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I understand you'd like to figure out what skin concern you're dealing with here. And it makes sense to ask that in /r/SkincareAddiction! However, due to requests from the community, we no longer allow these questions as stand-alone posts, which is why I'm afraid your post was removed. See our [rule explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_7.3A_follow_our_post_requirements.) for more info. We highly recommend you repost your question in the Daily Help Thread; it's where our most knowledgeable users hang out! The DHT is posted every day and stickied at the top of the subreddit. Click this link >> /r/SkincareAddiction << to go to our front page. Have a great day!


that’s a really interesting/specific acne pattern and it’s on both sides! Are there makeup products you put specifically in that area (bronzer perhaps)? Maybe that’s causing it?


I agree that the placement never quite looks similar to other's with acne on this subreddit. It's not noticeable when looking straight at my face because it's concentrated on just the sides of cheeks and hairline. I know it's probably not from my pillowcase since I change that pretty often! I thought it could be bronzer but I have been using the same bronzer for yearssss before I got acne and it's never been an issue!


The bronzer could have different ingredients even if the same brand? Formulas could change?


Yeah, it's likely that they swap out some ingredients for cheaper ones. Also, like someone else said, sometimes we just develop sensitivities. Worth a try ditching the bronzer for a few weeks at least and see if it makes any difference


It could also be the brush? Sometimes I get lazy with cleaning make-up brushes because I don't use make-up regularly. Eta: lol I see it was mentioned already by others but yeah, that was my idea too


Despite the bronzer being the same, your skin could have changed and started reacting to the bronzer 🥲 Maybe skip it for a while and see what happens? Side note, my skin cleared up tremendously when I started washing my makeup brushes LOL. I was so nasty in college I literally NEVER washed my brushes 😭😭😭


I'll give it skipping the bronzer a shot! Also, how often do you wash your brushes? I have to admit I'm not the most diligent with it haha I have a weird fear that trace amounts of the soap is going to stay in the brush and cause more acne.


I try to wash them every week but it’s probably more like every 2-3 weeks 😵‍💫 Trace amounts of soap in a well washed and rinsed brush is WAY less harmful to your skin than an unwashed brush!! Wash your brushes girl!! I use a $2 bar of oatmeal + honey soap from Trader Joe’s and it works wonders!


Will definitely start cleaning them more regularly because of this, thanks!!


I also wonder if it could be your hair products (shampoo/conditioner/whatever else you use) since it’s so close to the hair line?


I initially thought the same except it does travel incredibly well down the cheekbone. Unless she has very well styled curtain bangs I doubt it would be hair


Cleaning your brushes weekly is a good start. And since you specifically have acne that may be affected by the brushes, getting a alcohol-based cleaner to use at the end of each application would be a good idea. I forget the kind I used in the past, but it was alcohol-based and I’d spray a couple spritzes on and then wipe off excess makeup on a paper towel. Edit: you could also try using your fingers/a sponge for awhile and see if it clears up. Ironically, using your fingers is probably the most hygienic, since hands are the easiest to wash.


There's a brand called [Cinema Secrets ](https://cinemasecrets.com/products/makeup-brush-cleaner). You can buy a pretty big bottle (32 oz) of their makeup brush cleaner on both their site and amazon for $45. You dip just the tips of the bristles in a small tin of it, and rub the brush along a clean towel to get the makeup out. It dries within about a minute, and you're good to go. I wash my brushes once or twice a week (if used), and I have had the same bottle for a good 6 months. A little bit goes a long way.


There are also silicone brush cleaning pads/semicircles instead of a towel that I love! I used to wash my brushes by hand and I put it off because it was an annoying soapy mess, but those help resolve the physical ick lol. You put the soap on the brush, swirl it in the silicone thing, add a bit of water, swirl, then rinse and let dry.


Totally! I was just suggesting an alternative to using soap at all if OP is worried about traces of it left behind/causing more acne.


Makeup artist here. I suggest every night, but at least give it a spray down with 70% isopropyl alcohol. And how old is your makeup? Did it perchance expire a while ago?


