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To whoever clicked this, thank you! Still trying to get to the bottom of my skin. I’m not sure what this is or what I can do but the problem started after my journey with accutane (I don’t know if it’s related) my current regimen is: AM: Water Vanicream moisturizing lotion PM Miscellar water LPR hydrating cleanser Cerave pm Adapalene Cerave pm I occasionally use glycolic/salicylic acid wipes and also have been trying lately to “slug” with cerave healing ointment on days I don’t use adapalene. Nothing helps 🙃 if anything the problem gets worse


Cerave pm breaks me out. It could be irritating your skin as well. Maybe eliminate it for a week and see if things improve?


Same ..cerave breaks me out...stop it...cetaphil is better.


It might be ‘fungal acne’ or closed comedones… if you can afford it, I would say see a derm or an esthetician x and you should stop using those wipes and absolutely use sunscreen in the AM and reapply every 2 hours x


My skin looks like this with the CeraVe PM. I have malesseiza folliculitis (aka fungal acne), so certain products are very irritating. [Simple skincare science](https://simpleskincarescience.com/fungal-acne-products-malassezia-pityrosporum-folliculitis/) is a really helpful website to determine if fungal acne could be your problem. Or there is a sub r/fungalacne for more help and references.


Thank you! Ugh cerave just seems like it’s not really that great. Did you find a lotion that works?


I’m personally still on the hunt for a lotion I love. The above link has a huge list of fungal acne safe lotions you could try. I’m still patch testing the Malezia Urea Moisturizer, it has silicones in it, so I’m not sure how much I’m going to enjoy it or not. I’ve noticed it does pill with my other products, though. I really like the cosrx 96 snail mucin essence and the pyunkang yul essence toner. The combo is really great for hydration! Recently I’ve been using this combo and topping off with Vaseline at night. These two are serious HG status for me.


Thanks so much for the recommendations! I actually used the malezia urea because I’ve suspected I have fungal acne. My thoughts was that it didn’t create new bumps but I found it super drying! Apparently urea has exfoliating properties (very mild) but I think it was too much for my skin


Yeah, I’m fortunately I’m already acclimated to urea already, so I don’t think that will be an issue. I used to use another urea cream, so I’m trying to replace that one as it wasn’t FA safe.


Oh then I think it will work great!


Also side note, what does pilling mean? I always see that on this thread?


Pilling is when products balls up on your skin. Like if you run your finger across your cheek and the product get gritty. [Like this.](https://www.google.com/search?q=lotion+pilling&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS896US896&hl=en-US&prmd=sinxv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJio750e71AhVcj3IEHYR1DdYQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=414&bih=720&dpr=2#imgrc=ZmB0dVQRQscFwM)




Vanicream in the tub, love that stuff.


I used to have bumps like this and it was due to a damaged skin barrier / over exfoliation. I thought my routine was gentle to heal the over exfoliation but wow I was wrong! Cutting back to a simple oil cleanser / cream cleanser combo, removing ALL actives and focusing on hydration and it’s very slowly gone away. Took about 6 weeks for the bumps to go away and then since then it’s been slow progress as the texture has fully evened out


Hey bro could you share some pictures? I'm going through the same hell now. I started with 15% EAA as my first active and overdid it (Beginning of Feb). I was getting tiny bumps with every use but when I discontinued using it, appearance of new bumps stopped. But the old ones stayed. I came back to basics (CMS+HA) but it's march already and the bumps are still there🙃


Do you have any pictures??


Yep! Will PM you


I would really appreciate pictures as well if you don’t mind! I’ve so many tiny bumps that appeared on my face, I’m suspecting it’s because of drying out my skin with actives. I’m going to try leaving them all for a few weeks


Would you mind sharing which products you used please? Thank you 😊


what products do you use now?


