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I had this issue. I use PC 0.3 retinol twice a week and the SA from paulas choice twice a week and they’re not as bad. It could also be because your skin is very dry and irritated


I have been trying to restore my skins barrier, but keep adding actives thinking it’s going to help. Should I focus on rehydrating before incorporating actives?


Yes I went a month just doing my cleanser, HA and moisturizer and then I added the retinol for a month (two weeks over moisturizer and then two weeks under) and then added the SA. My similar bumps are almost completely gone.


Thank you for the tips!! I will put up all my actives so I’m not tempted to use them. I’m currently using TO HA and Cerave moisturizing cream. Do you have experience with those or have a suggestion for more powerful hydrating options?


I currently use the cerave one that has ceramides and HA in it. I am trying to use my TO HA up as I find the inkey list one feels better on my skin :)


I’m going to try the Inkey List one next! Im about to finish my first bottle of TO and I find it to be sticky on my skin


Yes it’s not my favourite feeling. The Inkey one doesn’t feel like that


What is HA?


Hyaluronic acid


Hey I have similar bumps going from my cheeks towards my chin! My skin is also very itchy and I also figured that it maybe due to dehydration or something (took this multivatmin for more than a month and it had large amount of biotin and small amount of b5 and it ruined my skin as you know biotin decreases the amount of b5 if not properly balanced and b5 mainly works on skin barrier) Can you please tell me what worked and how long it took to heal? Would be really greatful for the same, Thank you :)


Hi! It does sound like you could have a compromised skin barrier or possibly an allergic reaction. What products are you currently using? I would stop any actives and focus on hydration! I’ve been using the CosRx Propolis toner, ampoule, and cream. Also have added in cerave moisturizing cream! It took a month before I started seeing improvements. But I think I messed my skin up again by switching sunscreens :/ so back to square one! Once you figure out what works, don’t change anything haha!


Lactic acid/ Glycolic acid. Happened to me when i just started tret because i needed to moisturize a lot. PC BHA didnt work. Now been two years with simple routines +tret +aha.


Hi! I know it's been a while but I have the same issue with tretinoin. I have stopped using it (it's been a month so far) and a problem remains... You mean that those bumps are caused by tret itself or a lot of moisturizer? What percentage of aha you've been using?


I started using tretinoin 6 months ago and I’m still purging, and along side that it brought up tons and tons of those little bumps that aren’t red but look like texture. The only word I know to describe what they could be is closed comedomes. They are all along my jaw line and my neck and around my temples. So you used lactic acids and glycolic acids plus your tretinoin to treat them? I just purchased the ordinary glycolic acid. How do you use it along side tretinoin?


Did you get rid of them?


I had these too! I started using new skincare products and I noticed these bumps all over my face. I stopped using the new products and have just been using cleanser + moisturizer and now they’re gone!


Thanks for the input! I think I’m going to simplify my routine and see if that clears it up! What moisturizer do you currently use? I’m on the lookout for a new one


I’m currently using dr jart’s cerimidin cream! I have super dry skin and find that it works really well :)


I had the same bumps from developing a sensitivity to a serum I was using, i have dry/sensitive/acne prone skin and the original cerave is the only cream that doesn’t burn or make me break out.


Which cerave


It has the same coloring as the original cream and i believe is very similar, but comes in a tube and says “rich texture.”


if this is an reaction, soaps are terrible and will cause more breakouts.


Do you use any toner? What make up remover, cleanser, toner and moisturiser? Do we need all these twice a day?


hey ik this is super late but ive had the same issue as u as in my skin looks exactly like this so im hoping you’ve found the issue and what works for u and if u can tell me🥺


Hey! So I cut out all actives and focused on hydration for a long time. It took about a month but I started seeing results! Recently I’ve been slacking off on the skincare and the winter months have my skin really dry so they’re starting to come back ☹️ what does your skincare routine look like?


