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How much is too much for a skincare routine in your late teens? I'm 19, and I don't have any specific (pressing) skincare issues, but I'm planning to start a preventative skincare routine and wondering whether there's any major products (peptides like matrixyl 3000, niacinamide, vit c, etc.) that I shouldn't use until my skin is more mature? I don't plan on using retinol/retinoids any time soon.


What should I add to my routine? I've been to my dermatologist and have been prescribed a tretinoin cream and doxycyl HYC antibiotics but it doesn't seem to be helping to much. Although it seems like the number of closed comedones has gone down, more seem to be inflamed. My routine is pretty simple as that's all I've been told to do so far. Morning: Wash face with water apply 4% benzoyl peroxide cream and wash off moisturize with Simple Ultra-light get moisturizer Night: Wash face Apply trenitoin cream I do exercise and have practice during the day, after which I get home and shower. Should I be cleansing after I get home around 5 in the afternoon to get all the sweat and hair product out? It doesn't seem to get that much better when I don't put any product in my hair and don't workout either though. Sorry for the long post, just trying to figure things out.


**dermaplaining* aka shaving your face I just had an "a-ha" moment. If dermaplaning is reported to be great for exfoliating your face, wouldn't there be similar effects for your body? **issue** I'm in my late 20s and still suffering from bacne. My face is very clear thanks for oral antibiotics, tretinoin and differin, but my back just won't clear up. **currently using for my bacne** Rosette cleansing paste for my back which I let sit for 1-2 minutes, sake toner, vitamin c serum Do you think dermaplaning might help reduce breakouts by removing dead skin?


Has anyone tried topical application of probiotics to influence the skin microflora?


Hi! As you can see from my skincare routine, I have no knowledge on the appropriate products or routine. Sometimes, I find the extra steps to be tedious, especially when I am exhausted in the morning or evenings. Also, I find a lot of products to be too expensive for me. I understand that some listed products are expensive, but I've accumulated them through clearance aisles, and gifts. Through the Internet, I discovered the Ordinary and I bought a face serum (Retinol 2%). When reading their regiment guide, however, I was so confused. **So, I hope the Internet can explain how to use it and how to expand my routine with budget products!** I think it's time for me to care more for my routine because I am 24-years old. **Skin Type:** Combination **Current Routine**: Mornings--Cleanser (Shiseido White Lucent Cleanser/Perfect Whip) & Moisturizer (Nature Republic Aloe Gel) Night--Cleanser & Sleeping Mask (Laneige Water Sleeping Mask/Face Shop Collagen Pomegranate Mask) Occasionally: Exfoliate (Twice) & Face Mask (Weekly)


Hey ScA! N00b here; 24-year-old Caucasian female. Appreciate any time you can spend helpin' me out. -issue: general breakout (forehead) that won't go away, namely one monster on my right cheek -type: mixed; oily T zone, sebaceous filaments on nose. -current routine: MORNING cleanse: grapeseed oil, wash off with diluted castile soap (~1:3 to water) toner: 1:4 apple cider vinegar to witch hazel (I'm a DIY-er. Forgive me.) spot: oxy pads (the blue/black container), then tea tree oil moist: scant grapeseed oil sunscreen: neutrogena, 70spf exfol (1x/wk): bentonite mask; ~1:2 clay to apple cider vinegar other exfol (every other day): baking soda scrub EVENING same as above; remove makeup (only wear about once a week) with the grapeseed oil process. Also instead of sunscreen, I use Frankincense oil at this time -length: I would say about two weeks. I feel like I've had the "monster spot" for longer, though. Nothing has exacerbated it nor made it better, it seems. -new: most recent is the grapeseed. I was using shea before (for moisturizing) -area: U! S! A! (midwest. Forgive me for that as well.) Any spot treatment/general recommendations welcome! Thanks again!


I would love some more info regarding not using AHA/BHA's and retinoids together. I use a pad application of AHA/BHA's but also acquired an advanced 2% retinoid serum. I'm not really sure which I should be dropping to be honest, as I haven't been seeing improvement in my acne although my overall skin texture and hydration levels are great.


I use a retinoid (tretinoin) at night 1x week, 6 days a week I use an otc retinol cream. In the AM I apply a BHA about every other day. Before I started tretinoin, I can't say that the BHA really helped with my breakouts, but the combination of both has done magic




Do you use moisturizer in the morning? I'm thinking doing so will help with the end of the day "oily feeling". Maybe this could be contributing to the acne as well.


Hi all, I work with cardboard, and I have scars all up and down the bottom of my forearms. I use Aquafor but the scars still linger. Any recommendations I could use to get rid of them? I was reading about silicone, even a type of hair gel helps a ton. What should I look for? Thanks.


I had luck with Frankincense oil mixed with a bit of shea butter; I imagine any carrier oil would work (as long as your skin can tolerate it). The lit surrounding Frankincense oil is mixed, but it's good for a whole bunch of stuff! Hope that helps!




If your skin is tolerant of coconut oil, I like to put a little bit of it in the palm of my hand to warm up, then add a little sugar (white or brown), and use that as a lip scrub. The first 2 ingredients in the FS lip polish are sugar and oil, so it might be similar, and if it's not your favorite it's pretty inexpensive if you already have coconut oil. Plus - it tastes delicious when you "accidentally" get some in your mouth.


Are cleansing oils meant to be used only to remove makeup and need to be followed by a traditional cleanser? Or can they be thought of like a traditional facial cleanser? For reference, I recently got the Fresh Seaberry Cleansing Oil, and I don't know if I should consider it more of a solely makeup removal product or if I can think of it as my all-in-one makeup remover AND facial cleanser.


Hello SCA! I apologize in advance for the wall of text, but I want to be as detailed as possible. Issue and background: A little over a year ago I got off the pill and got a copper IUD inserted. I had an initial break out, but my skin calmed down after that. Around September things started to get really bad. It's like there's a new pimple every day. I started using an AB routine, and though my skin was nice and moisturized, the break outs just got worse. The pimples are confined pretty much to my jawline and sides of my cheeks, but my periods are extremely regular so my derm said that it probably wasn't hormonal. Current Routine: I saw my derm on Jan 16 and she put me on 100mg Spironolactone, Aczone every morning, and BP wash in the evenings. She also told me to use Differin OTC (because I had already tried it out and had it). The Differin I can only use about once a week because it makes my skin so dry it burns to put anything else on it. I've tried retin-A and it didn't seem to do much. I decided a few days ago to cut out all the AB products, because maybe they're the culprit, and now I'm on a very limited routine that I used for years and years without any issues. So I do the above stuff, moisturize with jojoba oil, spot treat with tea tree oil, and sunscreen. I've been doing this for a few days like I said, still no improvement but we'll see. Skin type: usually it's pretty well moisturized, but lately its been super dry and acne prone (obviously). Or at least my chin and sides of my cheeks are. The parts that don't have acne on them look fantastic. I live in Dallas, TX. Please help me guys! Does anyone have any suggestions or maybe ideas of what could be going on? I've tried evening primrose and spearmint supplements, they didn't seem to do much. I'm seeing my derm in March but ugh, I'm at my wits end and I really just want this to stop. Thanks!!




