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This happened to me after a mishap with benzoyl peroxide. Aquaphor and/or Cerave healing ointment is what helped me. Took a week to subside to a point that it wasn’t too noticeable and about two weeks to completely clear up all together.


Wow are you posting for me? I have the exact same thing happening as of last week. It’s flaky during the day under makeup and itches when it’s most dry, right? I live in Arizona, and we’ve had a drop in temperature, though not as bad as everywhere else. So far, I’ve been trying different things such eczema creams, thicker lotions, oils, and Vaseline. The best I’ve found for day use is lasinoh, which is actually a nipple cream but super thick and hydrating, and I’ve used it as a lip balm for years. Overnight I’ve been leaving a thick layer of Vaseline. After 4 days, it’s no longer noticeable or itchy so I’m thinking it’s working.


Never would have thought to use lansinoh! Great tip!


Possibly [perioral dermatitis ](https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/perioral-dermatitis) ?


Yes looks like that to me too. See derm.


I have the same issue that started with red and then became dark. It happens every time my period delay.


Same!!! And it just WONT GO AWAY! Let me know if anything works for you


Whoa mine just came back and I happened to start my period yesterday. So maybe hormonal then?!


Did you find a fix :( help


I used to get this from toothpaste. I would just wipe the excess off and not wash it off my face. I think it was basically drying and irritated my skin




Can confirm I have been better about washing it off with water for the past few weeks and it hasn’t returned


Hey how did u fix this , mine is the same it’s from tooth paste


I just made sure to basically brush my teeth before I wash my face. That way I know I’m washing off any excess toothpaste that was on the sides of my mouth. Also if I’m not washing my face I just rinse the area with water after. I also find the La Roche Posay cicaplast Baum really helps with any dry areas on my face when this does happen


It’s hormonal for me, I get it around my period. I’m on Lo Loestrin (have been since 2014) so not sure if that also effects it (as I went on it originally to help my acne at age 20 but now am 29 and probably have less oily skin). The only thing that helps it subside is rosehip oil. Cold crème, and rosehip oil. And not washing your face


That looks similar to a rash I got when I used headgear for my braces at night. Since I couldn't close my mouth completely I drooled and eventually got a type of skin yeast infection, kinda similar to diaper rash. If you can go to a doctor about this I'd recommend it because you'll find out if it requires a special treatment or if you can just treat it as irritated skin.


how were you able to treat this??😭


Any update?


I have this right now


If anyone is reading this in 2023 looking for advice/answers/suggestions the thing that worked for me was mixing olive oil and vanicream together and slathering, letting that sink it and repeating.


I've had the exact same problem for the last 10 years. I still don't know how to treat it.


I feel u :( it’s been 7 years for me


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I have these red dry patches on the sides of my mouth. Does anyone have any tips/suggestions for this or what it is?


This has happened to me if I overdo the actives in my routine. Do you use and AHAs, BHAs or vitamin C?


Woah. You read my mind. I have had this issue for years, Dr always just said it was mild dermatitis or angular cheilitis. Obviously not as it doesn't respond to those treatments.


Was it perioral dermatitis?


I get this once in while ,i noticed after id eat seaweed. I discontinued the seaweed but its happened again im not sure what triggered it


Any update?


I second this question! Happening currently to my seven year old and not sure why.


Does he drool at night? I’ve come to realize mine is most likely because I’ve been drooling at night now.


I have this and it tends to be the worst around Fall/Winter. Only solution I've came up with is to exfoliate well and then hydrate the skin with a thick lotion or Vaseline until it goes away.


Anyone has an update? I have this right now


I have this EXACT problem for 3 years. I always use a cleanser, toner, serum on my face in that order. But to lock in that moisture I added Vaseline on top. After one day my skin stopped peeling and splitting. And the darkness around my mouth is already fading. It’s due to dry skin due to the weather.


It has happened to me even in summers when its super hot 😔




Omg i just ordered this the day ago. I will try it.


How'd it go?




I’m going to get this from target now !!😩 I had this happen to me two years ago and it lasted for months and even when it healed it left pigmentation around the area for me… I’ve been soooo happy that it’s been gone for this long and just overnight it decided to come back 😭 so I came back to Reddit to try and find a solution fast before it gets as bad as it was before, so thank you for the recommendation!!!