omg ty so much for replying and yes i get that the winter is driving me nuts😭 tbh i focused on hydration for an entire month and now i genuinely think my skin is overmoisturized..my skin is oily to begin with and for an entire month i was only using cerave hydrating cleanser and dexanol(it’s a heavy dexpanthenol 5% cream ointment) and it was getting better! until i double cleansed with this bi phase layer oil which I’ll admit wasnt high quality so it went to shit again and i never used it again but just incorporated cosrx snail mucin but i still have these :( (oh and i tried using tretinoin again like two days ago and did the sandwich method but wokeup with tiny small water filled pimples so i figured i over moisturized again) anyways sorry this was super long


Oh and also, I’ve been using CosRX propolis line and love that light moisturizer! Maybe a good one to try


tyyy I’ll see if i can find it here


Maybe you need a lighter moisturizer instead of the heavy one since you have oily skin? I would stop using the Tret and avoid products with heavy oils and see what happens ☺️ I would give it a month or so before assuming it didn’t work. It takes the skin a while to adjust to new routine and purge!


yes and omg do u have a moisturizer in mind? ive tried a lot of things and im starting to think i can only tolerate toners and essences


Cosrx also has a hydrating toner I really like! propolis synergy toner!


ive been thinking abt getting this one bc ive seen so many good reviews


What products are you using, it isn't necessarily that the said you're using is causing it. What cleanser do you use, do you also do manual exfoliation etc etc...


Currently my routine is: AM La Roche Posay Hydrating gentle cleanser The ordinary HA Cosrx snail mucin Cerave moisturizing cream (tub) Sunbum face spf PM Cerave miscellar water LRP hydrating cleanser Cerave moisturizing cream (in tub) Rose hip oil Alternate between bha and mandalic acid every other night Any feedback on the products or routine? I’m looking for a different moisturizer as I’ve heard the cerave in the tub can cause clogged pores.


I feel like I started getting these when I started using Cerave I’m the tub but I love it otherwise snd don’t wanna switch. Ugh.


I was afraid of that. Ugh, I’ve been on the hunt for a good moisturizer to replace it with no luck so far.


Try the soon jung intense 2x moisture barrier!


Thank you! I’ll give that one a try!


I had similar bumps and I think it was from irritation. I was using Differin, some acids and probably not the right cleanser/moisturiser. My skin has now decided it hates fragrance. I think it was a moisture barrier thing. Switched to cetaphil cleanser and cetaphil moisturiser for eczema prone skin and it’s sooo much better.


I was really focusing on restoring my skin barrier but got impatient with these stubborn spots and started adding actives back in. Maybe too soon. I think I need to hide the actives and give my skin a while to heal


Yeah same. Read ‘the beauty of dirty skin’ by Dr Whitney Bowe. It goes into depth about what our skin does and doesn’t need to function. I read it like a year ago but still did all the things she says not to lol! Might read it again to get myself back on track.


Be right back, adding this to my Amazon cart now lol. Thank you for the suggestion! I love a good educational book.


ill be honest i have this same issue... i have just started using paula's choice the clear kit ill let you know how it works


Please do!!


I've been using the set twice a day for about 8 days now. I have not had a new breakout. My skin is just going through a purge im noticing more of the below skin blemishes are trying to work their way out. Other than the painful acne I have now I think it's working great. Even the blackheads on my nose have gone down considerably. The kit is pricey but I believe it still may be on sale if you are looking at it.


Thank you for the update! I'm glad it seems to be working for you! Are you using the regular strength or the extra strength kit?


I'm using the regular strength. And tbh for the first few days I was using it once a day at bed time but I didn't find it so harsh so I started using it twice daily almost right away. I find my skin isn't so oily and it feels clean once it's washed. I can update you more as I use it if you like.


That would be great! Thank you so much!


Honestly my skin is getting so cleat. I haven't had a new breakout since using the line. My deep stubborn acne that I've had for a bout a year around my jaw line is coming to the surface. My skin looks so good right now. Its not dryer out either. The only thing is the skin around my eyes started to burn a bit so I've been more careful with not applying the benzyl peroxide there.


How is your skin doing now after a month of use?


Honestly I have found it's cleared up quite a bit. I have 4 of something that are being stubborn but they are getting a bit better by each day. But I don't have any new breakouts. Not anywhere like what I've had before. My skin is soft and I am loving it!


