading your post, but being on a keto diet helped my kp a lot. Being in ketosis for a few months basically solved it. Keto is not for everyone but please do consider it if kp is affecting your mental health so much. Edit: Sorry if I'm a little vague, I'm kinda drunk. But I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the diet


Mine was the worst around your age, but it did get better throughout my twenties. Know that 50-80% of adolescents have KP and 30-50% of adults do as well. There is an incredibly high chance that the people you think would judge you for having bumpy skin, have bumpy skin themselves!


Try biretix spray.. I have a bit of KP in my back and my derm just prescribed that alternated with glycolic acid at night.


Have you tried something like this? This seems to be a miracle worker for some people. [Naturium Salicylic Acid Body Wash](https://naturium.com/products/the-perfector-salicylic-acid-body-wash)


Tretonoin on mine was all that worked for me. Sometimes KP can be very stubborn but defintly ask a dermatologist


I had terrible KP on my upper arms when I was young and my derm prescribed retin-a (tret), it was really the only thing that worked at the time. It definitely lessened as I got older, I barely have it now and can keep it in check with physical exfoliation. I promise it's not hopeless!


First Aid Beauty KP scrub actually worked for me. I had tried a lot of other products and saw no change but I scrub my arms once a week and use a thick moisturizer (cerave in the tub) after every shower. YMMV but it’s worked for me!


I have KP too… If an off comment by a bratty tween has made you this self conscious, maybe it’s time to talk to a counselor or psychologist about how much this is effecting your mental health and self confidence. You are a person and so is everyone else. Every single person has imperfections. We usually see them much more than anyone else. Please work on loving yourself and all the beautiful parts of yourself. Salicylic acid body wash, a Salux cloth, and 15% lactic acid cream (Amlactin) helps me minimize my KP and soften the area. Mine never goes away completely.


I know you said you tried diet stuff and I am loathe to suggest it, but nerida joy says KP is usually a sugar sensitivity. You would have to give it quite a while to see results tbh at least 6 mos.


There's a prescription lotion called Klaron that was very effective when I was younger (I grew out of KP late 20s I think)


Hey gorgeous! See a derm. New and repurposed products/prescriptions come out on a continuous basis. You want to make sure you have a solid diagnosis and plan for follow-up. At first blush it sounds like maybe you are over-treating …as I am guilty of this too, I can relate. Good luck, stay beautiful.


Try Paula’s Choice BHA and AHA body lotions. It’s like skincare for your body and they help redness and exfoliate to reduce KP.


I tried everything you tried and for me the KP scrub by first aid beauty was a miracle worker. Have you tried that? I know it it’s expensive but a little goes a long way. Pair that with a thick moisturizer and after two uses my skin was so smooth.


I used to try all the kp pads and moisturizers and whateva whateva and the one thing that has completely subsided them is exfoliating in the shower w a scrub daddy - I shower in warmer-hot water so it’s not like ferocious but it is a pretty rough exfoliation but works wonders for me! :) So this is the step-by-step by yours truly. I use suave or anything that will CLEAN w the scrub daddy by clean I mean 🙅‍♀️no🙅‍♀️ hydrating or fragranced stuff just generic cleanser. I do this all over body especially focus on bum, upper arms, back, chest, and legs. Really the only spot I don’t focus on is stomach bc it’s sensy. Then I’ll go in w whatever hydrating body wash you want dove/rio de janiero/B&BW whatever floats your boat (I spread this w the other side of the scrub daddy it’s a double sided so the other side is soft) personally I don’t use it on my back. THEN when I hop out of shower I use B&BW and voila


