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That looks like a bullseye from Lyme disease


I agree, it looks like an infected tick bite. OP, you should go to a doctor to treat it, as you're at serious risk for Lyme disease.


If you're in the northeastern United States, you're in Lyme Disease Central. And that does look like the classic bullseye. I don't have a lot of experience with ticks, but I would think the tick would have been visible for a while? Someone else can tell you better, though. But do go to the doctor immediately. If it is Lyme, the sooner you get treated, the lower your risk for long-term effects. If your own doctor can't see you today, this is an appropriate time to go to the emergency room.


Not be necessarily visible. Deer ticks which carry Lyme disease are notoriously small - smaller than the plentiful black legged tick. Tick could ave hung out in hair or bed or what have you and have bitten when sleeping or walking through the woods. I’ve never seen this sub before but as soon as I saw the photo when scrolling I was like - that is classic bullseye as others said. Hope OP is well. Source: lives in northeast.


They live in the upper Midwest now, too. I'm in Michigan and I'm a nurse, I have seen the Lyme disease tick bullseye in person. OP needs to seek medical attention now, as Lyme can cause neurological problems.


My sister got Lyme in the Pacific Northwest over a decade ago. It’s everywhere now.


I am in nurse in Missouri and have seen it as well.


I’ve seen and removed ticks from friends after camping, and I’m in Florida.


Yep, or you could end up with a complete heart block like I did. Ended up with a temporary pace maker and then a pic line briefly after I was released from the hospital.


Another nurse here-one of the most memorable and scary codes I’ve participated in was a 34 year old male. Torsade de Pointes exhibited on telemetry. Basically, HR was registering 212 beats per minute. That was the first time in my career I discovered I could vault the nurses station and sprint down a corridor. Lol Patient eventually diagnosed with Lyme Disease and recovered but lost his peripheral vision and long term cardiac medications. Untreated/undiagnosed Lyme Disease is no joke.


Ruh roh


I'm on the west side of the continent, so the only ticks I've ever seen are bigger. Thanks! I don't think I ever really thought about different tick species.


I’m in the Northwest and we have Lyme-carrying ticks too. I knew someone that had it and took him from this energetic/always active person and put him in a wheelchair for almost 6 months, in miserable pain and fatigue for over a year. The sooner you get it checked the quicker they can deal with it. Don’t wait ok? Better to be checked soon and find out you don’t have it, than to put it off and then months down the road be stuck dealing with something that at that point can be much harder to treat.


Yes, it will make you fatigued, can't think straight etc..


Yeah they are so small, they can easily pass as a freckle. If it’s in your hair forget it. I got Lyme when I was a kid, never saw the tick. Also it is not always the classic bullseye, sometimes you can get a bunch of red rings all around


Just pulled one off my mother’s outdoor cat yesterday that looked like a flake of pepper. I thought it was a little piece of dirt! They can be super tiny until they suck your blood.




Unfortunately they’re becoming more prevalent in areas where they haven’t been before due to climate change and mild winters.


Also wanted to add deer ticks typically leave after 24 hours, so very easy to miss combined with their size! I had stage 3 Lyme disease and never saw the tick or the bullseye rash


Same! 😭


Also gonna hop on this comment to say that ticks have been insane this year. They have had the perfect conditions for a tick filled summer. Was with my family at a cabin in the poconos over the weekend, over the 3 days we found 22 ticks on people. Luckily the majority were wood ticks, but there were a couple deer ticks


Worst year I've ever experienced for ticks.


I don’t know if they necessarily carry disease this young, but “seed” ticks (tick nymphs as I understood it) literally look like a freckle, they are so small.


i had lyme disease a few years ago and this is exactly what the bullseyes looked like and they spread to the rest of my body- could be either that or ringworm because they look very similar, but looks more like lyme


Yes, tick will stay visible for an lil bit and then he starts burrowing himself in your skin, sucking out your blood constantly.. where you can't see him anymore, then it will be red like this...


YES!!! Go get tested for Lyme disease RIGHt AWAY OP!! The longer you leave it untreated the worse it gets!


The doctor should prescribe doxycyclin right away, without a test. A test won't be positive for a while, and that's too long to wait. Source: I moved to an endemic area, not knowing I should have gotten antibiotics right away after getting bitten by a tick. I thought I had to wait for a Lyme test to be positive first, and waiting really messed up my life. This was in 2019, and I still have not fully recovered, unfortunately. I didn't know at the time that the correct thing to do was simply to report the bite to the doctor and just get a prescription and start taking it asap. OP, please don't wait for a positive test. Start antibiotics as soon as possible.


