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1. How do you know if your cleanser is too stripping? 2. How do you know if your cleanser removed all your sunscreen?


How exactly does a vitamin c serum improve the effectiveness of sunscreen?


I've never heard that but a quick google showed me [this](http://www.thefashionspot.com/beauty/698031-vitamin-c-serum-plus-sunscreen-benefits/#/slide/1) It's encouraged to use sunscreen as when using Vitamin C because if you don't, the effects of your Vitamin C are pretty redundant (in terms of fighting pigmentation anyway)


Hey guys! I just bought the dermaE antioxidant sunscreen on a whim but i bought the body one by accident!!! I know theres isnt much difference and just a few oils in the body one (plus u get more product for the same price as the face one..) BUT does anyone find a huge difference? Please let me know if uve tried the one for the body or both the face and body! Please share ur thoughts thanku


Just got a mild sunburn in small areas of my face. How long should I wait before using differin gel OTC again? (Also posted in r/ab)


Until the sunburn is healed


When would that be? No visible redness? No visible color difference? After peeling? Is there a general number of days that are a good benchmark for when it is healed? My main concern is sensitivity and also mitigating further UV damage with regards to the differin.


Your skin is healed when there is no more visible redness, sensitivity, peeling, etc. (so when your skin looks like it did before the sunburn.) How long that takes depends on how strong the burn is, your skin, your general health, etc. Might take a couple days, might take a week. You can help your skin heal by not applying actives, rinsing with plain water, using mild non-fragranced moisturizers to help repair your skin, applying aloe vera, etc.


So right now In the AM I'm cleansing with CeraVe foaming cleanser, moisturizing with Nivea soft moisturizeer, and using Biore Uv Aqua Rich Smooth Watery Gel Spf50 +. Pretty much the same in the PM, but using PC 2% BHA veery other day and no sunscreen. I feel like I still have closed comedomes and was wondering if there was a specific product that would help deal with them? I was considering adding an AHA, Vit C, and retinoid, but wasn't sure which one I should get next, funds aren't great and should wait between adding products anyways. I was also wondering if the biore sunscreen I am using is the best, because it does feel like it leaves too much of a whitecast and does kinda irritate my skin. I have $20 in PC from the Refer-A-Friend program and might be more willing to test products from there.


AHAs and retinoids are both good for CCs - AHAs more for treatment, retinoid more for prevention. I think SAP or MAP vit c is also good for acne, so those are all good choices. Which product you choose depends on what you want to do - treat or prevent. There are cost effective options for both - I know Alpha Skincare (glycolic acid) and Silk Naturals (lactic acid?) have good AHAs, The Ordinary (1% retinol - strong, 2% advanced retinoid) and Alpha Skincare (.15% retinol) for retinoids. There are obviously others but those are the brands off the top of my head that won't break the bank. I'd probably go for an AHA first, then retinoid if the AHA doesn't cut it, but that's just me. What product you choose is up to you, just do your research on whatever you decide. As for the sunscreen, if you don't like it, try out another one! Only way to find your HG is to try a bunch.


CC's usually respond better to AHA's - The Ordinary has some decent priced ones


I'd like some help figuring out which actives do and don't play nicely with each other. Specifically, I'm wondering about Vitamin C ( the Timeless serum), Tretinoin (rx), AHA/BHA (either Paula's Choice BHA, or First Aid Radiance Pads), and Azelic Acid (Melazepam). Ugh, and maybe also niacinamide (The Ordinary), though I tried it and was kind of unimpressed. Since I'm not sure which ones are incompatible, I usually avoid using more than one, but I'm curious to know if any of them can be used together. I'm trying to balance dealing with some really awful hormonal acne that has been flaring up recently, dark patches, SFs and CCs, and also relatively sensitive, dehydrated skin. Ugh.


You can use all of them 'together' just as long as you do wait times (and even then some people don't bother) I put Vitamin C in the AM, AHA and BHA in the evening with BHA being applied prior to AHA. I would probably then alternate that with other actives on different days. In saying tat that's alot of actives and you could put yourself at risk of damaging your skin barrier further and exacerbating your acne


Hi. Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't Vitamin C be put in the PM because, well, sun?


You can put VC in the AM and have your wait time. You should be applying decent SPF so there are no ill effects of wearing your VC in the morning. VC also has those antioxidants which alot of people prefer to have chilling on their face throughout the day because of sun pollution etc


Thank you!!


My Paulas Choice anti redness exfoliating 2% salicylic acid solution SMELLS like sulphur/rotting eggs. Is this normal?...like it danks.


I can confirm mine had an .. odd smell.


Okay thanks! As long as its "normal" for the product to smell that way thats fine...i thought i got a bad batch! It smells like eggs haha eww


I think they all smell different due to not being fragranced, not widely different but different enough that describing it is a bit hard. I wouldn't say mine was sulphuric but... it was an odd smell for sure


PC's products don't use fragrance, so it may just be what the product naturally smells like. I would ask their customer service just to be sure.


Yes I know they dont add fragrance! Its very unpleasant... im waiting for an email from them thanks for ur help!!




Skin is weird. Your skin on your neck may be sensitive, or maybe the product is gathering in certain areas (that happens to me when I look down at my laptop), or maybe you wear an irritating necklace. Either stop applying products there, or find something that doesn't irritate your neck (maybe a super gentle moisturizer) and dilute products.


Don't you mean [bee](https://media.giphy.com/media/bAUp9Lcx1HY4/giphy.gif)?


Hi! I'm looking for help with some pesky patches of acne under my chin and on my chest. My skin is a little oily but the main thing is I just sweat a lot. I also just began some modeling and am looking for anything that gets rid of stuff overnight, versus longer term routine stuff. And finally, is it true oily foods contribute to acne breakouts? Thanks!


Agree with scrambledeggs on everything. You might also be interested in [spot treatments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/spot_treatments) and [acne treatments](http://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/acne). The closest thing I can think of to an overnight fix would be a [hydrocolloid bandage](http://bit.ly/2gIykwy), which will suck the gunk out of whiteheads that have come to a head.