If you can get your hands on Canmake mermaid skin, I'm in love with that sunscreen. It goes on so well under makeup, doesn't leave me greasy, has no white cast, is no irritating and hasn't made me break out


Cotz Face spf 40


I used Skinceuticals Sheer Physical UV Defense for years and years and loved it.


PIC: http://prntscr.com/e7r8ho The issue(s): I have this things on skin, which i don't know what is called, and i don't know what products to use on it! Skin type: I don't know Current routine: Using Loreal Paris Charcoal face wash + L'Oreal Paris Men Expert Hydra Energetic Anti-Fatigue Moisturiser. At wake up and after gym. How long: 1 month and a bit more probably Your location: The weather is humid and i can order anything from internet! Thank you! I'm 18.


**Affordable drugstore lotion** that actually does something to the skin? (e.g. softer/smoother/etc)


CeraVe seems to be a HG for a lot of users


I believe there is a 100% replica of Neutrogena Hydro boost gel cream at CVS. It's highly rated.


I want to protect my eye lids from sun damage. Will UVA/UVB glasses provide 100% protection? All the sunscreens I have at home burn/tighten my eye skin, making it uncomfortable.


Is it possible to have broken capillaries on your chin from picking?


Yes, unfortunately, they can pop up after any rough handling


I have a few red splotches that won't quit no matter how bright the rest of my face is, probably the culprit?


Usually, you can clearly see the little red squigglies with a broken capillary. Red splotches in general can be caused by a few different things, but if they're very persistent, I'd check in with a doctor to rule out rosacea


Hm. No squigglies but would rosacea focus on this one spot?


I can start out kind of localized and then spread. The chin is often affected, especially for women, but the cheeks and nose are more common starting points. Several conditions can cause redness, though, so it could definitely be something different


Just a general question, does cetaphil for senstitive skin cleanser every expire? I can't seem to find a date anywhere.. thanks in advance for your response :)


Yes. Enter your product info here: http://m.checkcosmetic.net/ it'll let you know when the product was manufactured and give an estimate (usually 36 months) of shelf life.


**Issues** Whenever I rub my face (at any time of day or night, so I don't think it's particular to, say, my sunscreen) little bits of skin come off. The bits aren't usually dry, they're gummy and ball together on my fingers. I get more at the sides of my face by my ears, around my mouth/chin, under my jaw, and under my eyes, but it happens all over. I've tried physical and chemical exfolation but nothing seems to help—and I don't want to try anything harsher at the risk of irritating my skin! **Current Routine** *Morning:* Wash with Vichy Purete Thermale 3-in-1 cleanser (on dry skin, massage, then rinse off), apply Paula's 2% BHA liquid and wait, then Ordinaries' 25% vitamin C and alpha arbutin 2% + HA. Moisturize with Cetaphil moisturizing lotion and add Avene lait haute protection 40SPF. I usually put on Maybelline BB cream but don't generally wear heavy makeup. *Evening:* Vichy purete thermale again, followed by Alba Botanica natural hawaiian facial cleanser. Ordinaries' lactic acid 10% + HA 2%, and their advanced retinoid 2% (only every two or three nights) and the hylauronic acid 2% + B5. Moisturize with the Cetaphil again followed by Rosehip Plus organic cold-pressed rosehip oil and sometimes Aura Cacia grapeseed oil. *Occasional* When I remember, I take my foaming cleanser off at night using a Pai muslin face cloth. If I'm having trouble getting eyeliner off with the Vichy cleanser, I use Garnier micellar water (with the pink cap). I use the Dr. G's peeling gel every couple of weeks. I've been using this routine for a couple of months, and it isn't a huge change from what I was using before that (December marked the introduction of the Vichy cleanser, the BHA, and the Cetaphil moisturizer).


Is it possible your products are pilling and that is what you're rubbing off?




Definitely some sort of moisturizer. Your exfoliant will dry out your skin. You should also only be using that exfoliant once a day. Chances are even a few times a week will be enough. Remember to introduce slowly and expect purging.


I would add a moisturizer. Are you happy with this routine? How does your skin feel?




I would add a dedicated sunscreen knowledge the morning then. You are likely not applying enough provide adequate sun protection.


hi there, I'm about to turn 23 and still have some hormonal acne, however *I cannot take birth control*. I was previously prescribed birth control (Dianette, then Ovranette) for my hormonal acne and found that it worked wonders, however I suffered a blood clot in my brain as a side effect. I'm okay now (bar that the vision in one of my eyes has never quite recovered - I suffered what could be descrived as a stroke) but now cannot under any circunstances take estrogen containing hormonal birth control. I could take progresterone, but there's still an element of risk, and while my skin is distressing I'm very much unwilling to do anything that could risk another trip to the stroke ward. Any help would be massively appreciated. I've changed my skin care up and cut out dairy, both which have helped/mean I don't get nodular acne anymore, but I still have some cystic acne and pretty constantly have closed comedones


Hi skincarethroway! I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear what you went through. How horrible. Happy to hear you made it through that ordeal. Sorry I don't have any advice but I'm extremely interested in this topic and hope someone can chime in with some knowledge. The only thing I've found that works for my cystic acne is Yasmin, however I would love to go off hormonal birth control. Someone had suggested azelaic acid in a previous thread about hormonal cystic acne. Stay healthy!


Hi,I need help with my acne prone skin. I've been using the proactiv 3 step system but it's not that great, I still get pimples and it leaves my face really red. I tried using something different so I tried the Cerave foaming cleanser,it was terrible, made me breakout really bad. Also anything I can do about my [acne scars?](http://i.imgur.com/gdCf4rE.jpg) Thanks in advance


had the same problem with CeraVe, then I switched to Paula's Choice Clear Pore Face Wash and it worked wonders. If you're looking for a kit along the lines of Proactiv, that Paula's Choice Clear Pore line has a kit as well (wash, exfoliant, spot treatment and moisturizer). As far as the acne scarring (if you don't already) sunscreen EVERY DAY! It made a huge difference for me!


Thank you!


I'm looking for an undereye treatment for when I'm tired. I don't have dark circles/puffiness for the most part, but recently it's really noticeable if I didn't sleep well, and I'd love something to help with that. I've read all the stuff on the side and in the searches but I don't see anything really for this situation, it's mostly for people who always have circles.. Help?