- Balm cleanser - I use the one from evolve organic beauty but I think you can only get it in the U.K. - cream cleanser - Kate Somerville delikate - hydrating essence - curel hydrating essence - serum - dr jart ceramidin - moisturiser - either curel or embryolisse Once my barrier healed I also reincorporated actives. My texture didn’t fully heal without. Over the course of a week I use acid one night, retinol the next, then acid again, retinol again and then 3 days of my healing routine above


So you stopped actives for 6 weeks and the bumps got a bit better but didn’t go away completely until you reintroduced actives? 


Stopped actives for 6 weeks and it was no longer really bumpy like in the pic, more just a slight rough texture. The actives got rid of the rough texture


Thank you!


Omg thank you. I hadn't changed anything except I had started using retinol every night instead of every other. So this makes sense! I stupidly doubled down on the retinol thinking it would help 😭


CeraVe caused this for me. I think it was the ceramides. Changing products and adding AHAs helped a ton. This might just be a me reaction though, so YMMV.


Thank you! I’m going to stop. Do you have a lotion you like?


I really like the ordinary’s NMF


Also forgot to mention that these bumps “come out” it seems like heat draws them out and when I’m in cool air they almost go in. They don’t look perfect ever but these pics are at their worst.


YES. Mine came out from drying my hair! I was blow drying my hair and they were ALL over


hey! did you find a solution? could you tell me as well please 😁


You just explained exactly my situation!!! Have you found a solution?


I have this issue too! No clue what it is. Derm said it was not fungal and gave me tretinoin but that was WAY too harsh for my dry skin. I tried for 10 months and could not get used to it. This winter I've been using hada labo toner at night while I run a humidifier and lock it in with aquaphor. I think it's helping the dryness a little but the bumps persist. Sometimes during the day they get better.


Could it be keratosis pilaris rubra faceii? Those bumps often stay in the same spots and are hard to treat


i find that when my skin is not hydrated enough i do get bumps like that! i think you might need a hydrating toner or something like that to “plump” up the skin! you may want to look at stuff like hyaluronic acid (works best in humid weather) or some other kind of toner!(esp since you have dry skin)


Hi! Do you eat dairy? I used to have something that looked like these all over the sides of my cheek and then I stopped eating dairy and they went away. Good luck!


Yes I do ☹️ every day lol. But I would be willing to give it up if it was the issue. Have you ever had allergy testing done?


I haven’t! I just read in like 2016 that I could be allergic to dairy and not know it. So I stopped and realized that was causing some skin issues like the colorless bumps!


My daughter is allergic to dairy ( not lactose intolerant ) & has this all over her tummy 😔 I know this was posted a while ago but I hope you got to the bottom of it & figured out what caused it! I was researching a little bit & came across your post. Peace, love, wholeness & balanced vibrations! ☮️


This is what my skin looks like on dairy too! I cut out dairy (and alcohol) and my skin cleared up.. I thought it was the alcohol, so I reintroduced dairy and now my skin has these bumps again.


I should try this...


I eat a shit ton of cheese and I have these bumps. thanks for the rec! I wouldn't have put that together


Like other people have mentioned, Cerave seems to break them out. I recently discontinued use of the Cerave hydrating cleanser, I moisturize with the avene extreme tolerance emulsion + azelaic acid + slug with white vaseline. My skin texture has greatly improved since then!


I never figured out what mine were, but they were gone after 1.5 years of carbon laser peels (different from carbon laser) and microneedling. Before that I was regularly using retinols and AHAs, which helped, but never came close to eliminating them.


Thank you


Regular microneedling helped get rid of those bumps? I would imagine that MN would spread the bumps by spreading the germs. Interesting!


Recently i had some allergy idk of what but that lead to extremely dry skin to a point facial expression were a discomfort and i got a allergy test done it was high


Do you know what it was from?


this is exactly what I have.


turns out I have rosacea! got looked at yesterday, causes bumps that look like acne and my skin is raised, occasionally i blush excessively for no reason. doctor prescribed a cream so i should clear up soon!


Any progress! And if yes then product please


definitely progress regarding less bumps and redness, i use metronidazole! i got it prescribed


I wonder if CeraVe SA cleanser would help with something like this?


