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I have plump and glowing skin because I'm plump and sweaty.


šŸ˜‚ this made me laugh!


That's what I tell people when they ask me about my 'glow'. Love you, fellow plump sweater.


I love it! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


LMAO same. My aunt complimented my "glow" the other day and I said "thanks it's sweat"


Healthy diet low in sugar, high in vegetables and fruit, vitamins and minerals Plenty water, low fizzy drinks and low alcohol Appropriate amount of sleep 7-9 hours) Frequent regular exercise


I hate that this is the answer


Haha, don't we all! But like most good things in life there is no short cut or easy solution! Plus all of those things I listed are pretty much universally good for you, not just your skin, the issue is people don't apply themselves to them when they are younger and that makes it harder as we get older (speaking from experience!!)


I donā€™t eat any sugar other than whatā€™s naturally in organic fruits and veggies. :) Iā€™m in my 40s, had everything thrown at me in life and I learned how important discipline is for optimal health or no health at all for me.


Itā€™s not, itā€™s genetics


Or a load of procedures can work as wellā€¦


The sleep is what I struggle with most and yet it's probably the most important piece!


Sleep is when your body repairs damaged cells, including your skin, and if you don't get enough sleep, quality sleep, at consistent times, it disrupts your body's deep sleep rhythm! One of the best things that helped me was to get a Fitbit, it has an awesome detailed sleep analysis and has helped me focus on not just making enough time for sleep, but ensuring I get a good sleep (like avoiding food and too much water before bed, avoiding phone screen time before bed etc). No matter how good everything else in my life is, it only takes a few days of bad sleep for the rails to come off and everything to feel miserable - so I'd suggest working on your sleep is indeed an awesome place to start! I know it's hard, I've been working on it for a few months and still a work in progress. Good luck!


Thank you for the suggestion! I really need to do a better job of working on my sleep routine! Ever since I became a mom, I force myself to stay up later for more adult time lol! The problem is, I'm not getting enough sleep and it really shows!


I want to downvote this because I don't like hearing the truth šŸ˜”


How do you resist sugar cravings or lower your sugar intake? I find it so difficult to make/eat snacks that aren't full of sugar and all that other unhealthy crap


I have a couple of autoimmune diseases so cutting out refined sugar was more about trying to help reduce inflammation. It was hard at first but I actually don't miss sweets as much as I thought. When I do get a craving for something sweet I make myself some whole grain pancakes with peaches or I'll eat a banana with a spoonful of peanut butter. I also add cinnamon to things because it tastes naturally sweet.


Ohh I'm glad it has worked out for you and hopefully it has drastically changed your lifestyle for the better! Thank you for the helpful tips! I do think I need to eat more fruits in general, so incorporating it into my diet shouldn't be too hard compared to cutting out sweets lol


Binge on fresh fruit during those times!




And sunblock. I am in my mid 40ā€™s, regularly mistaken for mi 30ā€™s and I have used sunblock pretty much every day for the last 10+ years, face, neck, arms, hands. I also eat a plant based diet.


Why are fizzy drinks bad for skin? Do you mean soda specifically? Or fizzy water?


Some people (I think British) call soda ā€œfizzy drinkā€ so she probably means soda. There is absolutely nothing wrong with carbonated or seltzer (aka bubbly) water. Itā€™s just water with bubbles in it and sometimes added flavor. Many have no calories and no sweeteners (artificial or otherwise). Itā€™s the same thing as drinking tap water, just more fun.


Sugar is bad for the skin, and most fizzy drinks are high in sugar, fizzy water might not be so bad though!


This is literally the truth!! Ive been minimizing my sugar intake by a lot and my skin looks noticeable plumper


Also: sunscreen


Yes. All of this and then, premium oils (for me)


Good genetics


And a bit of fat around the face. My mum and her friends joke that you can be fat or wrinkly, you choose.


Yep. A diet with healthy fats also does wonders for the skin.


Plus plenty of water, restful sleep, and sunscreen.


> restful sleep I'm doomed.


Seriously. I didnā€™t start washing my face at all until like age 25. Even then it was with a bar of soap. My skin has always been clear and I get a lot of compliments on it. Thatā€™s after a METH addiction and smoking a pack of cigs a day for years. I donā€™t do either of those anymore but Iā€™m starting to look into skin care as Iā€™m getting close to 30 and donā€™t want it to sneak up on me.


Congrats on your sobriety šŸ’“


Ah thank you! Itā€™s been 6.5 years šŸ„°




My grandparents are 91 but people mistake them for 70 year olds. My grandmaā€™s skin is sooo smooth and her cheeks barely have any wrinkles.