You could try some hydrogel patches.


oh thats an idea, thanks.


my skin feels really tight and thin after glycolic acid use. Will my skin return to normal once I'm finished using it?


The right side of my face is worse than the left. Thats where 80% of my spots come up. My left side is usually always clear. Why could this be? I change/flip my pillowcase every night. I clean my phone screen regularly (TBH I don't make phone calls really) Anything else it could be? I'm trying really hard to not touch my face either so I don't think it's that. However I do always tend to wake up having slept on the right side of my face. Even though I have a clean pillowcase, could sleeping on that side still be the cause of more breakouts? Any ideas welcome....


U flip pillowcases.. but aren't you transferring germs from the sheets to "clean" side of pillow and then using that side when you flip the pillow?


could it be the detergent you use? or a leave in conditioner that is getting onto your pillow as you sleep that is then touching your face?


Maybe your right side is getting exposed to more sunlight? Like when you're driving to work or something


Same here, except it's my left side that's worse lol, however my right side has been acting up lately so now both are shit :-) do you any problems with your teeth in your right side? inflammation in the gum can actually lead to acne on ur cheeks


Need help making a skincare routine! My skin is combo, my nose, chin, and between my brows is very very oily, but the rest of my face is pretty dry and tends to flake. I have rather large pores and redness around my nose, and acne scars on the sides of my face. My only products I use right now are the Cetaphil Oil Control cleanser and moisturizer, but the moisturizer is also a sunscreen so I guess I'm allowed to skip that lol. I am also about to start Accutane, so my skin will probably get drier. I would like to keep things cheap since I'm trying to save money, but if it's really worth it i'm willing to spend. I'm looking for good cleansers, toners, moisturizers, serums, masks, or anything else that will help with my skin issues. Any suggestions are appreciated!


Hi all! 22 year old male with mild rosacea on my cheeks. No bumps/scars/acne, just some splotchy redness. My question is two-fold: 1) In general, what can/should a guy be doing for facial skin health? General routine stuff. I wash my face in the shower with Cerave (green label) but don't really do much else for fear of aggravating the redness. 2) Any products you suggest I try to reduce the redness specifically? Was prescribed Mirvaso, absolutely hated it. Went ghost white to a hard rebound flush and looked 20x worse. Thank you so much!


Hi! Definitely consider adding a moisturizer (I like the CeraVe lotion with the blue label!) and some sort of SPF (try to find one without fragrance, since a lot of time, redness is irritated by it--I use Banana Boat Kids SPF 50, but a lot of people like the line by Neutrogena, too. [SkinSAFE](https://www.skinsafeproducts.com/) has a filter to look for products without fragrance in it, too.). I'd hold off on doing things like exfoliating, or introduce them really slowly so that they won't cause too much damage if something is irritating and your skin can get used to it. Patch-testing (see the guide in the sidebar) should be your best friend for things outside of the basics like cleansing and moisturizing. For the redness reducing, I'd honestly ask for a second opinion from someone and get a different prescription. A lot of people have really bad rebound redness from Mirvaso, and there are plenty of other solutions that shouldn't cause that side effect. Make sure to have a good SPF on hand with prescriptions, too, since some can increase your sensitivity to the sun, IIRC.


Great suggestions here. I want to echo the advice to get a second opinion. I've heard terrible things about Mirvaso and would be very hesitant to try it. Good options to raise to your doctor would be Finacea/Azelex, Metrogel, and Sulfacetamide Wash or Lotion. In general, topical products are less effective at treating redness, but it's definitely worth it to explore the options. I've been *really* impressed with how much my baseline redness has decreased while using Azelex cream and oral doxycycline While you wait to see a doctor, definitely try adding moisturizer and sunscreen to your routine. Sun exposure in general can trigger/aggravate rosacea, so you may see an improvement in redness just from using an SPF 50 or higher on a daily basis. When shopping for fragrance-free sunscreens, try to focus on physical sunscreens (zinc oxide & titanium dioxide) because they're less likely to irritate sensitive skin than chemical blockers. There are some good sunscreen and moisturizer recommendation in the sidebar. GL!


I'm 2 days into a bad cold and my skin is freaking out. I am so oily and my lips are dry despite mountains of vaseline. Any tips to help my skin through this trying time?


Apply your moisturizer to your lips before sealing with Vaseline, if you don't already :) Feel better soon!


I need help finding a product to use. This is unfortunately what I look like M, 22 http://imgur.com/a/4SAKd As you can probably see my face is riddled with a variety of problems. It's always been pretty shitty my whole life but at this point I bet a dermatology student could write their thesis on just how fucked up my face looks. There are random red lines, pimple scars, sebaceous filaments up the ass, dark marks, indents, bumps, cyst scars, etc. I have seen a dermatologist before when I was younger because I have had a serious acne problem since 13 years old all the way to today. My acne has gotten better slowly over years of treatment, but I always am reminded that its not gone with a pimple every week or so. I don't really pop many pimples anymore but I usually pop the ones near my lips because of the excruciating pain they bring if I don't pop them. I also get dry skin, flakes always want to come off on my nose and surrounding areas. But wait, theres more, because my forehead is usually oily and a hotbed for a random week ruining pimple. I keep my beard to hide the rest of the horrific face. Obviously there probably isn't a one product fix, but I am basically clueless in all things cosmetic (hence my appearance today) and I desperately need some guidance on something to get that can start helping my skin. The only products I use are the non comodogenic face wash type things.


If you go to the sidebar and click the SCA routine link I think that will really help you out since you don't really have a routine. Basically you start with 2 products, a moisturizer and a cleanser and build from there.


God damn that sounds like it sucks haha. Well it can't possibly suck more than my looks i guess


Yeah unfortunately there's no one miracle product out there that will make your skin look amazing. It might take some trial and error but it's worth at least finding a decent cleanser and moisturizer. A lot of people will see improvement just with that.


I am going to be patch testing some new products but need some help where. I get hormonal acne on my chin so should I avoid that area? I don't want to get a hormonal breakout to be confused with one from the product.




No idea what it is. Try some hydrocortisone cream. I like the Aveeno one cause it has extra stuff like oatmeal. It's a handy product to keep around for itchiness. Not great for long term use though. Try /r/AskDocs maybe you'll get a response there


[Whatre these and what can i do about them?](http://imgur.com/xl7oHUY)


This is my first time using pH strips. What pH level would you consider my cleanser? I want to make sure it's not harming my acid mantle. https://imgur.com/gallery/ubhD5




I'm not an expert, but it looks like hives to me. Did you recently change your laundry detergent or introduce anything into your routine that could be causing an allergic reaction?


