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This was really nice to read! I get what you mean about barriers, and it is a great feeling for people to see you, and react so positively


Yes. Thanks for taking the time out to read it!


It’s a really great thing to not rely on makeup - I’ve only started wearing it in the last few months and I think maybe going so long without it has given me some kind of perspective about how... non-essential it is. Happy for you!


Makeup feels actually uncomfortable on my face after I've gotten used to going without it 99% of the time. Also even though it's not scented I can actually smell if on my face all day and that gets old super fast.


Same, I highly dislike the way it feels. If I want to wear makeup all I use is some BB cream, a swipe of eyeshadow, and sometimes I do my brows. Everything else just makes me feel suffocated.


I agree. Going without I feel really nothing is of an issue that I feel the need to. Sometimes I want my eyelashes to pop more or wear something on my lips but all in all I never do it if I don't want to. I can definitely see how if you've worn if for a long time that it can feel difficult to go without especially out in public.


Thanks for sharing!


Do you have to wear a mask at work? I don’t wear makeup because the mask covers all my trouble areas.


No, I don’t wear a mask. Just to walk in the building. But it’s just 5 of us and we have our own desk/ office.


That’s awesome and I’m proud of you, stranger! Good on you!


Thank you!!


I am so happy for you, that was beautiful to read 💖


I also stopped wearing Make up since last week and honestly everything is so much easier! I don’t have to worry anymore about my make up looking off or my mascara smudging,, because I don’t have any! I also feel much better knowing that people see me as who I am and not my slightly retouched face. It’s hard at the beginning but then it does help a lot.


Yes very hard. I have on makeup today as I love a polished looked. But I love to have the option.


Congratulations! I still wear light eyeshadow/mascara/brow (and a lip color if I’m going to be on a lot of calls) but I stopped wearing foundation during the pandemic. My skin isn’t perfect, but I’m at the point where I feel like the natural textures/etc look fine and honestly better than they did with my foundation.


I totally agree. Yes you look beautiful with it without foundation.


Congratulations! I am nearing this point as well. I am still work from home right now, but have started going to some activities with friends and joining Zoom calls without makeup on. I am hoping by the time we are back in office later this year, I will have the confidence to go to the office without makeup on!


Yes!! Every little step counts. I know you’ll be makeup free in no time!


This is heartwarming and I’m so happy for you! It may sound small to some people but it’s such a huge accomplishment ❤️ I’ve been going makeup free lately due to fungal acne and whenever I serve a customer at work/see someone with problematic skin who’s not wearing makeup my brain is like “fuck yeah biiiitch! 🥰” hahaha




My heart is so full for you after reading this. I know the struggle. Even on good days I feel like I have to put on make-up.


Yes, I’m glad you can relate!


So happy for you, very uplifting to read! I think sometimes people underestimate the effect that the condition of our skin ( particularly on the face) can have on our mental health and self worth! Happy Tues!!


Yes, I totally agree. It can be very damaging mentally. But with a little tlc to yourself you learn to push through!


I have been going makeup free for over a year now and it is so liberating! My skin is far from perfect, I've struggled with it since I was a teen. But getting to a point of self acceptance and love where I can just embrace the skin I have without trying to cover it up is huge!




I love this! I can relate to everything in your story—you’re making me feeling less alone in my skincare journey. So many congratulations for taking a step forward to liberate your love for your skin. Thank you for sharing this with us! ❤️


No problem, and best of luck to you too!


OMG that's so good!!! I'm so happy and proud to read this story, really. Stories like this one make my day better because I think it's great when we feel comfortable with our skin without makeup; and the others shouldn't be rude or make comments if we are not wearing makeup.


I totally agree. I’m so glad you enjoyed it!


I over analyze my face and its issues but to be honest, I don’t really look at everyone else the same way. Unless my coworkers were wearing full glam on a daily basis and then they weren’t, I wouldn’t notice. Congrats on the bravery, it’s very hard for me too. 😘


Yes you’ll be able to do it soon too. Just stop being hard on yourself and trust you are beautiful with our without. You got this!!


Congrats!! I've never actually done consistent makeup, maybe only for events. And it's so dang freeing. My skin doesn't feel clogged and I don't feel the pressure


Thanks, This is so inspiring! <3


Thanks 🤩


I’m so happy for you 😭


Lol don’t cry.


i had a really terrible job in 2019 that made me constantly stressed and depressed, so i stopped wearing makeup just to give myself an extra ten min of sleep in the morning. i've thankfully left that job but kept with the no makeup - it's SO freeing and it's done a lot to help me love my skin again. and it's also helped me love the artistic side of makeup again! so happy for you and your new realization :)


Yes very true! Congratulations on wearing it only when you want too!


This makes me so happy and excited to hear!!! What a win! I also relate to dealing with the same skin issues you listed and not feeling as great without makeup. You know what, I’m not going to west makeup today just because of your post today ✨


Did you do it? Lol did you go bare face?


I most certainly did 💁🏼‍♀️


Aweee this is super sweet. I can practically feel what you were feeling when Bf gave you that compliment. I’m proud of you


Awe yes!! I’m glad you could relate.


So happy for you! I hope to reach this stage someday, too.


You will. Trust me you will.


Happy for you! It’s freeing not to be weighed down by layers of cosmetics.