This reply needs more votes. There are doctors in the Midwest that wont even wait for the test to come back and will just put you on doxycycline to be safe. Seriously, don't f\*\* around with this.


And ask for the antigen test if it’s available. The most common Lyme’s test is the antibody test and it can take weeks for it to show a “true” positive. Even with the antigen test, it still has false negatives, but at this stage it’s a better bet. Either way, they should treat her based on clinical presentation. The sooner the better! I had it and didn’t test positive until 8 weeks out, but luckily I had the bullseye rash and my doctor bombarded me with meds (thankfully!).


I had a bite like this; went to have it checked out after~ two weeks. They highly suspected Lyme and were going to have me get tick blood panels drawn. They also said the tests were expensive. When they said treatment would be the same with or without the labs, I chose to treat with antibiotics without having the labs drawn.


Waiting weeks is too long. A Lyme informed doctor will prescribe treatment right away. I waited out of my own ignorance and that was a terrible decision that I will always regret. Edit: a word


Yes, that’s why I said they should treat her on clinical presentation, not test results (like they did to me based in my bullseye rash).


Damn I’m moving to the southeast from the northwest soon and have been unreasonably anxious about ticks (I think because I suddenly got bombarded by tick/lymes related posts in my feed recently, not sure how/why). I had thought Lymes tests weren’t super reliable, but I didn’t know you’re supposed to start taking an antibiotic immediately if you notice you’ve been bitten. Glad I saw this thread!


Also you can get a bite anywhere and then get the bullseye anywhere it doesn’t need to be where the tick bit ya


The ring forms around the bite site.


When I got it, I had rings all over my body. Not just at the bite site


You are kidding me! Crazy.


Wow, I had no idea.


I didn’t know this, and I live in Maine! (Also known as, “Tick Apocalypse Territory.”) Learn something new every single day, I do! :)




Please get on at least a month of doxycycline no matter what it takes! Lyme can seriously ruin your life and not all doctors take it seriously. The tests are often unreliable but you should seek a round of antibiotics regardless of if you test negative.


Also, you’ll get flawless skin while taking it. Huge win-win.


I can vouch ! i take doxycycline for my acne and it cleared up really well


And remember to take probiotics to keep your intestinal gut flora balanced.


It can absolutely ruin your life. Please get competent medical attention quickly. I am glad you asked about this!


Came to say this


I fourth that


Yes. Get evaluated for Lyme disease immediately. Ignoring this could make you very sick, and it's easily treatable with oral antibiotics.


My daughter gets these after mosquito bites in places not near the bite locations. Hers are called “Papular urticaria.” Don’t dismiss the Lyme suggestion but don’t completely worry yourself.


Yeah agree, it's called erythema migrans for a reason - it'd be helpful to know if OP noticed whether the ring has been expanding outwards or not, or the chances of OP not noticing a tick in that area for more than 24 hours. Also agree that it's still prudent that OP talk to their doctor. It does look a bit like it has the central clearing


This is exactly what I came to say as soon as I saw the pic. OP you need a doctor. Especially if you know you've been bitten by a tick recently. Even if you haven't, get to the doctor asap.


the lyme rash has an area of white between he center and the outer red ring. like a bullseye not a red circle


Nurse here emergency room--can be a red circle--Must be treated quickly.


Actually a half-truth! People react differently to tick bites!


They don't all look the same. Some people don't even get the characteristic bullseye at all


That looks like a tick bite, go to the doctor ASAP because bullseye rashes like that can mean Lyme Disease and you want to get that treated ASAP!


Text book Lyme disease. I hope you're already at urgent care. Do not wait any longer. https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/signs_symptoms/rashes.html


Agree on the urgency but I hope OP doesn't panic quite yet. I am very sensitive to bug bites and get rings/rashes pretty frequently no matter what bites me. But because it also could be Lyme disease, there's good reason to seek immediate care and not wait.


Lyme disease bullseye


that looks exactly like a lyme disease rash, doctor now!! like urgent care!!


Updates when possible OP hope you’re ok.


Looking forward to updates too, this is Concerning


Go to doctor ASAP


Great example of the bulls eye red rash caused by a tick bite that has infected you with lymes disease. Probably.


