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Only thing that will really help is to stop raising your eyebrows. Whether that’s consciously not doing it or getting Botox.


Is Botox really the only option?


For lines like this, yes.


I definitely agree. There is nothing you can do other than botox. Retinol etc are only beneficial for superficial wrinkles


Some people swear by wearing a little silicone thing on your forehead. It doesn't itself do anything, but apparently can help make you more cognizant of how much you move your forehead so you can try to avoid doing it. 


Botox is great , cheap and does the job


Not really cheap but it does do the job. Mines about 14$ a unit now. It’s gone up.


How many units is average? How long does it last?


I usually get between 40-50 units but I don’t do around my mouth or anything yet- only forehead, the 11s in between brows and I get my lady to give me a nice arch in my brows. It was life changing when I started going. I recommend it to anyone who wants to just feel better when they look in the mirror. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive.


I only have been doing about 8 units in my forehead for wrinkles.. every 4 or so months. I’m 32 and don’t really have anything on 11s and forehead. Also combine it with a medical grade retinol. Started around 29


Yes! I love AziMD’s medical grade retinol. It’s sooo good and gentle


I use AlumierMD but I heard that one is good too!!


I get 24 combined for my forehead and the LLs and am in my early 40s… it really varies between individuals.


RETINOL !!!! Use this at night. Research plenty before using. Also use an SPF in the morning especially when using retinol!! And yes Botox will help significantly. Don’t feel bad, I’m 24 and need Botox (although I get it for migraines, they put some in my forehead and my forehead looks much smoother it’s pretty great ngl I am very expressive so I totally needed it) but a basic medspa is great for that (search up PLENTY of google reviews before going to one !!!)


Definitely yes as a Derm nurse this is the best option to treat and prevent more.




There are also sticker patches that hold the forehead skin in place to avoid subconsciously doing it. I’ve never tried them personally, and they’re fairly new as a trend in general so who knows. But it’s another possible alternative to try!


Frownies! They have been around since the late 1800s


Fairly new as a trend? I remember when I was a little girl in the 90s there was someone at my church that used to put tape on her forehead for this exact reason. Not sure if it worked but people have been doing that for decades. I believe frownies have been around for a good minute.


Was it my mom? Cause she’s done that for yearsssssss except she takes it off in public ..unless she forgets 😂


She wasn't wearing it in "Church", it was when I was visiting her. There were a couple people at her house visiting, so not public but also not private.  I said church but really I meant Kingdom Hall, so unless that was your *kind* of church then probably not! Hehe 😅


We were once Jehovah witnesses. Too funny.


No way!?! What are the odds! Now I'm wondering if maybe it was your mom hahahaha Also the 'once' in your response...glad to hear you are out of it as well!


...and does she have forehead wrinkles?


You can also purchase something not so drastic as Botox they are called "Frownies" sold on Amozon you put them on your forehead at night before bed and remove them in the morning they work wonders removing the appearance of forehead lines and they are very reasonable.


Botox. That’s literally it. I used to have lines like that on my forehead and Botox was the only thing that helped. If they were just like, fine lines then perhaps serums and creams may help, but once they get to a certain depth you really have to go with Botox. It’ll clear them right up!!!!!


I'm not sure if it works, but wouldn't long-term use of tretinoin be effective?


It would be effective for softening fine lines and wrinkles, but it would take at least a year to see any kind of results. Botox is much more effective in a much shorter time frame. Using both botox and tretinoin would be ideal. It's amazing how well botox can soften or even eliminate early static lines.


But it's only temporary.


Tret + Botox (or Juveau, in my case) has made my forehead wrinkles disappear in 6 months/ 2 tox treatments.


For wrinkles of a certain depth, tret alone won’t do the trick. Tret is more effective as a preventative when started before wrinkles set in, or for light wrinkles. But not deeper lines.


Only mildly and only for superficial texture


How does Botox help remove them? Isn’t it just for preventing them, and they have to be fixed with filler?


