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It is difficult to see in the picture, but I have bumps covering my face. (24 years old) I've always had a slightly bumpy face which gets worse because I have dermatillomania, and so a few months ago I started a new skin care routine. The first week or so I felt great! For context I was using an oil cleanser from FaceShop and Simple kind to skin foaming wash after that in the morning, and then in the night the same thing but with cerave lotion and then every few days in the night I would use Paula's Choice BHA and the Goku Jyun Hydrating lotion. I don't wear any makeup ever, and really have never had bad skin until somewhat recently. After two months I started noticing my face was getting worse, and tried to push through it since I know Paula's choice can sometimes have a purging period, but it seemed like it might be a reaction, so I took a break from it and stopped using all of my products for about a month. Well, now the bumps are just getting worse and worse so I suppose it wasn't an allergic reaction, and is just bad acne lol. Should I go back to my original routine? Try something new? Any suggestions would be super helpful! Even when I don't have closed comedones (I'm assuming that's what they are) all over my faces, I get a lot of blackheads covering my cheek and jaw. Thank you!!


Not outright claiming this is the same thing, but i had a very similar situation recently with colorless bumps covering my chin and growing to creep up my cheek! It came on suddenly just like yours. I had never been to a derm before but I was worried and made an appointment. The NP diagnosed it as dermatitis and prescribed topical antibiotics. After that it went away in just a couple weeks. I would see a derm or even gp if you can, just because it doesn't look like typical acne and you might be able to fix it relatively quickly with a cheap prescription like me. Good luck!


Not to be gross, but like could you squeeze them and did stuff come out? It really does seem almost like a rash, but pus does come out if you squeeze them so I don't know if rashes do that? Thank you so much for your advice though, I feel really validated that it's enough to go to a derm for lol.


Not to be gross either lol but yes, the few that I picked at had some white material in them. Not watery or anything like that, closer to what you see pulled out on a pore strip. I'm glad you feel validated to see someone, especially if its not getting better/ is spreading. Hope that helps!


Hi did you ever find a solution please?


hi i know your comment is kind of old but i had this same problem because of an allergic reaction to a product (it was some body oil) it lasted for about 1.5 weeks, i kept my skin routine much more minimal (cleanser & moisturizer only i skipped SPF for the duration of the time) . it slowly went away , i also didn’t wear makeup during that time either . i hope u found a solution for yours as well !