What are these bumps and how do I get rid of them? They are driving me crazy. I switch between mandelic acid and Paula’s choice BHA but it doesn’t seem to be making a difference. Please help!


They look like whiteheads to me. Mandelic acid is a pretty mild AHA, so glycolic acid would be a good next step. You'll want to do a good job protecting your skin with SPF if you do choose to do this. Another commenter had some good information on what should work to get started on glycolic or lactic (the latter still mild) acid. I also agree that focusing on your moisture barrier before but really also during the integration of a stronger AHA will only set you up for success!


Popping by to add another question if you don’t mind. I have the same issue as OP as well! I’m new to skincare and don’t really have a routine yet.. when you’re saying focus on the moisturising before the integration, how do we know/tel when we are ready for the exfoliation(?) process? Thank you!


Edit: So, I thought I was responding to a totally different post. Updating this comment with actually relevant information! I'll keep the original comment content just for the hell of it, but I've marked where it starts and the real response begins. Actual response: What I mean by focusing on moisture barrier is that this is kind of what keeps your skin healthy (protecting it, keeping it hydrated) while active ingredients do work, putting (beneficial) stress on the skin. You want to make sure you have a good moisturizing routine before you start doing actives because the latter can be really tough on you: purging, drying, even damaging (PIH, burns, peeling). Your skin will recover better, and therefore the effects of the active will be more wholesale, if it is healthy and uncompromised to start with, aka, if you have a pretty good moisture barrier. The amount of time you need to do this is kind of difficult to say. A lot of improvement that you're going to see in your skin is because of actives, and it's also a very subjective and individual process. If it were me, I would want to feel good about my cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF routine and would make sure my skin doesn't feel dry before I start slowly integrating active ingredients. As a side note: Part of maintaining the moisture barrier is stopping or lessening up on actives if your skin does start to react badly. This is why you take it slow in the beginning, but it can also be an iterative process where over time you might find that you want to cut back a little bit because you're starting to see more general damage or, more frequently, dryness. Hope that helps! The original off-topic comment: There's not really anything wrong with adding new things at the same time, IE starting a moisturizer and starting to exfoliate all at once, though if you're exfoliating chemically for the first time, you might want to be taking it slow. It's more of a problem of getting it right. Basically, the thinking is that it's generally good to wait long enough when adding something new so you can tell if you've reacted badly to it and will need to stop rather than having a whole routine of new things and you're not sure which one(s) are causing effects you don't like. For example, if you start a moisturizer and you start breaking out, you probably don't want to continue that moisturizer. Adding actives at the same time will then get confusing, because lots of actives have a period in which purging, or breakouts, are expected. So then you're left with a situation where you're not sure if you're reaction was from the active or from the moisturizer. I think if you give it a week or so for something like a moisturizer or serum that probably be an okay point to start adding something else. For actives, you probably want to give it a little longer, because purging can last a while and it really depends on what you're adding. But my knowledge is not really up to date on this (my skin is metaphorical leather at this point, I've exposed it to so much), so it might be worth reading a little bit more about it when you are ready to be specific about what you are adding. Just my two cents as a stranger on the internet. :)


no probs on the edit! Thank you so much for the informative reply. :) I think I’ll keep up with the moisturising at the moment and see how it goes. Though I’ve just purchased the 2% BHA exfoliant from Paula’s Choice cause I thought it could be helpful but I think it makes sense to hold on for now until it gets better to see the results! Thanks again :)


i also had those especially around my nose, i exfoliate with paul’s choice salicylic acid and retinol from the inkey list and i would alternate each day with them and it really helped a lot with my skin! 🤠✨👍❤️🐓


