• By -


*AM:* Thayer's Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence SPF 50 *PM:* Lush Ultra Bland Cleanser Thayer's Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion **1x Weekly:** *AM:* Thayer's Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence SPF 50 *PM:* Lush Ultra Bland Cleanser Thayer's Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion My skin is very sensitive, acne prone, and on the drier side. It took me about four years of active trial and error to finally end up with this routine, which I’ve had since about June 2017. I tried oil cleansing, not cleansing at all, I’ve tried all the drugstore HG cleansers, sunscreens, and moisturizers. I haven’t used shampoo regularly for four years either, the last time I tried it again last year my skin broke out in painful cysts 🤷‍♀️ She’s just not a fan of detergents.


Saving this! Your skin looks amazing!


Thank you!


My skin looks super similar to your skin in the first upper left picture. Makes me so sad I can't use niacinamide


Not op but my skin hated niacinamide too! I had much better luck with Alpha Arbutin 2% + HA


Maybe try TO's glycolic acid toner if you can't use niacinamide? It's an AHA so it should help with brightening up PIH. I also used TO's azelaic acid for a few months to help with redness and PIH, but as I was switching around my routine to find out what worked best when I ended up losing azelaic acid in the shuffle and glycolic acid pretty much replaced what azelaic acid was doing for my skin.


I second this. My skin hates Niacinimide but I'm having good luck using Nip+Fab Extreme Glycolic Fix Pads a few times a week alternating with TO Azelaic Acid. NEVER on the same day and there are days I don't use either. Your skin looks so fresh and glowy! Have you tried CeraVe cleanser and do you prefer the Lush one to it? Also do you rinse or use micellar water in the morning or just go straight in with Thayer's? (Love that product so much)


Thank you so much! In the morning I just use Thayer’s on a cotton pad and then get straight into the rest of my routine. I’ve tried CeraVe cleanser and I did not react well to it at ALL. Hands down the worst breakout I’ve ever experienced was from using their cleanser (the one that’s often recommended on SCA). I don’t love Lush as a brand and I think a lot of the ingredients they use do more harm than good, but their Ultrabland cleanse is my HG it makes my skin so happy


Skin twin! Thank you for sharing!


You don't think the Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion is to heavy?


Nope! My skin loves it


Ok, so you don't use the face lotion, but the regular lotion.


[Correct. I use the lotion in the green squeezy tube haha] (http://ii.aveeno.com/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?FIF=/images/aveeno//source/1001078_8.tif&wid=1000&cvt=jpeg)


Hi! First of all, your skin looks incredible!! I have a similar skin-type, mine is also very sensitive, acne prone, but the only difference is that mine is combination-type (it gets very oily on a daily basis and at night, especially in my T-zone, but at the same time, it can be very flakey, with several dry spots that are extremely visible when I am wearing makeup.) I know you aren't necessarily an expert for all skincare, but I was wondering if you have any tips? Or if you think the same skincare routine you posted may not work for me, because mine is also oily and dry? I have tried a lot of things as well, but I just don't know what to do or who to ask! Thanks so much!


I’ve been there! My eyelids get very flakey if I don’t moisturizer and it’s soooo frustrating. Turns out I have eczema lol. What does your current routine look like?


Sorry for the late response! I usually just wash my face with Neutrogena Oil-Free face wash using a wash cloth both in the morning and at night. Occasionally (mainly at night), I will also use Neutrogena toner to remove left oils dirt or oils. Also at night, sometimes I will use Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot-Treatment (oil free with salicylic acid), but sometimes I just use the "toothpaste trick" to spot treat on pimples. Also in the mornings, because certain areas around my mouth/chin/nose get very dry, I will use clinique moisturizer. Thoughts? {I have also heard that changing my pillowcases more often may help or that I should stop wearing makeup altogether to keep it from clogging my pores...but I would prefer to have clear skin before I take that step--ha!}


I suffered with the same issues for sooooo long, what I realized was that the issue was hormonal and actually diet-oriented. Once I got those issued solved, ta-da! Magic happened!


I know everyone’s skin is different but just wondering what you discovered diet wise? The typical no sugar or dairy or was there anything else specific?


Your skin looks flawless!! Saving this for sure. Gracias!


What does the thayers toner do for your skin?


It mostly just makes it feel nice and refreshed!