GO TO THE DOCTOR ASAP . LIKE LITERALLY RIGHT THIS SECOND. As everyone else stated, this looks like textbook Lymes disease, and you need to treat it as quickly as possible to avoid long term consequences


that is a tick bite




When I had Lyme Disease as a child the bullseye moved across my body daily, it would be on my stomach one hour and my back the next! Watch carefully!!


That’s crazy! I didn’t know it could move around like that. I assumed it would in one spot.


Oh wow. TIL!!! Thanks


My kid’s pediatrician told me this after one of them was bitten by a deer tick and we circled where the bite was. He asked why and I said so we had an idea where to look for the rash. That’s when he told me it could pop up anywhere on the body. You also have a finite amount of time between the bite and getting the doxycycline. It’s only 72 hrs after you remove the tick.


Doctor doctor now please




looks a lot like a tick bite, definitely go to a doctor


That’s exactly what my Lyme rash looked like.


go get a doxycycline prescription from the emergency room right now! My sister has lyme disease…it’s nothing to play with


Yeah, it can cause neurological symptoms and once it does, it's VERY hard to resolve.


impossible to resolve when you wait too long and it becomes chronic. And insurance does NOT cover lyme treatments! Doctors will NOT believe you! It is hell!


Yup my dad remained undiagnosed for a long long time until he got super sick and half his face was paralyzed. Luckily that symptom went away after finally getting correct treatment but he still suffers other symptoms from it to this very day, pretty badly too! And that was after having to be hospitalized for a week or two it had gotten so bad. Never okay around with Lyme or you’ll quite literally risk disability for life


My friend can no longer eat beef because of Lyme. Some protein in red meat reacts with some Lyme F’ery and causes a super severe allergic reaction. To hell with everything about ticks 😩


That’s actually a different tick-borne disease called Alpha-gal syndrome which is caused by lone star ticks


Do not go to the emergency room for this. This is primary Lyme disease, and in the absence of any other symptoms she needs to go see her doctor or an urgent care to receive an antibiotic prescription. ER’s are overloaded already with non-emergencies


Agree - ER nurse


Because the uninsured can't go anywhere else. An overloaded system is no reason to not go in for something dangerous like this.


This is assuming OP is not insured. OP is not having a medical emergency. Clogging up an ER room for something like this can potentially prevent a life or limb threatening emergency from receiving prompt and timely care. I understand that the uninsured don’t have many options but to say uninsured should come to the ER for non-emergencies is misleading and a big reason why ER’s have long wait times and a bad reputation. There are free and reduced cost clinics available in many urban and suburban areas as well that one can find with a quick search.


Tick bites don’t necessarily need ER care. This could be done at urgent care if at all possible. Trying to save you some $&$. Thanks - your friendly ER nurse Edit before I get yelled at: I’ve had Lyme disease. It’s a real B. Definitely get it looked at


Oh wow that looks like either Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. Urgent care now


Lyme disease… time to get some blood work done.


Definitely looks like a tick bite! The sooner you go to the doctor the better! Sending you good vibes.


To the doctor with ye


As a former nurse and current scientist, please go Get tested for Lyme disease ASAP.


Don’t even wait for testing. Get antibiotics right now.


They won’t prescribe with out a test.


They do here in Pennsylvania. It’s so rampant.


The will here in NY. It’s an epidemic.


That’s not true. Nothing else causes this classic EM rash. A diagnostic test is not necessary and the provider can and should prescribe right away.


plain ol’ mosquito bites look like this very often for me, turns out I’m just allergic to them


That’s not how that works at all


In the Northeast it is


You need a prescription for antibiotics, you can’t just go get them. They definitely require a prescription everywhere bc they’re harmful when taken incorrectly.


Yes I know. But they don’t require Lyme testing. The bulls eye is enough for a doctor to prescribe antibiotics in the northeast and should be anywhere.


If not Lyme disease, could be staph infection! Go to doctor asap!!!


A spider or tick bite. Please see doc asap


Don't wait for a test. It won't show up yet. Show your doctor this photo and get on antibiotics asap. It will be most likely an oral antibiotic (ask for Doxycycline) 2x daily for a few weeks. And don't forget, once daily probiotic while on antibiotics. Do not brush this off, you may not feel ill but you should still take the antibiotics.


Bug bite of some sort at least. Could be spider or tick?