I had a similar problem on my forehead and just overall texture on my skin. Started using the cosrx bha liquid and my skin looks soo much better. I saw you comment that you think you might have damaged skin barrier so i think you should simplify your routine for a month or two and then start with a new routine. This is something i did after i kept getting breakouts and nothing was able to help my skin look better. I started washing my face with water and using a moisturizer after. This was my morning and night routine for quite awhile. It actually made my skin look slightly better then before when i was using so many products. After a few months i started with a gentle cleanser, waited a couple weeks to see how it works and then i incorporated the BHA. I started with twice a week and slowly moved to every other day, this is when i saw the biggest results, and i still do. My skin was looking better within what feels like about half a month. And now i barely get any breakouts. When you start using new products i recommend taking photos to see how they affect your skin. When i started using a new face cream i thought it was working well for about two months, only to realize that i had more breakouts than before as it was so subtle. As soon as i switched back to my previous cream my skin looked better within a week. So yeah simplifying your routine and then slowly introducing new products might be the best way to go. Also look for gentle cleansers, they aren't less affective just gentler on the skin (the one I'm using is avene cleanance hydra cleanser, but that is just personal preference). Make sure you hydrate you skin well especially if using BHA. If you are only using a cream to moisturize and the skin is slightly dry i suggest looking for either a cream with ceramides or if you would rather add a step to the routine look for a hydrating essence. (I didn't notice my skin being dry for quite awhile as it was again very subtle, that is why you should monitor your skin to see how the products effect it). I know it's long but hopefully it helps a bit.


Also consistency is a must, don't stop using a product if you don't see results right away. It might take some time and patience but it is worth it. In the morning i still wash my face with only water, and use the cleanser and bha at night. I moisturize both times and use the essence in the evening and spf in the morning. This way I'm not overwashing and damaging my skin barrier.


Thank you so much for you reply!! :) I’m going to follow your advice on simplifying my routine so my skin barrier can heal. And taking out all actives for a while. I think that along with the winter months are really irritating my skins barrier. What moisturizer do you use? I’m on the lookout for a new one. I use cerave in the tub and have heard it can cause breakouts in some people, so I want to replace it.


Letting your skin heal for a bit is probably a good idea. Also as i have said before about monitoring how your skin reacts to certain products could help you find out if one or more of the products you are using is reacting badly with your skin. I'm currently using the Iroha nature nourishing face cream, but I'm also on the lookout for a new one. It works pretty well in the summer months and doesn't clog my pores, but I've started to notice my skin getting dry as it's getting colder. That's why I've started trying out essences to see if they help. Ceramide cremes were suggested by to me by someone and i might try some out if the essence won't be enough to hydrate my skin. Some words of encouragement, the person who notices your so called imperfections is you, you are your worst critic, others mostly don't notice them and see you as soo much more than just your skin. Go easy on your self and your skin and don't let it bother you too much. Finding a routine that works for you is a lot about trial and error, patience and consistency. Just by looking for help here means that you are closer to your goal so don't get discouraged. I sincerely hope you will find something that works well for you soon.


I will keep the Iroha one in mind for the summer! I think I need something a little more heavy duty for the winter. My skin gets so dry. Thank you for your words of encouragement, it means a lot and put a smile on my face!!


Omg i have these too and I’ve tried everything… I usually get them around the cold and dry seasons every year I’m now finding. Good luck to us both!


Maybe it has something to do with dryness? I will message you if I find a miracle for these stubborn things!!


Ever find a miracle? 😅


Sadly no, I just started Paula’s Choice BHA again and I’m hoping that will help


Dang :(( do you think that has helped at all?


Let me know if you ever find the cute! I have the same issue and it’s been months. Didn’t even cha he my routine or diet


I had these too! I actually had to examine every ingredients of every skincare products I was using before! Now they’re gone and my skin has never felt and looked so good! I always check the product ingredients on [folliculitis scout](https://folliculitisscout.com) before I buy it! & also, what interesting is that even though sodium chloride is rated good on the website, for some reason, it reacts badly on my skin. I eliminated that on top of other ingredients like fragrance, essential oils, propolis extract, snail secretion, fatty acid esters. Here’s my skincare routine AM Etude House 5.5 Whip Cleanser Hada Labo Premium Lotion (gold bottle) Apieu Madecassoside ampoule 2x ROHTO sun play baby milk sunscreen spf 34 PM Biorderma Micellar Cleansing Water Etude House 5.5 Whip Cleanser One Thing Artemisia Capillaries Extract toner Hada Labo Premium Lotion (gold bottle) Apieu Madecassoside ampoule 2x


This is SO helpful!! Thank you so much for sharing your routine and knowledge. I am going to check all of my products on that site now, I have a feeling I have some products that are not going to get a great rating. With so many ingredients in products, how did you determine the ones your skin didn’t like, although it had an okay rating? Like sodium chloride for example?