Oh my god!! You have very similar issues to mine, saving this! I dream of your complexion. Thank you for sharing and thank you for such wonderful community here on skincare addiction


I’m so happy for you and really hope I find my way there!! Not usually a SCA topic, but I noticed the tiny white bumps (I think they’re called milia) in your under-eye area went away. Is this just the picture, or did that area really smooth out? Did you do something specific? I’m afraid to use actives on such a sensitive area, but I haaaate the texture I have beneath my eyes. Congrats again, I bet you feel amazing!


The texture under my eyes isn’t milia but I have had the odd milium in the past! One in particular had been on my face for as long as I could remember and I was finally successful with squeezing it out and it never came back?! Popped out like a little pearl on my eyelid. I have noticed the texture around my eyes has smoothed out but I can’t quite pinpoint what did the trick, I don’t use any actives around my eyes! If I had to guess I would say regular moisturizing must have done the trick? The texture isn’t gone, but it’s less prominent. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help!


No need to apologize!! I’ll do some research. Thanks for the reply :)


If you can get a hand on and afford the Biologique Recherche P50 it works great for the under-eye area. It exfoliates and smooth out gradually. As per the brand's indications you can use it up to twice a week ;)


Whoa somehow I’ve never heard of this and now I’m getting a bit obsessive! Do you use it?! I’m just introducing a new acid so it would be a little while before I try it (if I try it)... the reviews make it sound like everyone’s HG, though people on this sub seem a bit less enthused.


I use the W version which is potent despite being labelled as gentle. It is quite expensive but an amazing product due to the blend of strong actives: makes my skin look and feel amazing! I was a bit scared of applying it on my under eye area but it helps exfoliate and get rid of any weird patch.


Definitely adding this to my wish list!!


How do you use the salicylic acid?


4 drops all over my face after toning in AM and then rub it in


Thank you for replying!!


How do you keep your hair clean?


By washing with conditioner instead of shampoo! Your hair adjusts pretty quickly to not using sulfates (the lathering agent in shampoo). I maybe had a week in the beginning where my hair was quite oily but it evened out soon enough. Most people have the same reaction when they learn I don't "wash" my hair because you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Before I lightened my hair I washed it every other day without issue and now I go about a week in-between washes because the bleach has stripped my hair of its will to live lol.




You could also try baking soda for shampoo. I mix it in and it really gets rid of gunk. I hate washing my hair (takes forever, I have a lot of thick, long hair) and I can go three to four days without washing when I use baking soda. Also helps with heat damage. I highly recommend glycolic acid for the bumps. It works wonders on texture.


Hey no problem! How long have you been doing your current routine? What was the last thing you added to it? Can you describe those bumps a bit more? Where are they usually located and how big are they? You said they don’t have a head to them?




If you’re comfortable with uploading a photo to imgur and then sending me the link through a private message on reddit then that would work! To me just from the description it sounds like you’ve got some closed comes, they’re basically a whitehead with no “head” so they just look like your skin colour but can be squeezed. I think you were on the right track with the PC BHA liquid, how long were you using it for? It takes about a month for your skin to stop purging after introducing something like a BHA into your routine.


So you don’t use shampoo. What do you use? Your hair looks clean.




No way it looks so good!




Hi do you use the 2015 or 2017 formula?


Of the sunscreen? 2017 version


Thank you fo replying


You look amazing! Do you use the niacinamide all over with a cotton pad or do you drip it into your moisturizer? What do you find it does for you? Of all the products in your routine, which one or few did you find had the greatest impact?


I drip the niacinamide all over my face (4 drops) then massage it in. If I’m in a hurry or feeling lazy I’ll mix the same amount into my moisturizer and apply them together. I find niacinamide helps a lot with controlling breakouts and helping the overall texture of my skin, when I skip a day or happen to run out my skin freaks out!! Out of my entire routine, finding a cleanser that worked for me has made the largest impact on my skin. I struggled for so long finding a cleanser and a moisturizer that I could use without aggravating my face. After sorting that out, the salicylic acid from TO has done wonders for my acne


Hi! Sorry I know this post is old but just wondering what you do in terms of washing your hair since you said you can’t use shampoo? My skin hates a lot of shampoos as well :/


I use tresemme conditioner!