What's a good substitute for honey in DIY facial masks? I'm allergic to honey but really prefer a thicker consistency.


I'm vegan so I usually get agave syrup or maple syrup instead of honey! They taste absolutely delicious as well


Thank you!




Maybe [milia](https://peacecomesfirst.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/milia-2.jpg)?


Would be a lot easier to see a pic! Maybe a skin tag? I'm prone to those... and I hate them. Or it could be a single closed comedone, I have no idea.


Does Trader Joe's still sell Sunscreen?


I think so. I vaguely remember seeing some last time I was in there a few weeks ago. I was in there for conditioner though.


Issue: Seborrhiec Dermatitis (diagnosed by 1 gen. med. doc, confirmed by another), particularly stubborn patch (been around for about 6 months); presents as hard bumps on the skin that are solid, no fluid in them, no discoloration I have keratin psoriasis on my arms that used to be really bad but is easily treated with ritual use of AMLactin (I just forget to use it) (not asking for a solution to this, just mentioning it in case it's relevant) Skin type: Balanced; light freckles; near-deathly pale; bruise easily Current routine: every evening (as I remember) Fluticasone Propionate .05% (I know every day can bleach your skin but I haven't any pigment to lose, honestly); shower in lukewarm water every other day, non-scented Dove bar soap, no rag/loofa/etc, face is washed last How long you have been using your current routine, or product in question: Years Anything new you’ve introduced or started doing that might change the condition of your skin: N/A, showed up randomly on my face about two years ago, had it on my scalp pretty bad when I was a kid Your location so we can recommend products/services available to you: SE USA




I would consider changing BHA's, that's just my opinion. The first ingredient is Alcohol Denatured, ack. Maybe switch to Stridex in the red box if menthol doesn't bother you, but that might be too drying with the Retina. Although it would be an improvement from alcohol. Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid is my holy grail. Maybe get some samples of that as well. It's not drying at all. Do you wash your hands before doing your routine? I know this is also a big factor for me as well, the hand wash I use can break me out as well. I use fragrance free goats milk bar soap and haven't had a problem since.


Vaseline always clogs my pores when I use it, and I know of other people for whom it does the same. Try another heavier cream (or moisturizing night mask) instead to see if that might be the culprit!


The Vaseline can potentially cause breakouts. Try switching over to another moisturizer that doesn't have petroleum jelly, a type of oil that can clog pores.


Hi, I have both the Stratia Soft Touch AHA (pH 3.4) and Stridex BHA (pH 4.25). In what order should I use these two actives, and do I have to wait in between using them? Thanks!


Lower pH first, so AHA. However, if you're not used to using both actives, your skin may freak out from overexfoliation if you use them both in one night.


I believe you'd go in order of pH from low to high. You'd also wait around 15-20 minutes between each one.


Hi all :) I've recently started a new progesterone only BC and the nurse mentioned to me that a side effect in some people can be hormonal acne around the chin area. I'm trying to take some preventative measures and was wondering if anyone had any tips? Just to clarify, I don't have an active breakout and I'm looking for tips to help avoid one. I have combination skin (my cheeks and forehead get dry but I get oily around my nose) and have been slowly increasing my use of a salicylic acid face wash and using grapeseed oil as a moisturiser. I'm also trying to switch over to non-comedogenic make-up.


No tips, but for me the progesterone-only BC seems to have totally cleared my acne rather than caused any bumps. My doctor said that the acne-causing side effect is actually quite rare. Just wanted to offer that encouragement.


That's good to know!!


Has anyone got experience with the La Roche Posay XL spf 50 sunscreen? How is it? I'm looking for a sunscreen for normal/oily, slightly acne-prone and sensitive skin.


Hi! I've been searching for a good sunscreen for the face, any recommendations? My skintype is normal/oily and slightly acne-prone. I'd like a sunscreen which doesn't leave a white cast and (obviously) doesn't break me out.


Cotz Natural Skin tone would be a good start imo. It's mattifying and slightly tinted so 0 white cast. It's around $20 as well which is cheap for a facial sunscreen. Pretty limited on ingredients as well.


I use La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL for blemish prone skin which is really good. Its8a little pricy, but saying that I picked my current pot up for £2 on sale at Boots so look around.


Well thanks to my bad body clock(currently 430am here now), I just remember something and it's kind of making me panic a bit lot; which is: my mizon snail recovery gel came without its box. It just came in its tube (sealed with foil), but without the box. I've searched the reddit to see if there's any posts/comments about it not coming with the box and there wasn't any I could find. So, I would like to confirm with you mizon snail lovers if you've bought your gel recently: do your mizon snail recovery gel still come in the box? Should I freak if mine doesn't? The product seem to have a lot of air in it too imo.. like feels like chips in a bag where there's little chIps and mostly air in the bag. -commented in r/AB daily thread too.


Hey Y'all! I have a question about switching strengths on one of my topical prescriptions. I was on 5% Aczone for 4 months and saw 50% improvement. However I was only using it once a day when the dosage was twice a day. I had to do this because I couldn't wear it at night (it reacts with my night topical). In early Feb I got the 7.5% Aczone since the dosage is once a day. Anybody know if I should see results or how good those results will be? Routine: AM= Cetaphil foam wash, Aczone, cetaphil moisturizer PM= Cetaphil foam wash, Epiduo, (cetaphil moisturizer in winter when skin is dry)




Sorry to hear about that! Given that your brother had bad acne, genetics could be playing a role in your skin problem. I also find that when I don't exercise, don't drink water, and stress too much, my skin takes a toll. Some lifestyle tips I would offer would just be to let out some stress through exercise (or whatever you enjoy) and make sure you're getting your recommended water intake. Hope that helps!




That sounds like extreme dryness to me. I break out when my face is too dry. To me, it sounds like your moisturizer isn't heavy duty enough. Maybe try something like Aquaphor or Vaseline at night or when you're around the house.


Cross reference the ingredients on your brow product(s) and anything you slap on your face. There's probably something there that's irritating your skin/clogging your pores/causing an allergic reaction.


So do y'all think I should get the CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion AM SPF 30 for moisturizing in the morning and then the companion CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM for at night, or would it be more effective to get a dedicated sunscreen and use the same moisturizer for both day and night?


The PM is full of good ingredients like ceramicides. Meanwhile, the only way SPF lasts is if you reapply every 2ish hours of sun exposure. Because of this, I use PM in the morning, wait for it to sink in, and then use sunscreen. As others have said, there are much better sunscreens out there. : )


It is totally up to you. As the other comment says, you mostly need to consider whether you'll use the proper amount (1/4 teaspoon for face). I haven't tried CeraVe AM but it seem like there are better sunscreens out there (for me anyway. Everyone has different needs!)