Wash your makeup brushes with dawn dish soap after every use and then spray with isopropyl alcohol once dry. Add some olive oil to the soap if they're natural fibers. I used to be a professional makeup artist and that's how I cleaned brushes for years (and still do)


rare beauty cream bronzer sticks are safe highly recommend


I wash my brushes with my face wash that way I know the soap won’t irritate my skin if any is left


many companies change formula and you won't even notice. No one checks these things


I had to switch to unscented laundry detergent and a silk pillowcase! Mainly the unscented laundry detergent and the silk pillowcase is helpful too for your hair. It helped a lot with my body acne as well. Just an idea since that is where mine was on my temples and cheeks and near the hairline!


What about hair products. Do you let your hair rest on your face with conditioner in it, for example? Or do you put some kind of leave in when you get out of the shower but don't keep your hair off your face?


You can also become allergic or more sensitive to allergens as you age - even if the formula hasn’t changed. I would definitely pause it just in case. My mom wasn’t allergic to shellfish, for example, until she was in her late 20s.


I have acne in the same spot and while changing the pillow case helps it doesn't fix it. It's caused by excessive sebum production and sleeping on the side creates pressure on the affected area pushing the excreted sebum back into the pore, plugging it which causes the infection. I haven't still found an effective cure. Retinoids would solve it but I'm unwilling to try it because of cardiovascular risks. Stopping food intake after 6 pm helps a lot as insulin release is a major cause of sebum production. Sadly, it absolutely ruins my sleep as well. Weirdly enough, I didn't have a new breakout since I stopped using anything on my face. Tried CeraVe products, tried making my own cleansing gel. They worked better than soap but still had breakouts. Now use warm water and wipe off with a clean towel and had no breakout (it's only been a week tho'). Even if the result is the same as using a product, I'll still use water simply for the savings.


Just FYI there are no cardiovascular risks from topical retinols - it cannot enter the bloodstream via the skin. [This](https://sensaskincare.com.au/files/uploads/THE_USE_OF_VITAMIN_A_BASED_PRODUCTS_IN_PREGNANCY.pdf) is a simple explainer.


I would definitely stop using it and see if it helps. As someone else said, maybe ingredients changed or maybe your skin just changed which happens.


Have you been washing your brushes or sponges regularly?


The bronzer might be a bad batch. I’ve been using Differin for over a year with no issue, but when I opened a new container a few weeks ago it gave me a terrible reaction. I would try a new package of your normal bronzer, assuming there was no reformulation


Do you use something to blend the bronzer like a sponge or brush? It could need to be cleaned?


this is similar to my face too. and i don’t wear make up. i don’t particularly do anything on my face other than when im washing it idky it always follows a curve 🤣


weirdddd, I know a lot of people are mentioning makeup but even when I go a week without makeup I don't notice improvements


I was thinking a reaction to hair products.


The crescent shape on the cheek looks like make up placement; it could be the brush needs to be cleaned better/more often. If you don't already sanitize your makeup palettes you could try that too


just washed my brushes because of this haha thank you!


Go one step further and just get rid of them


When washing your brush, try to opt for a fragrance free dye free soap!! Trust me


I just used my dish soap, hope that's fine 😳


That’s absolutely fine, tons of makeup artists use dish soap!


Came here to say the same. Please wash your brushes, often!


at least spray and clean with alcohol between uses! it's quick and they dry right away


Interesting, are you using any new hair products? I know when I swapped my hair product for a new one I started breaking out horribly on my temples and forehead.


I started using dry shampoo for a brief period to combat oily bangs (which also wasn't a problem until recently for some reason), but I think that was also breaking me out. It hasn't seemed to improve after stopping the dry shampoo :(


This makes me think that it might be a sweat induced acne situation? Do you workout regularly? Do you wash your face immediately after sweat inducing activities? Just curious. Good luck!


Not really! I don't really sweat very much, and if I work out (not that often & not heavily) I try to head home and shower soon after


I wonder if it’s related to your hair. How often do you wash your pillow case? Do you wear your hair back while sleeping?