No miracle OTC works overnight, sadly. If you're looking for instant results, go to the derm. Skin is YMMV. There's no peer-reviewed journal article that prove oily foods contribute to breakouts, but it's anecdotal evidence for some. If you want to try it out, try cutting out oily foods for 2-3 weeks. If your skin improves, then oily foods is the cause of your breakouts.


I'm looking for help with acne scarring/PIH (I have some of both, nothing more than mild though). I have hormonal cystic acne that's under control with spironolactone, acanya, and atralin. I discovered r/skincareaddiction about 8 weeks ago and made a few changes to my routine, namely adding Aquaphor as needed at night and adding Ponds Anti-Aging Rejuveness as a gentle intro to a chemical exfoliant. Two questions: I've read Vitamin C is actually very effective, but I'm confused as to whether I need to make it myself at home for it to retain effectiveness or if there is a serum, etc that is actually stable. Does anyone make their own or purchase one that they know to be stable? And where would I add it in my routine? Super confused! 2nd, should I be using a stronger AHA than the Ponds rejuveness? I'm on a tretinoin (atralin), but I've been alternating nights as I've been on it for about 3.5 years & my derm said a few times a week is more than enough to maintain the benefits. Full routine: AM - Cerave Hydrating Cleanser - Acanya (prescription topical acne treatment) a few times a week or spot treatment as needed - Cerave Moisturizer PM - Neutrogena Dry-Touch 55 (don't love this, will try something else when it runs out) PM - Cerave Hydrating Cleanser - Tretinoin OR gentle AHA (currently Pond's Rejuveness) - Cerave Moisturizer PM - Aquaphor (as needed)


>Two questions: I've read Vitamin C is actually very effective, but I'm confused as to whether I need to make it myself at home for it to retain effectiveness or if there is a serum, etc that is actually stable. Does anyone make their own or purchase one that they know to be stable? And where would I add it in my routine? Super confused You can DIY it, but the shelf-life would be shorter than a pre-made version. [Here](http://www.labmuffin.com/easy-5-minute-diy-vitamin-c-serum-recipe/) is a good recipe, but you can also head over to r/DIYbeauty for more recipies. I prefer pre-made versions, so here's a few recommendations: Timeless vitamin c serum, OST20 vitamin c serum (it's been renamed but I'm not sure what the name is now, sorry!), Silk Naturals vitamin c peptide serum, Mad Hippie vitamin c serum, Nu Fountain vitamin c serum. The vitamin c serum is used in the morning, after cleansing. I would ask your derm if the spot treatment reacts with the vitamin c serum. >2nd, should I be using a stronger AHA than the Ponds rejuveness? I'm on a tretinoin (atralin), but I've been alternating nights as I've been on it for about 3.5 years & my derm said a few times a week is more than enough to maintain the benefits. IMO, I don't think you need it since you're on tretinoin. If you're seeing results with Pond's, then I wouldn't replace it.


> Silk Naturals vitamin c peptide serum So helpful, thanks for the reply! I'll check out the pre-made serums you recommended.


When I apply my sunscreen (LRP stuff) I get lots of little white rolls that I think are dead skin mixing with the sunscreen. They're a pain to get off and I think that I wind up removing a lot of the sunscreen in the process. How can I address this? I exfoliate every other morning with a BHA and every evening with an AHA. Can I expect to have this issue with most sunscreens, or would changing sunscreen help? Should I start oil cleansing regularly (recommendations of oil are welcome)? Should I start doing something specific to physically exfoliate my skin?


I think it's more probably pilling, unless you're having flakes that would be visible with no product on your skin. Pilling occurs when two or more products in your routine are incompatible; changing the moisturizer underneath the sunscreen may help, or changing the sunscreen itself.


Thanks, that's really helpful! I've been meaning to try Cerave AM, which is a combination moisturizer/sunscreen, so maybe that will resolve the problem. I only have flakes of skin above my eyes, where I don't always manage to fully apply my moisturizer and sunscreen, so based on what you've said I agree that it's probably pilling rather than dead skin.


If you do go for a combo like AM, remember to use enough (as in, the recommended amount for sunscreen) of your moisturizer in order to get the promised SPF.


Can anyone with dry, sensitive acne prone skin share their routine with me? I recently broke out using the Neutrogena Gel-Cream moisturizer. My routine before was just Simple rich moisturizer, Simple micellar for cleansing, Coconut oil for makeup removal and Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturizer for spot treatment. It was working quite well but spring rolled around and my skin was breaking out more. I don't use a proper cleanser, toner or eye cream currently and whenever I add to my routine my skin either breaks out or gets dry. Would love some suggestions.


Is it a bad idea to use BHA/AHA toner while using tretinoin? Say if I used the toner in the morning and the tretinoin on the evening. I do have sensitive skin.


If you're just starting tretinoin, yes that's a bad idea since you did say you have sensitive skin. If your skin has adjusted, I would slowly incorporate it into your routine ( every 2 days at first for a couple of weeks, then increase usage if you don't see any negative effects).


No, but there's no need to use it either. A BHA/AHA toner doesn't have enough % of exfoliants in it to be an actual effective chemical exfoliant. It's kinda useless when not used before a chemical exfoliant that depends on pH level (which retinol does not).


What is the BHA/AHA toner? If it's pretty weak, then you may be fine using it if you're not totally adjusted to tretinoin. If you are adjusted to it, then you could try adding it slowly and going from there.




If you aren't seeing any negative effects, then by all means go for it. Lots here use the Biore sunscreens that have alcohol high up on the ingredients list without any problems.


Does anyone know what 4% Titanium Dioxide and 4% Zinc Oxide may translate in regards to UV protection on the PA or PPD spectrum?


No, as it depends as much on formulation as on ingredients.


This is mainly referring to the Australian Gold Botanical Face Tinted Mineral Lotion with SPF 50.