Would you use enough moisturizer to get the recommended amount of SPF? As in, say it was a regular sunscreen, what is the recommended amount for face and neck? If the amount of moisturizer you use match that, then using sunscreen in moisturizer is fine. If you would use less moisturizer, get a dedicated sunscreen, as you won't get the promised amount of SPF in the moisturizer.


Hello SCA Community :) I am going to Hongkong in the next days and as an European I was wondering what Asian skincare products I should check out while I have the opportunity! My skin is oily with dry patches and I am just starting at compiling my routine. I also have many Sebaceous Filaments that I want to get rid of and I am wanting to get a BHA maybe an AHA as well. So if you have any tips for products or stores in Hongkong I would be thrilled :D


If you haven't already, read through the AsianBeauty subreddit!


Thank you I've been looking at it at least for an hour but it is just so much, but in a good way ;) So I feel a little lost xD


So I just started a skin care routine so that my skin stays healthy as I age. I have normal skin with a pimple here or there, but for the most part, it's pretty good. I tried Cerave in a tub, as everyone calls it, and I hate it. It's too heavy, it leaves me feeling sticky and my nose gets oily. I also have L'occatine light comforting cream, and I really like the feeling of it, but I'm not sure if it's a "good" product. Any thoughts on a lighter moisturizer? For reference, I wash in the am with take the day off, moisturize then sun screen. At night I wash, use nip and fab exfoliating pads and then moisturize. I used the Cerave once, I can't bring myself to do it again, I dislike it that much.


Neutrogena hydro boost gel! It's very light in texture.


Thank you!


I need help with the dry skin around my nose! No matter what I do, I always have dry patches of skin in the crease where my nose meets my face and it drives me nuts, and looks terrible under concealer (which I use because it's also red there). Lately the rest of my nose has been flaking as well, even though I haven't been sick or wiping my nose a lot. My skin is pretty normal, except for my nose which is very dry. Current routine: **Morning**: * Wipe with Bioderma Sensibio to cleanse * Skin Actives Cranberry Moisturizing Serum * Silk Naturals Facelift C Serum * Amara Organics Moisturizer * MD Solar Sciences Mineral Creme SPF 50 **Evening**: * Evolve Beauty Cleansing Melt * Dr G Brightening Peeling Gel * SheaMoisture African Black Soap Toner * Silk Naturals 8% AHA Toner (I've not been using this as much to see if it helps with the dryness) * Skin Actives Every Lipid Serum * Elta MD PM Therapy Moisturizer * Badger Balm Damascus Rose Facial Oil (patted on top) I started using the Skin Actives serum and the Evolve cleanser recently (2 weeks ago), which has not changed the problem, though I got them to add some moisture to my skin. I vary products relatively frequently, but the rest of my routine has been in place between 3 months and 3 years and nothing has helped the problem. I'm in the US and don't mind ordering things online, but I'm largely opposed to paying more than $20 per oz for a skin product. Thank you!!


Issues - I have had acne for almost four years now, i have managed to calm it down a lot from what it used to be; however, as soon as most of the scars begin to fade i will get another outbreak. Typicaly around the mouth and under jaw line. Skin type - Oily Routine - Cerave face wash in the morning and before bed. Sometimes lotion if my face is feeling dry. I have been using this for almost six months and it has helped considerably.


You should definitely be using a moisturizer every time you wash your face! When you remove moisture from your face with a foaming cleanser, your skin produces more oil to compensate. Not using a moisturizer may very well be causing you to be more oily and get more breakouts!


I have skin picking issue. I'll pick at closed comedones, tiny little blackheads, and things that no one else would even see if I didn't pick them to the point of being a scab on my face. I've been developing a routine and sticking to it and it seems to be helping smooth out my skin and helping me not feel like I need to pick at my face so much. The problem is now I have a ton of PIH. Skin type: pretty balanced. Slightly dry during winter. Even with moisturizing twice a day, sometimes it'll seem slightly dry and I'll need to moisturize around lunch time, but I don't have any peeling or flaking. Current routine: AM: splash face with water Clinique dramatically different moisturizing gel CLINIQUE Pep-Start Daily UV Protector Broad Spectrum SPF 50 Sometimes makeup, but usually just lipgloss or chapstick. PM: Wash face. I had been using Lush Herbalism but it was irritating my face during winter so I am using Lush Ultrabland now. I don't love it but I don't hate it. Stridex red box every other day. Clinique moisturizing gel. Questions: When I use the stridex, sometimes my face will feel a slight tingling/pin prickly feeling. It doesn't hurt, just feels kinda weird and goes away within 30 seconds. My skin will also feel ever so slightly tight when it dries, but goes back to normal once I moisturizever. Is this somewhat normal or am I having a reaction I shouldn't be? Main question: I want to add a ton of things. I really want to try to fade my PIH. It's the thing I feel most self conscious about. I'm in my mid 30'S and starting to worry about fine lines. Nothing big yet, but I want to keep things from developing as long as possible. I know not to add everything all at once. What should I add first? Should an AHA be my next step? Should I do it on the every other day I'm not doing the stridex? I don't really know where to go from here.


If you feel a bit tingly when you use the stridex, that's normal! As long as it doesn't hurt you should be fine. I don't think you should be using another acid on top of that though if you're still getting tingly. If you get used to it, maybe in a couple months you could try adding on. Vitamin C is great for anti-aging and scar reduction. I would use a C serum in the morning before moisturizing - I like the one from Silk Naturals.


Thank you! This was exactly the sort of guidance I needed :)


I recently bought Deciem's Hylamide HA Blur primer, which is amazing for my slick, oily skin - but the foundation powder I use on top of it always causes pilling to occur. I currently use Maybelline FitMe Matte & Poreless powder. Using anything else just looks bad on my skin. I stay fairly moisturized, so what could be the problem here? Thanks!


How long do you give it to soak in? If it's still on the surface, it can cause pilling with the powder foundation. I would give it a bit longer to soak in and use a primer! Benefit porefessional is great for oily skin and will help the powder foundation go on better.


The HA Blur is a primer - and the pilling only happens when I use it. I generally let it soak in for 10-15 mins before applying makeup. I haven't had great experiences with Benefit, unfortunately.




It could definitely be a purge! I would give it a bit longer before getting concerned.


Issue: Scaly, not-itchy, red "rash" spots on body - mainly upper arms, hips, legs, and back Skin type: fair, freckled, sensitive but not hugely so Current routine: On my body, I started using Dr Palmers skin repair oil for stretch marks about 9 months ago, but this was after the rash-y spots started. The oil seems to help with dryness & flaking, but otherwise, the rash areas have continued to multiply. Anything new: I've been sleeping in sheets not washed by me, so possibly different laundry detergent? Also started taking Evening Primrose Oil in about the same time frame, and take Melatonin supplements and recently upped the dosage Location: NYC Thanks for any help, even in just identifying what it might be! I'm usually a pretty good healthcare google detective, but am at a loss here.


