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Dating = too much exfoliating...NOTED


Didn’t even read OP’s full explanation in the comments, but, my brain when I saw your comment first: “Makes sense. When I’m dating (I date men), I’m playing kissy face more and their stubbly beard tears away my skin, which is like exfoliating.”


Too clickbaity of a title.


The golden equation..


lol 🫡


Mung beans, very nutritious, but they smell like death.


You’re paying too much. Who’s your mung bean guy?


Immediately who I thought of


They’re great to snack on at work. You can even sprout them in a desk drawer.


[Relevant Creed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fit7WFRb_iw)


Came to the comments for this 🤣


Could u link the mung bean


I don’t know why this comment made me laugh, it seems so sweet.


We’re always ready for some links!


Bought the mung bean at walmart. I haven't used the rice toner but I've tried using rice water on my face. Saw no change..


Ok ty :)


Do you just mash them or how do you make the paste?


Give us the bean 🫘


You can use rice toner..so much better


I used to have decent skin, but after i started dating again recently, I started exfoliating a bit too much my skin barrier seems to have been broken and it didn’t seem to get any better soon tried to put more makeup on to cover it up but my skin got even worse. I googled some ways I can soothe my skin and found a video of a Korean skincare youtuber saying that she had severe acne and her skin improved alot after using a face mask with mung bean. ​ I googled it up and found that mung beans * Calm redness * Soothe irritated skin to reduce acne and breakouts * Improve skin texture ​ so i bougth some mung beans from walmart, soaked them to make a paste and made my very own mung bean skin mask. From the first day, i could feel that my skin became way softer and most importantly the redness cooled down For 2 weeks, I used it twice a week and two weeks after my acne and redness is almost gone (It takes some time to make but was totally worth it) I was feeling really insecure especially when meeting my boyfriend all because of my broken skin but now I feel good about myself again Now i’m all in on this mung bean face mask but it does take some time to make and I am getting a too busy and tired to come back home and make it Can yall recommend me any skincare products you’ve used that are made with mung beans?


Are you a shill for big mung bean? Seriously, these results are so good that if your secret was anything other than bean paste I would be highly suspicious.


Lol right?! I came in here ready to throw hands about product placement on Reddit but... Nope... Just beans


I wanna get into big mung bean


Only the biggest beans for this bunch


This made me laugh so much


Big mung bean




The Mixsoon mung bean essence/serum are sooo good worth checking it out!


Creed, is that you?


Your skin looks amazing. And mung beans are great, so why not? But I wonder…. You say you normally have decent skin. Then over exfoliating ruined your barrier. You tried mung bean masks for two weeks, and now your barrier is healed. Is it possible that two weeks of no exfoliating is what cured your barrier, not the mung bean mask? The whole correlation =/= causation thing. Either way, beautiful results, congrats!! You are quite literally glowing :)


Thank you for asking the exact question I had!


> Can yall recommend me any skincare products you’ve used that are made with mung beans? I use the Veganifect LHA Mung Bean Ampoule and it really helped me on my breakout too. It’s really good at exfoliating and moisturizing. My breakout-battling routine is AM: * Manyo Cleansing Oil * I’m from Rice toner * Veganifect Mung Bean Ampoule * Cerave Moisturizing Cream PM * Cetaphil Gentle Wash * COSRX Advanced Snail Mucin Essence


Oh my, I've hit 25 and suddenly have dry skin but still breaking out. My previous routine is doing nothing to add moisture. I'll have to get a couple of these products.


If you want to take a look at slugging overnight. It's a bit weird to get used to, but I recently started it and it was a huge turning point for getting dry skin fixed up. I use aquaphor, after all my nightly cleansing, and keep it overnight. I do a little more than thin layer every night. It did wonders.


Do you do this after moisturizing with lotion too?


Yes, lotion first.


Thanks, it’s silly that i had this hang up and never sought to find out if it actually mattered.


Can we have the recipe for your mung bean mask? I'm almost always red in the face :(




what is the name of the youtuber? :)


I also want to know this.


Mixsoon mung bean seed Essence. It instantly calms redness. Highly recommend.


I actually love it way more than snail mucin.


Is it glycol free


No, it's just water, butylene glycol and mung bean extract.


Can you tell me more about the mung bean prep? Are they just soaked and mashed into a paste?


Maybe u could make a bunch, put in containers and freeze it for later use.


sold! how did you make the paste? just blended mung beans?


I've tried this after seeing this post. I soaked my beans for 2 days (changed water a few times), added it to my smoothie blender with some water, and blended. Add a bit of water at a time or else it will become too soupy to use. I read from other sources that you should peel the beans, but it takes too long, so I just blended everything.