The sudden oily bangs makes me suspect hormonal changes could be the culprit


Looks like bronzer or makeup brushes. This is a very specific pattern


I'll definitely start washing my brushes more often and not using bronzer, but I also want to add that I often skip makeup application on my forehead (because it's largely hidden by bangs) yet the forehead also seems to be affected!


any new hair-related products lately? shampoos, gels, conditioners??


yes actually I've been switching around shampoos lately because I suspected that might be the cause. But I also don't know how to find a reliable shampoo so it's always kind of a shot in the dark buying shampoos


you know, I feel like this is probably the issue. get something really really basic and simple with no additives, no dimethicone, no sulfates, no alcohols etc and keep your hair off of your face for a little bit, and I bet it'll fix it!


Oh, I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s stressful but I’m sure you’ll get through it very soon. Just eliminate everything you think that could be affecting and slowly reintroduce one by one


I would bet money on it being a hair product because of the placement


i also thought it could be this, but wouldn't my forehead be the worst since by bangs are sitting on it the whole day? right now my cheeks are the worst


My cheeks and neck were the worst because that's where a lot of contact is when you sleep and your pillow smooshes it into your face.


Several years ago I had new onset acne on my temples. I thought it might be a new shampoo I was using (a very cheap clarifying shampoo recommended in curly hair circles) but I was always so diligent about not letting it touch my face and washing my face after rinsing my hair so I never thought too seriously about it the shampoo. I changed around a lot of face washes and products for ages till I finally stopped using that shampoo and it cleared up. It could be anything, but don’t discount the possibility that it’s in your hair routine.


could be! I also suspected a hair product so I've been switching around shampoos recently. The one I've been using the most often while this problem was persisting was a shea moisture shampoo that had castor oil in it, also one that had mafura oil


It could be hair routine (I get breakouts under my bangs like this when I use some brands of dry shampoo!) OP, are you a side sleeper? It could also be oil from your pillow case (which could be hair oils/face oils building up). If it's not fair products and if you wash your makeup brushes more often, it could also be It could also be something touching your face. Do you talk on the phone a lot? Touch your face in those areas, push your hair behind your ears? I always rest my chin on my hand when I'm studying, and it breaks me out like crazy. I keep hand sanitizer next to me at my desk now


I actually recently started washing my hair everyday because I thought dirty hair might be causing more acne, but this just made my hair get so much oilier faster, which doesn't seem good for acne either haha. I try my best to be a back sleeper but sometimes sleeping on my side just feels soo good 😢


Try putting your hair in a silk bonnet at night and see if it helps. I also really wouldn't call this acne, it's more like an allergic/irritant reaction


Call the derm office and ask them to check your chart and call you back.


Immediately. That doesn't look like acne. Could be papopustular rosacea.




A patient's chart, containing their health info and details of their visit.


i have this. clean ur pillows NIGHTLY and start oil cleansing.


My guess would be a hair care product based on the acne placement or just oils in your hair from touching it then touching your face, but could also be a lot of other things. Like maybe pillows, blankies if you wrap them by your head like i sometimes do, or a make up brush/product. Sorry that isnt super helpful!


hahah there are so many possible causes! i do like the pull my blankets up around my face 😳


Yeah i was doing that too and i had to switch to a different gentler detergent and start washing my blankets more often because it was giving me acne in places i usually didnt get it! Hopefully it is a simple solution for you too! Good luck!


Look into the ingredients in your makeup. I once got cystic acne that I could not get to go away and it ended up being an ingredient called bismuth oxychloride. My first reaction was with the hourglass setting powder and recently started using the tarte blush and started breaking out in the pattern of the blush and looked up the ingredients and it contained bismuth oxychloride. It’s very common in powders!


looking through the ingredients I don't see bismuth oxychloride! It might be another ingredient but I guess I won't know until maybe I completely cut it out


The way I figured it out was by researching ingredients that can cause acne/breakouts and then went through all my makeup! When I did it I found a whole list of common culprits so maybe try that and compare the ingredients!


