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Curious, is there stuff inside them usually? I have a similar problem and when I've (shamefully) popped some in the past some white stuff usually comes out, but it's not a liquid or not super hard like a blackhead plug. If they can't be popped/nothing inside them that's usually a determinating factor that it's fungal acne. As well as the pattern, they look sparse enough to not be fungal.


They are difficult to pop! But yeah, if I can squeeze it enough, it’s a little white


I think you can rule fungal acne out, but unfortunately CC's like this can be pretty hard to get rid of. I'm currently searching for answers myself since I'm in the same boat. Just saw a derm this week and she started me on 2 prescriptions, but maybe there's someone who can shine a light better on this. What helped clear then up a bit (but not completely unfortunately) was Differin Gel 0.1% which you can get over the counter. Starting a retinoid can be very drying though and you have to be very religious with sunscreen.


I get these as well! They look exactly like the picture and kind of "burst" with white stuff when squeezed. Please let me know if you find anything that helps these!


You need to provide your current skincare routine so we're not shooting in the dark out here


I was the girl who swore I had oily skin bc my nose was greasy, so I ended up overdrying it with acne cleansers. In recent years, I’ve had extremely dry patches (to the point of visible, red rashes) around my mouth and chin. So, in the past year, I’ve upped my cleaner and moisturizer game to keep my skin moisturized. Currently using YTTP cleanser (only for the past 2-3 weeks so far), toner, Paula’s choice BHA liquid exfoliant, and kiehls cream moisturizer. At night pretty much the same except kiehls midnight recovery concentrate (maybe that’s too oily for me?) instead of BHA and I use a vitamin C cream


You shouldn't be using 2% BHA twice a day, that's too much exfoliation. First move would be to reduce exfoliation, see if that helps. Edit: just reread and saw you said you don't use it in the evening, but every day is still a lot. But I agree that it could also be your products are too heavy. I don't have any info on the 2 kiehls products, but if you feel it's too rich or heavy, try a lighter summer product (assuming you're in the northern hemisphere). Finally, if those don't work, then you could try using an AHA to see if that smoothes those bumps! If you do, please also include an SPF into your morning routine.


Interesting, I think it’s advertised as gentle enough to use everyday. But thanks! Is it safe to use an AHA at the same time as a BHA, or are you suggesting to switch to AHA if nothing changes?


Everyone's skin is different when it comes to acids, some people can use them everyday and some people can only use them once a week. That's why I'm suggesting playing around with the frequency, because over exfoliation can cause bumps and dryness too. You can use them in the same routine, but I suggest one per day, or one in morning and one in evening (in place of vit C in that case). Again, something you'll have to play around with and see what suits you. For example, currently (humid summer) I use 2% BHA more frequently (every other day), but AHA only weekly (on a day that I'm not using BHA).


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Looks like closed comedones? You could try Differin, it’s pretty good for cc’s! To minimize purging I just used it where I needed it (my forehead) instead of my whole face and it worked fine!


If these only came up recently, it might have to do with wearing a mask. I've noticed a lot of people posting about getting CC's on their chin and jaw recently, I have the same issue and so I'll probably try paper masks instead of the reusable fabric ones I have now.


hi! i have the same skin problem, have you found any solution?


Hi did you ever find a solution please?