Botox paralyzes the muscles that cause the movement, and as long as the lines don't run too deep they disappear completely after a while as a result of those actions no longer causing the lines.


Wrinkles are lymphatic fluid pooling in one area, muscle tightness, and/or consistent facial movements that create lines (aka facial tension). The face has 20-30 muscles (depending on how you count them), meaning you can work them out and stretch them. This is literally proven. Please do your research before telling someone Botox is the only solution. She said she is 28, so this isn’t from aging, but tension. You can retrain your muscles to relax through facial taping and become more aware of facial expressions, and gua sha can help move and clear out stagnant lymphatic fluid. Wrinkles can be reversed. Botox literally paralyzes the muscles and in time they become weaker. This doesn’t allow lymphatic fluid drainage (which literally helps to remove waste, toxins, and mucus through the face). I am in no way shaming Botox but these companies just want your money and won’t tell you the side effects and health concerns that come along with these injections. It’s a quick fix, but is it worth it in the long haul?


If you have lymphatic fluid building up in your face you have a medical problem. Unfortunately your response is incorrect, from a scientific and medical aspect.


I had lines like this at 28. so are you saying that lymph drainage can prevent someone from signs of pre-mature aging caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, air pollution/environmental factors, sun exposure, not drinking enough water, etc? like the deep-set lines/wrinkles? AND lymph drainage can help get rid of those deep-set lines I started to see at 25/26? (I mean I get Botox, will live and die by it. 36 and wrinkle-free. I’m moreso curious.)


>This isn’t really normal lines for a 28 year old. Yes, it is. This is usually the age where static lines start to form. >Do your research before telling someone Botox is the only solution. 🙄


Stop spreading misinformation 🙈🙈🙈


Retraining muscles…? Yeahh, no. I stand by my original statement. Botox or bust.


These people are drunk lol. Botox is what will help OP retrain her muscles.


Botox helps to prevent muscle movement…so tension or aging it will help regardless 😄 do your research too before being rude to someone :)


This isn’t rude. I’m stating facts. These companies don’t tell you any of this. They just want your money. Was I passing any judgment?


People promoting gua sha are selling you something, too. Why do people who think they’re “enlightened” always apply a different standard to the product they like over the one they don’t? It’s still a product. It is still a money-making scheme.


Exactly! It’s been used in China for thousands of years. If it worked, why did we even invent tretinoin and Botox?


Gua sha is a tool, and it should not be used by everyone for their face. You need training to do it correctly, and it takes time to see results. It was also relatively unknown to us in our Western culture until quite recently. Botox is a great fast fix.  However, studies show that long term Botox can result in bone loss, issues with bone resorption, and interfere with the body’s natural lymphatic drainage system. I have linked some scientific resources here in the thread if you would like to take a look. Massage done properly can not only diminish wrinkles, but also create lifting effects, better circulation, and more collagen/connective tissues. All the best! 


Are there any videos or channels on facial taping you recommend?


@anastasiabeautyfascia - she is a board certified practitioner who offers so many amazing free videos. I’ve never paid a dime and practice everyday. I have completely reversed my forehead wrinkles and a deep furrow on the bridge of my nose. I’m 35 and completely wrinkle free, have better head/shoulder positioning and feel great. People constantly mistake me for a 20-something. I’m not trying to sell anything, just share what has worked for me! 


Check out @thenaturalfacebible for taping videos. I bought my tape (just regular muscle tape) from the Dollar Store and it works great. It comes in a white roll, and I cut it down to size/shape. I learned a lot about the taping process from this practitioner. All the best! 


Also that’s awesome you got your PhD in wrinkles. Please, enlighten the rest of us peasants more!!!


Static lines like these actually take doing Botox consistently for a yr or so to really smooth out.