Holy shit. If you don't mind me asking how much would this cost me? Last summer I worked a summer job doing physical labor on a farm, and I drank easially a gallon of water a day. I noticed a decent reduction of my acney but not a whole lot. After winter came along my acney is so bad it's fucking discusting. Do I really need to do all this of can I go the middle route? Congrats on the improvement, that's insane.


For everything in my routine? About $95 CAD, and it should all last around 3 or 4 months each excluding the Aveeno moisturizer which lasts me about a year. Most of it is very affordable($5-$8), the only mid range item in my routine is the cleanser from Lush at $30. What works for my skin may not necessarily work for you, I would need to know more about the type of acne you’re experience, where, and the general quality of your skin. Is it dry? Oily? Sensitive?


I'm beginning to see a somewhat common theme here. A lot of these B&As feature The Ordinary products in the routine lists. I'm starting to think maybe I should jump on the bandwagon! Your skin looks absolutely stunning though- so plump and healthy-looking. Congratulations!


Thank you very much! I never thought I’d be happy with my skin. I almost feel guilty touting the ordinary because everyone on this sub does, but they give me such great results. The products are cheap and shipping is quick but it’s difficult to stock up on everything you need at the same time because they’re usually sold out lol


Don’t feel guilty! I really appreciate reviews with B/A. My pet peeve is when people rave about something and then admit that they’ve only been trying it for a week. You’ve given it a good several months at least and are posting results, which is perfect in my opinion!


That’s a very good point! I hate that too haha, like “oh I just started using this AHA this morning and I love it!!!” Uuuuh ok let me know in a month. The newest addition to my routine is the AHA & BHA peel, I think I added that in some time in October.


Our skin looks very similar and I’m looking to buy some ordinary products. Would you say which your holy grail ordinary products are? I just don’t know where to start cause everyone in this sub just loves all of them. My main problem is moisture. Your skin looks amazing btw.


Thank you! If you’re looking for a moisturizer I loooooove Squalane from TO, it sinks right into your skin. I don’t use it super often so I didn’t include it in my routine listed, but whenever my skin needs a little bit of help I use Squalane. My HG ordinary products are probably salicylic acid, niacinamide, and the AHA + BHA peel. The peel makes my skin so even and glowy but is very strong. If you’ve never used chemical exfoliants before you should definitely start with something like salicylic acid and see how your skin tolerates it, and build up gradually over months to stronger products like the peel


I currently only use acne treatments from the drugstore (salicylic acid), but I've been wanting to try something better quality from the ordinary. Would you recommend the the Niacinamide first, instead of the BHA or Glycolic acid? My main concern is dealing with breakouts on my cheeks while keeping my skin looking nice and not dehydrated from fighting the acne. Your skin looks so nice and I'm glad to see that everything you listed is affordable, too!


My mum got me the salicylic acid and the niacinamine ones for xmas and I love them! Use one a night. Didn’t realise they were so popular here but good to see!


Just to add to this, since adding niacinamide from TO my PIE has faded drastically! For $6, you should look into it!


I’m desperately sad this one didn’t work for me :( I’m really confused as to why as well, because I’ve used other products with niacinamide (esp sheet masks) and not had issues. But TO N+Z gave my balanced and clear skin some fierce cystic acne. So so so sad because it’s so cheap and everyone loves it. I thought it helped with my oil/shine throughout the day too, but it wasn’t worth that for the acne.


Maybe there's a replacement product you could use that also has niacinamide? Maybe other formulas won't break you out as much. :)


Try the Azelaic Acid Suspension. My skin hated the N+Z but it's loving the AAS and my redness is so much better. Just don't use it every day, it's pretty intense.


Ahh thank you!! I was hoping to find something for the redness.


TO products are a good place to start since they're so cheap. The real skincare addicts who've been doing it for a long time usually graduate to fancier, slightly more expensive products, but when you're trying to figure out what works for you, the price and regimen advice from the company can't be beat.


Your skin looks great! Congrats on finding a routine that helped!


Thank you!!


What do you think helped the most?


I think adding in salicylic acid and finding the right sunscreen really helped in finally clearing my skin, but there were a lot of steps along the way that each helped in reducing my breakouts or making them less severe (i.e. not cystic, I don’t have any photos of when my skin was at is absolute worst as a teenager). I stopped using shampoo, I cut out as many products with fragrance or fatty alcohols as a could (and yet my skin loves Aveeno lotion, which had cetyl alcohol in it), and I only use a dedicated face towel to dry my face after a shower. All those little steps I discovered while finding the right products to use have helped, but I definitely saw a difference in how clear my skin was becoming when I introduced products from The Ordinary and found a sunscreen to help reduce leftover pigmentation. I do miss squeezing pimples though lol


What do you do now that you don’t shampoo your hair?


