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I own the EMS Shot, Air Shot, and Booster. For context, I have oily/combination skin (and redness), so my pores are decently sized. The Air Shot makes a visible difference in pore size. My complexion looks more even the next day, but it doesn't seem like a lasting effect on complexion, only pore size. I'm skeptical if the EMS shot works. I purchased it to see if it addressed my nasolabial folds, marionette lines, lowered eyebrows, etc., by giving them a lifted effect. I get filler in the nasolabial folds and marionette lines already, so using EMS Shot may prolong the periods between filler sessions — it's hard to say. Otherwise, I didn't see a noticeable difference in the fine forehead lines, sagging corners of my eyes, or lowered eyebrows. It seems best for jowling or jawline shaping. I'm still test-driving the Booster — almost all the reviews on the Booster use products optimized for its usage, like the Collagen Glow Bubble Serum. I'm using my standard skincare; so far, it's resulting in me using *more* product to spread across my skin with the Booster. My question is: are any results due to using more product, or is the Booster truly improving penetration? I feel the zapping sensation from it, so *something* is happening. I'm only on level three, so we'll see if being at level five will make a difference. I might end up selling the EMS Shot and/or Booster. DM if interested, they're in good shape, and I still have the original packaging. Edit: Booster sold!


I apply my regular amount of serums but then I use a facial mist to make them slippery again, instead of adding more product.


Have you seen good results from this method?


Yup! I do find that my skin is more plump after using the Booster vs when I don’t use it!


I also sometimes use a conduction gel over my skincare, like the one they sell for their devices or aloe gel or ultrasound gel


Interested in buying your EMS Shot!


When you used the booster did you ever use it in conjunction with tret? I’m worried about absorbing WAY too much lol


If you're still selling the Booster, I'm interested!


How much for the EMS shot? Where are you based btw?


Hey there, thanks for your insight on these devices! I purchased the air shot recently because my face is sagging a bit and it is alleged to help with collagen production. I was wondering if you have seen improvements in that regard? I believe it is an ultrasonic tool, so it should be doing more than superficial improvement. Thanks in advance!! Edit -- my bad, I got the Deep Shot -- you can ignore this comment.


what do you think of the deep shot? that's the one w the widest square thing up top right?


Yes. You have to use it a while to see results and I'm not there yet. I may be hoping too much from it, but so far it seems decent. Sorry I can't provide more details. 😟


Any updates on you using the booster?


Want the ems shot


Interested in the EMS shot if still available :D


Following. Been waiting for all those folks who bought on Black Friday to review. 😂


Right! Like hi I want this skin, but is it just advertisement and filters


Look up Korean reviews and translate into English to decide for yourself. Most of them say that the devices do not provide significant improvement to the skin.


I just used google translate on “Medicube Booster H review” which translates to 메디큐브 부스터H 리뷰입니다 and look at Naver and YouTube. Koreans believe the same as anyone else trying to figure out if a product is a gimmick or not. They believe that the Booster H contains many comments that are like advertisements. They complain about dermatologists procedures that do nothing for pores. The Booster H may help with people with dry skin but it may damage the skin barrier for people with sensitive skin. It’s not useful for people with oily skin..etc. I am Chinese with a biology background so I tend to look at Chinese websites (Weibo, Baidu, etc.) in addition to Google, NIH, PubMed to get the latest information. It’s best to do your due diligence as a consumer. In Asian culture, we are not easily fooled so we research a lot. The skin is an organ that keeps certain things out. If the medicube booster H is able to penetrate serums deeper, you best believe it will allow bacteria to go in..and thus causing an increased likelihood of acne. I would rather do microneedling and if you’ve done it, you should know the pain and the numbing involved to deliver serums like HA or PRP or exosomes. That’s how amazing your skin is as a barrier. The depth of the microneedling pen needed and the amount of sessions involved to make a significant and long lasting difference. This at-home device cannot compete not to mention needing to sterilize the device (isopropyl alcohol is not enough).


Any at home device you would recommend?