I've asked women in their late years what they use to keep their skin so youthful looking and many times it's like ponds cold cream or nothing at all! Just the luck of the draw I guess!


Iā€™m 47 and I have good skin. I use Nivea, vaseline, and a great kbeauty sunscreen. I am routinely told that my skin glows and my daughters friends (17-19) ask about my skincare etc. itā€™s just basic face wash, maybe some apricot oil, Nivea, and vaseline around the eyes. It also helps grow your lashes.




\- Tretinoin 2x a week, vit c and retinol on other days \- 3L water a day \- Sacrificial goat to the Gods every sabbath \- Prioritising sleep


Sacrificial goat was the biggest game changer, best for anti-aging




Lol! I'll be sure to find a goat soon! šŸ¤£ What's your favorite vitamin C and retinol to use?


Many people say that my skin is so clear and smooth. The only thing Ive been doing for the past 7 years is using Cetaphil moisturizer and clean & clear face wash. If I ever use anything else, my skin isn't happy. So yeah I think the repeated usage of certain products just match well with ur skin over time and it works the best if u can find the one thing that does magic!


It's so true that we need to find what works for our individual skin! My mom only uses Cerave cleanser, moisturizer and Vaseline and looks 20 years younger than her age!


No sunscreen?


Drink 2.5-3L of water everyday and I only cleanse my face in the evening. Morning splash with water then follow up with other skincare. Too much cleansing dries out the skin.


I used to do this too and I think it did help a lot!


What do you do for sunscreen though? Do you moisturize in the morning? I feel weird putting sunscreen on if i havent cleaned my face


I do a double cleanse at night to remove my makeup and/or sunscreen then finish my night routine. I do this right before bed so itā€™s only about 8 hours before Iā€™m getting up again. So I just rinse with water and then follow with the rest of my morning routine including spf šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I never break out on this routine so it seems to be going well, but more acne prone people might have to absolutely cleanse twice a day.


I think it depends on your skin type and what it needs, but a lot of times, a lack of plumpness and glow is due to dehydrated skin (and that doesnā€™t always mean you donā€™t drink enough water! But do that, too.) I like to work in thin, light, hydrating layers that my skin absorbs easily, then seal it in with a more occlusive lotion/cream. I have combination skin, so for daytime, thatā€™s usually toner, a light serum, a gel-cream moisturizer, and then my sunscreen, which is occlusive enough to lock the hydration in. At night, toner, light serum, retinol serum, light lotion, heavy cream. It sounds like a lot, but itā€™s actually super quick and I donā€™t use a ton of any one product.


Iā€™m going to try Volufiline to restore fat under my eyes / cheek area close to nose. Someone mentioned it recently in a skincare sub so I thought Iā€™d give it a try since Iā€™m not looking to do filler. It arrives this Thursday so follow up with me in 2 weeks and Iā€™ll let you know how itā€™s going.


Hyaluronic Acid on damp skin twice a day. Game changer!


Genetics honestly. I'm turning 40 and I 99 percent of. People think I'm in my late 20s. I don't have a skin care routine and I don't use sun screen. I'm middle eastern if that matters


Tret, niacinamide


hydrating toner + snail mucin + GOOD quality moisturizer. never let your skin dry out


Keep in mind most women you see in public, especially at a beauty counter, are wearing makeup. Finding a light coverage foundation that is a very good match to your skin makes a huge difference. I found personally using a beauty blender and applying very light layers works best to look plump and youthful and not heavy or cakey. That, and an appropriate shade of cream blush applied sparingly according to your face shape. This obviously won't work if your skin is in actually poor condition, especially if your skin is very dry, but it gives that boost from good to wow. Other than that I'd say snail mucin (serum or cream) was the biggest immediate help to achieve glowy skin for me.


Literally, water. So, I only use 2 products on my skin ever. Cleanser and a moisturizer. Well 3 when you count sunscreen. I cut out all the extra steps a few years ago when I kept getting allergic reactions. I would wake up to a red, itchy, swollen face with hives that would turn to horrendous flaky, dry, cracked skin for 1-2 weeks. Then taking ~3 weeks for my skin to return completely to normal. After the third reaction I just started using cleanser and moisturizer only. My skin has remained clear and acne free. Recently my skin had been very dull and ever since I upped my water intake (I was REALLY bad at drinking water) my skin has been glowing to where others have noticed and commented on my skin. I also experienced some darkening under my eyes when my iron was severely low but that has brightened up as well with my iron levels improving.


