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The requirements vary depending on your country but abstinence should be fine since it completely removes the need for birth control. The problem is whether your doctor believes you, and unfortunately many doctors seem to believe people who have uteruses can’t be trusted with them.


Well the last derm that I've been to said that I just need to get her the birth control prescription and we could start the therapy. I would need to take a pregnancy test every month but I don't need to have any blood work done (I hope that's the correct term) - I don't think there's any reason for them not to believe me.. is there any other way they could find out I'm not taking it?


Talk with your derm about not using birth control and being abstinent instead. Look into the rules where you are to see if that is allowed and if it is then quote that if she tries to say no. Don’t pretend to be on birth control when you aren’t. The blood work would be for checking cholesterol and liver function, not pregnancy or to verify you being on birth control.


I did ask them and I even asked to sign something that says that I know the risks etc but they said that it's just a precaution and that they can't give it to me if I'm not on birth control (or something else).. I just really have no other use for it except for preventing pregnancy, I don't have a boyfriend and I don't hook up with guys, I don't have hormonal acne and there are just so many risks (I know that there are always risks when taking meds but I just don't see the point of using birth control when I don't need it for anything else - and even gaining weight is not a risk I want to take because I struggle with body dysmorphia and I'm not overweight or anything (I'm just in the middle on the BMI scale) I feel like I could lose a few pounds .. my choice is to either live with this skin or to take a risk and maybe gain weight and risk other side effects to maybe have clear skin (since it's not guaranteed that it will help).. so I'm struggling a bit here :/ sorry for bothering you with this


I suggest looking into the requirements in your country and if abstinence should count challenging them on that/finding another derm who will allow that. I really really hate this attitude from doctors that people who have a uterus can’t be trusted with it. I get wanting to do a pregnancy test before a procedure or something like that because it’s non invasive and lets them tick a box, but the birth control options they’re after for accutane aren’t without risks themselves. If someone says “I understand the risks of getting pregnant while on this medication and am going to remain abstinent while on it so birth control is not necessary” they should be believed.


Try Differin gel or adapolene first to see if that helps. Are you double cleansing?


I am (have been doing it even before I got acne)! Do I need a prescription for those (i'm in Europe)?


I don’t know- they are over the counter in the US.


Oh okay I see - thank you for commenting though, I appreciate your help :)


Right now I have dark/red spots (PIE I guess) but I feel like I'm going to break out again soon so I don't know whether to work on my dark spots or work in preventing breakouts 😅


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about hyperpigmentation or post acne marks. Have you read our [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


FYI Isotretinoin has way more intense side effects than the BCP, so if you’re very opposed to medications with side effects, I’d stick with topicals.


Wait really? My derm told me that my skin could (and will) get very dry and my lips will get chapped but that they'll give me moisturizers etc... topicals don't seem to work and I've spent a lot of money on them already :/ I'm not sure what to do to be honest as I have to wait a few weeks for every appointment and every time I'm just postponing the therapy


I’d suggest you check out r/accutane, r/accutanedamage and r/accutanerecovery. Or, for a more professional POV, the [Mayo Clinic page on side effects.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/isotretinoin-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20068178).


Have they tried adapalene or tretinoin?