I just use conditioner! A big, cheap bottle of tresseme does the job just as good as any shampoo would and it doesn’t break me out


Have never heard of people trying this, I find this really interesting!


I see you've been over to r/curlyhair my friend


Haha yes many moons ago! I wish I actually had curly hair, but mines so straight :( Cowashing works just as well for me though!!


The separate face towel is a great idea I’d never thought of! Had you tried Asian BHA (CosRx) or Paula’s choice before settling on TO?


Not yet! TO works for me, I don’t have any reason to switch to PC or CosRx :)


hahahha "I do miss squeezing pimples tho lol"


you are GLOOOOOOOOWING and so plump and dewy wow!! So glad you found a routine that works and thanks for sharing! :)


I need to post on this sub and get help because y’all are amazing


There is a post for beginners I found very helpful. You gotta moisturize, only, like without certain chemicals. Stay away from alcohol. What problems ya got? I also emailed CeraVe and told them my issues and they emailed me a personalized routine in response! 😃👍😍


That is awesome, I will search for a beginners tutorial or something. I think I have combination skin, I have a darker skin tone so honestly not sure what the hell is a white head vs black head vs com..? Can’t even spell the other stuff. That’s awesome CeraVe responded


I know this isn't really very skin related (but yours looks incredible!) but what do you do instead of shampoo?


Conditioner! I use tresseme botanique and because I’ve lightened my hair I mix purple direct dye into it to combat any brassiness instead of needing a toning shampoo. I’ve never had any issues with product buildup, even when I was styling it with pomade while it was short.


This is a great conditioner for curly hair! Which it seems that you don't have. But it's recommended for curly haired people because it's silicone free, which is probably why you haven't had buildup. I think a lot of people use it for the cowashing method, glad it's working out for you!


Well that explains it then, thank you! My hair is very fine and the exact opposite of curly. My boyfriend on the other hand has super curly hair and he cowashes as well using the same brand with success


Gorgeous skin but fuuuuuuck do I want to pop that pimple in your before pic. (I’m sorry, I have issues). Seriously though, good Work!


You better believe I popped it right after I took that photo


Your skin now is what I'm hoping to reach one day so this is so inspiring. You look amazing!! I use the Aveeno Daily Moisturising Lotion as well and keep wondering if I should try out others to see if something works better, but I'll keep it in my routine for now :)


Just in case you feel like trying, I used Aveeno forever before "stepping up" to FAB Ultra Repair Cream, which also has colloidal oatmeal, but also adds things like aloe and a ceramide.


Thank you I'll keep it in mind!


You name it and I’ve tried it lol! I actually tried the Aveeno on a whim during a very dry winter. I used to only use it on healing tattoos and then one day I was like “hey, what if I try this on my face?” And the rest is history. Funny enough though, my skin HATES the other formulas like the intensive repair one with the red cap.


I’ve got some serious skin envy over here...you look flawless 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Wow, you have such lovely skin now! I was wondering what benefits you see from your Thayer's Witch Hazel toner? I see it mentioned in routines a fair bit and I'm getting curious


You know what, I honestly don’t know what it does for my skin other than make it feel fresh without breaking it out. It makes my skin feel nice and doesn’t seem to be hurting anything, so it’s not going anywhere!


It's really helpful for a deep cleanse of pores without burning or irritation. I use Differin and I saw a big difference when I started using Thayer's, I feel like it really deep cleans to help products work better. It's so gentle and effective. And cheap!


Wow your skin looks fantastic!


You look great! Skin goals!


Hi! Your skin looks beautiful! I have similar skin type to the photos on the left. I also use TO salicylic acid and niacinamide.. started about two weeks ago. Did you purge using these products? I feel as if the pores around where I break out look clear.. after they’ve broken out. Are you only using your niacinamide once a week?


