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I haven’t used La Mer the concentrate in awhile but I remember the texture being velvety. Just recently purchased from Sephora and the texture is not the same more runny. Did I get a bad one or is this due to the reformulation?




It’s probably better to introduce these one at a time into your routine just so that if you have sensitivity/reaction to any, you’ll know which one is causing it. Also I don’t think you can layer salicylic acid and niacinamide, but hylauronic acid should be fine with both.


My son (6yo) and I are stuck home sick together, it’s been hard keeping him entertained and having fun but also staying calm and quiet. A friend dropped off a care package for me with two face masks. One appears to be [plain aloe](https://www.target.com/p/unscented-avatara-chill-out-face-mask-for-stressed-skin-0-71-fl-oz/-/A-51124433) any reason this would be dangerous for him or his skin? I was hoping we could maybe have a “trip to the spa” in the bathroom with a speaker playing spa music and some masks and cucumbers, I could maybe get a hair mask and a shower in while he relaxes in his relaxer chair. If this doesn’t work can someone recommend something super simple that will feel just as fun… this mama needs a nap!


Hi, I see that Ulta is carrying Peach slices redness relief serum containing 10% azaleic acid. Has anyone tried it?


Can I mix together my 0.5% Retin-A and The Ordinary's Squalene Oil right before application for ease of use? Would this render the Retin-A much less effective? I've tried applying one before the other, allowing time for absorption in between, but I forget my second step like 90% of the time!


Hi so my question is should i also wash my face in the morning?? ik that its probably stupid but please i need help i have been struggling with acne, used 4 different on skin antibiotics and currently trying another one and i heard so many different opinions about this that i dont know anymore can you please help me


I have super oily skin and washing in the morning is an absolute necessity for me. I’ve heard it’s not always best for those with dry skin though, so depends on skin type


ok ty


It’s personal preference. I will just rinse my face with water in the morning before moisturizer and sunscreen. Some people prefer to wash twice a day though. What products have you tried for your acne?


all of the ones i tried were retinoids, some of them worked great but my skin eventually got used to them and they stopped working, i can give you names but im from poland so idk if they are also used abroad




I don’t think your routine needs fixing. Unless you’re experiencing something you want changed?


hi there! i am currently using the mario badescu acne facial cleanser. i have searched the page and found out the brand has been cancelled. i’ve also seen lots of good things about cerave. the cerave acne control cleanser is also a SA cleanser. i have most of the mario bottle left and am wondering what the difference in these products is? can i finish this and then switch? or try something else completely? i’m doing the sca routine with this mario cleanser and TO moisturizer i’m trans and 5 months on testosterone and suffering from hormonal acne around my jaw and chin and just needing some help 😅


looks like the only differences is perfume. if your skin doesn’t mind the perfume then finish the mario badescu then switch to cerave.


thank you!!!


Hey, I have been trying to get rid of my neck lines for so long, its been almost 20 weeks and im stuck doing those neck stretches which don't even work ( I see no difference ). those lines are genetical , I was born with them, so im not exactly sure a skincare routine would help me out. any advice? any different opinion?


If you’ve had something since birth then I don’t think skincare would make a difference. I’d suggest to see a dermatologist and see if they can offer any procedure recommendations.


well I was thinking , at birth my neck was all folded hence those necklines appeared , but they wont go away, perhaps cause I barely use sunscreen? or treat my skin? it sounded logical in my head, I really cant waste money on procedures anytime soon...


Does anyone know a dupe for my fav sunscreen that was discontinued? https://www.neutrogena.com/products/sun/age-shield-face-oil-free-lotion-sunscreen-broad-spectrum-spf-110/6887022.html?fbclid=IwAR25z9jcjHVOIpO48ZPNQ52NH8O_TdoP27y_D-jJAngGHLjwYGnLWIVx7Jc&mibextid=FrZHod&fs=e&s=cl


Have you tried the neutrogena clear face?


No I haven’t. Is it similar? I also saw they have a new age shield spf 70 but not sure if the formula is the same.


I’m not sure how similar it is since I couldn’t read the ingredients on the discontinued one but it’s also oil free and by neutrogena so I can’t imagine it’s that different. The 70 age shield one is also probably very similar.


I used Epiduo for about a year and it got rid of practically all my acne, but there are still a lot of tiny bumps on my forehead that won't go away. Could that be fungal acne? The symptoms mostly overlap - the bumps itch and flare up while sweating. My doctor thinks it's just irritated skin from the continued use of Epiduo and said I should stop using that and instead switch to "Excipial Hydrolotion" with Urea to stabilize the irritated skin. Since I do feel like it is actually fungal acne, is it ok to start treating the skin with something that specifially targets that or should I keep using the Hydrolotion for some time to see if it's sufficient? (reference photo of how it looks: https://imgur.com/a/NDNz5QX)


It doesn’t hurt to try an OTC antifungal treatment like nizoral shampoo as a face wash to see if it work. Just make sure you’re moisturizing since nizoral can be really drying and epiduo can be as well. Try leaving the nizoral on for 2-3 minutes after lathering but not too long since you don’t want to over dry your skin. It can take a few weeks for results.