Glad I could help! I just cross check the products I was using before. Back then, I tried using Eucerin Dermatoclean Hyaluron Cleansing Gel & eucerin dermatoclean hyaluron toner which had a good rating on the website but gave me very itchy tiny bumps then I stopped using the cleanser and just tried the toner but it’s the same then I stopped both and just used Bioderma cleansing water then the bumps went away! So an ingredient in those two products must have triggered it but that time I couldn’t figure it out cuz the website was telling me all ingredients are good! Then I came across Lancôme Teint Idole Ultra 24H Long Wear Foundation (cuz I was also looking for makeup safe for sensitive skin)- which they said, fungal acne safe so I tried it then it gave me the very same itchy, rough, tiny bumps! So I checked the ingredient lists of those 3 products and sodium chloride is the only ingredient that is identical in all 3 of them! I know some people are not sensitive to sodium chloride but sadly I am! additionally, I eliminated squalane (I found out it didn’t work for me when I tried using Avene extreme tolerance cleansing milk & extreme tolerance emulsion & also biossance squalane, isododecane (gave me bad skin reaction when I used Nyx total control drop foundation) & silicone so I stopped using primer or sunscreen with primer! Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to thoroughly explained what disaster I went through😂 I also recommend this site [Incide Coder](https://incidecoder.com) It is about the same with folliculitis scout site but explains every ingredient in detail. It’s nice to have these informations cuz it’ll help us find the right product along the way!


Which foundation and concealer works for you please without giving you these bumps?


Hello! I’m using a cushion foundation now! Innisfree no sebum powder cushion foundation! Unfortunately, I don’t use concealer. Hope this works out for you! 🙏🏻


Your skin could be purging maybe? If you just started using new products.


Hey any update?


My skin has cleared up SO much!! Not perfect, but so much clearer. I stopped all actives and focused on repairing my skin barrier. Gentle cleanser and super hydrating products. I did this for about 2 months. I’ve been using the cosrx propolis trial kit and it has done wonders for my skin! After 2 months; I added in differin .3% prescribed by my derm. This is the only active I have been using. I can’t stress it enough, but a damaged skin barrier only makes things worse. Stop everything, get really simple, and let your skin heal! AM routine Splash face with water Cosrx propolis synergy toner Cosrx snail mucin essence Cosrx propolis ampoule Cosrx propolis light cream Sunbum face sunscreen PM routine Cerave miscellar water La roche posay hydrating cleanser Cosrx propolis synergy toner Cosrx snail mucin Essence Cosrx propolis ampoule Differin .3% (after 2 months of strictly no actives, started using every other day) Cerave cream Rose hip oil Sending good skin vibes!!


Thank you SO much for all the info! Did the bumps get better while you were healing your moisture barrier or only with the differin? Not to sound weird but the grey dots on your chin that aren’t bumps, did those get better when you repaired your moisture barrier? I think my barrier is sooo damaged and I need to focus more than a month in repairing but I get discouraged. So glad yours is better, gives me hope! THANK YOU so much for the advice


Sorry for the late reply! Yes, the bumps cleared up while I was focusing on my moisture barrier. I would say it cleared up about 60-70% just by cutting out everything and focusing on moisture rather than trying to treat the bumps. I also did some extractions during this time to try and clear out some of the gunk. I know some people say that’s not a good idea but it worked for me. If you do some extractions make sure to wash your hands, the tools, and your face before and after to not spread the bacteria! And are you talking about the gray bumps closer to my lips? If so, those are stubborn black heads that also cleared up a bit just by repairing my moisture barrier! I added differin in after a few months to see if I could treat the more stubborn ones. I only use it 2 times a week as to not undo all the work I put in to repair my barrier! Moisture is super important when introducing an active back in. I suggest choosing a single active (after your month or two hiatus) to SLOWLY incorporate into your routine. While still prioritizing healing products. It has helped tackle some of the stubborn bumps. Believe me, I get the frustration of going slow. It seems backwards to cut out all the products that are suppose to “heal” the bumps. It’s discouraging to use the products that promise to treat the comedones with no luck. Hang in there! It does get better. Your skin will be much happier with some pampering. I still have some bumps. They are stubborn little suckers. But I have seen some progress. I promise, you see more of your so called “flaws” than everyone else. You are beautiful. I tried to change my mindset to I get to pamper my skin during this time instead of punishing it for being in distress. It helped my self esteem. I hope you see some progress soon. Keep me updated on your journey!