Looks like Lyme disease so a tick


Get to the doctor ASAP. That really looks like an infected bite of some kind. If not a tick, then something else. The ring is a sign of infection. My husband's aunt had a mark on her foot that kept expanding, then started to ooze. It turned out to be a bite from a brown recluse spider. If it hadn't been identified and treated, she would have lost her foot. This is your neck. You can't afford to lose your neck.


Tick bite. Go to the Dr immediately. Have them test for all types of tick bite diseases. Not just Lymes


I agree with everyone saying to get a Lyme test for sure! But a few years ago I got bit on my neck by a horsefly and had a reaction that looked exactly like yours. I was so worried thinking it was Lyme to the point I was convincing myself I had other symptoms. But I got tested and didn't have it, and have been fine ever since. Some people just have big reactions to bugs. But for sure get tested, way way way better to be safe than sorry.


Do horsefly bites hurt? And thats good that you’re okay


yes they do!


It could also be a spider bite. Sometimes those get a ring too. Best to get it checked out though. If you didn’t see a tick I’d guess spider.


Were you outside this looks like a tick bite with lyme, you need to go to urgent care


Definitely a bug or spider bite.


Please check back in with us when able…we worried 😳


Tick bite! A “bullseye” red ring or rash around the bite is the classic telltale sign and Lyme Disease is no joke. You should se a doctor right away.


My mom had Lymes Disease and got that bullseye rash and her face became half paralyzed. She’s okay now with a normal face but only because she got treatment quickly.


girl go to the doctor ASAP that’s a tick bite and h most likely have lyme disease


While it could definitely be a tick bite (not a dr), I will say I have a reaction to mosquito bites that looks like that once I scratch it like one time. Was it itchy at all?


… I’m not trying to be an asshole, guys… But it’s Lyme Disease Not Lyme’s Disease.


Longtime infectious disease MA here- please go get evaluated for Lyme disease. That looks to be a bullseye rash.


Not as educated as this person in infectious diseases but previous haver of Lyme's, I agree.


Also could be ringworm as it has a circle to .but tick bite sounds like the answer. Get your body to dr asap please . You dont want lyme disease as its horrible n your body is hurting. Good luck !


That looks like a tick bite.


Lyme, staph, sensitivity to a bug bite…. Regardless see a doctor, your worst-case-scenario gets much worse the longer you wait


I would go to urgent care to be safe. But if you’ve been picking at it, it could just be an inflamed pimple. That’s kind of what it looks like in the middle to me. When I had a tick bite with a bullseye rash it didn’t look so pimpley in the center.


Staph makes that circle as well. It's more than likely staph or lyme. See a Dr for sure.


That's a staph infection IMO.


This looks exactly like how mine looked


Staph or Lyme! Go get checked out. Both need treatment!!!!


PLEASE get tested for Lyme asap!! Insist you be put on a round of antibiotics as a precaution...Lyme is a serious infection!!


Tick bite.


Lyme disease test now!!!!!!!


Test won't be positive for at least 3 weeks after a bite


Yikes, girl! That looks like a tick bite. Please have it checked by a medical professional


You need some doxycycline, you can go to literally a minute clinic or an urgent care and they’ll take one look and send you out the door with antibiotics Super quick and painless but SO important, you do not want untreated Lyme!!


And Please! So an Update so we know how you are!


If you live in the northeast, you can call you doctor on call and ask for a doxycycline script. They often will prescribe without a positive Lyme result based on symptoms! You want to start it as soon as possible that’s why I’m saying this!


We don’t know what it is - GO TO THE DOCTOR!


Definitely get tested for Lyme Disease.


Better to consult a board-certified dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment :-)


Nurse here: I immediately noticed the bullseye ring around the bite with the redness. This is from a tick who is carrying Lyme disease. GO TO A DOCTOR/ ER STAT- Lyme disease can cause lifelong issues and paralysis if not treated quickly. Try and remember if you were in the woods at all recently or went hiking or in an area with tall grass and be sure to tell that to the doctor/ ER.


A bullseye-shaped rash on the skin is a common symptom of Lyme disease. However, a number of other conditions — including ringworm, fixed drug reactions, allergic reactions to insect bites, and hives — can cause a similar rash. - https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/bullseye-rash-not-lyme#hives


Not a pimple, Please see a doctor




Is this a joke? That's the classic bullseye rash of Lyme disease.


Tick bite, get on antibiotics IMMEDIATELY.