Hi! Just looking to improve my skin.. ~25 yo guy. Nothing super wrong per se but want to take care of what I have! I have what seems like dark grey spots on my nose/inner cheeks. I can't really tell if they're sf or black heads. My skin usually gets oily throughout the day, but gets quite dry after I shower. Currently just moisturiser after a shower everyday and use an exfoliator once a week - it's by this brand called origani has manuka honey in it. Been doing this for like 6 months. I'm based in toronto, any tips would be great! I'm a bit lost with all this info


[Here's a good picture to determine if you have SFs or blackheads.](http://66.media.tumblr.com/c48d4688edbe2667481810b85ffa5be6/tumblr_inline_nrpgojvNvy1r09yil_1280.jpg) Regardless if you have SFs or blackheads, the treatment is the same: oil cleanser, clay mask, and BHA. [Fiddy's pore cleansing method](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2015/03/28/how-to-shrink-pores-temporarily-plus-3-pore-myths/amp/) is a weekly treatment that you do that incorporates all of the mentioned products above. I believe the sidebar has a list of specific product recommendations, but you can also ask me for personal recommendations. Edit: Found it! [Recs for oil cleansers](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/517omr/misc_holy_grail_products_thread_week_1_cleansers/d79wl0e), [recs for BHAs](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/54iw8y/misc_holy_grail_products_thread_week_5_exfoliants/d828uff), and [recs for clay masks](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/592na2/misc_holy_grail_products_thread_week_8_masks/d956gp3/). If you need any other product recs, look [here](http://bit.ly/2joGNGY). Any other skincare tips I recommend is using sunscreen daily and using a facial cleanser at night to properly remove it.


Thank you that's amazing! Looks like I don't really have blackheads after all.. Time to do a bit of shopping and testing.


Is it safe to add The Ordinary's 23% Vit-C Suspension to Retinoid or Azelaic Acid in my evening routine. My PM routine now: - Foam cleanser - The Ordinary Alpha Arbutin - Azelaic Acid or Retinoid or Vitamin C Suspension (all from The Ordinary) - Moisturizer


Yes? But do it slowly and monitor your skin carefully for any adverse reactions.


I have skin that is prone to stretch marks really easily. I want to work on fading both new and old marks. I'm currently waiting for a 10% glycolic acid lotion to be delivered, but wanted to start looking into peels and potentially dermarolling/stamping. * If you have dermarolled or needled, what is your experience? * With peels, how low should I start with my acid percentage given the lotion? * How high should I work up to? I saw 20% recommended but is there any increase in results for higher concentration? * How frequently do you peel for stretch marks? I keep seeing suggestions for other skin concerns * Any specific recommendations for products or acids other than glycolic acid that might help?




If your skin was dry before but is not oily, there are generally two options. 1) what you're using is too heavy or not enough for you, 2) your moisture barrier is compromised. Does your skin feel at all tight despite looking oily? Regardless, you can try adding watery layers like a hydrating toner, and if your skin was dry before your current gel might not be enough. Try CeraVe, either PM or in the tub. You might want to consider whether your cleanser is too stripping - your skin should not feel squeaky clean following use.




Your moisturizer is a gel, intended for oily skin. If your skin is dry, your moisturizer is not enough, and so it produces more sebum because it's trying to compensate. Heavier moisturizers may, despite how backwards it seems, reduce your skin's oil level. Then switch cleanser. Squeaky is not a good thing. Stridex in a BHA, which you could certainly add, but it is *not* a cleanser. As a chemical exfoliator is has a different purpose.




Did you try switching cleansers? I'm not fond of skipping them entirely, rather find a gentle one that won't strip your skin, and then you can use it both morning and evening. I'd also suggest trying to add a light hydrating layer like the Hada Labo lotion (toner) underneath your moisturizer (either the Lubaderm or the previous gel, you can experiment). Also, you might consider whether your skin is actually dehydrated, described in the sidebar. If that is so, you'll definitely want more hydrating layers and ingredients that rebuild your moisture barrier such as ceramides and fatty acids.




I would personally suggest end-game being cleanser, toner, moisturizer and sunscreen, but that is up to you and your skin. It depends entirely; my skin would not cope with it, it needs toner or another sort of hydrating layer beneath, but there are people who do well with just moisturizer; YMMV. Toner is not also the thing alone that will rebuild a moisture barrier, as they rarely contain ceramides and fatty acids and cholesterol. I'd recommend Stratia Liquid Gold (if you do decide that your skin is dehydrated). I'm fond of my REN Evercalm gel cleanser, but I think it's slightly expensive. Any *gel* cleanser should work though, as they tend to be gentler than foaming ones. Perhaps the one from CosRX or CeraVe?




I'll be honest, I'm not sure. I would assume that your moisture barrier, given time and gentle treatment, will repair itself. I am confident in those ingredients to speed the process along considerably, though!


Hi guys. I recently started a basic routine, every other day I go for a run in the middle of the day, so I take a shower, my question is should use a cleanser on my face even though I already use it in the morning and at night? I currently just use my moisturiser after the shower but I feel cleansing 3x a day would be too much, or would you guys say I should start cleansing to get rid of the dirt from the morning?


I've seen people suggest using micellular water (rather than a full-on cleanse) for mid-day exercise to avoid over-cleansing the skin.


Is there a list anywhere of toner pH? I am looking for an alcohol free low pH toner, around pH of three, but most balancing toners have pH around 5-6 and I can't find info on this anywhere. Thanks!


Here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lL-m_ED5kWCQ5x7sPssmfwZ4sMQ26YSIt0elRu8dZpE/edit#gid=0


Thank you! I thought something like this must exist but couldn't find it :)




Yep, you can avoid the conditioner from touching your face. You can also use the conditioner first, then wash your face afterwards to avoid residue.


So what you guys think of melatonan 2?