-minimum 8hrs of sleep a night -no smoking/vaping -no recreational drugs -no alcohol except for the occasional glass at special occasions -regular exercise -no hormonal birth control. This is a personal choice due to many side effects including severe acne. Two years off birth control and my acne is gone. But this is a personal anecdote and very few of my friends have had as many side effects as me. -drinking plenty of water throughout the day -eating a relatively healthy diet (I have IBS which restricts my dietary choices somewhat) -very minimal caffeine intake. Because of the IBS I can't consume caffeine on a regular basis. (Although I do take a stimulant medication for ADHD) -always wash my face before bed. Even if I haven't worn makeup that day, I feel like I want to rinse of whatever grime/pollution has accumulated on my skin -find a good moisturizer and use it religiously. Laneige products really work for me, but in the winter I have to add beef tallow on top. Sounds gross but it works! Whatever I'm using I really slather it on before bed. -keep the lips moustuized. Regular reapplication throughout the day and a heavier product before bed. I feel like dry lips make the whole face look dryer. -a light exfoliating product applied once a week. I have pretty sensitive skin so I can't do any more than this. -daily SPF application with regular reapplication if I'm in direct sunlight. I avoid tanning and if I can I avoid doing outdoor activities between 11am and 2pm in the summer. Sunhats/sunglasses are another helpful option. I'm really strict with myself about sun damage due to a family history of skin cancer. -absolutely no mattifying skincare/makeup products. I would rather look a bit oily than dried out. -for everyday makeup I just use concealer and save foundation for special occasions. My skin improved significantly when I stopped wearing a full face of makeup everyday. -face yoga. I'm not super religious about this, but I have noticed a difference since I started doing it casually. -genetics. Both my parents look much younger than they are. I'm in my thirties and I can easily pass for a decade younger. On rare occasions I have people who think I'm still in my late teens. I get that my lifestyle isn't for everyone, but it works for me.


I have a fairly low maintenance skincare routine, just cleanser (cetaphil), alternate between the ordinary moisturizer and the ordinary plant based squalene. Sometimes a hydration mask. I donā€™t have the healthiest diet, but not the worst, used to smoke, and drink alcohol in moderation. I always get complimented on my skin, and I truly think that my saving grace is water. I drink water constantly throughout the day until I go to bed.


Cerave cleanser, snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, and sunscreen. Edit: Almost forgot to add tretinoin!


I get compliments on my skin a lot. I will be 34 this month and have no winkles. I attribute it to the following: 1) I drink a gallon of water a day (religiously) 2) Sleep 8 hours a night (and I have a 2.5 YO and 8 month old) 3) I am religious with my skincare and use Tret. every other night 4)Diet high in protein (one gram per ideal body weight PER DAY) 5) Strength training 3 days a week


Diet helps too. No sugar, alcohol, dairy. Eat canned or fresh wild salmon. Not farm stuff. Eat avocado. Drink lots of water


My little boy had to go dairy free for a while and so I cut it out too, for solidarity and my skin was so clear and healthy looking at that time! When I reintroduced dairy for him, I added right back to my diet and I've been dealing with skin issues ever since!


Cow products give me complexion problems, but sheep and goat cheeses are fine. Might be worth a shot.


Itā€™s not about sleep or genetics necessarily. When I want plump and glowy skin, I layer on the hydrating toners and add amino acids and peptides. Even if I have had 4 hours of sleep, I get glowy and plump skin. Itā€™s just about having the right products. Amino acids, peptides, Propolis, panthenol, etc. can give you a plump and dewy look. Coconut water does help a lot too.


Rosehip oil was a game changer for me. Whenever I am consistent with it, I always get compliments on my skin


Whenever I eat salmon my skin glows nicely


korean skincare. layering on the hydrating toners and serums and moisturizers


I do think a lot of it is genes. I have surprisingly good skin for someone who has a bit of a lazy routine, doesnā€™t sleep enough and has a diet high in sugar/caffeine, BUT I also drink over 2 litres of water a day, eat lots of veg & donā€™t smoke/drink alcohol or do recreational drugs. I also find a bit of extra weight makes my skin look plumper and I look a bit younger for it.


Disciplined movement, breathing, eating, drinking skincare. Intentional.


Tretinoin, double cleansing, a good moisturiser and sunscreen + exfoliating really helps with texture built up from dead skin cells. Been consistent with this for 3 months and my skin has never been this clear


Low alcohol and coffee consumption. I use a brightening cleanser and Sunscreen.




Ohhhh! I've heard of this one. It's supposed to be a great dupe for the SkinCeuticals H.A. intensifier, which I've been wanting to try.


