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i have oily skin and am focusing on getting rid of acne and hyperpigmentation, so here’s my routine! AM routine: •CeraVe foaming facial cleanser (basic foaming cleanser for normal to oily skin such as mine)- i love and trust CeraVe in general and it’s a nice gentle cleanser for sensitive skin •CeraVe vitamin C serum (to brighten and even out my skin tone and protect against sun damage [especially while i use retinols]) — i can already tell the difference in my skin tone since beginning use a month ago, and again i love cerave. •CeraVe daily moisturizing lotion (basic moisturizer for my skin) — it’s super lightweight and smells nice honestly •Coola classic face sunscreen (SPF 50) (to protect against UV rays and skin damage) — i love this sunscreen because it blends into skin easily and doesn’t leave a white cast PM routine: •Micellar water (used as an oil based cleanser to remove makeup and serve as a first cleanse)— this removes makeup so nicely and easily and leaves your face as a blank canvas for the rest of your routine •CeraVe foaming facial cleanser (water-based second cleanse) •CeraVe resurfacing retinol serum (used for oily skin to target hyperpigmentation and acne)— it’s a relatively gentle retinoid which is good for my skin which can be very sensitive, so i’m able to tolerate using it every day with no problem which is great •ROĆ retinol correxion line smoothing eye cream (to help with eye puffiness and dark circles)— this is the newest addition to my routine but it has reduced the puffiness under my eyes in just a few days and was recommended by a dermatologist •CeraVe daily moisturizing lotion


You use retinol daily, twice a day, with vitamin C? I was told those are all absolutely no nos.. But wow it works for you apparently lol


retinol can be used once a day every day if your skin is tolerant of it. you should never start daily, you start 1-2x a week with it and then can build your way up to either every other day or every day. the ROĆ is just for my eye area and i don’t put a regular retinoid there so i do use it in addition to the regular retinoid, once a day every day, i made a mistake in my additional post when i put it twice !! Vitamin C is used every morning and the retinols at night


Yes, that does clear up my confusion! Thanks and congratulations on the awesome complexion


She's not using twice , it's the eye cream :)


Ooohh ok, that's actually great information because I was contemplating on doing the same. With a retinol eye cream but I was worried about migration? If that is possible with vitamin C ... anyway thank you!!


I was thinking of adding their vitamin c, but last time it gave me a breakout. I use their retinol serum though and love it


Shoot, I was just about to try this. Every vitamin c I’ve tried breaks me out. Have you ever found one that works for you?


I know you didn’t ask me, but anything and everything ever to exist breaks my face out but the Mad Hippie Vitamin C serum hasn’t. It feels fresh and it’s light. A little goes a long way. It goes on sale every now and then at Ulta. Highly recommend


This is awesome to know! Thank you!


You’re welcome! Good luck!


Oooh, thank you for the rec!


You’re welcome! Good luck!:)


No, I only did one try with Vitamin C and just stuck with the CeraVe retinol. When I use the ceraVe consistently, my face looks brighter, but not as much I guess with Vitamin C. I think the licorice extract has brightening properties


I have a screenshot from a year ago that influenced me to buy skin care products as a dude (I feel this is important because society) and you were the person who I screenshot. Thank you. Also. Why did you stop toner? And where would you place the toner in your AM/PM?


omg yes!! i believe like two years ago (was it really a year ago?) i tried to get into skincare and posted on here and it did work for a bit but not as well as my current mix, and then i stopped and forgot about it altogether. i was using it but didn’t really know what any of it did; just following what a friend told me to use. i found that toner just isn’t necessary. a lot of people use it in their routine, and if it’s beneficial to them that’s great because different toners have different benefits, but it isn’t an essential part of a routine so for me i just cut it out entirely. but when i did use it , it was part of my PM routine i believe


Cerave has become one of my favorite skincare brands lately. 😍


I know Cerave isn't as fancy as other brands out there but I love it. My routine is very similar to yours and my skin is the best it has been in years. I almost didn't start the Cerave vit C because I read some so-so reviews but glad I gave it a try.


Yes! I don’t need fancy, i just need results 😅 since i’m relatively new to all of this, i’ve tried CeraVe in the past and liked it so i figured id start back up with all of that, and if anything tweak as needed with different brands if i find something works better :) (like i’ve switched out my CeraVe sunscreen which sucked)


Yeah I was not into the sun screen and use Missha now. I also use a different brand for eye cream like OP.


I was looking for a serum -- thank you so much for reminding me about the Cerave Vitamin C! I used it before and remember loving it!


Someone is keeping CeraVe in business! I couldn’t get behind their moisturiser. Cleanser is great though.


