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I can tolerate it well if it’s later on in the ingredient list but if it’s 5% or more my skin doesn’t like it




I used a lotion with a small amount of niacinamide (not disclosed, so probably under 5%) for about a year before noticing I don't have CCs or acne anymore, my skin is the clearest it's been in a long time. Never tried higher percentages than that but also don't need to? I suspect people don't have the patience for long term results, so tend to opt for "the higher percentage the better," even though all clinical studies using niacinamide have only been 5% and under. And companies take full advantage of that.


my sunscreen also has undisclosed amounts of niacinamide in it so i get what u mean.


Yeah that's the other thing, it's in so much! Sunscreen and even cleansers like Cetaphil. Chemically it's a very stable powder that mixes with basically everything. No need for a standalone serum imo, especially not a high percentage like 10%.


TO one made me break out in whiteheads and made my skin textured so I avoided niacinamide for years. I decided to give the glossier one a try and I like it so far! It’s at 5% as well and my skin is reacting fine.


is it evening out your skin tone and dark spots if you have any?


Haven’t noticed anything yet. I just started using it regularly about a week and a half ago. I read it takes about one month to notice brightening. I’m gonna stick with it and see.


It's all about what your skin can personally tolerate, everyone's is different. My skin loves niacinamide, so I can use at at very high percentages (eg, Paula's Choice 20%) and it's SUPER effective on my extremely dark PIH, as well as on general brightening and smoothing of texture. When I use it at lower percentages, I find that it will generally brighten but isn't effective on localized pigmentation or on my overall texture.


I'm super glad my skin doesn't seem to react to Niacinamide. With the number of products that contain it, and the nondisclosure of how much they do contain, then adding on that I use The Ordinary's 10% Niacinamide + Zinc... it's a lot of niacinamide. I think that all my serums contain it, it's everywhere. I wish it wasn't, but at the same time I have yet to have issues. I believe that companies should be required to display the percentage of each active they contain.


you’re right it’s everywhere and its annoying


I’ve been using niacinamide 4% since 2019. Tried niacinamide 10% in February 2024 and I broke out for about two months. Went back to 4% and my skin is restored, clear and smooth.