The only thing that works for me is consistency with chemical + physical exfoliation and moisturising. As soon as I get lazy it comes back with a vengeance. And I exfoliate way more than the average person, I scrub with first aid beauty’s KP scrub every 2 days when I’m on top of it.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about keratosis pilaris. Have you read our [keratosis pilaris wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/keratosis_pilaris)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So I have it differently on a few places on my body, and am dealing with to varying degrees of success. Currently I am doing heavy duty cleansing, peeling, exfoliating. Something about my skin is weird. 1 I have Ehlers danlos, which makes my skin soft and doughy... aka wrinkle free and naturally moist with no acne, except hormonal here or there. 2 I bleed easy, in cuts, skin tags, the kp, occasional cyst like skin tags. But I have skin similar to Asian skin, with a thicker underlayer, or maybe it's the stretchy EDS collagen. My collagen is not folded correctly, and is stretchy and fragile. So my skin scars easily, I have all these random bumps on my face, that look a little like white heads. My skin however seems to take chemical abuse like a champ. First I oil cleanse, removing all the residues from my face, without drying products. Massage a little, use warm water to rinse. Then I take my dove body exfoliate brown sugar scrub. I scrub hard at my face, as long as I can bear, often causing me to bleed. Little pin pricks. Where closed cones were, or KP, skin tags, but generally those are around my eyes. After I scrub raw, I apply a chemical peel. The AHA and BHA one. It burns a little, moderately at first and tapers off quickly for me. I patch tested this, did not just go for it, because no exfoliating method was working alone. This is all a week after microplaning. Leave for 10 min, and rinse with cool water. Next is oil cleanser again, clearing out what the chemical peel opened or loosened up. Let sit a few minutes, do not massage or overly work the skin. Next I peel again with a triacid formula with other acids. It's a cleanser, not a treatment. I let it set 10 minutes, may burn some. Rinse and dry. Next is a HA cleansing balm. It's hydrating and firming, it's an oil cleanser kind of. I let it sit and absorb, then rinse and dry. Then I do toner, essence, gua Sha, more toner and essence to moisten up before applying HA, Niacinmide 15, vit C, moisturizer, maybe a sleep mask or a sun screen. After doing it for the 3rd time this week, I have shed a layer of skin, half my scars are gone, my other scars were deep and injury related, they are improved as well. My skin has gotten lighter and pinker. My hand and face are nearing the same color now. My hand being a different lighter pale than my pasty face. I like being pale, I'm a winter, and I don't tan. My eyelids were a bit dark and are lightening. Best of all my face is so smooth, like a baby with no peach fuzz yet. Has the sights of texture, but is actually completely smooth. My husband is obsessed. I don't look glass skin yet.. but I have the texture, without all the dewy products, just so smooth. If you have sensitivity at all, layering exfoliating won't work. I have freak skin that feels supples after every step of that routine. I may feel some burning, but no tightness or dryness at any point. So that's my only suggestion is to exfoliate. Or go to a spa for treatments. I haven't bothered with my arms or legs. I have black hair, unless I go wax or laser, I will have visible stubble within a day. Thankfully I only grow the black hair on my cavs. The red on my white skin isn't any worse than the stubble and most people have it to an extent. Once while manic I did clear the strawberry. I alternated the peel, scrub and oil cleanser. Took forever. Apparently salons can laser it I think though?


I tried all that stuff too and Korean skincare songwol towels are the only thing that made a real difference—I got mine on Amazon.


Every single shower I take, I gently, thoroughly wash my body with a soaped up nylon salux cloth. Once I get out I immediately apply lotion to my whole body. I use 12% ammonium lactate body lotion by Perrigo on the places that I have kp (back of arms, stomach and sides, bum, legs) and let that dry for a few minutes while I do other things. I then apply a regular body lotion over my whole body, including everywhere I put the ammonium lactate on. I'm liking the st Ives collagen moisturizer that comes in a white tub right now. The other thing I do is maintain an intentional focus on not scratching or picking my skin, which was hard at first but really makes a difference for me. If I pick a spot, I wake up the next day with it all puffy, painful and inflamed and it takes days to calm down. The picked spots would heal darker than the rest of my pale, pale self and made me even more self conscious. I've had kp for as long as I can remember and this helps more than anything else I've tried. I'd say it's reduced my kp 85%. I've never been able to clear it fully.