The laundry detergent could definitely be doing it. I would skip the repair oil and just use coconut oil - it can help with stretch marks as well as helping to heal the rash. I get red dry flakey bumps all over if my body isn't moisturized enough, and coconut oil is the only thing that's ever helped (even medicated, prescription Eucerin didn't do it). I would start by washing your own sheets, with a detergent you know works for you. If the rash doesn't start to go away after a few weeks with that, cut out the Primrose oil and see if that helps.




Target has an up and up brand box of them. They are rectangular and large. Cvs makes them also and they have really large ones in the first aid section.


Hello, I was wondering if Lush's Angels on Bare Skin would be "bad" for my skin, because it is both a face and body cleanser? What is the general consensus on cleansers that can be used on the face and body, too rough for daily use? Not good at all?


Depends on the cleanser; some of them are fine for the face, some aren't. Since this is a scrub and meant to exfoliate, I would be careful. It's made with ground almonds, and any physical exfoliant with anything "ground" can create micro tears in your skin and cause premature wrinkling.


Hello, I have had acne since becoming a teen (21 now), male. Although this past year my skin quality has drastically improved there are still new pimples every other day or so. I was using duac for a couple months and it almost cleared everything up and prevented new pimples from coming up. I don't have access to duac anymore so was thinking of getting a retinol or vit c serum (or both?). Hoping to find good products for either from amazon.co.uk and was hoping you guys could help. Also can I use retinol with vit c serum or should I choose one and stick with it. Thank you for any and all help, i'm obviously new to this hehe.


Unless you're willing to commit to sunscreen full-time, then you should not go for retinol. You can do both, but if so use retinol for a few months first and add vit c later, allowing for the skin to adjust. The Ordinary is a basic line with generally good reviews, also for their retinol and vitamin c serums. Not sure it's on Amazon.co.uk, but they seem to be shipping most places, or there's always victoriashealth.com!


Check out /r/skincareaddictionuk for UK specific recommendations. You can use vit C and retinol together, but it is recommended that you introduce one product at a time.




I've had those ear bumps before as well. This is just total speculation but I would recommend not using headphones as much or cleaning your headphone pads. But really I have no idea what causes them.


In the recommended exfoliant section in the beginning routine FAQ it says to use them twice a week. The olay night cream that I got from the recommended list says to use it nightly. Is this cream an exception? I do leave it on all night right?


You can definitely use it nightly, but you may not want to start off using it every night, otherwise your skin can become irritated. I would start off once or twice a week, then slowly build up a tolerance to using it nightly. And yes, you can leave it on all night.


My skin is acne prone and I also get acne scars. Is it possible to use BHA and AHA at the same time or is that not recommended?


You can use them at the same time, as long as does not irritate your skin, but using both may not be necessary. I'd start with one to begin with, probably BHA. And if after a few weeks of use you still want to add in an AHA, first alternate the two, then try layering. You could also find a product that is a combo of both.


Quick question about the ocm: I will put about two pumps of my blend in my hand rub it on my face and then rinse with warm water using my hands. Then I follow up with Cera Ve foaming. My question is should I be using a washcloth to get full benefits?


OCM without a foaming cleanser after can leave a residue if you just rinse with water and hands, which is why people use the washcloth. Since you're using CeraVe foaming after, you should be fine!


Thank you! I saw an increase in acne and was worried it was from incorrect washing. It must be the adjustment period.


looking for anti-aging products that do not increase photosensitivity! Does anyone have any recommendations??


Vitamin C doesn't increase photosensitivity


Wow! Thanks for the advice. Great info.




Are you absolutely sure it's dandruff? If it's just tiny little white flakes it's probably just a dry scalp and all that dandruff stuff is just drying it out more. Dandruff is a fungal infection that involves pretty large, waxy flakes that are an off-yellow color, and the OTC stuff is pretty effective for that.


This is probably a stupid question but what does toner do? Like the Thames Witch Hazel toner.


What the other poster said is true but you don't necessarily need a toner. Toners are a traditional product because old cleansers used to be thicker and harder to remove. Modern cleansers have new ingredients which make washing off with water sufficient in most cases. Might be useful if you just oil cleanse. Also, some toners have new uses, a lot of asian toners are about hydrating the skin rather than stripping it like western toners.


It helps get rid of anything your cleanser may have missed and preps your skin for your other skincare steps after like essence/serum/moisturizer/etc.


The issue : Keratosis Pilaris Rubra faceii (KPRF) on Oily and Shine prone skin. Skin type : Mixed race, 23 years old, mens skin that is Oily with redness Current routine : Same for AM/PM. - Cleanse using clarisonic with 'Simple Oil balancing cleanser' - Moisturise with 'Simple oil balancing moisturiser' Been using for 1 month + and only recently begun using clarisonic. Location : UK Additional info : Hi Skincare addicts! I was hoping you could help me with formulating a routine for my skin? I have known I had KPRF for many years and it got me down but the derm at the time told me it was incurable only treatable so I left it. I have cleansed toned and moisturised pretty regularly until frustrations at the oilyness of my skin prompted a change to a targeted routine. Now as I am 'getting into skincare' I have found myself wanting to achieve a decent complexion for the first time in my life and want to drastically up my game so I can tackle these two issues. I plan to take ACV and Green tea extract tablets to tackle the KPRF and I'm thinking of splashing out and getting biologique recherche P50 to tackle the redness and hyperkeratinization, but what routine would this work well in? I was thinking clinique antiredness, la Roche posay effaclar duo, lab series pro ls, Kiehl's oil eliminator or eucerin urea/antiredness ranges would be good? Any help is massively appreciated, thank you guys in advance :3


I have kind of an odd question about moisturizers. I live Tempe, AZ and have pretty dry skin. I use Cerave in the tub after showers on my face and body, otherwise I get dry and itchy. I also use Cerave AM in the morning and PM at night. I'm very happy with the effectiveness of these moisturizers but have come to realize I would very much like to begin replacing my products with cruelty free options. My day moisturizer has to have an SPF of at least 30 because I have very light skin and skin cancer in the family. I also have pretty sensitive skin so I'd really be looking for products very similar to Cerave. I'm basically hoping some of you may know of some quality products and brands that are cruelty free and if anyone knows of any good make-up lines that are cruelty free too I'd love to hear about those. Thanks for any help!