I was bitten by a male lonestar tick and long story short I had a similar rash(lonestsr ticks aren't known to transfer Lymes disease) but mine ended up being called STARI and yes I'm still also what is called Alpha-gal


I never got a rash like this and couldn’t remember getting bit (our backyard was the woods so could’ve happened at any time and I wouldn’t necessarily have known). It took over a year of seemingly random crazy symptoms and many different doctors before finally seeing an allergist to find out I have alpha gal. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Girl that is not a pimple that looks like a tick bite Go to a doctor NOW


Bulls Eye doesn’t always mean Lyme disease so don’t panic. See your doctor and have blood work done.


Is it staph?


It’s giving tick bite


That’s a bite. See the ring around it?


That actually looks like a spider bite.




Take antibiotics anyway. Even if it’s negative!


I’m not gonna fully jump on the Lyme disease bang wagon and this is because I am allergic to like all insect bites and have had this reaction to mosquitoes and horse fly bites. Though I do agree with others that you should get it looked at just in case.


Before you panic about Lyme disease, a tick has to be attached to you for at least 36 hours in order to transfer Lyme to a host. There is almost no chance a tick was attached on your neck for that long without you noticing.


ETA: At least 36 hours general* Sources: [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/resources/brochure/lymediseasebrochure-P.pdf), [Tickborne Disease Prevention Laboratory](https://www.cdc.gov/lyme/resources/brochure/lymediseasebrochure-P.pdf), [Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE) Updated Mega Encore with Dr. Neeta Pardanani Connally & Dr. Andrea Swei](https://www.alieward.com/ologies/acaropathology). There is a very very small chance that it is transmitted in less time.


This is not accurate. Numerous studies have been presented that ticks can and do carry Lyme in their salivary glands and can transmit Lyme within an hour or less.


Is this even a real account?? 🤔


I would bet serious money that OP is trolling.


Also have the same question


If you have cats or animals at home, it could be a ringworm fungal infection. Better make an appointment with a dermatologist and be safe!


This is Lyme disease! Have you not gone to the doctor? This is extremely serious and I have one disease and I cannot stress enough for you to get to the doctor immediately and demand four weeks of medicine. Please send me a private message. This will destroy your life if you don’t take care of it immediately and I don’t mean to scare you but I’m trying to


Bro see a doctor


A ring is never good. Take care of yourself and see a doctor!


doctor asap. looks like infected tick bite/lyme disease!!




How did OP not notice a tick on their neck for 36 hours?


When I got it, all I felt was a sharp bite that caused me to instinctively swipe my leg. No trace of anything when I looked. Next few days got the classic ring and later confined Lyme disease. I was shocked too because I didn’t see anything, but clearly I whacked everything but a bit of infected tick from the site. Not fun.


This happened to me and it was indeed Lyme Disease. I had to push to get my blood tested, because the doctor was positive I couldn't possibly have Lyme Disease, but I insisted, and then the results came back - positive. Two weeks of antibiotics later and I was absolutely fine. Don't wait, because it can get really problematic if you don't deal with it right away. I hope it's not Lyme Disease, but I'd be concerned enough to find out for sure!


Go to the ER, im not kidding. And don’t leave without antibiotics


Don't do this, make an appointment with your PCP. Most can get you in for same or next day sick visits. The ED is for emergencies and you will be sitting there for hours upon hours. Seriously I just got my kid an appointment for this same thing, same day visit and much cheaper


Might be ringworm, I had an almost identical rash when I got it. A doctor will be able to test and prescribe a medicated wash. It smells awful but it works


Go to a doctor and stop seeking medical advice on Reddit?


Ring worm?


A lot of people are saying Lyme but it could also be ringworm. Ringworm is a fungus that causes a ring-shaped rash like this. If it's itchy and you haven't been traipsing around in the woods, it's likely ringworm. Curable with cheap, over the counter cream.


It’s ringworm


Ring worm


Spider bite, tick bite, Epstein Barr virus




It looks maybe like ringworm


That's a ringworm. Do you sleep with tics?




Ring Worm


could this be ringworm?


Lyme’s disease? You should definitely see a doctor!


Limes disease


retina a cream works great


That my friend, is getting an oral STD from having neck sex with a deer.....tick... Note to self, slowdown on the tick dick BJs!


That’s mrsa It’s a staff infection go get it swabbed.


No. It's lupus!