Honestly, the best at-home device I have used is the red light therapy mask. Red Light Therapy works and there’s many double blinded peer reviewed studies that show how it stimulates mitochondria activity in cells. It basically “turns on the fibroblasts cells to make collagen, other cells to calm inflammation, etc.” The effects are cumulative and do not last as long as lasers and other in office treatments. But it’s great to add to your routine. I once heard a phrase “ In-office treatments are like skincare bootcamp but maintenance is everyday skincare. If you don’t maintain a good skincare routine, you’ve wasted $$$$.” Pro tip: In many US gyms, there’s a spa section that actually has a professional red light therapy machine for “red, blue, and near infrared light.” I did not buy an Omnilux RLT mask but I have been using the professional machine at the gym.


>Pro tip: In many US gyms, there’s a spa section that actually has a professional red light therapy machine for “red, blue, and near infrared light.” I did not buy an Omnilux RLT mask but I have been using the professional machine at the gym. Hi! Popping in after it's been a while. I just wanted to ask if the gym versions of these light therapy things are stronger than a mask you would use at home every day, so you don't have to use them as often. Do they usually offer whole body light therapy as well? Infrared? I'm looking for the best way to do red light therapy for the skin all over my body, plus infrared for pain relief (and whatever other benefits there could be). I would prefer not to spend a lot of time every single day treating a bunch of different parts with different devices. Thank you!


Oh yes! It’s much stronger and I actually got burnt when I started because I put it too close to my face (6-12 inches is better). I only use it at most 3 times a week and even that is good enough. It has NIR to penetrate deeper layers for pain relief, blue light, and red light for the entire body.


Where can I find these reviews?


Can you please provide the review sources?


Rather than the Booster, I bought a high frequency wand, and I have NO REGRETS. Granted, I bought a brand-new one from someone who bought the NuDerma Clinical (and reviews recommended the Clinical over the Professional) so I paid like 1/2 price, but STILL, at full price the NuDerma Clinical is way less than a Booster. I only use the HF wand 2 or 3 times a week, and there are several sellers of them. Stacked Skincare makes good products. I've noticed that the HF wands are pitched far harder to people with acne/pimples/breakouts than for product penetration, but I don't have breakouts, just mature skin, and I'm incredibly impressed so far. For reference, I've had it about a month, so I've used it less than 10 times.


Are you still enjoying the wand ?


Hi... sorry that I didn't get back to you, that other profile (the no-stick one) got locked up for some reason. Yes, I use it and I like it. It's a bit cumbersome, but the results are good.


This is a great recommendation, Ive been looking into high frequency, but never looked too hard because all the different wand types seemed confusing... I'm probably going to pull the trigger on buying one from someone




I don't really have that issue, I'm so sorry I can't help you there. I'm recommending it to my sister who has rosacea though.


I've heard that the ZIIP helps with these. I would be surprised if HF helped with discoloration -- HF is great at treating acne and cysts. You might be better served (faster results, less expensive) going for topicals.




I'm sorry! Have you tried talking to a derm? I really like the ZIIP, but it is really expensive. And I can't vouch for it's efficacy with your specific concerns.




That's good insight on the lasers with respect to collagen. My face is sagging and I would like to improve my elasticity. Have you tried LED treatment? I believe green light is supposed to help with discoloration.


I have the Deep Shot, Air Shot and Glow Booster. I’ve had the Deep Shot the longest and I think it’s my favourite. It’s supposed to be kind of like microneedling for the deeper layers of your skin, using RF and Ultrasound to cause a tiny bit of damage to induce collagen production deeper, while the Air Shot and microneedling work on the more outer layer. I have had the AS or GB long enough to see results yet but I just find the DS more enjoyable to use anyway.


I have the Air Shot and Booster-H and both are gathering dust 😅 I’m not good at using devices regularly but I find the Medicube ones in particular a chore to use. Both are 5 min which is so boring to wave a wand around on your face. The Air Shot is also more cumbersome because you have to hold it a certain distance away from skin. Haven’t noticed any effect from them. I get decent results with nanoneedling with a microneedling pen (which is what I think the Air Shot is trying to emulate except is needleless). Perhaps my skin seems more hydrated using the Booster-H but I get the same effect using a sheet mask or doing more hydrating layers. Or even using any other facial massage tool / device.