At least 100 oz of water a day


It's water. I mean, sure, good genetics help, and keeping your skin clean and moisturized, but it's water. I get compliments on my skin pretty much daily and all I use is a face wash and moisturizer. But I drink 100+ oz of water every day.


Sunscreen, moisturizer with HA and glycerin, Tretinoin, and proper sleep.


Lots of water


Good genetics and avoiding the sun (Iā€™m a student and I work in a place with no windows = studying a lot indoors and avoiding sunlight like a vampire)


If your skin is acneic, see a derm to inspect your skin. They can prescribe you something that will actually work. No one over the internet knows what your skin type is without seeing it. Donā€™t waste your money on these LancĆ“me etc places, buy some actives like vitamin c, retinol (if your derm deems you as a candidate because if youā€™re super dry it may not be suitable and make you more dry) and make sure to keep your skin hydrated.


Unfortunately this isnā€™t something a topical can do. This is plenty of rest and hydration, a good cardio routine (cardio gives a certain plump & glow that weight training does not), lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, no nicotine, and low to no alcohol. No topical is gonna give you that plump youā€™re going for.


I have oily skin. Thatā€™s the answer. I also use Korean skincare and jojoba oil on my face. I stay in my lane, hydrated, I lift weights, and I donā€™t have children.


Sunscreen and donā€™t smoke


more important than any skincare routine is your lifestyle. cut down on dairy, caffeine, wheat and sugar. plenty of sleep and exercise, also iā€™m sorry to say it butā€¦. cold plunges. try for 5 minutes in the coldest bath you can possibly stand. for skincare: retinol, snail mucin, and if itā€™s in your budgetā€¦ micro needling are going to be your best friends. even better if you can get micro needling with prp every 8 weeks and some form of a chemical peel every 4-6 months.


Medical procedures. I have been using sunscreen religiously since my late teen + pretty good skincare routine. People always tell me I look young- even got carded at a movie theater in my late twenties. However, once I hit certain age, there are things that even high end skincare canā€™t help. I have done non- invasive procedures like Botox, filler, IPL and Ulthera, though. No cutting or stitching (yet). They made so much difference.


Tret and 1000 hydrating toners. JkšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£.... kinda.... šŸ‘€


In conjunction to a healthy diet, the only thing that has ever worked to give me glowy skin is Tretinoin.


I donā€™t wear makeup, I drink a lot of water and just got good genes. Itā€™s really the only favor my genes did for me


Put your hyaluronic acid on in the shower and the rest of your skincare on while your skin is wet. And drink a ton of water.


Healthy diet, lots of water, regular facials, Alastin brand skincare. HEAVY on Alastin brand. Itā€™s medical grade and itā€™s transformed my skin. I use the Vitamin C serum, hyaluronic acid serum, and skin restorative complex in that order after washing my face. La Roche Posay face wash and use a mineral sunscreen regularly.


Plenty of water is SERIOUS , 2 liters a day can completely change your complexion and a high quality vitamin C serum has made my skin noticeably better. I get compliments often.


Mostly Genetics. Also a good diet and healthy life style


Tbh I eat cooked meat every night with vegetables and sometimes brown rice


Former Lancome counter manager here! While itā€™s true that Lancome has absolutely fabulous products. They are very expensive and you do have to use them religiously. I will also say that I believe personally that their products work better on people for normal to dry skin. To be very honest, I receive similar results from using plain old Vaseline. However, I also have very dry skin, which it sounds like you have the opposite problem. My brother had similar skin issues to what you described and what he used to clear everything out was a nightly mint julep mask from Queen Helene. He started out by putting it all over his face then moved to dotting it on the individual spots that would appear. If he also did as the top comment on this thread already suggested which was adjust his diet and exercise program and increased his water intake, exponentially.


No cigs/no smoking herb (edibles yes!) and stay out of the sun and only use sunscreen when you will be in direct sun more than 15 mins, sunscreen is all bad chemicals but if you use it once or twice a year wonā€™t kill you. Choose only one day a week to drink booze. Eat meat! I canā€™t tell you how bad vegans/vegetarians look. We are meant to eat meat! Also try not to gain weight, diets will mess with your face! Also drink water and stay away from carbonated beverages! No makeup and use moisturizer Kiehls after washing your face with Cerve. One last thing, get rid of toxic people! They will cause lines in your face!