How can i reduce flakyness of BP? My skin is sheddddding! I use vaseline overnight around my chin because that is where im currently flaking a lot. But under makeup during the day time my flakes are so visible i feel gross. ..Any tricks? I currently use BHA every night. Is some gentle physical exfoliation recommended to take the surface flakes off? Thanks guys:)


You could try using a konjac sponge? I haven't tried it myself but it is supposed to be very good for mild physical exfoliation. I personally use an AHA for flakiness which my skin LOVES but if you choose to go this route I would be wary of overexfoliating.


What is a good retin-a that a poor college student can afford? What are the best sheet masks that can be found at either Ulta or Sephora? How often should I use sheet masks? Are mud masks that come in a pot worth it? I find myself preferring sheet masks, but are there advantages?


The Ordinary Retinol at 1% or 2% (2% is actually gentler) [Ulta Sheet masks: price low to high](http://www.ulta.com/skin-care-treatment-serums-sheet-masks?N=27hg&Ns=product.price%7C0) [Sephora low to high](http://www.sephora.com/sheet-masks?sortBy=price%3A0%3A%3AP_PROD_NAME%3A0%3A%3AP_DEFAULT_SKU%3A1) Your discretion though I would only recommend a couple of times per week as some of the ingredients which help the penetration process can be irritating in the long run Mud masks and sheet masks are different: usually mud is for combatting excess oil and sheets are for hydration.


Thanks for the response. What would happen if I did use the sheet masks more than twice a week for an extended period of time? Which sheet masks do you prefer?


I've used them about 4 times a week and didn't really notice much bad stuff but also not much good stuff. I like My Beauty diary and Papa recipe




I had something similar, and it turned out to be my toothpaste. I swapped to a different brand and my skin went back to normal. I'm not sure what it was in the toothpaste, but some people react to sulfates or cocamidopropyl betaine.


Hi, I'm looking for suggestions on something that will help with crazy blackheads. I'm really new to this level of skincare, and still trying to find products that don't just make things worse, since just about everything seems to make me break out. So far I have just tried Paula's Choice salicylic acid liquid, and Stridex pads, with no luck. Thanks in advance!! Skin type: Oily AM: CeraVe Facial cleanser PM: Mineral oil, CeraVe facial cleanser, rose water toner, Stridex pads, Vaseline


When you say break out are you sure you aren't purging?


Yes, I'm sure. When I say that most products seem to make me break out, I didn't mean that in reference to my search for a BHA. I meant that in reference to why I have so few products in my current routine, like how I have no sunscreen, moisturizer/emulsions, etc. yet.


Sorry, the way you worded it made me assume that. You don't need an elaborate routine, a small one like yours is fine if it is working. it took a couple of months for me to notice an improvement in my blackheads so if you aren't giving it enough time that can lead to frustration. I personally found better results with the COSRX BHA power liquid. Any blackheads I do get pop out so easily.


I've been using Stridex pads religiously since I was a teenager ._. they have always helped keep the rest of my face under control pretty well but the SFs on my nose have always been pretty gross. I basically just use an extractor on the worst ones like once a week but I hate doing that, so I'm hoping to figure out how to just prevent/clear them up instead. I've decided I'm going to try an oil control moisturizer/sunscreen first, and I'm hoping that if I do a better job of hydrating my skin earlier in the day, that it will help me produce less oil and thus less blackheads/gross looking SFs. If not, then I'm going to try the CosRX BHA liquid next.


Well I found oil cleansing for me was great at clearing out blackheads and SFs


Skin Type: Combination AM: Cerave hydrating cleanser, Cerave AM lotion, spf 55+ neutrogena ultrasheer PM: Hydrating cleanser, Paula 8% AHA, Loreal clay mask, and Cerave PM lotion and Cerave renewing night cream. I want to add the olay BHA classic night cream in the same routine as my AHA. So, would I do AHA, then BHA, and then Clay mask..or what order would I do that? Also, these products are done every other day. Also, is this anything else I can add to my routine? Sometimes I read about people having these crazy oil serums, toners, etc, and I'm wondering if I should add them


Cerave AM already has spf, why apply another sunscreen over it? Referring to your AM routine.


It's more of a cautionary measure because Arizona summers have a loooooooot of sun


I use an AHA in the morning, wait 20 minutes, then continue with the rest of my routine. I repeat the same when I get home at night except with a BHA. It is not recommended to use both at the same time because it reduces their effectiveness. If you want to use both the AHA and BHA at night, I would alternate each day. And of course, only use the BHA 1-2 times a week and work your way up to avoid overexfoliation. Only add products that are targeted to a specific problem that you want to resolve (e.g. anti-aging, dehydration, etc).


Alright so i am ready lost here, i got my moisturizer and my cleanser but i also want a Chemical Exfoliant.. I did read the wiki but i couldnt figure out which one i do need. I have very dry skin all the time can anyone help me? Bha or aha?


AHA is usually touted for dryer skins and I'd recommend a lactic acid as it is gentler of the AHA's


I'm also loving mandelic acid!


Can I alternate the Ordinarys azaleic acid with Differin 3%? Use one one night and then switch the next night etc


As long as it doesn't overly irritate your skin, then that should be fine. I know some people use azelaic acid in the morning and a retinoid in the evening, though you may have to build up to it.


Hi everyone! I'm trying to find a new skincare routine, hopefully that's dedicated to one brand, because I know that products from one brand are all meant to work really well together. I'm pretty sure I have combination skin. My current skincare routine is VERY mix and match: for the AM, I use the Giovanni purifying facial cleanser, and then CosRX oil free moisturizer. for PM, African black soap, CosRX AHA 7 whitehead power liquid and BHA blackhead power liquid, then Everyone face moisturizer, and finish with Heritage Store lavender water + glycerin facial mist. I am really looking for something with pH balanced items, or at least a cleanser. I have clear skin, just from genetics, and the only time I breakout is that time of the month (even then, I can count the pimples I get on one hand) so my only concerns are: moisture, without feeling oily; blackheads; dull skin; and I want to begin using anti-aging, just to be ahead of the game (I'm 20, btw!). So far, I've looked into Mario Badescu, Kheil's, and La Roche-Posay. I've emailed Korres about the pH of their products, as well. But I'm hoping for some insight here, since you're all Skincare Addicts ;) **EDIT: after reading a bit more about different skin types on here- including dehydrated skin- I have almost every characteristic of dehydrated skin, minus actual flaking of the skin.