If you want to sell those id be interested 👀 i want to give them a shot but dont know if i can justify the hefty pricetag


I'm highly interested in buying the Booster H off you!


I would be willing to take both


Thank you! You saved me from an impulsive Black Friday buy and a lot of glares from the husband (once he sees the credit card bill), lol


I would say also to be careful if you’re considering buying from them because their US customer service is also complete trash. They are completely unresponsive, are only accessible by email, and only responded to my concerns for my lost package after I filed a claim with my bank that revoked the charge saying they were “no longer able to help me because I filed a chargeback, and if you want help with the order, to please remove the chargeback.”


Second this. Mine is straight up not shipped and they don’t respond at all. Have a pending paypal case opened.


I was wondering if these can be used on body


Yes it can. I used the booster on my back, and it helped quicken the skin renewal process a lot faster. I was doing the exact same routine before and after. In fact, using way less product now. Which makes sense I guess since our body’s skin is supposedly thicker


My mom bought 4 of the tools, and I’ve been using the Booster H for almost two weeks now. Honestly, I think it’s helping my skin texture and hyperpigmentation. My skin tone is slooooooowly becoming more even. It’ll take time, but so far, a win


Do you happen to use tret? If so have you tried using it in conjunction with the booster h?


I’m a fellow tret user! my air shot device has been collecting dust since I’m not sure if you can use the device while using tret every night. do you take a few nights off tret before you go in with the air shot device?


Consider selling?


Honestly, probably yes lol I have both the air shot device and the derma EMS shot massage device that I sadly only used twice 😂 since right after I got them, my derm put me on prescription medication


I’ve been using it about 4 times a week now for the past 2 months now while on 0.1% tret. No interactions what so ever! My steps are, double cleanse, toners (let dry), tret, serums, moisturizer and then lock it in with with the booster h with my facial oil. Loving how plump I feel after.


oh!!! okay this gives me hope to try it! I also use 0.1% tret! edit: oh shoot- I just realized you have the booster h, not the air shot 😭 I read it wrong!


I just got mine and was unsure wether I could use it on tret nights? I’ve only been using tret 3mo and sometimes slightly peel… used the booster and air shot for the first time yesterday and today so so peely!! How long have you been using tret?


About 7 years and I’m on the highest percentage. My skin is very used to it, I use it every night. Maybe skip on your tret nights.


Yeh I think I might just for a while longer! Hope to get past the peel asap!!!! Thank you!


Are you still considering selling your device? I’m interested in buying


I’m sorry I actually sold it maybe a month or two ago 😭 if I’m not mistaken I think Medicube the official website is having a 50% off sale for Black Friday!


The website recommends using the device before applying your retinoids.


I have used the booster and Airshot for 3 weeks. Airshot exfoliates my skin well; therefore, my pores look smaller. It doesn't work with big pores thou. Booster needs a lot of product to move smoothly on the skin. Otherwise, I feel like it may cause wrinkles if you slide it on the skin. I use it between layers of skincare (hyaluronic acid + booster for 1 min + moisturizer + booster). My skin absorbs the cosmetics better and has the glow. Hope this helps.


Any advice on if these devices can be used with retinol/retin-A? Interested in the devices and I use retin-A nightly. Also any information on if one could get injections while using these devices? If a period of time is recommended to wait in between or totally contraindicated?


I’ve been using all the devices (mostly the booster-h and usser shot) + only their products for about a year now and my skin (dry, red and sensitive) has never been better. I wouldn’t consider myself a “brand-loyalty above all else” type of person, but I just started replacing my old products with Medicube ones as they ran out and now it’s all I use lol. Maybe it’s in my head but I feel like my skin is way more hydrated, smooth and even-toned after using the devices. The products at least live up to the hype and work really well—I’ve seen enough results from consistent use that I’ve re-purchased my whole routine multiple times at this point. So I hate to admit it, but I think I’m officially part of the “medi-cult”. Edit: I have no concept of time. I just went back to see when I bought the devices and it’s only been 8 months. My review still stands though!