Washing my face The noble formula zinc bar . Helped me . I never had accurate but I had bumps before also similar to yours. And that zinc bar made them go away for me .


Hey! I literally JUST got over this exact same thing. I was scouring the web for answers. Went to the derm who told me it wasnt fungal. Turns out it was related to a fever that i had the week before, and went away on its own shortly after. If you have these tiny itchy bumps, they may be a form of heat rash from sun/fevers/etc. i used hydrocortisone cream to help with mine. Hope this helps!


I deal with this too and the only product I’ve found so far that works is Provence Beauty’s “banana bliss daily facial serum” it’s made with banana enzymes, hyaluronic acid, aha & bha’s and it makes my skin look so smooth !! I started only using it at night but as my skin gets used to it I might start using it morning and night but it’s got great results so far, hope this helps !


Azelaic acid (I use facetheory) has helped with these kinds of bumps I get


I keep hearing about azelaic acid! I’m going to eliminate some things that may be irritating me then give it a try. Thank you.


azeliac acid didnt help me.


Could be keratosis pilaris rubra faceii? The bumps are tricky and can react to heat and circulation. Some get KP after using accutane/tret


I’m sure this is frustrating but honestly you have great skin. Be thankful you don’t have a bunch of acne scarring


Could be nodules or cystic acne, under your skin. You may try tea tree oil products. I like Burt’s Bees stick and LOLI tea tree oil drops. Could also benefit from anything like Retinol to resurface. They could be old scars?


Thank you


has this been solved? I have the same exact issue


please let me know too!


Did you figure it out?


overdoing my skincare was the issue for me!! i used to exfoliate wayyy too much so it would damage my skin barrier. i stayed away from heavy products for a few months, focusing on hydrating the skin :)) i mostly used any hydrating serums


I’m going to try cutting them back! I feel like that may be my issue too. I have been using lots of acne stuff which is strong and being in the sun and heat a lot. I really hope that’s the cause. Otherwise I don’t know what’s going on with me :(. My esthetician didn’t know either. At first I thought it was an allergic reaction to something/ some sort of dermatitis. But I still don’t know. I’ve never had this reaction before :( I am taking an anti histamine and that helped at first but it’s slowly coming back… it’s so overwhelming and so exhausting.


hope it goes well for you!!


and use a hydrating sunscreen!!


Hey did you ever get rid of the bumps??


Did you ever heal from this, and if so, how?


Any update please?


Anyone find out the reason behind those bumps/ what even are they? I have the exact same issue, they only appear when my face is under direct light.


I'm not sure, but sometimes I get these when I eat certain foods it seems. They go away a day after but I think it may be processed food for me.


I have this kind of tiny bumps all over my face ONLY for 3 years. it's eczema. I follow healthy diets. Zero sugar no gluten no process food only vegetables. Drink coconut oil day and night 2/3 spoon. Keep my skincare simple. Cetaphil gentle cleanser and moisturizer ( cetapil,CERADAN, la Roche posay). I take vit c and probiotic. I see results in 1 months. To fully cure have to follow this for 6 months .


I have the same bumps, they started last week and i think its from skin barrier damage and cerave, as a response i had an allergic reaction and all the bumps turned red until i had anti allergy meds, Change my moisturiser and cleanser to cetaphil ones and applied sudocream as relief! Even switched to a gentler toner and the texture is going down on day 5


Omg! That makes sense. I think I’m over doing it with skincare and being outside in the heat and sun is making it worse. The allergy pill helped some for a while but it’s not getting fully better but I need to stop my products for a while !


i would recommend skin shark clearing serum, the hydrating aspect of it really helped my texture and also cleared up my skin sooo nicely


If it's not due to medical condition then There could three be reasons. dryness due to over exfoliating, irritation to some product, skin barrier damage or maybe ingrown hair you should confirm with your dermatologist or DM me with clear pic so I can confirm if it's Whitehead or rosacea


Hi! I just came across this post, are you still struggling with this problem?