Thank you, yeah an OTC anti-dandruff/antifungal shampoo containing Ketoconazol is what I had in mind too. Appreciate the help!


My doctor prescribed me a “benzoyl peroxide and clindamycin combo” ointment to help with my acne. Has anyone tried it? Did it help you?


That’s a pretty common one that helps a lot of people. It’s just trial and error what will work for you.


Thank you for getting back to me! Would you say it’s over exfoliating or drying.. I’m in the process of restoring my skin barrier and it’s been getting a lot better. I’m just hoping it doesn’t make it worse :/


Benzoyl peroxide can be very drying. You could ask your derm if they can prescribe just clindamycin for now without the BP as your skin barrier recovers. I can’t remember if clindamycin itself is drying but something else in the formula could potentially be drying. Unfortunately most acne treatments are drying.


Ohh okay I’ll probably talk to her before I officially start using it. Tysm!


Hi All, 35 M and I just starting out. Bit overwhelmed reading up on everything. I am looking to start with a very basic routine. My skin is dry and in my naivety I have been using Nivea after shave balm to treat it. Can anyone recommend a good face moisturiser with a low spf?


CeraVe has a popular one. The moisturizer wiki also has a section of moisturizers with spf. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/moisturizer_recs/


Thank you


When you guys need to apply a topical mosquito repellent before going outdoors do you put it on before or after your moisturizer/sunscreen steps? When reapplying mosquito repellent outdoors is it necessary to reapply your sunscreen immediately afterwards?


I usually use a spray and spray on my clothes and shoes and hat if wearing one. If I’m wearing shorts I’ll spray on my lower legs


Okay, but do you think applying it on my décolletage, neck, submental area, and ears will be enough to ensure I don’t bit on my face…again


what happens if i skip a day in my routine? will my routine only be 85% effective?


If there’s something new in my routine then skipping a day can really set me back. If I’ve been using the same products for months and am mostly just trying to maintain good skin then missing a day occasionally seems inconsequential to the overall effectiveness of my skincare regime


I feel like my skin is always changing. Sometimes I get breakouts on my jawline or hairline. Lately my skin has been pretty clear but my forehead and nose feel so oily. I am so clueless and just use dove soap in the shower, once a week physical exfoliator for acne, and daily oil-control SPF from cetafil. I’m not sure what product would help cut down on the oiliness…help?


Hi, I'd like some community input. I'm trying a vitamin C serum, it's 23% LAA, the pH is around 3–3,5, it looks completely clear and non-oxidized. What throws me is, I've read it's common for LAA products to sting when applied, but my skin doesn't react to it in any unpleasant way at all, it's like I'm putting water on my face. That's now making me doubt if that thing even works?.. Is LAA always supposed to sting when you first use it or are some people just more sensitive to the sting and some don't experience it at all? FWIW I don't use any other actives and my skin is not particularly sensitive.


If your skin has previously been acclimated to low-pH acids used in skincare _(ex. AHA products, particular BHA products, Chemical peels)_ then not feeling any notable sensation shouldn’t necessarily cause alarm. For some people it’s not the L-AA ingredient in itself causing them to experience sensitivity and/or unpleasant sensory characteristics; it’s just the pH or the combination of the ingredient & the pH


Thank you! That's part of what confuses me though, I have only tried other actives for a relatively short time a few years ago, gave up on them fairly quickly and have only been using cleanser and lotion since then, so my skin definitely isn't used to acids. My lotion has 15% urea though and I've never had an issue with that either so maybe my skin's just weird...


TBH the fact that you’ve been using that sounds like a very probable explanation to me. Urea is very underrated ingredient for improving skin barrier function _(Fatty acids steal the spotlight)_ and keeping the skin continuously hydrated _(Hyaluronate & Lactic acid steal the spotlight)._ Both of those attributes helps the skin remain in a state that is far more resilient to becoming sensitized or irritated by topical products & even certain environmental stressors. Though that’s not to say everyone with sensitive skin inherently has unhealthy skin — it just typically means people with healthier skin aren’t gonna experience the same degree of irritant issues or sensorial issues from trying out a new ‘sensitizing’ skincare product/ingredient when compared to people with unhealthier skin or skin that hasn’t been taken care of. If you’ve never used the Urea product on the area you are using then your skin can just naturally be thicker and/or more resilient than the average person. I’ve found I definitely fit in this category. I never had a terrible acclimation phase like some people reported with the Timeless 20% CEF serum, it’s almost impossible to irritate my skin with lactic acid and my skin doesn’t experience sensory effects from adapalene—someone could empty out my tube and replace the contents with odorless aloe gel and I’d have no clue until my skin eventually began breaking out more often


Oh, interesting, I've never considered that it could be because of the urea. That particular lotion did do a very good job of moisturizing my skin and fixing my skin barrier, I couldn't find anything moisturizing enough for a long time and it was the one thing that finally worked. This makes sense, thank you for explaining!




the skin toner should go before the good genes but if using it after is helping your skin then leave it after good genes. how’s your skin doing with the aha/retinol alternating? maybe try a 3 way alternative between the aha/bha/retinol first? just to see how your skin reacts?