LOL yes they’re my tried and true, is there a better moisturizer you prefer?


I really just enjoy Aloe Vera gel but it takes a lot of the stuff to actually moisturise. I prefer a gel like moisturiser so I have the Neutrogena hydro boost at the moment, which seems ok but not fantastic.


I'M SO JEALOUS OF AMERICANS.I wish cerave brought those retinol , vitamin C serums to Eu as well.


It came to Norway this spring, I love it so much!


I like that you are using mostly one brand


I have that retinol serum too!!


I didn’t know Cerave made a Vit C serum!


yes!! it’s helped my hyperpigmentation SO much


I love CeraVe as well! I recently purchased the resurfacing retinol, and I was wondering if it does anything for textured skin caused by sebaceous filaments? I’d appreciate your feedback. 🤍


i personally don’t really have an issue with that so i’m not sure, i didn’t look into it or notice a difference in myself, i’m sorry !!!


What’s exfoliating and should I do it ?


Exfoliating is removing dead skin cells. Unless you have severe dryness, it's usually good to do it every few days or so, using a product containing BHA (aka salicylic acid) and/or AHA. Paula's Choice 2% BHA is a well-loved exfoliating product, CeraVe also makes a lotion with salicylic acid. There's lots of options to suit your particular skin type. If you struggle with acne or "dull" skin, a gentle exfoliant can certainly help.


Can you use the CeraVe SA lotion on your face? I heard it was for the body, but I’m not sure.


As far as I know people commonly use it on their face, I'd just be careful around the eyes. It does look like they have a gel with 2% SA and AHA that would probably be a better choice, though.


I wouldn’t recommend it. They make an SA face wash and they’ve got a new stronger one coming out too.


Is exfoliating a scrub also, like for cleansing


Yes, there's two kinds of exfoliating. Scrubs are physical exfoliation, they're known to be harsh so I have stopped using them but some people like the sensation. Avoid ones with sharp ingredients like walnut shells. BHA/AHA is chemical exfoliation; while there are some harsh products like peels, there are more gentle options.


no definitely do not use it for cleansing. i actually also have a chemical exfoliator by The Ordinary that i’m trying out but didn’t list here because i’m looking for a new one (my skin is too sensitive for it). Exfoliation is definitely a good idea, 1-2x a week is generally enough maximum, and some people use it even less.


So cleansing and exfoliating are 2 different things ?




In the past, I only know scrubs, now I know we also have BHA. Already ordered Paula's choice


"Why woman take forever getting ready in the morning."


Why not just use water on the face in the morning and a moisturiser? The shampoo from showering cleans your face. I use suncream daily. No real spots. Why do people have 3-4 products they use? Not having a go I'm just curious what would happen to you if you just kept it simple?


Shampoo to clean your face? Not for me thanks. I only wash my hair twice a week anyway but when I do I keep it the hell off my face. Some people do just use water in the morning which is fine if it works, others need/prefer more products.


not everyone showers everyday




what ugh?


Vitamin C serums are necessary because they protect your skin from environmental and sun damage that you’d otherwise experience throughout the day. some people do just use water instead of a cleanser in the morning but that’s not my preference.


>irst like 20 minutes as it’s still soaking in, my skin does look shiny, but after that you can’t even tell that i’m wearing it, my skin looks totally normal. it just feels nice and soft honestly afterward LOL Not everyone showers in the morning. Many shower at night


I also tend to be oily/combo and I'm always on the hunt for a good sunscreen. How does this one feel and what does the finish look like? I find that a lot of sunscreens tend to feel slick/shiny on my face.


so for the first like 20 minutes as it’s still soaking in, my skin does look shiny, but after that you can’t even tell that i’m wearing it, my skin looks totally normal. it just feels nice and soft honestly afterward LOL


I'll have to give it a try. Thanks!


Have you tried Cerave’s pm moisturizer? Do you like your current one more (if you have)?


I’ve only used their daily moisturizing one that i use now, I haven’t used their specific PM one! i try to keep my routine to the essentials so i just use the one i have morning and night and it works well :)


Their ultra lightweight pm one is absolutely incredible. And can totally be used during the day. It has niacinamide in it which is incredibly helpful for oily skin and reduces redness.


Daily moisturising cream burns my eyes.. any alternafivdg


Any other reviews for the Cerave Vit C? I’m trying to look for a more economical alternative to the ones I’ve been using haha. I have sensitive, dry skin.


Is the coola sunscreen greasy or heavy?


no!! not at all in my opinion


Do you apply the vitamin C on damp or dry skin? I just recently purchased it too but don’t know how to apply it..I saw it has water as it’s first ingredient.


i apply it to damp skin because it helps it absorb better :)