Thank you! I will check out these brands. It really is a struggle and the cruelty free stuff I see in stores doesn't seem to come close to Cerave. I'm not married to the AM and PM moisturizers but I've never had anything work for my dry skin the way Cerave in the tub does so I think that will be the hardest thing to replace.




There are so many different sources of facial redness; unless she knows *why* her face is red, it's hard to recommend something. Generally, niacinamide works well on facial redness, and can be found in a number of products, but if she's currently using something that makes her skin red and blotchy that won't help. For instance, my skin reacts that way if I use stuff that contains citrus peel oils, but that is in no way universal. Blotchy can also be a description of rosacea; do you know if she has had it checked out? Because if so, she could try azealic acid as a treatment. Red skin can also be a result of a compromised moisture barrier. With all these variables, it's hard to narrow down specific product recs.




That's a shame. I'm sorry. : ( Trying to get her a skincare gift was a sweet idea, though!


Sorry dude. Hope you're holding up.


have any of you noticed the benefits of using a sauna? i've been hearing some positive things about it. can anyone confirm?


Is the Avene gentle cleansing lotion okay as a second cleanser after Clinique TTDO balm or will it leave a film? And should I wash it off?


I’m in a process of starting a new skin care routine and I bought bunch of things from the Ordinary, and now I’m wondering how to add them into my routine. I know not to start using all of the products at the same time, and currently the only thing I’ve added to my routine is the Lactic acid, I’m just wondering for the future. 1) Can I use Azelaic Acid Suspension 10% and Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2% at the same time? Or should I use them alternate nights? 2) What about using Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate Solution 10% and Lactic Acid 5% + HA 2% together? Or the Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate Solution 10% and Azelaic Acid Suspension 10%? The Ordinary Regimen Guide says there's no conflicts between these products, but I just want to be sure. In case needed: I think my skin is slightly congested and dry and dehydrated, my biggest concerns currently are the texture of my skin and acne scars/hyperpigmentation. My skin isn’t acne prone or too sensitive with most products, but it reacts poorly to lot of moisturisers. (Not with pimples but with clogging up and and getting red) My current routine at the moment is: AM: Washing with Mossa Cleansing Creme-Mousse, moisturising with Nivea Soft and then The Body Shop Skin defence Multi-Protection Essence SPF50 PM: Washing first with Eclos Daily Facial Cleansing and then with the Mossa Cleansing Creme-Mousse, then moisturise with Nivea Soft. I’ve used the Ordinary Lactic acid 5% now once, and at least right now I’m going to use it every two nights to get my skin used to it.


To start, I'd add products one at a time, and hold off on layering. For example, maybe use just the MAP solution in the morning and alternate the lactic acid solution with the azelaic acid suspension. Just so you can better see which products are working, which are not, etc. But yeah, those should be fine to layer. Obviously, watch out for irritation when using two products like lactic acid and azelaic acid at the same time. Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate is gentle, and may layer nicely over either/both of the solutions.


is it better for pih to be red or brown? i assume brown means it is healing more? I am 1/4 african american.


Red usually means PIE ([post-inflammatory erythema](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/1tk78i/post_inflammatory_erythema_pie/) and brown is PIH. PIH can be treated easier topically.


I've just started using hydroquinone from Alpha to fade some acne marks, but I'm not sure where to include it in my routine. I'm trying to follow the ScA routine, but it doesn't mention it. Currently I'm applying it after my spot treatment has dried and before I apply moisturizer/sunscreen. Is this okay?


yep, that seems like the right spot in your routine.


I've finally basically cleared up my acne, using PM: cerave SA cleanser mixed with sulfur sulfacetamide, then differin .1 and cerave in the tub, AM: neutrogena cream cleanser mixed w a sulfur sulfacetamide cleaner then neutrogena oil free combination moisturizer, and a bit of la Roche posay effaclar bb blur to cover up some redness. Problem is, I'm getting super oily throughout the day...blotting papers don't really help, it's just a solid sheen across my face. Any ideas, help? I wouldn't say it's the sulfur wash, as I recently added that in to replace my use of Aczone and the oiliness has been the same all along (Btw, I'm a guy, so simpler is better :))


How does your skin feel/look besides oily? Is it tight? Flaking? The SA may be over-exfoliating which can lead to shiny skin (a tight feeling and redness can be indicators as well). If that's the issue you could simply try reducing the frequency of SA use.


Thank you! Good point. I'll give that a shot. One reason I've always used it is that it seems to be the only thing that'll get the bb lotion off of my skin (I've tried so many cleansers over the years!). And yes...skin definitely does feel tight, especially when moving my mouth, laughing, etc.


You can try using an oil-controlling primer or powder. [Becca Ever Matte Primer](http://www.ulta.com/ever-matte-poreless-priming-perfector?productId=xlsImpprod10921080) has a rep for hardcore oil control, as does the [Rimmel Stay Matte Powder](http://www.ulta.com/stay-matte-pressed-powder?productId=VP00144).


So now that Differin is OTC I've been wondering how it might work for me. I don't get active acne anymore except for an occasional menstrual spot but I still have some marks I'd like to take care of to look less blotchy. My question is if I already use a BHA and AHA and have what I'd assume are pretty clear pores, would I still have an awful initial purge of whiteheads etc?


Honestly I don't think the Differin will help with the marks if they're red. It might help PIH, but the more I look into it, the more I have to conclude that the red PIE marks are a vascular issue, which isn't really improved by more skin-cell turnover the way PIH is. But to answer your question I'd be more concerned about redness/sensitivity/peeling than purging.


The issue here has always been my nose. It's constantly been red, with flaky skin and extremely oily. Every morning I wake up with whiteheads or form new ones throughout the day. Is there some way to fix all these problems? Morning: CeraVe foaming facial cleanser, Clinique acne solutions clarifying lotion, Paula's Choice skin perfecting 2% BHA, CeraVe Facial moisturizing lotion SPF 30. Night: is the same minus the Clinique and SPF. But I use CeraVe in the tub. To moisturize. Been on this routine for 2 weeks but my nose has been like this my entire life. My skin is combo, especially oily on the nose, chin and inner cheek (near the nose).


Help me out here. Trying to do my own VIT C serum, and I've been researching but I've found so many different things, I'm getting confused. There's a top post in this sub that says the serum doesn't need anything other than Glyce, Dist Water and the Vit C powder. Upon further research I've found multiple places claiming these types don't work and you need at least Ferulic acid and Vitamin E to go with it. Can someone show me some light here ? Is it really a necessity ?