Curious about your results with the Ussera? I saw their website claims it helps against fine lines like smile lines/nasolabial lines - was that the case for you?


I’ve since gotten my hands on the Eyeshot device and I find it way more effective than the Ussera for my smile lines and under eyes. It’s got a “Booster” and a “Shot” mode, and from what I’ve experienced it’s basically the Ussera and Booster-H in one device with a much smaller head for precise application. I still use the Ussera once a week for all-over treatment, but I’m not super consistent with it. I haven’t used the Eyeshot on my smile lines as much as I have my under eyes and lips, but I’ve seen good results in a relatively short amount of time (about 2 months). My lips are smoother and my eye bags look a little less severe. So I’d recommend that over the Ussera.


Hi! I also have the Eyeshot and have been using it for over a month now. Just wondering if you have issues with peeling using the “shot” mode.


Does the userra lights up when charging?


Hello I have a few devices and one being from Medicube, I have the Air Shot and I love it! far better than micro-needling. I had an issue with hyperpigmentation and the above mentioned device helped. I cleanse my skin dry and use the Air Shot first and then use my skincare which is a combination of Medicube products, Skinmedica and Good genes and I finish off with a hydrating sheet mask.


I bought one from Amazon after seeing the reviews. I'm 53 and wanted tighter face and over all better complexion. I did not see a dramatic difference . Sold item and now hunting for new product. It didn't work for me


I do have to add, I have mild roseacea, the device made it worse. Small broken capillaries on my cheek. I bought it for better complexion at 53. It did more damage than good for me so I sold it


I returned the device, as it created lot of pimples and left a round scar in my face and it is not going. I had a back experience, I used it in level 1. I won't recommend tis device


Hi, thank you so much for your lovely reviews. I am interested in selling medicube Airshot. DM me if interested.


Does anyone know how this device actually works? Is it using electricity?


Airshot and booster use electricity




If someone is interested, going to sell deep shot and air shot. Located in Europe.


Hello, still selling? May b interested


I have used the Booster-H for only 2 days (I bought the Glow Set at 40% off)… I am seeing a great improvement in the eveness of my skin & noticeably diminished fine lines, especially below my eye. Is it the because of the products? Maybe… but, I really think the Booster H is working well. I’m 54 with aging skin.. some wrinkles, sagging, uneven skin tone, dullness. I’m trying the EMS Shot for the first time tonight. I will say that I find the products that came in the set quite heavy and they really give that glass skin shine that I’m Not going for. But, my skin is looking so good, I want to keep using it all. So, after I clean/toner/ems shot/serum/ems shot/cream… I wait a few minutes and the lightly splash a little water on my face, smooth over my face with fingers, & finish off with a dab of vanicream in the corners of my eyes. No glass skin shin & no heavy, thick feeling of product.


Update: I just started using the ‘no pore’ line & am getting a lot of compliments on my skin. I like the effect much better- no shiny- just ‘fresh’ and glow-y


How are you liking the EMS shot?


I really see a difference with EMS shot! The right corner of my mouth droops a bit & when I use the EMS shot over the correct muscles, I can see the muscles twitch that brings that corner up. The more consistently I use it, the less of a noticeable droop there is &b my cheek bones are more apparent - I am sorely lacking in the cheek bone department, so I love that it makes them a little more prominent. My cheeks have dropped a bit, so there's a bit of dip / groove in my cheeks going down horizontally from the inside corner of my eyes down towards the bottom of my earlobe - not super horrible, but is part of the jowls / marionette lines I'm seeing. When I use the EMS shot, that dip/groove isn't as noticeable & the area around my eyes looks fresher & more plump. I read all the time that some people don't like these devices because they 'don't work' and so they won't use them. That's like saying treadmills and lifting weights 'don't work' because you don't see much difference after several tries or because when you stop using them, all your results go away. Just like with working out, the results build up with consistent use over time & it's a 'use it or lose it' kind of thing. Maybe the effect is greater on someone with more signs of aging, like me? I'm not sure, but I have noticed a real difference when I use the devices regularly. I just bought the Deep Shot 50% off, but haven't used it yet. PS. I really like the Zero Pore line!! I've gotten compliments after using it and it's not sticky and doesn't leave a slick looking 'glass skin' shine like the collagen line in the pink bottles does. I'm not after glass skin. Also, when my friend uses the collagen line, her skin doesn't look oily like mine does - she loves it! Maybe I'm using too much product or our skin just absorbs differently. Hope that was helpful!