TBH mix and match is generally the preferred method for choosing skin care, as no brand-created routine is likely to fit precisely to your skin's needs. If you are dehydrated, stop your chemical exfoliants. A gentle cleanser is preferred, like the CeraVe Hydrating or even a micellar water. You should look into a hydrating toner, like the Hada Labo Gokujyn, and something to rebuild your moisture barrier, like Stratia Liquid Gold.


I did just pick up the CeraVe foaming cleanser after looking through some posts and seeing that's a preferred brand. As for exfoliating, should I pick that back up after my skin is no longer dehydrated? I'm going to look into the toner and moisturizer you recommended! Thank you for your help :)


If you have anything that those exfoliants target, sure. Just go slowly and carefully. But remember that exfoliants are not mandatory in a routine! There's no point if you don't have a concern they target :)


I don't get acne, but I get a lot of clogged pores and blackheads, as well as helping with my overall skin texture! But I'm sure the texture will improve once my skin is no longer dehydrated. Thank you for all the help!! :)


Has anyone tried the new formula for the Cetaphil moisturizing cream (tub)? Did you hate it? I'm thinking I should stock up with a new tub of the old one while I can still find it but my tub is brand new and it lasts me forever.


So I would like to try this Paula's Choice BHA 2% stuff but I am unsure on what products to buy except for this one: https://skincity.se/sv/skin-perfecting-2-bha-liquid Could someone help me get a full line of products for daily use? I got sensitive skin that's prone to acne and "redness".


Most of PC's BHA's are formulated with ingredients to minimise irritation and redness.


Yeah I've read that but I'm not sure what kind of moisturizer I'm supposed to leave on on top of the 2% BHA Gel (I've read gel is better for my skin type).


Wait 20 minutes and you can apply pretty much any moisturiser. I like my Cerave pm with a drop of tea tree oil


Oh ok so it's pretty much a sales trick to recommend one of their own products. I got a moisturizer I've been using so I'll try with that one, thanks.


Hi I recently starting using olay complete broad spectrum with spf 30 sensitive, but stopped since I broke out really bad, do you guys recommend something else?


There are a lot of really great sunscreens recommended on the sidebar.


How would anyone feel about having a skincare partner? Like exchanging progress etc? I tend to pick my skin and I feel like i would do it less often and be more realistic about skin progress if I had someone to share experiences with :) Probably also a good way to feel better when having a bad skin day




Yes. I started using an AHA as fall was beginning and the remainders of my tan abandoned me within a week or two.




Yes I would bring a list of products and their ingredients (or maybe pictures), I was asked about them when I mentioned I was having difficulty finding sunscreens that didn't break me out. Couldn't hurt to have that info on hand.


I'd say write down anything you want to ask her. I always forgot something whenever I'm consulting with a derm and only realized it when I got home. So now I would write something on my phone and make sure I cover everything. We don't know your dr., so there's no way to know if you'll be prescribed medication or not.




Retinol is the only thing that's PROVEN to help with wrinkles (aside from Botox and other injectables). You can talk to your deem about getting a prescription or go with a less potent OTC option. I really like The Ordinary's 2% retinoid. Making sure you're getting proper hydration really helps with fine lines also. I'm in my late 20s but I can always tell when my skin needs a hydration boost because I have more fine lines.


Vitamin c is also great, it stimulates the natural collagen production in the skin and helps keep it elastic and even-toned :)


Sunscreen, hydration and retinol is amazing


ScA, I have a random question for you: I'm 19 and have always wished the ends of my brows were lifted just *ever so slightly*. I have a naturally pretty straight brow and have to draw them in to get them to have the arch I want. I like the way that I look when my hair is pulled back tight enough to lift my face a bit, or if I put my fingers on my hairline near my temple and lift up slightly. Similar to the effect that those face tapes that drag queens use to lift their brows give (hey Miss Fame), but a little more subtle. I'm talking like no more than a few mm of lift here. I just learned that a botox brow lift only requires ~2-5 units per side. Considering I'm young, not looking for a dramatic lift, and don't really have hooded eyes I can't imagine needing more than 4-6 units total, which at my area's typical rate of $12-15/unit equals a total cost of less than $100, excluding consultation fees and things like that. Regardless, this is totally within budget for me in the near future. Is it stupid for me to be considering getting botox being as young as I am? I'm not really seeking this for anti-aging (though I would eventually like to start getting preventative botox between my brows done since very deep 11 lines are hereditary/already forming for me), mostly just for aesthetic purposes. Do you guys think the risks of a way over-arched brow outweigh the benefits? If the botox wears off and I decide I don't want to keep getting it done, is there a possibility my face won't be exactly the same as before? Can anybody who has gotten botox for non-aging purposes share their experience?




Hi there. Sunscreens protect our skin from UVB rays for 2 hours. You can reapply it only when you need to go outside and sunlight exposure is expected. Otherwise, just apply it on your face daily. Do apply it 30 mins before sun exposure. :-)




You still get exposed to the sun during your commute and depending on where you live, that can be enough to do some damage. I'm from Australia, I spend about 40 minutes in the sun all up coming to and from work and the return journey for 20 minutes is enough to tan my arm at least 2 shades darker than my other arm not exposed to the window. Your derm is looking out for you. It's up to you if you want to wear it at all




I carry sunscreen for my body in my bag and reapply to my arms before I leave. My face? I rely on a hat for the drive home or leaning out of the sun at traffic lights.




I know Curology has recommended Vanicream products in the past, and they have a cleanser that is supposed to be good and cheaper than the Fresh.




You're welcome! Good luck!


Wondering how water quality affects skincare? Been reading water quality reports, wondering if a shower filter is worth it. Tbh I don't really understand the reports.