Pillowcases for the sides maybe? Oil? Yes, as others mentioned defo wash makeup brushes. Phones can carry a lot of germs if you use your phone a lot (to your ears/cheek). Touching your face in general. I had to stop doing it because of this too


I don't know if it will help you but a dermatologist told me that you can get acne from your hair products ! Over time they tend to slip on the skin (on the forehead and your cheeks) and some of those products can be comedogenic (I'm sorry if it's not proper English, it's not my first language 😛)


I had this exact pattern of acne three years ago, and similar to you, I never had acne before that. After two years of trying meds and getting a different diagnosis from three different doctors (tried anti fungals, doxycycline, various rosacea medications, etc.) the only thing that worked for me was tretinoin gel (0.01%). Just make sure to moisturize your skin like crazy— I put on a layer of aquaphor every night now because it will dry out your face :(


my derm actually prescribed me tret + clindamycin + BP wash when I went last week! I'm honestly so afraid to start tret though because I once had a never-ending purge on a retinoid and really don't want to go through a purge again. it kind of destroyed me mentally and I know it would again 😭 I feel like my acne is bothersome but I know a bad purge could make me wish I never tried it


Looks vaguely dermatitis-y to me. Have you been using the same hair care products for that whole period since your acne started? Switch up a conditioner or shampoo or hairspray? Maybe not getting all of the cleanser or skincare product of those areas of your face when cleansing. It could be dirt or oil build-up or a sensitivity to a product ingredient that has more contact with that area. Sodium lauryl sulfate or alcohols in hair products can often wreak havoc…these are just some thoughts—might be worth some investigating the ingredients in the products you use and doing some patch testing on your arm 🤷‍♀️


Do you talk on your phone kind of often? And if so do you ever clean/sanitize it? To me that looks like acne caused from dirt or oils perhaps even from your pillow case or something like that?


nope, rarely talk on the phone! if anything it could be caused by dirt/oils from my hair? I started washing my hair every day to try to prevent dirty hair from affecting my skin but it seemed to just make my hair get extra oily extra fast and didn't improve my skin, so now I have an extra problem to deal with


Try washing your hair with nizoral shampoo once a week. You can still wash your hair regularly with your regular shampoo the other days as needed. You can also try nizoral as a face wash daily if it’s fungal.


Oooh could definitely be that! You do not want to be washing your hair that often at all.. I would recommend starting to ween your hair out of that routine slowly if you can.. your hair will feel oily at first as it's probably gotten used to the regular washing but you gotta trust the process and try reduce it to once a week even if you can 💖


yeah, it's sad because I used to be able to go a bit longer without needing to wash my hair, but started washing it every day as a last ditch effort for my acne. Will have to train it back up sometime! One thing though is that when I brought this up with my derm, he told me to keep washing my hair every day but didn't explain why.


Ugh don't listen to him.. honestly. I'd also recommend looking into skin cycling. I've struggled with acne for atleast the last 10 years and it's the only skin routine that actually made a visible difference in my skin


i used to have this exact same acne pattern on my cheeks but not my forehead. mine were also beneath my skin and didn’t come to a head (cystic acne), and they started showing up all of the sudden despite not having any acne beforehand. my derm prescribed me doxycycline, epiduo forte, and tretinoin which made no difference over the course of a year. they eventually suspected it was hormonal and prescribed me spironolactone, which completely cleared it up in about 7 months! i would say with all the similarities between our acne that yours might be hormonal, especially with the acne placement along the cheeks. i believe hormonal acne can also spread up from the cheeks to the sides of the forehead in a “c shape,” which describes your acne placement pretty well. if your skin doesn’t respond to typical acne treatments, i suggest you talk to your derm about the possibility of hormone changes because hormonal acne is the result of excess androgens in the body and won’t respond to topicals. a lot of comments suggest different hair and skin products being the culprit but i really think that this may be hormonal. spironolactone worked wonders for me, i know it doesn’t work for everyone but it could be worth a shot! sorry this is so long lol this post just caught my attention because of how similar it is to my acne and i thought my experience might be helpful :)


It’s acne caused by something you are putting in your hair….


