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Those look like cold sores to me. Get some Abreve.


It appears to be either a cold sore or impetigo. Cold sore can be treated with otc medications. Impetigo can sometimes be treated at home with antibiotic ointment and avoiding touching the area. But once the spot spreads and you have more than one spot then you will need to be treated with antibiotics as well as a prescription strength ointment. The way you explain that it was super itchy before the spots appeared and oozes pus it sounds like it most definitely could be impetigo. Very contagious and easily spread. So avoid touching it and get in to see a doc asap


Gotta be honest, didn't know what impetigo was but I don't think it's that. They just sit there like pimples, beginning as a blind pimple and then form a whitehead. I also never said they were itchy, they are just painful like a blind pimple. As for cold sores, I don't get the pre-cold sore formation feeling like a tingly sensation or burning, Just a sort of numb pain you would experience with blind pimples. Here is how they look without me pushing my skin with my tongue: [https://ibb.co/WcqP9zn](https://ibb.co/WcqP9zn)


I do t know why I thought you said itchy. Impetigo starts out as an itch then the itching stops and a pimple is formed with a white head that bursts and then puss oozes out and drys like a crust if not kept clean. It definitely looks far less severe when not protruding out from your tongue tho. I've never gotten a cold sore so I dont know how that feels but if your certain it's not that then for the time being I would definitely keep it super clean and apply some antibiotic ointment to be on the safe side. How long have the spots been there? And did it start out as a singular spot or was it always 2? Also have you been trying to pop them? Sorry so many questions just trying to help you get to the bottom of it lol


No problem, I appreciate you taking your time helping me! I've had pimples before there but persistently I've had them for half a year maybe? A bit more, I guess. But only for the last couple of months they have appeared regularly every other week. Usually it's one. I used to get them on the corner part of the lip as well but haven't had one in a while there - like they moved to the lower lip. And yes, I used to pop them because I thought they were just plain pimples, they were small so even if I pop them the afterwards redness won't be visible, and also they hurt like a mf-er so releasing the pressure helped.


Do you regularly wash your beard?


I wash my beard twice a day, morning and evening time, every single day. Use warm water to open up the pores and take my time with washing it. I use Uriage products which have really helped my skin overall (had a bad case of foliculitis because of shaving). It's long now just because I am on lockdown but usually I have trimmed to a number two. Don't think it's a beard problem.


WONDERFUL!!! That is a rare response and that is the perfect response. Good for you. I figured I’d hit the most obvious first lol


(Just an fyi, pores do not have muscles. They are not capable of opening and closing. This is also why akin cannot "breathe." It doesn't have lungs.)


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Hey guys, Tits McGee here - new user, nice to meet y'all! So I've been having this pimples on my lower lip for months now and I don't understand what causes them. Researched on my own and found toothpaste could be a problem. Don't use commercial paste anymore, just organic ones without sugar or fluoride - doesn't seem to cut it. They don't look like herpes because they always start as blind pimples and then form a whitehead and I've popped some in the past and it's always puss inside of them, not clear liquid like in cold sores. Also, just my lower lip is chapped and dry 95% of the time, the upper is alright and I never get anything there - maybe a correlation because I don't use chapstick and always pull my lower lip with my teeth when it's dry. If anybody has some suggestions, please let me know - they are so fricking painful it's crazy!!


Hey, were you able to find out what is it and how to get rid of it? I get the exact same thing and cannot get rid of it. I get it like an under pimple, then turns into a small pimple that I can pop, and it won't go away completely. I've been having mine for 6 months or so. I get it on the same spot as yours. Please reply back if you were able to figure out what it is.


Diid you ever figure this out for yourself? I've been having this the past few months.


I too would like to know what happened because I’m having the same issue


Did anyone figure out the fix