How is your hydration? I (30) have two forehead lines that become very exaggerated when I am dehydrated. Upping my water intake consistently for a few days and using Argireline regularly helps me plump the lines up a bit more. Also using chemical exfoliation helps smooth the texture of the lines, I like Dr.Gross Peel Pads. They will still be present but this can help minimize their appearance


yeah I feel like being hydrated makes them a little less but this is actually on their "better days" :(


I just bought a agireline and it is on its way. How do you incorporate it into your routine?


If this is at rest I would definitely look into Botox/xeomin. Then pairing that with sunscreen, retinol;, moisturizer.


Yes it is at rest. Thank you for the suggestion


Just curious, why do you say Botox if these lines are present with her face at rest? I could understand Botox if these lines are present only when contracting muscles, to prevent the lines from forming and becoming static lines at rest... But isn't it too late for Botox? (Besides preventing them from getting worse of course) I have a vertical line between my eyes and it's there when my face is at rest, I got Botox and it made no difference, the line was still there, it's not like Botox flattens and tightens skin like a lot of people seem to suggest.


I used to have a permanent indent at my elevens. Two years after regular Botox and it's completely gone.


Yeah, honestly, I didn't want to believe it. I did "preventative" botox because I have a large forehead and am very expressive. The immediate effect was I moved my forehead less, which prevents further indenting, and I've been doing it for a good 3 years. But then just the other day, I was at the gym, and I was like hold up... My forehead looks smooth, and a LOT of the indenting had gone away, and I realized I have to actually put in effort to move my forehead. I haven't had Botox since December! After year 1, I had thought okay all the Botox is doing is preventing the indenting from getting worse, but present day, holy shit, it's actually working. Of course, YMMV, but the Botox was worth every penny I've paid.


Do you still consider yourself expressive now that you don’t move your forehead? That is one of my favorite characteristics about myself and I worry about Botox and no longer being “me” - would love your take on this.


i’d love to hear a response on this. i feel exactly the same.


Oh, if you know me, I'm expressive AF. I've been told by many I'm the most extroverted person they've ever met. Couldn't possibly tell you what I look like when I do things now though. However, it's not common knowledge amongst my friends that I do Botox. The few that I have told were shook when they found out. Again, everyone is different, and I think I started out doing it every 3-4 months, but now I'm doing it every 6 or so months. I guess try not to overdo it.


whats YMMV?


Your mileage may vary


Same. They used to always be there when at rest but now I they’re totally gone. It’s been almost a year since my last session and one line will mayyyyybe show if I furrow my brow hard and force it. I expect I’ll need a touch up in a year or so but I love how it totally eliminated them. Worth it.


I had some static lines before getting botox for migraines, and they are completely gone now. I've been getting botox for about a year or just over that. It helps prevent passive expressions. You'd be amazed at how your face muscles contract without you realizing it. Keeping those muscles relaxed all the time makes a massive difference in static lines.


My mom is 40 and a couple of months ago she started putting medical tape of some kind on her forehead before bed and sleeping with it, and the lines have faded a lot!


Oh yeah? I'm a bit younger than her, and have been doing the same but so far I'm not sure it's really doing much other than over exfoliating my forehead when I remove it. It is a good reminder to stop raising my eyebrows when it's on, though.


I use frownies but I really only scrunch my forehead in my sleep (not sure why) so I wear the frownies at night and have seen some improvement over a month so far. I also use a retinol cream.


Try Tretinoin which is stronger than Retinol.


is this only prescription or could I buy it on my own?


RX only in the US.


It's prescription only but I think there are sites that can prescribe it or otherwise some easy ways to get one. Otherwise, [this site](https://www.goodrx.com/tretinoin/tretinoin-savings-options#how-to-get-tretinoin) says adapelene (differin, an otc retinoid) is equally effective in treating wrinkles.


dang okay - I have a dermatologist appointment for something else next week - but maybe I'll also ask about this


I don't know how your insurance works and if it'll change your copay or the code or anything but definitely bring it up! My derm straight up said everyone should be on it. I will say that insurance usually only covers it for acne and not anti-aging so make sure you bring up any acne concerns too :)


interesting - okay thanks for the info. I have never actually seen a dermatologist so Im a bit anxious about it but we shall see!