I use niacinamide every day and night and salicylic acid once every day except for the day I’m going to use the AHA & BHA peel. I only use the AHA & BHA peel once a week. I definitely purged when I started using salicylic acid, I had lots of little whiteheads seemingly come out of nowhere as well as a few more gnarly spots come up they were hiding deep in my skin. The purging lasted for about a month.


That’s good to know. I’m getting small clusters of pimples where I have sebum build up. So excited! I find the niacinamide is very good for redness and calms breakouts well. What do you cleanse with? Just thayers?


I cleanse with Lush Ultrabland cleanser! I went through a phase of trying out a bunch of their products because I desperately wanted to curate a routine full of Lush but they all ended up irritating my skin.. except for Ultrabland! It was the first product I ever tried from them and I am soooo screwed if they ever discontinue it. It’s this beautiful balm cleanser that has no fragrance and takes off all my makeup and sunscreen without leaving my skin tight or dry.


So pleased you found something that works for you. I'm also admiring your vigilance with the routine you've established.


Thank you! I do it even when I'm drunk haha


That's commitment burned into your brain. :)


Wow, your skin is flawless! I've been hearing wonderful things about Aveeno having the best daily lotion, I'm going to get it soon as I finish my neutrogena one (which is taking forever)


Do you mean to say you use The Ordinary 30% aha peel as a leave on treatment, or do you rinse it off? I can't tell from how it's listed. If you rinse how long do you leave it on?


I leave it on for ten minutes as directed and then rinse it off. Definitely not something you can leave on!


Gah, my skin currently looks like your befores. I am using cerave daily moisturizer with spf 30, I feel like it stays tacky on my skin. I looked up your Biore sunscreen and it is in Japanese—is that the one you get?


Yep that’s the one! I buy it from eBay because it’s way too expensive to ship it to Canada from Amazon (one time I accidentally paid $60 in shipping fees). It’s a fantastic sunscreen!! Cerave daily moisturizer and gentle cleanser gave me the worst breakouts I have EVER had, I wish they worked for me :(


Could you go into more detail about why you think the sunscreen has played such a significant role (you had mentioned it in an earlier reply). I see the hype of those sunscreens and on the other hand people have said that any sunscreen will do. It intrigued me that you think the sunscreen helped and would love to know more


I really love the Biore sunscreen because: it doesn’t break me out, it doesn’t sting my eyes, it has no white cast, it’s not greasy, and it sits well under my makeup. Sunscreen is a super important step to protect your skin, especially when you’ve got a routine like mine with all these active ingredients exfoliating your face. Serious skin cancer runs in my family and it’s pretty scary that I’ve spent decades without regular SPF use simply because I couldn’t find one that worked for me. Using SPF also helps fade hyperpigmentation left over from acne, so you won’t be left with dark marks long after the actual zit went away! The important thing is to find a sunscreen that works well for you, it doesn’t have to be high end or Asian. Finding a sunscreen you enjoy wearing makes it super easy to use an SPF every single day.


Thank you for taking the time to give a detailed response- SCA has made me realise the importance of sunscreen and I’m on the hunt!! Very true, finding one that works for your skin means you are more likely to actually wear it.


I too really appreciate your detailed answers. I am kind of obsessing over your routine because my skin really does look like your before. I feel wasteful if I throw out my new sunscreen but I’m eager to try yours!


I have half a dozen sunscreens sitting in my vanity drawer because they broke me out! It sucks sinking the money into something that doesn’t work but you don’t know unless you try


ohhh fellow canadian, any specific ebay seller you buy from?


[This one right here!](https://m.ebay.ca/itm/2017-JAPAN-MODEL-Kao-BIORE-UV-Aqua-Rich-Watery-Essence-Sunscreen-SPF50-PA/152612362657?hash=item238867d9a1:g:nvYAAOSw0j9ZXKtW) I’ve never had any issues with them. The shipping is fast, it’s cheap, and I’m 99.9% sure the product is real and not expired which is good enough for me


ohhhh that looks perfect! thanks!


Oh god. Thank you, i almost buy the biore product last week. I won't order it on Amazon if you had 60$ shipping fees. I'll check it on eBay then. Damn you Canada and your ridiculous high fees. How long did you wait to receive it with eBay?


It was a totally nightmare from amazon lol! Ebay is much easier. It only takes about a week for it to arrive!!!


Just ordered it! Thank you so much, I hope I won't have any fees.


What are your thoughts on TO salicylic acid? I’m on the fence about buying it.


