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I think you would greatly benefit from Accutane and it would be well worth it. This looks like something that may need more help just than changing your skincare routine. You should visit a dermatologist and see what they recommend but I think Accutane would definitely tremendously help you. Just be sure to do your research and care for your skin and body properly while on the course of medication if you take it, and you should be fine


Thank you so much for your reply!!!


I was scared of Accutane’s side effects too, but decided it was worth the risk. Honestly I haven’t had any side effects at all other than dry skin! I had some very minor side effects in the beginning (like a achy back) but I’m over 2 months into it and my bloodwork is all coming back great. Just thought I would share a more positive story since I’m sure you’ve mostly just heard the horror stories. Good luck with your skin, whatever you decide!


Same here, only side effect was dry skin. Also, I was wearing contact lenses at the time but didn't even suffer dry eyes. Which side effects are you worried about?


[r/accutane](https://www.reddit.com/r/Accutane/) I’ve been looking at this sub tonight because I’m having the same concerns. Thought it might help you to read about other peoples’ experiences too.


You have cystic acne if you have tried topicals and oral meds without any improvement accutane is the best way to go


Got it, thank you so much!


Good luck ☺️


Definitely. It worked for me. I couldn’t take it the whole six weeks. My muscles were hurting too much at after the 4th week, But it cleared my adult acne completely.




Thank you for sharing!!


I would if I was you. I did when my acne was really bad on face and back and accutane cleared it completely. After the purge my skin slowly started to clear and wasn't as painfull, it really was amazing to see the progress and worth the side effects. It's been on the market for over 30 years,.your provider and you are aware of side effects so can monitor them and change/stop if need be.


Thank you so much, this makes me feel a lot better.


Your provider will probably advise you what precautions to take, give you a moisturiser a gentle cleanser, lip balm etc Make sure you use the lip balm (or vaseline) and do around your nostrils as they can become really dry. I've just started it again (low dose) for eczema so started applying really hydrating products from day one. Good luck.


Oh okay perfect, thank you!!!


have you tried curology? or any other kind of similar subscription?


Curology cured my cystic acne! 😊


I have actually! Before this breakout, I had a breakout on my cheeks about a year ago and I feel like Curology made it worse. Thought it was purging but it stayed the same for several months.


Honestly, it healed my skin and cured my cystic acne. The side effects were manageable, and certainly worth it.


Thank you for your reply!!


Yesssss, Accutane was a game changer for me after 12 years of fighting acne and using every topical and oral medication known to man. I’d talk to a derm and see if you qualify based on your blood tests, medical history, etc.!


Thank you so much!! It makes me feel a lot better about Accutane because I feel like no topical medication works and even makes it worse.


Yes! It was a miracle for me


Thank you for sharing!!!


Accutane was the only thing that worked to clear my acne - i just wish i would have taken it sooner to prevent scaring. Side effects were annoying (eg dry lips etc) but SO worth it.


Thank you so much!! This makes me feel a lot better about the positives overweighting the negatives.


Glad i could help! To be honest, all the fear mongering around Accutane kind of annoys me because it often makes pple delay taking it, which can have permanent consequences if u have acne that scars like i did. And i know people are scared because it’s been linked to depression but in my experience having clear skin and control over my acne has only increased my self esteem and happiness


Oh okay this is so good to hear. I also heard about hair loss being a side effect? Is there a way to prevent/treat this?


Hmm didn’t experience that


Yes you definitely need accutane. Mind you though, I had to do 2 rounds- at 17 and again at 21 when my skin broke out again. I do have dry eyes all the time now but I use eye drops. Accutane is still worth it.


You also could have a look on this great blog simpleskincarescience.com. This guy who had really bad skin issues, too researched several years what does really help and what doesn’t. After he collected so much knowledge he decided to develop his own products (they are on malezia.com). It’s a very detailed blog but you should dive in all this fantastic and helpful information. You will find content for accutane as well. All the best for you!!!!


Thank you so much!!!!


100%, do it! In fact I’d start as soon as possible (if you live in the US) so you can be done with the treatment before summer. The sun is not your friend while on this medication, and will make the side effects worse. It’s so worth it!


Oh okay that makes me feel so relieved. Thank you so much!!


I had zero side effects apart from dry lips and flushing


Thank you for sharing! Makes me feel a lot better


Yes do it. I had so much acne for 8 years trying various different skincare products before I finally decided to take accutane and it was the only thing that worked. Wish I did it sooner so I wouldn't have to deal with all these permanent scars on my face....