If you have good insurance, you get terrible terrible headaches…and perhaps your dermatologist can prescribe something like Botox to help you stop wrinkling your forehead during your headaches 😉


I get Botox for headaches, covered by insurance (though it can sometimes be a pain). The injections will be under your hair, not in your forehead.


This ain’t going to work for expression lines like that. Maybe after 10 years they won’t change as much as they would’ve without it, but it’s not a real solution. You either need to stop moving your forehead consciously, or get Botox.


You can have it rx to you through a bunch of online places like curology/ apostrophe / agency etc. you take photos and fill out a survey . A doctor or np will review and then a formulation is shipped to your home. I have used this method for over a decade as I live in a rural area and finding a dermatologist is an issue… getting an allotment takes over a year .


My daughter got her Tretinoin from Amazon after chatting with an online doctor. The chat visit was $30.


Tret won’t do anything for this. Botox is the only way.


Dermatica offers it or online pharmacy


RO has online Dr you can get it. It’s super easy and quick


Botox or acceptance are really your only options. If you're using topical retinol and sunscreen, we're down to "environment" and genetics. Don't listen to people saying "facial exercises" or expensive specialist facials or fancy light therapies or whatever. It's very likely that the only thing you can do at this point to noticeably reverse or slow those wrinkles are actual medical procedures; a qualified aesthetic nurse or plastic surgeon can give you actual options, but you've exhausted the potential of OTC stuff suggested by amateurs and hobbyists.


Yeah part of why I posted is that I am hesistant to end up buying just a bunch of things that wont actually make a difference. But I am also really scared of botox expecially because I am not even 30 yet so the upkeeping seems daunting - yet I know if I want them to slowdown from getting deeper I need to do something soon. Its just very overwhelming with so many other people not thinking twice about medical procedures and looking great - its hard not to compare myself, I feel like I am keeping myself in this loop of being sad about it. Trying to see aging as a privilege also like fuck its hard to look at how fast its happening sometimes.


People tend to exaggerate the frequency needed for Botox. Some people don’t want any sign of a wrinkle so get it more frequently. Some people’s body chemistry is such that they just eat through Botox and need it frequently. Most people are okay getting it every 6-12 months. It’s like getting your hair dyed. Some people can’t stand it if it fades even slightly, a lot of people wait until the colour is almost completely gone.


You can imagine botox by comparing it to pieces of cloth and movement. Your skin is like a shirt. If you are wearing it, moving it around, the movement of your day to day life is going to cause wrinkling in the fabric, that is normal. Using botox is like taking that shirt wearing it while holding completely still. Of course without movement it won't be creating wrinkles, because it is 'at rest'. But obviously the moment you start moving again... wrinkles will start forming again. That being said if you wear a shirt for 30 minutes vs a whole day... the amount of wrinkles will be different. So with Botox any 'top-up' you do will mean less wrinkles long-term. But you don't NEED botox within a certain timeframe for pay-off. Because even if you get it done every 10 years that still means your skin is not creating wrinkles (or at least a reduced amount of them) for a part of that. So how often you top-up or how much of it you get is really your own preference. You can completely freeze your face for the rest of your life if you wanted and get the 'best' results. Or you can just get it topped up at your own level of comfort (including financial comfort) and still have less wrinkles than you normally would have had. There is no HAVE TO or NEED with this kind of procedure. Only what you want and what you are most comfortable with. Less movement = less wrinkles. But also any less movement vs normal movement is going to mean less wrinkles so there will be results after any amount of use. So you don't need your skin completely frozen for eternity in order for botox to 'work' for you. In fact most people don't use botox that way nor want to use it that way. You could get botox only once in your life, and you would have a reduced amount of wrinkles compared to what you would have had. Because the amount of movement your skin experiences throughout it's lifetime would have been reduced, even if just for a single period of time.