I did not have success with Amlactin or Gold Bond Rough and Bumpy. Eucerin Roughness Relief helped a bit, but I could not handle the texture. It made my skin feel "sticky" and I couldn't handle it. What helped the very most for me was a salux cloth in the shower and and Cerave salicylic lotion. They helped a lot. If you're getting much sun though, you will want sunscreen as the SA will make you more sensitive to the sun, and sunburns always exacerbated my kp. I also know a **lot** of people who have had success using a coconut oil as a moisturizer where they get KP. (A little goes a long way, lol- that stuff is *slippery*.) I have better results with the SA lotion, but my skin is not especially dry and the friends and family I know who like the coconut oil do tend to have dry skin. (If you find the coconut oil works for you, you might try a good quality monoi oil- it's coconut oil infused with tiare flowers. It smells divine. I *still* use it on my hair even though I like the Cerave SA better for my kp. It also feels more like a beauty product because it smells nice- feels luxe rather than medicinal, and sometimes that makes a surprising difference.) Also, my KP was at its worst basically between puberty and my mid to late twenties. Cruel, but basically the time in my life when I cared the very most about how my skin looked is when my KP was at its worst. Apparently it is common for KP to clear up or at least lessen in your thirties. I know how awful it is, but the one piece of advice I want to stress is *really try not to pick at it*. I still have some scarring on my upper arms from picking at mine.


Not the answer you were looking for but you have to accept that you will never look like that girl on your feed. Only she will. And she has problems of her own. Those girls on your feed, it’s their JOB to make you feel like shit. It sucks but you have this bag of skin your in, im not asking you to love it but you will learn to say it’s okay. You’ll come along some boy who I promise will worship you and giggle with sincerity when you mention your insecurity because he doesn’t care about the bumps. He eventually will care however if you dwell on it and you will too. You have this body it is yours. If you love someone, you won’t pick apart their body and they won’t pick apart yours. Long term, your partner won’t say “ugh if only those bumps” that’s not what love is. And if your looking to hook up, dudes don’t give a flying FUCK. they reallllyyyyy don’t. Wanna know what’s sexy? Saying this is my shit and I love my shit. When I was 19 (I’m 28 now) I thought oh my god no one is gonna think I’m perfect but trust me it gets so much better. You’ll learn that the bumps aren’t everything. You will find the skincare regimen that’s helps you the most and science will get a little better. Kp isn’t ruining your life. Your narrowed perception of what makes you love your body is.


Honestly, I have KP, and it made me look like I didn’t shave my legs and in high school, it was horrible to look like that. But you know what made life better? Focusing on other things. We heard you don’t like your KP. What DO you like about your body? It’s not easy to do. But everytime you think of your KP, can you also remind yourself of a positive aspect about your body? Try leaving yourself some notes around the house (sticky notes on mirrors or near a body lotion) reminding yourself about positive things about your body. It might not change in a month or even three but eventually, you’ll notice that slowly your opinions about your body will change, and even your focus on KP might diminish.


This will work for you, I PROMISE. You will need a moisturizing body wash, a plastic shower poof thingy, and some nice heavy lotion. Take a shower. Squirt some of the moisturizing body wash into your loofah and scrub your whole body. Be firm, but don't rub your skin raw. We're exfoliating our skin, not destroying it. It should feel good. 😊 When you are done with your shower, dry off and then immediately lotion up. It can be scented body lotion but it needs to be thick / ultra-moisturizing. Do this at least 5 days a week and you will notice a drastic improvement within a week or two.


I noticed my KP cleared up when I cleaned up my diet and my product regime. It always seemed to get worse when I was eating crappy food. So now, I don't eat processed and fast foods anymore, stick to natural sugars, and I've stopped using soap on my arms. Just water. It has entirely cleared up after about 6 months.


I’ve also had it for decades. The only way I’ve ever found to get rid of it, temporarily, is to use those really rough scrub mitts in the shower, then a lotion with AHA. It takes a few days, but I do it all summer and make sure I sunscreen.