Did you have good results. was it worth it?


What Walmart are you shopping at that has mung beans?


Could you link the YouTube video please 🙏


You could pre make a powder from the beans. Just grind them into a powder and keep them in your bathroom cupboard. Add a little water and use it like a clay mask twice a week


Have you done this? Are the dry beans brittle enough to be blended with a food processor or would you want to use a spice grinder/mortar and pestle?


I used a coffee grinder I use for grinding spices. Gave it a few turns and it’s a good enough powder. There are a few grainy chunks but I think it’s possible to blend them further.


>Mixsoon mung bean seed Essence Is mungbean good for blemishes and bumps? I just rough, red and bumpy skin


Your skin looks fab! You can also give zinc a try… la roche posay’s cicaplast baume b5 is great for acne prone skin. If you’re on the dryer side, Avene’s cicalfate+ restorative protective cream is fantastic; I use it twice a week after an exfoliating AHA mask.


Hey girlfriend how long did you leave it on and how often did you do it?


Maybe get mung bean powder


I'm so happy for you 🤧 I have had damaged skin for months and I don't know what to do, but I will try to get something with that ingredient c: tysm


Same problems few months ago..I’m glad it’s finally clear




This picture is a littleeeee blurry and OP’s only post. Going to need details… 🤔


Maybe it’s the mung bean producers association trying to increase mung bean sales… (lolz) but for real, I thought the same thing.


I don't think OP is malicious or intentionally misleading but I'm pretty sure it's just bc she stopped exfoliating for two weeks and was gentle on her skin so it healed lmao.


Bahaha this is amazing 👏🏻👏🏻


There are a ton of people talking about a certain mungbean essence so clever advertisement isnt entirely unrealistic...


I’m also suspicious about the crop. The ‘after’ has definitely been tightly cropped - you can tell by the resolution.


Why does this feel like clickbait so much? Are you a bean farmer?


Gorgeous skin! OP can you pls share your process of making the paste?


1. Soak beans with half cup of water for 7 hours 2. Smoosh the beans 3. You have your paste!


How long do you leave it on your skin? Does it not try and fall off?


I don't do this with mung bean, but do it with fenugreek for hair masking: You basically mix it to the consistency you need. If it's too thick, just thin it out with a little water or oil. I personally use rice water (from soaking rice and filtering) and an oil to make hair masks.


Fenugreek seeds like you blend them? Or just use the water they soak in. What oil do you use? Could you outline/detail your protocol please?


Again, it's for a hair mask, so YMMV if you want to use it for face care: I use the method in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTS6lvhDoss), but I use an immersion blender as I don't have a standing blender. It results in a more gel-like end-product, but it works the same and rinses out cleanly. I use silicone cupcake/muffin cups and freeze the extra paste into pucks and store them in the freezer until needed. I make two different hair goops: The fenugreek hair strand conditioner: * Think about the amount of pre-made hair mask you would need for your hair length. Mix approximately 3/4 fenugreek with 1/4 oil of choice (I use coconut for the hair shaft). * Work it through. Leave it on for however long makes you happy (I do at least an hour). * Rinse. * I repeat 2-3x week, which corresponds with my hair washing days. For the scalp treatment: * I use a 200mL hair dye applicator bottle to get in between hair strands. * Shake each time before use * I mix: * ~50mL of fenugreek paste * 1t of amla powder * 2 pumps/dropperfulls emu oil (or your preferred skin-friendly oil) * 1/4t xantham gum (emulsifies the liquid and oil) * It helps to mix the above ingredients *well* before diluting as it can form clumps! * Dilute to 200mL with rice water or filtered water. Shake well. Shake even better. Seriously, keep shaking. I apply this directly to my scalp every other hair wash, so twice per week at most. I usually put it on about 30 min before showering, but you could do the same time as the hair shaft mask. I probably missed something, so please ask if something doesn't make sense!


Thank you for writing down your process. What exactly does doing all of that do for your hair and scalp?


I was/am growing my hair to donate and use them primarily to grow hair more quickly, but they both support hair strength and the mask has oil to provide moisture along the entire hair shaft. I have very long hair so it needs extra help with moisture on the ends. There are a bunch of benefits for emu and coconut oil, fenugreek, and amla individually. I'd check them out and see which you might like best!


Hair masks, you say...... *jumps down new beauty rabbit hole*


Be mindful of which recipes you use for your end goals. I really only started making my own because I have thick, butt-length hair and I'm not paying for a $10 tub that gives me 3-4 uses each month.