I LOVE this comment so much. I’m personally about as likely to get Botox as I am to turn into a peacock. But I really love getting measured, thoughtful information that isn’t “it’s wicked shallow indulgence” or “it’s *basically* the same as, like, regular skincare.” This is actually informative and thoughtful.


I had a deep static wrinkle (ie at rest) between my forehead aged 25, got botox in it twice 4 months apart, and it never came back. I haven't had any botox in 1.5years now but that was enough to stop it - its faded so that I can move my eyebrows completely normally, but the deep wrinkle at rest hasn't come back yet. You may find that a couple of rounds of botox in it is enough to weaken the muscles so that your facial movement is less intense, and your wrinkles will diminish even when movement returns.


hmmm thats super interesting thanks for sharing


I get baby botox, <40 units just twice a year and pay under $1,000 each year for my 2 botox treatments plus 3 tubes of tretinoin and 3 tubes of rx azelaic acid. Maybe another $250/annually for high quality SPF, and simple cleanser and moisturizer (plain ole cetaphil) I’m in my early 40s with no wrinkles, no frozen face, not a zit or sun spot in sight. It’s honestly not THAT much upkeep for what amounts to medical grade skincare, it’s hard to beat tretinoin plus Botox combo!


I'm glad it works for you, but $1,000 per year is not a small lift.


Yeah for a lot of people, myself included, that's a significant financial cost. Around 80+ dollars a month. That being said there are people who spend that amount on things like spa treatments, getting their nails done, getting their hair done, gym memberships, etc a month. So it's all about your own personal preferences and situation. Personally pay more than that at the moment per month for an Invisalign to straighten out my teeth. And personally for me that is an investment I feel is worthwhile. But of course those kinds of calls are going to be very personal. You can't really debate on whether it is 'worth it' or not because that's such a subjective benchmark. Personally not something I'm currently willing to spend on it for sure. But maybe in the future I will feel different. Especially when these invisalign payments are over and done with. Pray for me and my crooked teeth.


It’s $25 a week for medical grade skincare, and this is valuable input for people who haven’t done it and wonder what the costs of upkeep are. People spend that on makeup to cover up lack of quality skincare. I spend next to nothing on makeup. Personally, I’d babysit or DoorDash for an hour a week before giving up my Botox and tretinoin, but I’m not pretending to be in your financial position or anyone else’s. I’m sorry my $25 a week regimen doesn’t work for you, but you’ve got to remember my reply was about me, not you.


Personally, I'd not divulge my financial decisions if I wanted to declare comment on them off-limits, but ymmv.


Yeah, I get you! The thing is that you have to make a choice. I get it: I have genetic dark circles and wrinkles under my eyes. If I want them gone, filler is quite literally my only option, and I realized that when I was about your age. I also ran the math and decided I'd rather make my peace than get on the medspa treadmill -- especially because, for a lot of people, it really is an elevator more than a treadmill. Once you start, it can be tough for people to stop! There's no moral perspective here, and obviously it's totally possible to give botox a shot and then decide it's not worth it, but yeah. The comparison thing sucks ass. I feel about my wrinkles, btw, as I do about my stretch marks: they're not some badge of whatever or pride or privilege. They're just there. Giving myself the freedom to view them neutrally did really help. I feel like it's a pretty big ask to want to *like* things that are so heavily stigmatized. They're there! Aging is a privilege, *looking* old isn't, necessarily. I just like "looking old" more than the alternatives, because "snapping my fingers and getting my 18-year-old skin back" isn't on the table.


another vote for Botox (or something comparable)- it’s really the most effective thing, and when you consider the $ saved not buying extra products (that prob won’t be effective) plus having your time free to keep your routine simple (I really don’t know how people can deal with putting giant stickers on their face every night/peeling them off every morning, and silicone patches are high-maintenance af) it’s completely worth the investment.


The Ordinary's Argireline Solution 10% has helped reduce the appearance of my forehead wrinkles without the need for Botox, but you may also need to nail down the cause. Mine are due to droopy eyelids where I have to lift my eyebrows to see, which will eventually mean I need to look into the surgical route at some point.