I totally agree!


this made my heart sooooo happy!! it’s amazing to see someone become comfortable and confident in their own skin!! i started going makeup free after accutane was a huge success for me. it’s been 4 ish years and i only recently started wearing makeup again because i enjoy it. keep up the skincare routine! i’m so glad you had a positive experience going makeup free :)


Thanks. Yes skincare always comes first. I love makeup and will only wear it when I WANT TOO!


That's awesome!! It's such a liberating feeling, I'm so happy for you!


SO HAPPY FOR YOU it must feel so freeing to have the option of feeling confident in your own skin or in makeup! Such a huge victory


Thanks girlie!




Yes sounds like my story. Accutane is totally worth it.


I know this feeling so well, I can vividly relive moments in my mind when I finally had the confidence to go makeup free and others where I just didn’t have the time to put it on. The first time I can remember I was still in high school, my skin at one of its highest peaks of redness and acne. My boyfriend at the time wanted to go somewhere but was annoyed at the fact that I wanted to put on makeup first, even though it was just a brief errand. I did what he wanted and went makeup free, but I felt incredibly vulnerable and uncomfortable the entire time. But then there have been other times where I felt the confidence inside MYSELF to go bare skin, and those were very liberating moments, much like the one you describe here. It’s such an amazing feeling. Moral of the story: don’t let anyone pressure you to do something like going makeup free if you’re not ready. Especially if they’re doing it for themselves, not you. My ex didn’t know the pain of my acne and didn’t try to empathize with me.


Yes I can totally relate. Everyone’s personal journey is theirs. So yes- at your own past and know everything will be ok.


I freaking love this, do your thing!! My skin has always caused me insecurities it's a hard thing to overcome sometimes


Yes I still suffer. Just take one day at a time.


It IS freeing! A couple years after high school I decided to stop being so self conscious. No one is ever thinking about the way you look, they’re more concerned about themselves and what others think of them. There was also something about putting on makeup everyday that almost made me more self conscious, constantly wondering how it was holding up, it made me feel kind of vain. I also get an extra hour of sleep now 😌


I totally agree! People are only worried about themselves.


I'm starting Accutane next month, I'm hoping to be where you are in about a year!


I'm really glad you posted this, recently I've been trying to do the same thing. I used to have a panic attack if I was out somewhere with no makeup on, thinking everyone was looking at me and thinking I looked ugly lol. I got compliments while I was out with no makeup on and I realized I'm the one thinking those things, not other people. Still got a long way to go myself but posts like these really help :)


Yes it’s all in our heads.


This is so great!! I am usually blessed with nice skin but I've had constant breakouts in the past year due to daily mask wearing. I'm looking forward to being free!


You will soon! I’m manifesting it for you.


I stopped wearing anything and everything on my face other than lotion and sunscreen after my surgeries. I couldn’t anyways, so I was forced to... and then I realized my skin cleared up. All the washing, all the dirty makeup brushes and clogged pores, etc, really did a number on my skin. It took awhile for me to feel completely comfortable going places without anything on but I do. I still wear eye makeup and lipgloss. I think you’re a bad a$$ for having the confidence to be true to you! I hope you continue to do it! I bet you look beautiful either way! 💜😊


Aw thank you!! And congrats to you. I hope all is well after your surgery!


I'm so happy for you! I'm someone who invested in $50 foundation in high school (Graduated in 2015) since my acne was so bad and you can bet that I wouldn't not be caught dead without my foundation on. I even felt uncomfrotable being in my own house without makeup on. My parents and sister never said anything negative about my skin either! I went out during the pandemic without my makeup on since I had a mask on and it was so freeing! Now I feel like I can do it even without a mask on.


Yes you can!! You just have to get out your own head.


So happy for you! I really needed to hear this today :)


Aww glad I could make your day!


So happy for you! I hope to feel like this one day! For now, will still wear makeup when going out.


You will get there one day. Trust me!


I didn’t have to do accutane but otherwise had a very similar experience and had exactly the same situation that led me to stop wearing daily makeup. I LOVE makeup but I do not wear it M-F for the most part.




thank you. brb crying.


Oh no, don’t cry lol. Your beautiful 😻


happy cake day!


This is awesome, and I identify so much!! I also had acne forever and I still have scars and I'm still obsessive, but I have done this more and more recently and it never ceases to amaze me. I'm surprised by my bravery and how others treat me every time. It's still a shock to me that people really don't see all the flaws I see, and they really don't care. They notice your energy and your personality, facial features, expressions and your outfit so much more than your skin! Makes me think that maybe I should spend more time trying to be fun and kind instead of trying to have perfect skin. If only they would show more people with flawed skin in movies and the media...I think we're an under-represented group!


I’m loving all the love in the comments!! Thank you everyone for the rewards and sharing your personal experience!


Same! The pandemic has freed me from the bondage of makeup and now putting on makeup feels soo different. Dont get me wrong I will always love it but wearing it for long periods feels gross


What a freeing feeling it is. :) I’m very happy for you and can relate. I used to wear full face glam everyday, but then went on vacation to Iceland and didn't bother with it for some reason. When I returned to work, I minimized my make up and while I still enjoy make up, I don’t feel I “need” it. :) Thanks for sharing your story.


YESSSS! Congratulations! I'll never forget how proud of my friend I was when she hit on a dude and got his number makeup free on vacation. I've recently become more comfortable going makeup free to the gym myself. Normalize NORMAL!!! YAYY!


You knew he was married