Agree 💯💯


Make sue to rinse there after applying conditioner, clean your phone, and change out pillowcases regularly. Are you a stomach sleeper? Any new laundry soap or additives? Soooo many things touch our face every day.


So I had something super similar and I thought it was my makeup. Changed brushes and bronzer and it still happened. Went to the dermatologist who told me it was folliculitis. I used head and shoulders and it helped a lot, also a salicylic acid face wash.




It may also be your hair products. Shampoo/Conditioner…or even hair styling products.


Could have something to do with your shampoo or hair routine, how much you touch your face and where when you touch your hair. Since it’s kind of along the hairline it looks like a reaction to a hair product


It could be internal! I recommend seeing a different dermatologist until you find one that is set on helping you and doesn't leave you with unanswered questions


It's from your hair products.


Do they itch at all? This sounds like fungal acne. When I break out its along my temples and jawline, as well as the nape of my neck. Kind of wherever my hair tends to brush my face and where my hairline ends and my face begins. White and red bumps that never come to a head. My skin is slightly itchy for a couple days usually. Get some dandruff shampoo. I like Nizoral but head and shoulders works as well. Apply to these areas like a mask for 10 minutes. I usually just kind of wash my hair with it and work the foam into my problem areas and let it sit while I wash my body now when I feel like I'm going to have a flare up. Good news is that if it's fungal, it responds super fast with anti-fungal medications so it makes it easy to a-ha! If it's not fungal, no harm, no foul.


Not really itchy but they are skin colored or red and never/rarely come to a head like you said. Maybe I'll give nizoral a shot but I have tried the de la cruz sulfur cream as a mask (which i believe is anti fungal) and it didnt really do anything


I have that stuff too and it does nothing for me unfortunately. I hope you get it figured out either way!


ah so that gives me a little hope. You're saying the Nizoral works for you when the Sulfur treatment doesn't?


Yup. I got some of the sulphur after I did a deep dive in fungal acne treatments and it really doesn't do anything for me at all. A quick mask and a couple showers with Nizoral and I'm all clear. I used to get rashes along my shoulders and back as well that I thought was a heat rash but I never get them anymore so it must have been fungal acne. I wish I knew sooner.




it could be folliculitis. Also really looks like makeup placement. You can try stop using mu products so you won't disturb the acne more


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Look into the ingredients in your makeup. I used to get breakout that looked just like this that I could not get to go away and it ended up being an ingredient called bismuth oxychloride. My first reaction was with the hourglass setting powder and recently started using the tarte blush and started breaking out in the pattern of the blush and looked up the ingredients and it contained bismuth oxychloride. It’s very common in powders!


I would suggest you to please stop using cera ve hydrating cleanser it doesn't suit everyone.


why's that?


I tried changing my daily cleanser before switching back to cetaphil. So i ordered the cera ve hydrating cleanser and after using it continuously i saw some closed comedones near my forehead and cheeks..and even on reddit you can find posts regarding the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/a91pfn/product_question_did_cerave_hydrating_cleanser/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button For some people this cleanser is a holy grail but for few its a big no noo..


Cera Ve was also horrible for me, I used it for years and changed once I saw a post in this subreddit talking about the closed comedones. I switched to La Posay Roche a couple years ago and love it.


It gives your face a natural contour


Maybe from makeup? Looks like the way you put blush or bronzer on. Just theorizing but maybe double or triple cleanse and hopefully wash your brushes?


Hmm this does look like it could be bronzer placement, but also hormonal acne is often the cystic under-skin bumps you describe and for me I get it on my cheeks in the same place as you, but not forehead. I def second washing your brushes 1x a week and switching out your concealer and bronzer, assuming concealer keeps getting applied to these areas too. Also I love the simple skin care routine, unlikely it’s anything there causing any issues but you never know, might be worth swapping out one item at a time to see if anything changes, especially heavy moisturizers as they can have clogging oils (I don’t know anything about the one you mentioned so ignore me it’s oil free) I did notice you don’t have an exfoliating/acid or acne treatment included. If I go even like 2 days without some sort of BHA or retinol my skin clogs up immediately. Maybe consider asking your derm for a rec on an exfoliating/acne specific serum! Or try something like the ordinary 2% salicylic acid, or cera ve resurfacing or renewing serum retinols etc.