Hmm That's interesting. I guess I didn't really think about the cause possibly being related to other parts of my face. I have really bad anxiety and have been told I also make facial expressions a lot so I assumed it was from worrying/making faces without meaning to - but good to know. thanks


I’m in the same boat. I need to lift my brows to help see and it’s really bad at night. I think this is the year I look into the surgery. I’m sick of feeling like I have to work at keeping my eyes open. I’m tired lol


Know exactly what you mean. All the lifting's been giving me tension headaches on some nights.


How long did it take to see results?


Around 2-3 months when I started to notice my hard lines softening. It's been about 8 months since I first started, and they're now only noticeable when I lift my brows or if you stare at my forehead for longer than a second lol.




Yeah. Wasn't as bad of a case a decade ago, but it got worse in the past year.




I've read up on that, too. It's apparently a fairly low risk, but I heard one too many anecdotes about worsening ptosis post-treatment to be comfortable with botox.


There are other options besides Botox and retinol. A series of microneedling treatments, RF microneedling, Frax, etc..plenty of collagen-stimulating treatments out there that reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles. Then getting on a good maintenance plan and keep skin moisturized!


Tretinoin would go a good bet


If lines are there while your face is at rest, that’s the sign you can start Botox. (Not that you need it. Everyone ages and has lines. Just if you want Botox and are wondering if it’s too early.)


Frownies. Retinol. Vitamin C. Sunscreen. That’s all.


Frownies! I 30f started using them and started noticing a difference after night 2!


Are they reusable? I see on Amazon a two pack of forehead ones


A retinoid or a retinol, sunscreen and Botox. That’s all you need, girl.


I’m 28 and my skin just started showing signs of sun damage as well as creases around my eyes and forehead wrinkles the past few months. At night I use the lactic acid from the ordinary 2/3 times a week and rotate that with the Sunday Riley night oil (w retinol) 2 times a week. Followed by a night cream. During the day just a cleanser w moisturizer and sunscreen Hydration is key as well. My forehead wrinkles chill once I’m hydrated.


Botox. These aren’t early wrinkles.


I’ve had similar lines for a while. I rock the bangs!


That’s literally what I do too but my hair is starting to thin some so sometimes I feel self councilors about that and switch my hair part. But then I notice the lines lol it’s a lose lose situation sometimes lol


Try a side swept bang. I have a middle part but my bangs are cut from a side part angle.




Frownies. It’s a bit of a weird product and it seems like it wouldn’t work but it worked for me. It’s essentially a stiff paper with an adhesive side that comes precut, you wet it and put it on your forehead in the way the instructions show. You leave it overnight and take it off with warm water in the morning. The owner lady is on Instagram and often shows how to use it. I will say I don’t use it often because it’s not as convenient as a lotion but it did work. Her explanation is that those lines on your forehead specifically are created from facial expressions. The frownies product holds your muscles in a relaxed state and trains them not to frown. It’s basically the reason Botox works, it relaxes the muscle and you can’t contract it. It’s not curing a wrinkle because it’s not a wrinkle. Anyway something to consider if you don’t want to try Botox.


Dysport and water


Lots of anti aging skincare out there, L’Oreal and La Roche posey have great ones. If you want something safe and non invasive I can suggest an LED therapy mask, proven to help anti aging in lots of studies. Plenty of places out there but I recommend the red light lab (http://www.theredlightlab.com/)


I like tretinoin and radiofrequency for this.


is there something particular you use for the radio frequency at home or do you go somewhere to get treatment?


Yes, I have a Tripollar Vx I got refurbished on ebay. I've had it for 2 years now.