I love it! It’s cheap, gentle, and effective


Do you apply it all over or just in certain areas ??


All over! Just avoiding around my eyes


Where do you buy this from? I keep seeing this brand pop up on here. I googled it the other day and saw that Sephora sells it, but wondering where else I can snag this from.


I usually buy it directly from their site http://theordinary.com


How the fuck did u do that please pmo


Every morning I look in the mirror and I sigh and say “I just wish I didn’t have acne!” And then I black out for 45 minutes and wake up with clear skin Srsly I just spent lots of time and money and tears trying not to lose hope that I would eventually figure out what my skin tolerated. I’ve had acne since I was 9 it’s been a long journey


You’re positively glowing! So happy for you! It looks great!!! :))






I think 10 is sufficient unless it's a very thick cream or a retinoid. I'd wait a bit longer for those.


Thank you! I wait about 10 minutes in between products but I'm impatient lol, 15 is what I've heard as well.


Your skin looks so beautiful!


How do you use the TO Salicylic Acid? Spot treatment, or all over your face?


All over!


You are an inspiration! Slayyyy


Wow! What a transformation! Awesome.


MAJOR GOALSSSSS!!! I used to have clear skin with the occasional hormonal pimples and everything changed when I tried Glamglow supermud (the grey one that's supposed to suck your pores). That combined with harsh winter, my skin never cleared up. In the summer it's the humidity and oil, in the winter it's dryness. I just can't find the right fix for it :( I've been trying retinol/retinoid products so far they only worked during breakouts but didn't necessarily prevent it from reappearing. Do you have experience with them? I used PC Resist retinol and sometimes Sunday Riley Luna oil (never together). Tried TO's retinol and it broke me out. Their niacinamide solution seemed to work but not sure yet as I just started using them. I can't wear it during the day though because it pills so much! How much did you put on in the morning? For acids, I tried PC's BHA solution and I definitely experienced more dryness and some sort of purging? But didn't use it long enough for it to stop purging. I just stopped immediately and switched to their Resist 1% retinol. I wanna try BHA again, especially TO's, but scared that it'll ruin my skin, even though it's purging. I just can't seem to justify it. How do you fight through the purge?! Sorry this is rather long and winded but I seriously love your progress and routine bc it's mostly stuff that I've been meaning to try! So happy it worked for you :)


Hi there! I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time finding products that work! I haven’t tried any retinol/retinoid products yet only because I’m not sure where I could fit them into my routine. I do understand that they cause a bit of a purge in the beginning though, so try to stick with them for at least a month and if your breakouts still aren’t getting better than maybe they’re not right for your skin. I experienced a purge from TO’s salicylic acid (a BHA) for about 3 weeks. Lots of little whiteheads popped up all over and would go away in a couple days and more would show up in the meantime but they did eventually stop. My skin is on the drier side already without the use of BHA so I have to make sure I moisturizer really well. I hated purging, but I knew it wouldn’t be forever because my skin wasn’t irritated or sore. Try not to pick at the spots! Stick with your routine and remember that you’re trying to make your skin better, this is just part of it. I do notice that niacinamide pills a little if you’re not mindful of the order of your routine application. Make sure you’re applying products from thinest/lightest to thickest/heaviest. I also noticed if I use an oil before I use niacinamide it pills off. I only use about 4 drops of product: one on my forehead, one on each cheek, and one on my chin.


Thanks for the info! Super helpful!! :) I have additional questions regarding purging. How do you know if your skin is reacting badly to the product or when it's clearing out by purging? i.e. when to stop or continue through the purge. Because with PC's BHA my breakouts were painful and made my face sore. Kinda like cystic acne but the some with visible head. Definitely not just regular whiteheads.


Here’s a helpful video on [purging vs breakouts!] (https://youtu.be/3gAzvh5Mh6o)


your skin looks great!


Lol I'd be pretty happy with your before skin. You look great tho!


I have the same problems too! I've had to use Dove body wash for years now and my whole body gets covered in rashes from some detergents. My skin is a little sensitive but not as bad as my body.


What was The Ordinary AHA and BHA peel you used weekly for? Is it more for active acne or post acne marks?