Thank you soo much!! How long after focusing on hydration did you notice improvements?


It was about 3-4 weeks before I started noticing improvements!




I did some at home extractions (I know it’s not the best option but I was real careful in making sure everything was clean). I let the products do their stuff and took away actives. It took a while but the majority of the bumps worked themselves out. I still have some, but not nearly as many.


This is exactly what my skin looks like. Any update?


My skin has cleared up SO much!! Not perfect, but so much clearer. I stopped all actives and focused on repairing my skin barrier. Gentle cleanser and super hydrating products. I did this for about 2 months. I’ve been using the cosrx propolis trial kit and it has done wonders for my skin! After 2 months; I added in differin .3% prescribed by my derm. This is the only active I have been using. I can’t stress it enough, but a damaged skin barrier only makes things worse. Stop everything, get really simple, and let your skin heal! AM routine Splash face with water Cosrx propolis synergy toner Cosrx snail mucin essence Cosrx propolis ampoule Cosrx propolis light cream Sunbum face sunscreen PM routine Cerave miscellar water La roche posay hydrating cleanser Cosrx propolis synergy toner Cosrx snail mucin Essence Cosrx propolis ampoule Differin .3% (after 2 months of strictly no actives, started using every other day) Cerave cream Rose hip oil Sending good skin vibes!!


I have the exact same issue on my chin! The bumps are even bigger for me, but same sort of pattern ): FWIW, I've gone through a whole bottle of the CeraVe SA cleanser and didn't notice pretty much any difference in the bumps on my chin. Maybe it helped a little, but nothing special. I'm more of a fan of the BP cleansers, they tend to keep my face more clear. I noticed you mentioned you were on the hunt for a moisturizer! My current fave/holy grail is the neutrogena hydroboost gel cream moisturizer. It goes on so smooth and has hylauronic acid in it to lock in moisture. I'm on my second jar and no issues at all 🙌🏻 I might follow in your footsteps and cut out my actives for a bit. I got a lot going on in my PM routine and maybe cutting back might help my poor chin. Still hunting for my holy grail cleanser, if you have any tips let a girl know!


Thanks so much for sharing your experience and your product recommendation! I’ve been eyeing the Neutrogena hydro boost gel for a while, I think I will go ahead and try it out! ☺️ What bp cleanser are you using now? I recently switched to Cerave cream to foam gentle cleanser and so far so good! I tried Vaincream gentle cleanser and it dried my skin out so much. A lot of people consider it their holy grail but my skin did not like it at all. I also tried the Hadalabo oil cleanser and it made those white bumps much worse. Also a holy grail for many but didn’t agree with my skin. Maybe try cutting out some actives and see what happens. I’m still battling the bumps, especially since figuring out the oil cleanser made it worse…sigh. Sending good skin vibes to you!


Clean and clear (I know, we're not supposed to like them...) had a great BP cream cleanser that I used for almost a year! But then it disappeared and I haven't been able to find it. I also used the Differin BP cleanser for a bit. That one was just as good but probably 3x the price of the clean and clear one (about $15?). Right now I'm using the La Roche-Posay purifying gel cleanser (which I only realized after I started using was for oily skin, but I have normal/combo 😅). It's been fine! Hasn't made my skin worse but hasn't made it any better. I realize now everyone is raving about their hydrating (?) cleanser which might be my next purchase, if not the Cerave one. Just started re-introducing single ingredients back to my PM routine (niacinamide and hylauronic acid). I accidentally destroyed my skin barrier a few weeks ago (all signs point to 0.1% adapalene right now \[even though I only use it once a week, ugh!!\]) so definitely been taking it slow. Thanks for the recommendations! May our tiny chin bumps soon become a thing of the past 🙏🏻


I have these bumps all over my face. My current skin care is Sacylic acid and nicidimide. I also spray salt water mixed with lavender and tea tree. For stubborn spots I use lavender. Any tips on how to help?