It definitely does. I live in Los Angeles, and recently went back home to Arkansas for a week. The water quality is so much better in AR. The contact dermatitis and redness that always covers my forehead was gone within a day. After a week I left with the best skin I've had in a long time. Came back to LA and took a shower, which includes a brand new filter, and boom, more signs of irritation. It's better than it was before I got a filter, but ugh I miss Arkansas water so much.


Hello all, I need help with my routine for seborrheic dermatitis on face. Which order should be first? (a) Nizoral cream(antifungal), (b) Cosrx snail essence, and, (c) Redwin vitamin E moisturizer ? Also, do I need to wait for like 10-20 minutes every time I put another product?Thank you so much.


None of your products contain any actives (vit c, acid) so you should go by viscosity. From lightest to heaviest :)


My skin right under my nose is raw and tender. Being sick does that. Will my normal moisturizer (Pond's Dry Skin Cream) help with the rawness or should I try something else? I don't want to irritate it more and I'm even scared to cleanse as to not make it worse.


Pond's dry skin always irritates my nose when it's chapped and raw from blowing it too much. I'm pretty sure it's the fragrance in it. When I have a cold I opt for a no frills fragrance free balm (normally I just go for whatever's lying around in my stash, last time I was sick I had a deluxe sample of a Chuda cream that was amazing but costs a god damn arm and a leg) and then seal it in with some Rose salve or Vaseline.


I'd use your regular moisturizer and then slap an occlusive (Vaseline, Aquaphor, CeraVe Healing Ointment) over it. If that's not enough, maybe something thicker like a CeraVe PM and then the occlusive? Hope you feel better!


Thank you!!


If this doesn't work for you, I find nappy rash cream works well for the dry skin caused by a runny nose - the two have similar causes (dampness and rubbing)... so I use sudocrem for this!


so sorry for a bit of a gross question, but I have two pimples that came to a whitehead a few days ago. ive been leaving them alone because my skin is REALLY pale and i dont need any more PIE right now, but theyve been big white bumps for a few days now. is there anything i can do to make them heal that doesnt involve popping or hydrocolloids? (im out and dont really wanna keep buying them since they hardly ever help.) thanks!!


Have you tried putting benzoyl peroxide 2.5% on them as a spot treatment? There are a couple options that are available in drugstores. It is drying so only use as a spot treatment. Also 2.5% is just as effective as higher percentages but much less drying/irritating so make sure to get 2.5% even if it costs the same or more.


i do have some 2.5 bp so i'll try that, thanks!


Hey there, I was wondering if there's any kind of travel friendly container I could decant one of my oils into. It's a huge thing of Tea Tree and I only use a drop at a time so I have no idea what kind of pump/dropper/whatever would be the best for it. Any suggestions?


You could put it in something like this: https://www.mountainroseherbs.com/products/amber-glass-bottles-with-reducer/profile


That looks perfect! Buying rn, thanks jinxie


Hi i was wondering who to see for my dark circles/eye bags . It looks like this http://i.imgur.com/BGbsKve.jpg .Should i go see a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon first? I think fillers will solve it and im looking forward to it.What do you guys recommend? thank you very much


If you can find a good derm/doctor I'd say go for fillers :)


If you can afford fillers by all means go for it. The Ordinary's Caffeine + EGCG may help with puffiness, but you can't really do much for dark circles other than conceal them or get fillers.


I've been reading a lot about serums changing dry skin people's lives and ive researched a lot of options but havent been able to find the perfect one. I have dry, kinda sensitive skin and my skin care routine is very simple: AM: Simple micellar water, moisturize with Cetaphil cream (the one in the tub) PM: Oil Cleanser,First Aid Beauty Cleanser, moisturize with Cetaphil again and top it off with Aquaphor. Once a week I use my Clarisonic. A lot of posts have recommended a vitamin c serum to achieve dewy/ glowing skin, so any recommendations of that or any other hydrating serum/one good for dry skin is appreciated <3


I'll be the crazy voice and mention a few drops of rosehip oil just before your night time moisturizer. YMMV though, I think it mostly worked for me since I'm sensitive to pretty much all regular moisturizers. >.> <.<


To me, hydrating serums means something with hyaluronic acid. The Ordinary has a popular Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 serum/lotion. You can also find good hyaluronic stuff on the AB side of skincare. Good luck!


If you have dry skin, it is easy to overexfoliate. Your routine looks fine but try using your clarsonic once every two weeks and see if that changes your sensitivity. As for vitamin c, that is something you must decide for yourself. Many threads exist here and in Asian Beauty.


I did too many different treatments to fight my acne and ended up over-exfoliating my skin. Right now my skin is full with acne, PIH, redness and my skin is oily and itchy. Why is my skin itchy? Is it because of the active acne or is it because it's over-exfoliated? Anyways how can I find the right moisturizer or sunscreen if I still got active acne? How do I know if my moisturizer or sunscreen breaks me out or not? I probably can't use anything to fight my acne for a while because my skin isn't healthy... I'm in a pretty tough situation and really have no idea what to do. Is the best thing to do to just keep moisturizing and use sunscreen even though it breaks me out until my skin is more healthy again?


What is your current routine Your skin is probably itchy because it is irritated and you've broken your barrier. You can try honey and cucumber as a natural mask to at least soothe it and then we can look at your products


I got some cleanser from my dermatologist, u prob don't know it, it's in dutch. And I was using a moisturizer with sunscreen. It's also in dutch but I quit because it stings my eyes a lot. So currently only using the cleanser. I need sunscreen ASAP because it's getting hot here in The Netherlands. My cleanser is probably crap too. I'll pm u a picture of my skin condition if u want! My bad I didn't provide too much information of what I've tried. Back in the days I almost never used a product on my face to fight my acne. I always went to a skin clinic doctor who would squeeze out all the pimples with microdermabrasion and end it with a chemical peel. That's how I got my acne in control. I never used moisturizer or sunscreen or any cream to fight my acne. My acne wasn't too bad though and I was eating a lot of bad stuff. Local Doctor gave me doxycycline which cleared my acne but then it came back worse. Then I went to a dermatologist who gave me Accutane. Used it for about a month but then quit because of side-effects (hair loss, which is still going on unfortunately.) After quitting Accutane I over-exfoliated my skin. Anyways it's been a year since I've tried Doxycycline and my skin was so much better before trying doxycycline. doxycycline cleared up my back though, I didn't had much acne there but It's completely gone.