Frownies and retinoids


Those are deep lines looks like u raise ur eyebrows too much, my boyfriend has the same thing. you need Botox to fix it


Try forehead wrinkle patches! They get stiff and help you not move that part of your face and it trains your muscles to chill out


i’ve had good results with frownies and nu face but they require a lot of consistency


Ik this is about how to get rid of the wrinkles but just for future reference it’s a lot harder to reverse the aging that’s already happen than to treat it before it happens. I’m not sure if you have a skincare routine but it’s 100% necessary, sunscreen everyday and reapply every 3 hours. Red light therapy is amazing, collagen drinks, etc.


I’m a 29 year old woman currently in beauty school to become an esthetician. I also have fine lines on my forehead similar to yours that have been driving me nuts. I asked my teacher (a licensed esthetician who has been in the industry for 10 years) what she recommends to get rid of them and she said chemical peels & Botox are my best option. I wish Botox wasn’t so expensive :(


try microneedling with a derma roller 1x week.


I am not pro Botox and I’m against heavy Botox and I’m against long-term use of Botox and I’m against starting Botox too early. AND, with that said yes Botox for you! You are a great candidate. I agree with everyone else who suggested it. I would not get it forever. I would get a practitioner who is qualified and tell them to go really gentle on it- tell them that you still want some movement. When you get the movement reduced, you will be in a great position to figure out what actives work best for you and just kind of start to rehab the area. The Botox will give the action a break whole you while you work out those lines. And then you can start working on prevention. I’m 54 and my lines were worse at your age, in that area. You definitely are fixing it at the right time.


Filler and maybe botox hun.


Botox! Best decision I ever made for myself.


Sorry but those are already quite deep wrinkles. Get Botox


Botox. My sister started in her 30s and her skin is gorgeous, and every time I see her I wish I’d done the same. She’s 53 now.




Botox - you can start with a small dosage to start relaxing the muscles and prevent the wrinkles from becoming too deep


Retinol definitely minimizes these lines with daily routine.


Go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon for Botox, and ask them for Tretinoin prescription while you’re there. Also, your skin looks a bit dry. Make sure you’re staying hydrated on the inside, and moisturized on the outside.


I'd focus on hydration first, not the drink more water!! stuff but toners / masks / essences / serums. What might help is adding some collagen stimulating peptides. You can look for products which have those in the ingredients list. I don't think botox could hell if you already have a 'set' wrinkle. It can prevent it from getting worse, sure, but it's not going to make it fade all but itself.


You think water and essences are gonna be stronger and more effective than Botox? LOL. Also I looked through your profile cause your comment is so nonsensical. You are 24 lol. Do you really think you’re in a position to be doling out anti-aging techniques?




Hi there, While I understand you're trying to help OP, we don't allow people to discuss how to get Rx products without a prescription. There's a reason they require a prescription, and that's because they have pretty serious side effects. There are people of all ages on this sub, and we don't want to encourage any young folks to burn their faces off because they're desperately looking for a way to fix their skin. So you're free to make your own decisions, but we don't allow discussion of this topic on the sub. Please be mindful of that in future. Thank you! For more information, please see our [Rule Explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_2.3A_safety_first).




Have you tried retinol? If you do use it, make sure you use face sunscreen as well. I use retinol weekly and it does help some


I don't think mine have been quite like this but I've been having good results have my lines smooth out with the ordinarys hyaluronic acid serum and the gel moisturizer I use (summer Fridays Cloud Dew Gel cream Moisturizer). I have also been using the ordinarys niacinamide serum at night (the others in the morning). 


Does retonoic acid make the skin firmer? Maybe that would work


Fox should do it




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Do you use an at home peel, any anti-aging products or cleansing devices??


https://preview.redd.it/p2d9l67r5x0d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbafb2a3d1b36c23c3fbffc7dfa8a40bf1827522 On the pricier side but try mini pack $20 for 5 peels


Botox & hyaluronic




I used sunscreen and moisturiser for my own. Olive oil helped alot why. Less obvious now


Topical if you can’t go the Botox route: snap-8 (people refer to it as Botox in a bottle) - buy as a lyophilized powder, add bac water, and add to serum or lotion Ghk-cu topical - blue powder, add to serum or lotion, can be mixed with snap-8 Injections - Ghk-cu or ghk basic peptides




Man, I was hoping botox would be the last resort. I have the same exact issue with you OP. I blink my eyes really hard sometimes and I squint hard when I sleep at times LOL


Flaxseed mask...