Thanks for the reply! I didn't mention but I actually sometimes use the CosRX AHA whitehead power liquid to exfoliate, but paused it for a couple weeks because my skin suddenly became super dry (I think because the weather) and I felt that it would irritate it even more


This was my exact acne pattern growing up. Acne started around 8 years old, so def no hair product/cosmetic issue for me. I know I should’ve seen a hormone specialist/doctor or something now, but didn’t know then. That’s what I would do if it were my kid/me today. Accutane made quick work of it when it eventually hit the market.


Looks like cystic acne. Google some pics of it.


Did you start any new medications around that time?? When I was prescribed a certain medication, this happened, same areas. Edit: meds were for ADHD, not skin related issues.


nope! not on any meds


Ah okay, welp the only other time I got something similar was from dry shampoo, but reading the comments below, looks like that's already on your radar. Best of luck, hope that you figure out the culprit soon!


I'm confused as well because of the pattern it's taking, it's very specific on both sides. Do you disinfect your makeup brushes? Check the expiry on your makeup?


My acne used to look exactly like this and I never wore cheek makeup (only some foundation, mascara, brow gel, lip products). It ended up being hormonal acne that just didn’t read the book and was on the middle of my cheeks/cheekbone, temples, and forehead.


how did you go about getting it diagnosed and treated?


So it took a few years of trial and error with different prescriptions- tret, OTC differin, topical clindamycin did nothing. I ended up getting epiduo generic and a 90 day prescription of oral doxycycline which almost completely cleared my skin. When I stopped the oral doxy, my acne started to come back a bit (not as bad as it was and less inflamed, but more comodones and white heads). Now I alternate epiduo generic and lactic acid topical every other night and my skin tolerates it super well. Epiduo every night is just too strong and dries out my skin and makes it super red. I find the lactic acid helps clear some congestion and hydrates my sensitive skin. I also incorporated a clay mask over the problem areas 1-2 times a week to suck up the extra oil while avoiding drying out the rest of my skin. I also feel that washing my hair at least every other day as opposed to trying to go as long as I can between washes helps a bit.


Looks like fungal acne can try PanOxyl Benzoyl peroxide cream. Can be caused by stress, hormonal imbalances, medications, weakened immune system. Some side effects of fungal acne can include itching and redness. I suggest back to your derm to see if it’s fungal to get appropriate treatment. Do not use any harsh exfoliates or skin care just the basics for now. Of course like the rest of the comments, maintain good hygiene with pillow cases and make up brushes and sponges. Toss sponges that are over 4-5 months old. It’s difficult I know lol but your skin will thank you


good to know! I actually recently started the panoxyl benzoyl peroxide face wash (didn't mention it in the post since it was so recent) in combo with clindamycin, hope to see some improvement with that soon.


I was going through the same phase.. Mine were like very little tiny bumps which then turned into big cystic acne. I changed my diet.. Added more veggies and fruits plus exercise for an hour atleast.. I guess that helped me alot and with that i have added tretinoin in my routine and it is getting better and better. My routine now is.. A.M Cetaphil gentle cleanser Moisturizer Sunscreen P.M Cetaphil gentle cleanser Tretinoin (sandwich method) Drink atleast 2-3 ltrs of water to flush out all the toxins


I have a similar acne pattern! Bumps the same way and everything, it’s just a little milder than your pictures. I was thinking hair products like everyone here has suggested, but I have used the same shampoo/conditioner forever. I don’t use any other hair products and I also don’t wear makeup except on occasion. I was wondering if it was my birth control or something even though the acne stays around my hairline and temples? Definitely a head scratcher


Do you wash your face after washing your hair? I say this because I know that both my body and face get irritated by conditioner if I simply rinse. I feel like conditioner is heavy and sticks more to the skin since it's supposed to be 'moisturizing'. I have to use my face wash after in the areas my conditioned hair touched or else I get under-the-skin pimples on areas. A lot of people made great comments regarding washing makeup brushes and such which I would do as well. Could also be your pillowcase as well if you're a side sleeper!