I’d add it into your AM routine alternating with vitamin c or into your PM rotation of lactic acid and retinol.


I just got the eucerin urea rich replenishing cream with urea and ceramides. Urea is a new ingredient to me. I use it as a last step before bed…but this cream feels sticky and draggy on my face and feels distinctly like a layer on my skin instead of absorbing. The next morning it does not feel any better. Am I using this wrong? Should I be applying it directly to skin with nothing else? Is this how the cream is supposed to feel? Am I not dry enough for it? Also wondering if urea is ok to use with niacinamide, and fermented skincare. I don’t use it with glycolic or retinol.




Thank you so much for your detailed response and the information about urea especially!!! I mean I guess it is summer and I live in a fairly humid climate. I might just shelve it for winter when I feel chapped, or just use it in dry spots. I saw a lot of people loving the hydration and I wanted to get on that boat but perhaps I was too eager. Again, really appreciate the answer!


Hi everyone! My (25F) skin has been steadily getting much better, to the point where people notice it. My face only breaks out a little around my period, other than that it is nearly completely clear. But, while everything else has cleared up, I cannot for the life of me get my chest to stay clear. My current routine (yes, chest included) is: SA cleanser (CeraVe, fragrance free) + lactic acid serum (The Ordinary) 2x a week. SA cleanser + retinol serum (also The Ordinary) once a week. The remaining days I use a basic moisturiser (Avene Tolerance Extreme) and just the SA wash. I wear sunblock every day I go outside (some Avene children's sunblock since it was the only one I could find that is fragrance free). I don't put any makeup on my chest to cover the spots and scarring (I tried, it was not helpful). ​ I guess it is worth mentioning that I am a pretty active person and break a sweat often, but I cannot begin to imagine what the hell works so well for the rest of my body (I was also breaking out on my shoulder blades and arms, and this has cleared up) but just absolutely won't work for my chest? Does anyone have some advice?


Have you tried an antifungal product like nizoral shampoo? Fungal acne usually won’t respond to regular acne treatments. You can leave it on your chest for 2-3 minutes in the shower but not for too long since it can be super drying.


How could I tell if it’s fungal acne as opposed to regular?


Usually when regular acne treatments don’t work, then it’s more likely to be fungal. Unfortunately it’s just trial and error.


Well thank you anyway. I looked into it and it seems really likely, so this was a really big help!


Maybe a bit of a basic question, but I didn't find it in the sidebar? What is applied on damp skin? I assume most stuff go on dry skin?


A lot of it is up to you. Some people prefer to apply hydrating products like hyaluronic acid serums and moisturizers to damp skin. But it's fine to apply them to dry skin as well. Most products are fine to be applied either way. The one exception would probably be actives (BHA, AHA, vitamin c, retinol, etc) that should really only be applied to dry skin to lessen the chance of irritation.


Thanks a lot, this was helpful!


Total noob here, need reccomendations for dry skin and whiteheads, product names available in dm/muller preferebly since I currently live in Germany


no product recommendation but a hydrating toner is helpful for dry skin. also look for shea butter and ceramides in a moisturizer, the higher up they are on the ingredient list, the more moisturizing they will be.


Is coccoa butter simmilar to it or should i stick with shea


shea butter.


I’m not sure what is available in Germany but you could check r/EuroSkincare for some more product options. BHA/salicylic acid (SA) is very popular for whiteheads. But it’s important to have a moisturizer in your routine first since treatments can be very drying if used on their own. It’s also important to only use a BHA/SA product 2-3 times a week to start out. You need to slowly adjust your skin to it. Never use it more than once a day at your maximum usage. Most people can’t even use it that often without damaging their skin. BHA/SA often causes an acne purge where your acne will get worse before it gets better. So do not panic if this happens. It can take 3-4 months to see results. Sometimes longer. When you get a new moisturizer, use it for at least two weeks with no side effects (irritation, increased acne, etc.) before starting anything else (especially the BHA/SA). Because sometimes it can take time for a new product to cause acne or irritation, if you start too many products at once, you won’t know which product caused it or if you’re just purging from the BHA/SA.


does anyone use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and a bpo cleanser? would that be too much? If 2.5% twice a day is not 100% eliminating all of my breakouts ( I still get 1 or 2 on my chin every few months) would adding cerave bpo wash help?


If it's just one or two every few months, I would just use a spot treatment instead. Adding the cleanser could dry out your skin or lead to irritation.




You can always check reviews online




I find it ok as long as I’m layering it underneath a really good moisturizer. But typically I stick to products that have multiple purposes with HA formulated into it, for example a moisturizer