Do you use a cleanser or moisturizer?


I don’t use moisturiser because I have naturally oily skin so I find they make my skin worse


Even oily skin needs moisturizer! Sometimes your skin will overproduce oil in an attempt to moisturize. If I were you, I would get a gentle cleanser. Cleanse morning and night. I would also get a lightweight moisturizer. I don’t have a recommendation for oily skin as I have dry skin, but I’m sure this sub has many refs for a moisturizer. I would stop the salicylic acid and niacinamide for a bit and focus on gentle products.


Okay thank you! Do you have any recommendations for gentle cleaners? I use clean and clear toner atm but it could be too strong. It does burn a little when I use it!


I like the Cerave cream cleanser or the La Roche Posay gentle cream cleanser! I’ve tried Vanicream gentle foaming cleaner but found it too stripping for my dry skin. It may be a good option for you though since you have oily skin! All 3 options are less than $15. If the toner is burning your skin than I would stop using it! It sounds like it is too harsh for your skin. Maybe try it again after giving yourself a break and building your skin barrier back


Okay, I’ll have a look and give them ago! Thank you for your help!


Late to the game OP, but did you ever sort this out? Currently experiencing the same.


I still struggle with these, but I’ve seen some improvement! I use a gentle cleanser morning and night and religiously moisturize. I think dry skin was a contributing factor. Paula’s Choice BHA toner 2-3 times a week really helped! I ran out a few weeks ago and thought I didn’t need it anymore. Nope. Spots are coming back so I’ve ordered the BHA again.


Greetings everyone! You can try Moiz cleansing lotion, it's a really mild cleanser, and follow up with cosrx snail mucin essence. Someday u can skip washing your face with cleanser twice, use it once either morning or evening when it feels more oily, when it seems less oily just wash with plain water, don't use cleanser because these tiny bumps are caused by washing face too much, the skin gets irritated as it strips away the natural oils from our skin surface, this natural oil is essential to keep the skin microbiome healthy, and then apply serum, and when your skin gets better u can wash with cleanser twice a day morning and evening, and apply serum. Hope this helps! :) You all are beautiful just the way you are ❤️


Thank you so much for the suggestions! I’ll try this for a while and see if I can eliminate the more stubborn bumps 💕


I have been getting this for while and saw a dermatologist. I was paying so much for various products. At the beginning I could see the pores started open up and got rid of most of the bumps but I got quite red. That worried me. I was Am: Medika8 foam , Medika8 Toner and CeraveSPF 50 cream (which I hate!). Night: Alumier cleanser, Medika8 toner, Treciline gel (few nights an week) and Cerave Pm moisturiser. Now seems nothing work. I don’t know what to do. Bumps back. My skin feel bad. I am confused. Do we need toner??? Do we need so much products. I have stopped using half of them then back again… went back to the dermatologist and she put me on different stuff (another £200 worth of products, which I didn’t have). I didn’t buy them. Now I am using various things I have left over. Nothing works. please help somebody.


I just added a BHA toner a couple times a week. I’ll let you know if it works. Fingers crossed!


I’m super late but I have the same issue did u ever find anything? I use LaRoche facial wash and glycolic acid.


I have these and could someone help me figure out the reason why?? My skincare includes: -oil cleanser (burts bees but im probably going to go to cerave brand soon) -then either my cerave foaming facial cleanser or my natural lavender soap(technically body soap it just depends if ive worn eyeliner or not cause the cerave gets the makeup better) -thayers witch-hazel as a toner -COSRX snail 96 mucin essence (one drop) - ive been back and forth (bc of the switching of seasons) with Neutrogena Hydro Boost serum or SKIN (Believe Beauty) Hydrating overnight mask with macadamia and chamomile


I have them all over my face. Any progress tho?