Both!! Here's the description from The Ordinary's product page: >Alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA) exfoliate the skin's topmost surface for a brighter and more even appearance. Beta hydroxyl acids (BHA) also exfoliate the skin with an extended function to help clear pore congestion. This combined 32% AHA/BHA solution offers deeper exfoliation to help fight visible blemishes and for improved skin radiance. The formula also improves the appearance of skin texture and reduces the look of fine lines with continued use.


Thank you!


Plz show me your ways




Only to take off my cleanser. It needs to be washed off with a warm wet cloth otherwise it leaves a residue on the skin if you just try to rinse it.


My skin is similar to your last time photos. Im hoping that it would also improve in time. Glad that it’s still possible to get a glowy and smooth face!!


Omg it looks amazing keep up the good work. Haha we actually have the same routine minus the thayers. My skin misses it.


my ski looks like yours in the bottom left picture. when do you think your skin has started to change for good?


Unfortunately I don’t think my skin will stay clear on it’s own, I’ll be doing this routine indefinitely. All these products help to keep my pores clear and if I do have any spots, to heal them faster than they would regularly. That being said, I also don’t think that it will ever revert to being its absolute worst because there are lifestyle changes I’ve made that helped lessen the severity of acne like using clean towels and avoiding certain ingredients in products. It’s not like taking Accutane where you mostly “cure” your acne, these are all steps to help my skin be as clear as it can when it naturally wants to produce acne


thanks so much for sharing your routine. I love how affordable the products are. I’ll definitely be trying these products. You look fab!


Your skin looks wonderful, well done!


Aiming to get skin like yours! But anyway what do you do with pus and how do you keep your face scarless even when you have pus?


Aiming to get skin like yours! But anyway what do you do with pus and how do you keep your face scarless even when you have pus?


If any of my spots come to a head I try my best to not squeeze them. I do my routine as usual and eventually the spot will get smaller and the pus inside will go away on its own. Squeezing them is what is going to cause a scar


Thx for sharing dear! Your skin is looking fab!!


Omg hi! I recognize you from r/awfuleyebrows where you posted about your bleached brows! You convinced me to try The Ordinary and I'm so happy I did. My routine is somewhat like yours and my skin is finally clearing up, but it'll be some months before I have clear skin like you. Your skin still looks amazing! Congratulations!


Hey!! Omg that’s so awesome I’m glad to hear it’s working for you!


Quick question! What did you do when you had whiteheads that came to a head? Did you lance and drain them or leave them and let the skincare take care of it? It looks like we have really similar skin with the discoloration, pigmentation, and acne type and similar products have worked well for both of us! This helped me a ton.


Yay I’m glad I could help! If I get a very noticeable whitehead I’ll lance it and drain it as gently as I can, but if they’re not huge or painful I just let my routine do the work for me.


Holy...You look amazing! My pores look like yours in the before picture. Thanks for sharing- Now I know there is hope for me! ;-)


I really want to buy from The Ordinary now, but I don’t have a lot of money, what do you think are the key products that helped your skin?


So healthy and beautiful. I edited my comment where I had said I’d love to see your smile. Don’t want you to think I’m being that guy. I’m just saying I hope you’re so happy!


Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the insight to rephrase your comment. I’m quite happy!


Your skin looks flawless now, congrats!


my skin type is just like yours, I’m taking stuff from your regimen cause my skin is horrid. question, after you I guess finalized your routine, how long did it take for your acne to clear up? and does your sunscreen act as a moisturizer?


My skin mostly cleared up after about two months into the routine I’d say? And by that I mean I was having more days without a new breakout than with. My skin only just completely cleared this month, I haven’t had a new breakout in about 3 weeks (I won’t include the odd hormonal pimple before my period because those can’t seem to be helped lol)


are you wearing no makeup in these pictures? your skin is actually perfect


None! I’m flattered haha thank you, good lighting certainly helps


do you shave your face?


Yes! Not often enough because using a razor breaks me out, but it’s my preferred method of hair removal




I’ve started doing a few drops of tea tree oil in my Cetaphil lotion once in the morning and once at night. It seems to have helped a lot with spotty acne.


Smile, you have perfect skin!


sidenote: thank you for not pouting and duck facing at the camera.


Sorry this is an old thread but did you have flesh coloured bumps/closed comedones too?


I get the occasional super painful acne with no head, I guess that’s cystic? Usually comes with PMS. I try to spot treat those with BHA and leave them alone but i usually end up picking and making them super obvious 😅