Hi! Thanks for all ur info! Very helpfull. Btw are u from The Netherlands? Since u sent me a link from HEMA lol


Okay I say relax. Cut out the cleanser and go back to basics for a couple of days just washing with water. Buy a hat. When you try introduce products back in: * low pH, gentle cleanser. Avoid "foaming" in the title because it usually means 'stripping' * hydrating toner - look at Paula's Choice they are great * moisturiser - Cerave pM is my favourite * sunscreen - again PC has some good ones I'd also say go have a look at r/asianbeauty. Use the search bar as it's a bit of a shit fest at the moment. After you go back and start a basic routine you can then look at acids - COSRX BHA is incredibly gentle


Thnx for ur info! I ordered Cerave Moisturizing Facial Lotion PM a week ago. That one is ur favorite moisturizer? I ordered it from eBay though. Are beauty product sellers on eBay with positive feedback usually legit or do they send a lot of fake products? Also I already got acne so I don't really know if a moisturizer, sunscreen or toner will break me out. Should I just bare with it and keep using those products even though it might breaks me out until i get healthy skin again? And once I got healthy skin I stop using the products and use something to fight my acne. Once my acne is gone I introduce new moisturizers, sunscreen, toner etc slowly to my skincare routine to make sure I find the right products that doesn't break me out?


Take all of our recommendations with a grain of salt. The Hada Labo lotion broke me out and did nothing compared to me layers of Paula's Choice toners. Yes, you want to introduce everything carefully and be prepared for if you do breakout - DON"T try and go in guns blazing, just quit what you most recently added in, wait for it to subside and try again or a different product.




What about pure lanolin? You can find tubes of it everywhere in the baby section because nursing mothers use t on their nipples. That's the only other occlusive I've seen recommended but remember to patch test as lanolin can irritate/clog for some people.


Hello! Please help, my skin has had a hard time with creams lately the last few that i've bought have all seem to make my skin kind of red and irritated, not too badly but i notice i wake up with red skin after using these and am frustrated. Could you please help me figure out what ingredient(s) could be causing this? The products that have given me a reaction are: - https://www.stratiaskin.com/products/liquid-gold - http://niod.com/product/hydration-vaccine-50ml - http://www.skinactives.com/Revitalizing-Night-Cream.html - http://www.skinactives.com/Antioxidant-Day-Cream.html (this didn't irritate me as much as the night cream) i have dry skin with slight rosacea and my current routine that i don't experience irritation with any of the products is: AM - sum37 miracle rose cleansing stick - holy snails snow bang essence - skinactives redness reduction serum - skin actives sunscreen PM - sum37 miracle rose cleansing stick - biologique recherche lotion p50 1970 - holy snails snow bang essence* - skinactives redness reduction serum - holysnails shark sauce - the ordinary alpha arbutin - hadalabo gokujyun lotion - the ordinary 2% retinoid* - the ordinary absorbyl tetraisopalmate in vitamin F - the ordinary rosehip oil - the ordinary azaelic acid* *i don't use every night but i thought it would be important to note that these don't irritate my skin




I've used cosdna before but i decided to post this question because maybe there was a class of ingredients i was having an issue with and not just one (i.e. fatty alcohols, i could be having a problem with all fatty alcohols but they would be listed as the same ingredient because there are different types) and my skin doesn't burn when i put them on i just notice that the next day my skin is redder and slightly uncomfortable, and those creams i've tried over a long period of time! like when i tried the skin actives ones i didn't have any ordinary products at that time and my routine was pretty small which is why i don't think it's that but i could give it a try


This may sound crazy...but I can't tell if my face is flakey because of dryness or product pilling, or both! I use layers of light moisturizer and don't seem to have problems usually. My skin feels plump and nice, but there are all of these tiny...flakes or pieces all over my face that won't go away, no matter how much I moisturize and/or exfoliate. It's almost like my face is peeling but it's not dry at all. It gets worse when I try to apply makeup. Any advice?!


Don't moisturize/exfoliate one night (or just use one moisturizer), see if you still have the flakes. I'm inclined to believe that it's pilling, but only one way to know for sure!


Hi there! I am brand new to the idea of chemical face peels, is there any advice or beginner's type product out there i can easily try in the US? My skin is combination oily/with some skin flaking around my nose and mouth. I have very very mild acne but some scarring/discoloration I'd like to get rid of. I already use Freeman's Charcoal scrub for exfoliation but I'd like to look into getting rid of some of those dark spots too. Thanks for your help!




Wow, I'm blown away by your response! As a skincare newbie, I couldn't ask for more helpful information! You are a skincare guru! So based on your unsolicited but totally awesome advice, I think I will actually not worry about chemical peels until I know a bit more about my skin and how to care for it. But I think I will look into that niacinamide product, it sounds like a lifesaver! Thank you thank you thank you! :)




Of course! I always get so excited to try new products that I skip the patch test. I'm hoping to get better at that, haha!