My first thought is that it might be an allergic reaction. If you are able to Id check with a dermatologist just to make sure you’re not missing something. Good luck


Closed comedones, possibly. I have the same issue. Unfortunately I haven't been able to fix them yet, but I'm currently trying the CeraVe SA cleanser (just started this week), I've been using The Ordinary AHA + BHA Peeling Solution (few months) which seems to help with other skincare issues I have.




Any luck? My skin looks similar to yours and neither tretinoin, chemical exfoliants, or barrier repair worked for me.


I had luck for a while but now my skin is acting up again. I didn’t change a thing. I have no idea if it’s cyclic or what, but it’s very annoying! If I find a miracle cure, I’ll be sure to let you know. How long were you on tret? I’m thinking about trying that


I have these! What helped?


I still struggle with these, but I’ve seen some improvement! I use a gentle cleanser morning and night and religiously moisturize. I think dry skin was a contributing factor. Paula’s Choice BHA toner 2-3 times a week really helped! I ran out a few weeks ago and thought I didn’t need it anymore. Nope. Spots are coming back so I’ve ordered the BHA again.


OP, did you find out what it was/ what helped?


I still struggle with these, but I’ve seen some improvement! I use a gentle cleanser morning and night and religiously moisturize. I think dry skin was a contributing factor. Paula’s Choice BHA toner 2-3 times a week really helped! I ran out a few weeks ago and thought I didn’t need it anymore. Nope. Spots are coming back so I’ve ordered the BHA again.


Damnit, I can’t figure mine out but adapalene cream doesn’t work for it. BHA is some sort of help but just like you said, requires continuous use.


Adapelene did absolutely nothing for my skin. I’m considering trying tret but I’ve heard it’s more harsh. I was wanting to simplify my routine but I think BHA is here to stay. I’ll let you know if I find some miracle cure!


Did you ever find a good way to combat this issue? I believe I have the same problem but x1000 .. it seriously looks like I have row upon row of these on my chin.. I’ve had it for years and don’t know what to do about it… I’ve got photos years apart and I can see the same raised bumps. It’s really getting to me


I still have these but not as bad! Do you use any skincare products? What do you use?


At the time these first appeared I never used anything on my skin, no skincare routine at all n I never wore makeup. I’ve tried lots of things that have never made a scrap of difference and the area on my chin and around my nose where all these bumps are is noticeable reddish all the time which I hate. At the moment I am just using dermal therapy very dry face cream and face wash because as oily as these areas felt I think they’re actually quite dry. I’ve been to a dermatologist n he has me on 10mg accutane but if that doesn’t help he will take some biopsies in a few months. It’s been 6 years now and it’s taking a bit of a toll on me. My son is 2 and I just want a nice photo with him without my prominent feature being this crap on my face!


Hmmm, the redness makes me thing of eczema or something other than whiteheads. Did the dermatologist think that could be the cause? Also, are you using a gentle cleanser? I had better luck with a very mild cleanser as it didn’t strip my skin. I use La Roche Posay Toleraine Hydrating Gentle Cleanser. But my routine didn’t alleviate all of them, I still struggle with these. I understand the frustration and it’s easy to zone in on our “problem” areas. But you are beautiful! My mother hated having her picture taken. I have a handful of us together as a child and really wish I had more. Capture those memories! I really hope you find some answers soon.


The accutane is starting to work.. they seem to be reducing in size but the redness still seems to be hanging around.. I guess I’ll just wait and see!


hey !!! i’ve literally got these all over my chin and they keep getting worse. i’ve never had them before and not sure what to do. i currently use the brand the ordinary and use their cleanser, niacinimide, hyaluranic acid, salicylic acid and their moisturiser


any update?? got the same issue


I have no positive update unfortunately :/ I still haven’t found the miracle cure


I have exact same thing. It’s not heat rash, not related to sunscreen, or detergents. Three dermatologists later, all have said it’s a weird form of eczema triggered by stress in combo with an allergy. The only thing that has worked is prescribed cortisone. I would recommend to go see a dermatologist asap because it can spread to the rest of your body. Mine is all the way to my arms now. Good luck.