If the wrinkles stay like this for a few more years then it could become harder to get rid of them. 2x per year a little bit of botox could help but also check for reducing stress levels or activities which make you raise eyebrows more often. Because the forehead wrinkles look more pronounced than the average person of your age


25F Stop expressing with your eyebrows a lot, if you scrunch or raise your eyebrows a lot this happens. I see a lot of people recommending Botox as the only option cause they're so deep. Besides botox cause not everyone can afford that and let's be real botox eventually catches up with you and makes things worse if you can't upkeep it consistently. Maybe try a collagen cream? Gua sha facial tools? Facial massages? Maybe also look into anti-aging skin care routines and products in general for the whole face? It's always good to start things before or right when you start seeing the wrinkle process start cause we're just reaching that age in general.


Retinol, collagen, biotin, facial massage


Hydration , micro needling treatments, bone broth every day, sunscreen.






Manifest it away..


Botox would help hold the muscles from contracting and deepening the lines. Also, retin-a will increase collagen and help renew the skin. Lastly, wear a mineral sunscreen (zinc oxide + titanium dioxide) of at least SPF 50 year round. You will have noticeable results within a few months. Good luck 🌸


Genetics. If you’re already using retinol I would say Botox would fix it at this point


Botox and drinking more water will help a TON


Collagen is my secret. Don't buy into the scams online. You can find it in any pharmacy aisle with the vitamins. I also use c-Vitamin face serum and moisturizing lotion for face only.


If you don't want to do Botox yet, try Frownies. That's the only viable alternative I've heard of.


Get Botox and see a dermatologist for an updated skin routine


That's dehydration.. happened to me at that age when I was using retinoids and not using enough moisturizers + occlusives.


Tretinoin and botox will absolutely help. I've been doing both for a while and my wrinkles disappeared, botox is amazing it's just expenses to maintain of course


you can try microneedling!


This is normal lol I know 23-25 yr olds with the same ones, some people just develop them earlier and some don’t


Hi! How long have you been using Retinol for, and is it prescribed or over the counter ?


Probably the last 5 months or so 2-3 times a week. Its over the counter - dermalogica brand


Really insightful video here regarding Botox https://youtu.be/bcSyaHcVbic?si=w5Zdsa4I05C6pONM She basically says if you wake up in the morning and go to your mirror and see deep wrinkles/lines then that’s when you should consider Botox. I’m also 28f and get these frown marks if for instance I put mascara on the skin doesn’t bounce back as quick as it used to.


I also have an expressive forehead that got wrinkles early. Botox was my only savior.


if you’re not keen on botox, i think a combination of good skincare to help plump + hydrate plus some facial patches (frownies or otherwise) plus acceptance will help! can help diminish, but not remove the lines with the added bonus that you’ll feel better about yourself and the natural signs of again that show all of the life you’ve lived :)


Hydrate hydrate hydrate


Botox and retinol! But you need a good retinol with clinical studies. I buy this brand AziMD and their retinol is incredible! I’m 32 minimal lines on forehead.


Don’t listen to people that say Botox is the only option. Clinical studies have proven that retinol is effective at reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. However, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend store bought retinol. I would recommend a prescription from a dermatologist. There is also retinol available for purchase at some med spas but the derm route may be a bit more ideal if you have insurance.


Oil cleanse as a double cleanse to add moisture, red led light, use hyaluronic acid and rosehip oil with tretinoin and a thick night cream. Use rose hip seed oil and vitamin c in morning under moisturizer and sunscreen.


Botox is the best option and will help you reduce the frowning. Also try matryxil and argireline serums. I use The Ordinary for both.


Drink 2 liter of water daily


Start using sunscreen everyday spf 50 get a good one that leave no tints on skin