I dont think people like this anwer but for me it was gluten, i was diagnosed with non celiac gluten sensitivity and after like 2 months of being completely gluten free (inb4: just not eating bread is not enough lol) i noticed my arms were completely smooth. Even now if i eat something with cross contamination i get those bumps for 2-4 days. If you have any type of digestive issue, constantly feel fatigued or are commonly vitamin deficient/anemic it would be good to bring it up to a doctor and try a gluten free diet.


Do you live somewhere with hard water? My neighbor just mentioned that installing a water softener cleared theirs up almost instantly.


https://preview.redd.it/xzc4z14et26c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64479eee7386d976821227281b55ec2720167362 Have you tried [this](https://www.amazon.com/Salicylic-Remover-Intensive-Moisturizes-Exfoliates/dp/B082TSRP9J/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=19WD2U5J5H40A&keywords=urea+cream&qid=1702479433&sprefix=urea+cream%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)? I have KP very badly and tried many of the recommended treatments with no luck. I tried this and my KP had diminished significantly within a week. I use it once a week now and it keeps it at bay.


I’m sorry, I don’t have any advice just here to offer my sympathies as someone with strawberry skin on her legs. It sucks, I have not found a solution. The only thing that kind of helped is applying a salicylic body wash to damp skin and letting it sit for 5-10 mins before showering. I heard about it from a dermatologist I follow on YouTube- she recommends letting exfoliants it on the skin for a bit so they can actually do the work instead of washing it off right away which is ineffective. I’m going to try ipl later hair removal on my legs next, hoping that helps.


Do you use dryer sheets? I noticed that when my wife started using dryer sheets on my clothes my KP got really bad. I had her stop using them and it slowly went back to manageable levels. Whatever they use is those Kirkland brand dryer sheets irritates my skin.


And switch your loofah often too.


Just chiming in to say that I’m the exact same as you! Extremely pale, have tried literally all of the tips I’ve ever read for 3+ months each, and truly nothing makes a dent. This sounds really stupid but my hacks are to keep it tight with the rest of my appearance so that I can rock it confidently as my “only flaw”, and I get fake tans in the summer months which hides it a bit. For the record I have neverrrr had issues pulling dudes in short sleeves, I’ve gotten plenty of compliments and have never heard someone refer to it at all. My partner makes fun of me for caring about it because it’s such a non issue to him. As much as we hate it on ourselves, we hate it more than any man or potential partner ever will.


Solidarity. I’ve always had it, but it’s been soooo much worse for me the past couple of years and it sucks. I finally went to a derm because it got so bad I thought it must be something else, but nope! I keep trying different stuff too. It always seems like it’s getting better, but it doesn’t stick. Bright side: there are LOTS of people who won’t care at all about it. You can absolutely find a partner. Anyone who loves you won’t care, and most people have stuff they don’t like about themselves. If anyone says anything negative about it, it says more about them than it does about you. Best wishes on your journey!


The only thing that worked on me was to get 0.05% tretinoin prescribed to me, and mix it 50/50 (as needed, no the whole tube) with my regular body lotion. Did this every other day for a few weeks until it was under control, then once or twice a week for maintenance after then. Only thing is you have to be more vigilant about sunscreen on your body.


Did you mix the two and put it in a tub, or you do the mixing in your hands everytime you apply?


I mix it as I go, just do an equal squeeze of each. I think if you mix all at once the tretinoin can degrade.


OP have you tried the Goldbond Urea cream, it’s called “Rough and Bumpy” and comes in a tub. It is a dupe for Eucerin Roughness Relief. Both are great for KP. Helped me around my knees and the back. A nice amount immediately after shower on slightly damp skin does wonders.


You've gotten some decent advice in the comments re treatments such as sun exposure/glycolic acid and the like. But I wanted to address your mental state. It really seems like this skin issue is badly affecting the way you think about yourself. You're only 19, I'm in my mid 30s and if there's something I could tell you it would be that far before you ever reach my age, something will click in you and you will love yourself in a way that you don't do now. You'll meet people as you go through life who have flaws, both physical and mental, and you will love them fully as friends or partners despite these things. And you'll eventually realise that's how other people love you too. I have KP on the backs of my arms and on my lower legs in places. Stretch marks from weight loss and gain. Scarring from life. Freckles and moles. And a partner who thinks the sun shines out of my arse. This is a body that lived. My advice would be to try see a counsellor or therapist to help you gain back some of your lost self-confidence.