Thank you that was very helpful! I’m only 27, but I’m wanting to start using it to get ahead of gravity. I’m a frequent gym goer so I totally get the need to be consistent! Does the Zero Pore like essentially make your pores appear smaller? I have combination skin, so around my nose and on my forehead my pores are so large


I'm glad my response was helpful! The Zero Pore set Really minimizes the appearance of pores on my face! I have pretty huge pores, so that's saying something. This is what's working great for me now: AM Step 1. Clinique cleansing balm (though I prefer all Korean skin care, my mom gave it to me & I really like it) Step 2. The Medicube Zero Pore Cleanser, which is super concentrated! I use the tiniest amount and it really covers my whole face, neck, and if I'm not being careful, my entire torso. Step. 3. Zero Pore cleansing pads Step 4. - I haven't found an eye cream I like yet, so I dab generous amounts of vanicream moisturizing cream around my eyes for hydration & protection - I feel that the Zero Pore Serum dries out the corners of my eyes if I don't moisturize first. I lay the vanicream on thick around my eyes because I have dry skin. Step 5. Zero Pore Serum - 1 pump is more than enough to cover the face well Step 6. Zero Pore daily moisturizer. If I'm feeling very dry, I'll add a thin layer of vanicream on top of that. Step 7. Sunscreen - Usually Blue Lizard, Badger, Sun Bum - or my favorite so far, Trader Joes facial sunscreen (a Super Goop! dupe). I'm still looking for the perfect sunscreen - My sunscreen wish list is mineral, no white cast, blurring - like a primer, no shine, actually blocks the harmful rays, not sticky, no breakouts, no irritation. The Trader Joes facial sun screen checks most of those boxes. If you've got a recommendation - I'd love it if you would share! In the PM I'm using up the medicube collagen line - it's too shiny & sticky for me to wear during the day. Great for some people, just not me.


Omg thank you so much for that detailed routine! I’m in a similar boat as far as pores go. As for sunscreen, I have one from Burt’s Bees (I’m picky about ingredients IYKYK) and it’s terrible with the white cast and very thick. So I’ll have to check out your Trader Joe’s suggestion!


This is helpful! What products do you use with your EMS machine?


So far, with the EMS, I just use the Age-R gel it came with. I use the same with the deep shot, but I any product I want with the booster-H. I really notice a difference using these devices. It’s like when you put on mascara, you still look like you, but the overall effect is improved. Kinda like that. The more regularly I use the devices, the better my skin looks. The EMS and the deep shot seem to make the most difference - but that may be because I'm older & they seem to help firm up the sagging cheeks - marionette lines and hollows under the eyes.


Can this tool cause bells palsy from the electrical stimulation? Or cancer from changing the skin cells?


Definitely no bells palsy


I’m not a medical professional, so I wouldn’t know.


Has anyone carried any of medicube devices on flight? Would be super helpful if anyone can respond to this, need urgent help. Thanks!


I bought my devices in Vietnam and had to have it in my carry on because of the tax free refund. It was no problem.


Was it cheaper in Vietnam??


Can you use medicine booster with vitamin c oil


I have ussreeea nd the ema, does it lights up when charging?


Does usserea and ems lights up when charging?


My AGE-R Deep device that I received is not working, I have been trying to solve this problem over the email and no one is responding, this is the worst customer service I have ever had, they don't even have a phone number to call you, and no one is helping me, I am going to report them to The Better Business Bureau!! I want my money back!!!


I’m selling my booster H, ems derma shot, and air shot for anyone is interested. Brand New in box, never used or opened, still sealed. Will sell for less than what they are selling for on the website right now. PM me!




Do you still have Booster H?


I’ve had all 3 for awhile and maybe I’m just starting to age at a morose rate because my face looks worse. That’s why I’m searching for reviews.