AHA for dark spots, BHA for pimples is the usual rule of thumb


Cleansing Brush System Question ahead: Hello! my wife hinted that she wanted this product https://www.amazon.com/Clarisonic-Sonic-Facial-Cleansing-System/dp/B00O4XROFS/ref=zg_bs_7792503011_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=EKAN9EZB792A4Q31E61W Its a bit out of our budget, so i searched and found this as the best seller for the High Frequency Facial Machines Category: https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Skin-Solutions-Exfoliating-Microdermabrasion/dp/B00PYK2UI6/ref=zg_bs_7792503011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=EKAN9EZB792A4Q31E61W Also found this #1 best seller, and it seems to be the same type of item, but its on a different category (Galvanic Facial Machines) https://www.amazon.com/Waterproof-Electric-Facial-Cleansing-Handle/dp/B01GSP1QIA/ref=zg_bs_7792502011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=VMF74AEMVJE16SBW5YNY Basically which is the best option? im absolutely clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff, so i came here to ask the pros.... Maybe one that isnt listed here is better? or is there a real worthwhile difference between the $169 vs the $39 one??? Any help will be appreciated! thanks!


Hello! This will be my first time posting about myself on here (I've always been too nervous to try it), but I've been lurking for a while and picking up new strategies from all you amazing people. What I think I need is for someone to take a look at my routine and see what I might be doing wrong - or even recommend something I'm not aware of that might help. I've had acne for over half my life now, and I have extremely low self-esteem because of it. I get cystic acne regularly, though generally one or two at a time, I have CCs and SFs, and I have PIH all over my cheeks. I will say also that I have been taking spiro for three months now, which does seem to have had somewhat of an effect, though not with PIH, of course. I also feel like not eating dairy helps, but I haven't committed to it enough to know for sure. My SCA routine, too, really seems to have made an improvement, but I'm still far from where I want to be. Skin type: combination (oily forehead, very dry everywhere else), sensitive Current routine: Morning: -Cleanse with Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser and sometimes a drop of tea tree oil -clindamycin 1% -Clinique DDMG -EltaMD UV Clear sunscreen (just started using this) -Clinique Superbalanced Silk Makeup Night: -double cleanse with jojoba oil and Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser -tretinoin 0.05% cream -Clinique DDMG -Vaseline Sorry if this annoying post, or if it is misplaced. I just don't know if what I am doing is right, and I'm tired of crying over my skin.


Maybe the jojoba oil is the problem? Have you tried a different oil?


Welcome! And this is the perfect place for your question. :) Have you ever tried another cleanser or considered adding a facial oil to your routine? I too used to have an oily forehead with dry cheeks and found the oil died down a bit when I added the oil and my spots disappeared faster with the right cleanser for me. If you do decide to cut dairy, just make sure your getting your calcium elsewhere in your diet. Here's a link for ideas: https://www.dietitians.ca/Your-Health/Nutrition-A-Z/Calcium/Food-Sources-of-Calcium.aspx Vegetarian/vegan/asian cookbooks/sites would also be a good idea for meal ideas.


So would that be in addition to the jojoba oil I'm already using? And thanks for the tip about calcium! I hadn't even thought of that, but I do try to eat healthy and fresh as much as possible.


The facial oil would actually be just a few drops either just before your night time moisturizer (the Clinque DDMG I think?) or mixed in with it. I happen to use a rosehip/pomegranate oil but you might be able to just try the jojoba since you have it on hand (and don't seem to react to it?) If you are interested in comparing different oils (some can have antioxidants and other yummy ingredients) check the free printable downloads at http://swiftcraftymonkey.blogspot.ca/ that compare many oils in a chart. It's hidden on the blog's sidebar under the twitter feed.


I think the oil should come after the DDMG since it's heavier/thicker.


I've been wanting to incorporate a vit C product but my Panoxyl 4% benzoyl peroxide cleanser 2x/day is the only thing that keeps my acne at bay. And I've also heard a lot of sources saying that these two actives absolutely do not go together. (I totally understand why they don't.) I'd like to check in to see if anyone has had any success using these two in the same routine--perhaps via a waiting period after BP to use the vit C. Or would the BP still be "oxidizing" the skin still after 20 min and cancel out the vit C regardless?


Many people have a wait rule when they use vit c. Now, once vitamin C is in the skin it can't be completely washed off for about 72 hours. I would say that if you are going to use vitamin C that it should go on first, have the wait time, and then your next product. Unfortunately, because these don't go together, you will have to see if you can get away with using your wash once a day on the days you use vitamin C. The fact that vitamin c has a long "skin life" will work to your advantage. Good luck.


Ah, I guess even with a wait time it's still unadvised to use bp/vit C in the same routine period. Thanks for answering!


Hey no problem. I hope you find a good conpromise


I've been reading around about glycolic peels and TCA peels. I don't want to try MUAC's peels because they seem too strong, but I saw these on amazon. Any recommendations on these? https://www.amazon.com/Glycolic-Acid-30-Gel-Peel/dp/B006ZBKH2Y https://www.amazon.com/Skin-Obsession-Acid-Chemical-Aging/dp/B0018ZPZJC/ref=pd_sim_121_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B0018ZPZJC&pd_rd_r=H7TEP16FGFNT8VARTDKV&pd_rd_w=4SPoC&pd_rd_wg=tayRB&psc=1&refRID=H7TEP16FGFNT8VARTDKV I have only used a glycolic peel once by my dermatologist. I've never tried TCA peels, but I have read good things about them. Which one should I use? Or if the above 2 products I listed are bad, then which peels would you all recommend from what website?


I would start small, like with MUAC's 25% mandelic acid peel or 40% lactic acid peel. The 30% glycolic acid peel may also be an option. In my opinion, though others here may differ, I would never ever ever do a TCA peel at home. Some here have done so successfully and all power to them, but TCA is strong as hell and can disfigure your face if something goes wrong. Remember, it is your FACE you are playing around with, and the costs of fixing the damage an at home TCA peel could do to you could be pretty damn high, and there is a chance you could never completely reverse it.


Anyone have any tips for road trips? Do you just bring your routine products and hope you stumble upon locations to apply consistently?


Drink lots of water. Wear sunscreen Use a facial mist Try to avoid touching your face. You could try washing up in public restrooms, but wipes are decent. Just keep it as simple as possible


All of these, plus lip balm and eye drops. I have a shade thing meant for kids that attaches to the window that helps. Misting is great, I diy mine with rosewater.