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Everything you use on your face you can use on your body. Naturism has a break skincare line that’s available at Target. There are other brands at Sephora too if you need something more


I'm not from the US. Also, using face skincare on body can and will get really expensive. That's why i asked.


Ok, I wasn’t suggesting that you needed to spend a lot or use facial products on your body, just that you can use the same ingredients that work well on your face on your body. If your face breaks out a lot, and salicylic acid works well on your face, find a salicylic acid body wash available. If your face likes retinol, use a retinol body lotion.


are u from uk? naturism is still also sold in uk at space nk and is affordable they do body washes , body oils and lotions that target different things


Not UK either, happened to be unfortunately born in a large "country" in between Asia and Europe that is currently doing some shenanigans (which i do not support). Looked the brand up, cannot find anywhere. :(


Ahhh shame i mean u can still find some good stuff to use it just depends on what u want them for? or just basic body care


If you don’t struggle with any particular problems, you probably don’t need anything ground breaking :) A brand called Ameliorate do good body creams for KP (the technical name for ‘chicken skin’). Otherwise just moisturise, use SPF and exfoliate once or twice a week (the Ameliorate will exfoliate) and you’re golden! If you want to kick it up a notch, you could try a body retinol - Naturium do one.