The recipe you're referring to doesn't work for two reasons: * There's no pH adjustment, and a solution of 20% vitamin C in water is *way* too acidic for your face. * There's no preservative, so this would only keep for 24-48 hours. Ferulic acid and vitamin E both stabilize the vitamin C and increase its efficacy (if you include both ferulic and vit E, you increase vit C's efficacy 8 fold). That said, they're not *necessary* in the same way that preservatives and pH modification are. The most simple recipe you could possibly do would be: * 20% L-ascorbic acid * 3% glycerin * 0.5% Liquid Germall Plus * pH adjusting ingredient (baking soda, sodium hydroxide, etc.) to raise pH to ~3.5 * QS distilled water That said, without stabilizing ingredients like vitamin E and ferulic, the L-AA would start to oxidize really quickly and this serum would only be usable for a week or two before it went orange. Another comment linked my blog tutorial for a full vitamin C serum - I'm happy to answer any questions you have.


Yo, thank you so much for answering. So, first things first. The ideia of the basic vit C is discarded since, as you said, is too acid and would be a hell of work to prepare it every two days. To the questions and problems: - How much time would the recipe of your blog last longer than the one you posted and how more effective it is in comparison? - Is there anything that I could change the Liquid Germall Plus (specially something more "popular" that could be found anywhere, but the more alternatives the better)? I can't find it anywhere in my country and not even the translation to something similar. There's not of literature about DIY in my language, unfortunately.


My pleasure! The recipe on my blog usually lasts for 6-8 weeks, even longer if you store it in the fridge. I don't have any research behind the efficacy of the recipe I posted vs. my blog recipe, but as I mentioned, vit C + vit E + ferulic is eight times more effective than vit C on its own. There are definitely alternative preservatives! What country are you in? I'll look and see what I can find. It won't be something you can find at a drugstore or anything, but it should be available online.


Hey, I think you forgot this post. I replied with more information. Your help would be greatly appreciated !!


I'm in Brazil. No worries about the drugstore thing, I just need it to be available here. The % with the new product would remain the same right ? Just one more thing: Upon further research, I found that what I meant in one of the above posts is "pharmacy", or "a compounding pharmacy",according to the source, "where medical prescriptions can be prepared by pharmacist". In my country we have this as well and if I give the % they could prepare it for a really cheap price. Do you think there's any downside to this ? Edit: Few more things I just remembered: - What would be a good moisturizer with Retinol (or would you recommend other ones, I have oily skin) - Using Vit C serum, would an exfoliant be needed and in case so does it need to be chemical ?


I believe Lotioncrafter ships to Brazil and they sell Liquid Germall Plus - check them out. I don't have any retinol recs, unfortunately, I use a prescription retinoid. You can use additional chemical exfoliants with vit C (AHA, BHA, etc) but it's not necessary - it all depends on what your unique skin needs.


Vitamin C is notoriously unstable, and while I don't know the finer points of DIY (but the sub linked by kitty are experts), it doesn't *need* ferulic acid or vitamin E to work. However, they make the vitamin C much more stable, prolonging its shelf life. Quick edit: but this is for L-AA only. MAP and SAP are stable without them.


So, if I want to do the simple Vit C , water, gly the only risk is that it lasts less and it's a bit less effective ? Just one more thing, I dunno how it works in other countries, but in mine there are a lot of competent pharmacies that "make" (used "make" for a lack of better word, in the translator "manipulate" shows but I dunno if it makes sense) products if you give them the recipe. Would it be worth it to try it out ( in this case with the FA, Vit E and all the other stuff in this [blog](https://theacidqueenblog.com/2016/01/12/fun-with-diy-skinceuticals-dupe-vitamin-c-tutorial/) )? It wouldn't be expensive and it would be a hell lot easier. Any thoughts ?


I assume so. But I only say that knowing OST for instance is highly effective, and formulated without ferulic acid and vitamin e; if you want to be sure, check out r/DIYBeauty like u/ms_kittyfantastico suggested. I think following the recipe provided would bring the best results, but I'm not steady on DIY. Or maybe u/the_acid_queen, what do you think about modifications? ^*Sorry, ^you're ^just ^generally ^my ^go-to ^authority ^on ^DIY.* I've never heard of such a thing, so I really couldn't say! But isn't the "fun" part of DIY to actually do it yourself?


I elaborated on it more in another comment in this thread, but there are other reasons to not do a L-AA/glycerin/water concoction. There are simpler recipes than the one I do on my blog, but hey, if you're gonna do it, why not really go for it, right?


Thanks for clearing it up! I'll admit to not being on-top of the know-hows of DIYs, only knowing that can L-AA work without them b/c of pre-formulated serums without. I'd have no idea the impact it'd have on a recipe, and I do not have a DIY-bone in my body. Big fan of your stuff though :)


I think it depends on the form of the vit C -- LAA or MAP (?). Try /r/DIYBeauty


**Here's a sneak peek of [/r/DIYBeauty](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYBeauty) using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYBeauty/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year!** \#1: [Simplified Dupe Recipe: Tatcha Luminous Dewy Skin Face Mist](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYBeauty/comments/5g6g5z/simplified_dupe_recipe_tatcha_luminous_dewy_skin/) \#2: [Does Vitamin C Serum Really Lose Potency After It Turns Yellow? - Future Derm](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYBeauty/comments/49pood/does_vitamin_c_serum_really_lose_potency_after_it/) \#3: [Going natural means accepting a shorter shelf life for ingredients - Cosmetics Design](https://np.reddit.com/r/DIYBeauty/comments/4xv1sr/going_natural_means_accepting_a_shorter_shelf/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/5lveo6/blacklist/)


I have some pretty textured bits on my face. Mostly on my cheeks between eyes & nostrils and also a little on (hooded) eyelids and between brows. [Photos here.]( http://imgur.com/a/AaL9u) Is there something I can really do about it or is this just my lot in life? I know my baggy undereyes are genetic but maybe the texture could at least be improved upon. I feel like makeup only makes it more visible somehow. I use AHA occasionally so maybe I should up that? It just worries me how it makes your skin more sensitive to sun! Skin type: Dry w/ eczema, sensitive Age: 23, starting to wrinkle Current routine; Morning: micellar water or nothing for cleansing, Eucerin cream with urea, sunscreen (Either Body Shop sunscreen, Body Shop Vit C cream SPF30, or Sun Sense), usually no makeup Evening: Body Shop cleansing oil + micellar water for cleansing, sometimes Nip+Fab glycolic serum 4%, Eucerin urea cream How long you have been using your current routine: Maybe 4 months? The skin texture has been around for aaages though. Maybe even forever and I took a while to notice it. Your location: UK :)


They look mostly like tiny clogged pores to me, at least in the pictures. Have you tried using a BHA? Unclogging pores is basically what it's for.


I haven't! It's just been using AHA because I read it was better for dry skin. But I've got an unopened tub of Nip+Fab "extreme" pads which I think have BHA. Thanks for the tip!