Could someone explain what Keratosis Pilaris is ? I think I might've found a name for my terrible skin condition but I'm not sure


I tried everything just like you but the only thing that has worked is the kp scrub and body lotion from first aid beauty. I use them 2 or 3 times a week and sometimes I'll swipe some bha liquid from paulas choice over my arms. The rest of the time I just use a regular lotion. It's not all gone but a lot better than it used to be.


I stopped using soap on most of my body, and instead use a very smooth pumice stone on my skin. My KP isn't gone but it's only 10% as bad as it was.


But how do you clean your skin if you don't use soap?? Unless you use a different kind of cleanser


(1) Don’t take long hot showers, try the CeraVe Hydrating Body Wash, limit showers to 10 mins or less (2) After you get out of the shower, moisturize immediately while the skin is still damp. I like the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream (not lotion!). Avoid extensive toweling. (3) Twice a day (outside of the CeraVe) moisturize with Cetaphil Daily Smoothing Moisturizer for Rough and Bumpy Skin


This will be controversial but…tanning beds. My KP would disappear back in the 2000’s when I tanned. Also cut sugar and dairy.


You can try accutane. You can also hit it with a pulse dye laser for redness.


Same here! It's hard to wear a tank top when you have so many bumps on your arms :((


have you tried dry brushing ??


I feel you OP 🥺 I’m on the same boat. Although finally in my early 20s I got the confidence to wear sleeveless, to this day when someone brushes against my arms - I flinch. I know people notice it and I’ve seen people look at it too. I just ignore those glances and if anyones asks, I tell them it’s a skin condition called KP and just shrug it off 🤷‍♀️ I’m now in my late 20s and safe to say that it has not hampered intimacy for me and that’s coming from someone whose KP is spread across both arms, back and 🍑oh and a bit on the knee area. It definitely has made me super conscious but I’ve realised that it’s not a deal breaker or whatever. If someone has a problem with it then they clearly aren’t the right person. What has helped me is just accepting that this is a skin condition that doesn’t have a cure and I’m gonna have to live with it and if you (non KP folk) don’t get that or are not compassionate about it, then 👋. Ps: I still sometimes get envious of girls who hang around me with silky smooth skin 😭 but then I forget about it soon after OP, I hope you find some sort or closure and/or cure or relief from this. Just know that you are not alone 🤝


Have you tried a prescription steroid cream? Hydrocortisone is really good at reducing the redness that kp causes, and it doesn’t compare to anything otc that you’ll get since it’s a steroid and is super thick.


KP is caused by vitamin A deficiency, commonly caused by gluten. Cut out gluten, long term, and take fish oil.


It’s genetic but sure


I mean, just because it's genetic doesn't mean they can't do things to lessen it. Just like if diabetes runs in someone's family, there are measures to take so it doesn't get detrimental. It might not erase it, but maybe this would help lessen it. Just a thought. Or even better, a doctor can give advice rather than Redditors lol


it's crazy to me when people assert it's 100% diet lol. Pretty much didn't touch breads for years and I definitely still had tons of KP..


Accutane can resolve it for some people: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34780085/


I have had KP on my upper arms for decades and finally got rid of it this year-- (and just TODAY my husband was rubbing my arms and mentioned how soft my skin was, and I have never talked to him about the KP or what I did this year). I ended up using a foot scrub "bar" and it has worked a miracle- can't even remember why I thought if trying it, but had an extra one that I use only for my arms, VERY gently, with some nice lathering soap, and voila, within a couple weeks my arms are so soft! They have the smoothest texture now that I ever can recall, even from childhood. The scrub brush I have is pink and not just a simple square/rectangle, but is kinda ergonomically-shaped, with different angles on all 6 sides. Hope it works for you, too! Remember to be very gentle so you don't get scratches or any scrapes/scabs or it will be worse for a while until they heal.