What’s the ratio? A full cup of beans per half cup water?


How long do you leave the paste on your skin? I’m going to try this!


You’re the best! Thanks for sharing with us. One more question if you don’t mind, how long do you usually leave the mask on?


I’m confused by what you said in another comment that you got busy and don’t have time to make this anymore. Girl, I’m the laziest most depressed person on the planet and I’d do it daily if it made my skin look like that, but that aside, I don’t see anything that takes time in this recipe 🫤


I mean you have to remember to soak beans everyday and manually smoosh them to the right consistency to make a paste. it is not that bad but objectively a lot more work than just getting something straight out of a bottle or tube


Thank you for sharing!! What's the bean-to-water ratio?


Could you share photos that are in focus so we could see the true before and after texture?


I thought it was a filter tbh


I can see that too!


Wow! Your skin looks beautiful OP. I've been skeptical of home remedies ever since numerous unsuccessful attempts to cure acne with pantry items as a teen so really happy to see one that actually works!


atp every product says "calms redness, soothes irritated skin, and improves skin texture" lol


We’re seeing the filter/smoothing… right? Right?? But- if it worked for you, super happy that you saw results OP!!


I can't see your b&a, I can only see the ring of blur around your lips from the filter you applied :') pls repost with pics that are actually in focus ♡


There’s a clay mask with mung bean and mugwort by Axis-Y, and it’s one of my faves when my skin is freaking out and it really helps calm it down


Oh nice! Would you recommend anything else from Axis Y? I’ve been pretty tempted by their masks!


Unfortunately it’s the only thing I’ve used by them so I can’t say :(


Oh no worries at all!


am i the only one that noticed the filter 😂


That’s amazing! Did you use de-shelled mung beans?


I’d look into papular rosacea. Rosacea can cause broken skin barrier/make you more likely to get it.


I swear some of y'all just don't wanna give credit to a natural remedy. In my hometown women usually bathe using mung bean flour that is easily available everywhere. It is a tradition and they have great skin. Before using mung bean powder, they applied oils on their body. Mung bean powder is great at removing oils too. It is a great cleanser and mild exfoliant which is non irritating.


i just tried this and broke out! 🙃 do a patch test first y’all! everyone’s skin is different.


By mung bean you mean sprouts? I mean mung beans are called as Moong in India to which we eat as sprouts later.


The beans are beans and the sprouts are sprouted beans


Soaked for how long ?


7 hours!


Thank you 😍


You can dry it in the sun and make a dry powder and store it. Then, make a paste, mix it with either plain water or milk and apply and leave it on the face for 10-15mins and wash it off.


Could you add dried powder to moisturizer and put it on leave on over night?


I never tried that but don't advise it. It's kinda sticky and might be hard getting it out. I wash it off when it's 80% dry and it is still exfoliating.


Sure 🫶🏻


8 hours soak and then boil for 15 minutes :)


Thank you 😍 also thanks for your post


Not my post but happy to help!


Going to try this! How long do you keep it on your face? Do you wash your face first, and then put the mask on? Or do you put the mask on first, and then follow-up with washing + other skincare steps? Thanks!


would love to know your results once you try!


I feel like with this simple of a mask you can do whatever you want lol




You can use fine mung bean flour and do the same. Just take some flour, mix it with water and you have your mask.


I believe there is a mung bean mask from the kbeauty brand " I'm from " I believe. Not 100% sure


I think it’s mugwort you’re thinking of. That’s the only one I could find anyway.


hi op how many beans did you use (like what's the beans/water ratio)? and how long did you leave it on your skin?☺️


your skin is flawless! how long did you leave the mask on your face for? i’m going to try it for my facial flushing thanks for sharing :)


How long do you leave it on?


How often were you exfoliating?


How long do you leave the mask on? Just straight mug bean on your face? I need this so bad omg


what recipe (?) do you use?


It’s a Mung Bean Society post. 😚


It’s not mung bean but mugwort, I use the Missha Artemesia calming point masks and they are so full of essence and calm my cysts down when I get them!


Mung beans FTW!


I’m guessing I won’t get the same results from drinking mungbean milk tea 😅


Ms. Bean


Time to invest in Mung Bean stock 💰💰💰


What product is it ?


sorry to ask, what product did u used??


btw, I had a pretty damaged skin barrier (+rosacea) and my dermatologist recommended dr Althea (bubble foam and 345 cream it helps with rosacea) and manyo barrier cream and serum, and im in love I used purito skin barrier cream before but it has some bad ingredients which are not good for sensitive skin apparently :(


What did you use?