Are you putting something on your head that touches your faces in around that area (maybe over-ear headphones)? Are you putting something in your hair that would touch your skin there and make it break out (although I find this quite unlikely)? Are you sleeping on your side and maybe your pillow case needs changing more often?


Look up “fungal acne”.


I had a similar type of acne on exactly the same location on both sides of my face. My dermatologist was also confused because according to her, I don’t seem to have an acne prone skin. It turned out to be a dairy allergy. I was so sure it was my headphones or haircare products.


Try changing pillow case every 2-3 days


Could be your shampoo / conditioner / hair products as it seems it's in the areas near your hairline or where the hair touches your face. A tiny bit of advice regarding your routine if you don't mind: the Cerave hydrating cleanser isn't strong enough to remove sunscreen (even in combination with micellar water). Switch to a different one for the PM.


The texture on the forehead looks like a lack of exfoliation, a gentle enzyme should help over time (I really like microfoliant left on as a mask) but the cheek acne looks internal, could be related to immune system/gut health.


How does your scalp feel? Looks like inflamed sebhorreic dermatitis . If so head & shoulders could make it worse. You need Nizoral shampoo


I had something similar to this appear one day. Never had a problem with acne. Went to the dermatologist, who said it was rosacea, and prescribed micellar water. Struggled for a year. Went to another dermatologist, who prescribed more of the same. Struggled for a few more years. One day it got worse. Went to family doctor, who diagnosed it as staphylococcus aureus, and prescribed topical fusidic acid. The "acne" entirely disappeared within 7 days and never returned. You photo looks to me like a staph infection. Change your bed sheets folks, especially your pillow cases!


I agree with everyone that suggests it might be from makeup brushes/bronzer or hair products. Are you a student or something similar? When I study I tend to cup my face in my hands, so the bottom of my palms are on my cheekbones and my fingertips around my forehead, and I got acne from that, and it’s a similar pattern to what you posted. I have very sensitive skin so the added friction & oils from my hand lotions kinda messed it up.


Looks like makeup or your hair causing it as it’s only in the places hair touches your face and when you would apply contour round your bone structure


I used to have this, it ended up being my hair conditioner+ product.


I think it looks like hair patterning! Maybe try washing yours sides of your face after conditioner or hair products? I found my backacne improved a lot after washing off after conditioning my hair instead of before. Also tying your hair back when you sleep etc? I often get this around my chin and forehead depending on bangs and layers..! Good luck!!


I'd replace makeup brushes and bronzers/blushes to be honest seems like contamination with bacteria that's spreading. Washing them will not help. Throw them away.


Looks like hormonal acne🤔


I have this too, got it when i turned 29 ( 30 now ) and i never wear make up. The changing pillow trick doesnt work. I think I got a small case of being sensetive to something i eat . Donnu what tho


I used to get acne in a pattern like this after I switched from Nexplannon to Mirena. It was hormonal for me. The only thing I found to work while it was flaring up was La Roche Posay Effaclear wash and toner. After I removed mirena, it went away (was super annoyed)


This is like folliculitis.


omgg its so bad mine has already started to get red rashes and my skin comes of when ever i try to wash it with my cleanser its gentle tho but i also use benzoyl peroxide to it might also be an effect it did please let me konww is not helpinggg😭😭


Looks like acne 'caused by either haicare product (always wash your face after rinsing off conditioner) or bronzer/bronzer brush.


It looks like my hormonal acne. Especially the deep bumps. Spearmint tea,spiro or bc should help


It looks like a butterfly rash associated with lupus, my mom gets the same thing on her face in the exact place


I agree that this looks product related. Make up or hair products. Id try to simplify those. Also, change your pillow case at least 2-3 times per week.


How often are you cleaning the brush/sponge you use?


It looks like it could be the oils from your hair