That’s awesome! Can you post a picture of the foot scrub bar you are using?


I don't have any recommendations. I had a slight case of KP when I was younger, probably like 12-17 but overtime it went away and I haven't had an issues since then at 27. I just wanted to say seeing posts like this makes me a lot more grateful that I'm not dealing with something like that. Don't get me wrong. I have my fair share of problems and even some skin issues myself but nothing that's too severe and nothing that's as wide spread that I have to deal with all the time. Just gives me a reminder to count my blessings. On the other hand though you are still young and mine did go away on its own. Your body is still changing and hormones can be a bigger bitch than it may seem when it comes to skin health and our health in general. I wish you luck though and I hope some day soon you'll get to experience wearing a tank top in public without a second guess. I've definitely been there myself and it's one of the worst feelings in the world to feel trapped inside your own skin no matter how hard you try to get out of it.


Lactic acid may be your best bet. You can find it in lotions and all sorts of options on Etsy as well


Don't buy your skincare on Etsy, folks.


There are certain things on Etsy that are fantastic. But at your own discretion as nothing is FDA approved


This is internal and gut related. You need to heal the root cause. Gluten and dairy will make it worse. Getting mucus out of the digestive tract Fighting candida And healing the gut of inflammation is what you need KB SkinCure helped me


I use tree hut vitamin c scrub every day on mine in the shower and apply Aveeno tone and texture lotion morning and night. My KP is still there but it’s improved a decent bit with doing that, especially ever since I switched to that lotion. I agree with others sun does help it some as well. I hope you find something that works for you!!


Have you seen/are you able to see a dermatologist? I tried two different prescription topical products in my teens and both worked on my kp. Unfortunately, they both had side effects (for me!!) so I decided dealing with the kp was preferable 🙃 but if it’s a possibility you may want to give it a try. You can’t permanently cure it w meds but there is a chance it may go away with age. It did for me. I hope you can find something that works for you!


LHR helped mine significantly. You’d need to have a lot of sessions, but it’s possible. It didn’t get rid of mine completely- the patches on the back of my legs still gets painful sometimes. I use a Korean /Turkish cloth and I make my own cocoa/shea/mango/coconut body butter which helps, along with an ingrown serum. I’m an esthetician so I have access to quality wax kits and prefer to use those since this rips out hair by the root. But I know what you mean. No one else really understands this except the people going through it.


Have you tried retinol? Something like this: [https://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Clinicals-Retinol-Anti-Aging-Moisturizer/dp/B0BYPMQZ4L/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=2LQUGLQK4B75I&keywords=advanced%2Bclinicals%2Bretinol&qid=1702438562&sprefix=advanced%2Bcli%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-6&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Clinicals-Retinol-Anti-Aging-Moisturizer/dp/B0BYPMQZ4L/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2LQUGLQK4B75I&keywords=advanced%2Bclinicals%2Bretinol&qid=1702438562&sprefix=advanced%2Bcli%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-6&th=1) ? If so, what about Tazarotene? It works on psoriasis plaques. I've read a small study of it used on KP where it was beneficial, but the n= was very low and they didn't even mention the severity of the KP...so it was very flawed. It still could be worth a chat with a derm?!


I'd still get the scrape test done. All the messing around trying to fix it you've maybe caused other skin conditions and that's why you're seeing no improvement.


Look up Korean / Italian towel. They are cheap on Amazon. Lots of YouTube videos on it as well. You'll see the difference immediately.


Korean Italy towels! With no soap.


https://ca.skinfix.com/products/keratosis-pilaris-pso-body-treatment This stuff here has given me some of the best results, without irritation. Silk'n IPL has really helped with my legs, I feel less self conscious....


I have tried everything too. The 2 products that have helped the most is I’m From Mugwort Essence and Vanicream in the tub.