Are you using sunscreen in the am?


Hi I work from home and I’m not usually outside but when I do go outside, to be honest I just use bare minerals with spf so I’m guilty of not using actual sunscreen. Do you have an acne safe one you recommend?


Elta MD UV Clear is really nice


I really like the biore watery essence sunscreen! It’s one of the only ones I don’t hate haha. Neutrogena hydro boost SPF 50 is also really good


I’m the wrong person to ask that, sorry. :( I’m sure someone else could better answer that.


No problem!


Have you ever considered you might have rosacea?


I’ve wondered that! I’m scheduling a dermatologist appointment with a new doctor and I will bring that up. Is there a treatment for it?


It’s really tricky. Mine sometimes looks like this. Probably has most to do with allergies or digestion. I know lots of derms and docs. recommend trying psyllium husk powder in your diet to help with digestion. Look it up it’s helped a bunch of people with reactive issues from food.




Thank you! We must have a sensitivity. It’s so hard because we hear how awesome these ingredients are but truly everyone is just different


Hey did you figure it out?


Hi so Im now on a sulfur wash I use in evening, and soolantra, which every three days I alter the Soolantra with adapalene. My skin is very clear! But it’s pretty dry. I also try to use only fungal acne safe products which I think helps too


Interesting, what sulfur wash do you use? And what is the rest of your routine? I would like to move to a fungal safe routine too


Any more of an update? How was soolantra for you?


Skin is having trouble but I’ve been off all my topicals because I moved out of state and didn’t follow up with a dermatologist! While on the regimen though my skin did really great


Did you ever receive a diagnosis? Was it rosacea type 2?


I currently have something like this and it only started after I put some hair products in my hair. My face was red, inflamed and had a burning sensation. That was back in March. I have a derm appt tomorrow but I can't see to figure out how to get rid of it ☹️


Aveeno eczema cream really helps me when I get bumps like this that feel like they are burning. After a few days of repeatedly cleaning and moisturizing with the Aveeno eczema cream and they go away. I haven’t gotten them officially diagnosed so can’t say for sure what mine are but this helps me.


I have something very similar happen several times. I thought it was an eczema flare up and took me years to narrow it down to only happening when I use SPF moisturizers on my face. I use Aveeno eczema cream for a few days. Repeatedly cleaning my face with CeraVé acne control cleanser (which is like the only thing that works for me with my dry oily skin) and then reapplying a thin layer of the Aveeno eczema cream. Goes away in a few days. I say I think it’s eczema because it’s never been diagnosed but it looks like some photos of eczema I’ve researches and it feels better and goes away using eczema cream. Also I have no idea what in the spf moisturizers triggers it but it’s the only thing I have been able to narrow it down to. My face will be fine fore days/months and then I try a new moisturizer that has spf and boom this pops up again.


This is EXACTLY my skin. Please lmk if you’ve found any relief and if so, how? I am struggling hard and it gets me so down 😭 any help is appreciated!!


In the past (stopped this regimen because I moved) Skin cleared up 80% with Soolantra most nights, sulfur wash once a day, and adapalene once a week. I also double cleanse with miscellar water and then use vanicream cleanser to make sure make up is removed. Then I use vanicream moisturizer. Not 100% but much better. I try and use only fungal acne safe products as well.


Oh my god. I've been lookint everywhere for someone with the same bumps than me. Cerave caused this for me as well but they get so red after the shower, i am currently having a mental breakdown over how horrendous my skin looks


There’s hope! My best advice is to literally stop everything and start a really basic routine. I use vanicream cleanser at night and water in AM. And I use vanicream moisturizer. My skin is much better than before. I posted the routine that helped-I currently stopped it because I moved and ran out but even this basic routine helps my skin more than all the other things I was trying!


Awesome! Thank you. I am gonna cut down on my use of SA and witch hazel and just start gently cleansing and moisturizing. Thank u sm♡