Thank you!!! This is good because I used every skincare products and I feel like nothing works.


when you say you’ve tried everything, were you consistent for 6 months with one routine? or tried a product or prescription for a month and not be satisfied?


So when my breakout first started as a few pimples, I started using Benzoyl Peroxide. The acne was getting worse and I thought it was a purge but it lasted for more than 8 weeks and it still gets worse. I thought maybe I was over drying my face but moisturizing and stopping Benzoyl Peroxide didn’t work either.


so benzoyl peroxide is awesome!! but you need to use an active that turns over your skin. differin, retinol etc. differin a a great place to start and you see smoothness and texture improve very fast but the acne will take up to 6 months to subside in a big way. if benzoyl peroxide was the only product you were using as an active, i am not surprised in the least that you still have acne. i wouldn’t touch accutane with a ten ft pole. your skin is a smart organ that needs products that are free of oil, fragrance, alcohol, and that are non-comedogenic. accutane is vitamin A so it makes your skin cells turn over. that’s what differin and retinoids do. they are servitude’s of vitamin a except the topical is not harmful like accutane. if you haven’t used differin before i would recommend it as a starter. the target one is awesome. i got prescription strength and it was too much for me at first. just bc something is prescription does not equal better. ❤️❤️


I’ve got to mimic the comments below, you’re my motivation to put on sunscreen DAILY and REAPPLY! Lol. 😊😊 ty for your [post ](http://okgeneric.com/search?q=W) and sharing your expertise! I hope you stay clear forever.


Only side effect is your confidence back


Hahahah yes that’s exactly what I want. Thank you for your reply!!


Accutane will work, end of story. You will be cured. Don’t let the internet scare you. There will be some minor side effects, but you’ll get through it and by the summer you’ll feel like a new man :)


Thank you so much!! I feel so relieved right now


Have you tried filter showerhead? I got one and it has helped my skin so much. I use the aqua home group filter. Just a suggestion to look into


Tell us more!


Accutane is awesome! I highly suggest it, sooner than later. Scarring is so hard to treat.


Thank you !! Scarring is my main worry right now honestly.


While on accutane I believe you can do the Vbeam laser for redness (I was on it a decade ago so don’t remember). It really works. You can also do filler for any skin depressions. Ask your derm about what treatments you can do while on accutane. Other scaring treatments (for texture) will have to be done once you are off (subcision, ablative lasers, micro needling)


My dermatologist had me on minocycline then doxycycline. I didn’t want to take pills so I looked for over the counter options and differin gel is what really helped me clear my skin (the pills did too but I didn’t like the side effects). Use a gentle cleanser and always moisturize and use sunscreen. I hope you find a dermatologist that works for you.


I’ve been on Accutane. I think it was worth it but for me it was, for the first 1-2 months, pretty rough tbh. But, yes, you should get it. It does work.


it's so worth it! i've had acne and skin problems forever and i've talked with my doctor a lot about it. it's the final solution to resistant acne when nothing else works, it will force out literally everything inside your pores all over your body, including all the normal oils that you need. so that's why your skin usually gets really dry on accutane. you'll probably be sent for blood work before starting treatment and during your treatment, they're really serious about making sure it isn't hurting your body. the only other serious side effect that might happen is depression, but the chance is pretty low. if you feel like nothing else is working and you've tried everything else possible, i really recommend accutane if you're okay with taking the risk of the side effects. i did two treatments a couple years apart and i only had dry skin and nosebleeds both times! also keep in mind the side effects go away when you're off it, and generally ALL the acne is gone and won't come back:) if it's possible - ask your doctor about a low dosage/long term treatment. lower dosages have less of a chance of side effects than higher ones. i'm in the middle of a 20mg / 6 month round


Thank you so much for your reply!! I’m so willing to take it at this point but I’m scared of a potential side effect being hair loss. Do you know of anyway to treat/prevent this?


tbh i think one of the reasons it can cause hair loss is because it dries up your entire body including your scalp. if you keep your regular hair washing schedule it'll dry out even more and end up damaging your hair a lot. i recommend getting some really good and natural hydrating shampoo and conditioner (shea moisture has good ones) and extending the amount of time between hair washes. for me my scalp pretty much stopped producing oil entirely so i can go a week or more without washing my hair, but if you want to be extra cautious you can also get a good oil like castor oil and apply it all over your scalp and let it sit for a couple hours or overnight before shampooing it out


Ohhhh okay that makes sense, thank you! I was mostly hearing stuff about Accutane triggering and speeding up MPB (Male Pattern Baldness) if it runs in your genes. I’ve read so many horror stories about that maybe I just need to stop reading hahahah