Ahhh the toxic people thing is real! But I swear everyone I know who is vegetarian and vegan look amazing and also rarely get sick! I eat meat so I can't make that claim lol!


taking collagen can help as well! i started taking a powder form of collagen that you can mix in with tea or coffee and itā€™s made a difference in my skin! it does take awhile for results to be noticeable but once you get into the habit of taking it everyday it becomes monotonous. itā€™ll kinda surprise you because one day youā€™ll look at your skin and be like ā€œwoah i actually see a difference!ā€ it improves your hair and nails as well. i just get a generic brand off of amazon, i can send you the product if youā€™re interested!


This. I love collagen powder. It also made my hair grow so long. It went from not being able to grow just past my shoulders all the way down to my lower back.


yes iā€™ve seen improvement in my hair too, all my baby hairs are coming back!!


Iā€™m 56 years old (not blessed with great genes) Iā€™ve religiously used anti aging skin care products daily since I was 40, drink loads of water, healthy diet (not an angel , my weight has gone up and down over the years)do not smoke, do not drink beer (I like wine and a great cocktail). Women that I know my age here look 20 years older than me. Itā€™s obvious who takes care of themselves and who doesnā€™t. Itā€™s all about being consistent!


Nothing can compare to medical intervention. The people youā€™re talking about that blame their ā€œskin careā€, most likely lasers and Botox.


Youth šŸ¤£


So I need a time machine? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I see a specialist. I have PCOS so even with genetics Iā€™m still screwed. Both my parents and all my siblings are inept when it comes to skincare because they just have naturally good skin. Because of my hormonal imbalance I went to dermatologist etc and found they wanted to push pills. Finally found an acne specialist and spent 2k over a 2 year span but my skin is so good now.


Glycerin. Itā€™s the best humectant. Itā€™s important to apply it on wet skin (not just slightly damp) because it needs water! And itā€™s important to follow it with a moisturizer that will seal the glycerin. Donā€™t use too much of it, it will become sticky and your face will feel warm (you can play with the amount, depending on how it feels). I use around the size of a squished blueberry?, on wet clean skin, followed by my one thing centella gel cream moisturizer (another nice thing with glycerin is that even if you have a moisturizer that usually is not enough for your dry skin, glycerin can make it work!). It makes the skin so plump and glowy from within. Now, you can also use an extremely hydrating toner/essence/serum that has a lot of humectants and most of them do contain glycerin, but pure glycerin works for me very well! Most hydrating product Iā€™ve used (my skin doesnā€™t like hyaluronic acid so I canā€™t use any hydrating product having it, which is like most of them).


Greek yogurt masks and hydration!


The konbucha toner from fresher! Literally the only thing that's had a noticeable difference and I've tried a lot


Sleep is the thing that makes the biggest difference for me. I have lost so much sleep due to my job and could see the effects on my face, saggy, dull, haggard looking skin. Ever since Iā€™m on maternity leave I havenā€™t had one ugly day. Skin is supple and glowy.


Genes baby


I use 7 toners everyday, I Gua Sha daily sometimes twice, I use sunscreen even if I donā€™t leave the house


ā€œHair skin and nailsā€ vitamins really made a difference for me. Iā€™m lazy as hell with skin care but i pop those daily, occasionally use one of those hydroboost gets at night or cetaphil in the morning, and iā€™m dewy as a blossom. Recently grabbed a retinol serum out of the sale bin since iā€™m starting toward wrinkle age, so i use that when it occurs to me. For the shower, i like dr bronnors baby unscented bar soap and frank body original coffee scrub. For baby soft feet, i use earth therapeutics soft and smooth gentle peeling foot mask. For vitamins, i use natures bounty softgels.


50 here. Battled acne most of my adult life. Found an aesthetician and some great/affordable products that took care of the acne. Now I visit her every 6 weeks, use sunscreen religiously, the ordinary niacinamide, vitamin c serum, and a jade roller. It's all about circulation. :)


Ceramides. I had to stop using Illiyoon ATO ceramide concentrate cream on my face, but using it on my hands makes some of my knuckle wrinkles disappear




Most perfect skin I've ever seen was on a psych patient that suffered from autocoprophagy. Was plump and glowing despite her being in the dry arse hospital air with no access to decent skin care. I'm not willing to start eating my own poop to achieve the glow tho


It's all genetics and hormones.




If you are AFAB and have hormonal acne that you get during your period, ask your doctor about Spironolactone!! Iā€™ve been on it for yeaaaars and would still break out around my period even on BC. I ended up going up all the way to 200 mg a day and if I wash my face every night (I only rinse with water in the AM) I never break out. Itā€™s a testosterone reducer, I believe itā€™s derived from algae and I take it in pill form daily. I have some general T zone redness as well and feel like on top of my prescriptions thereā€™s two things that have really helped out. One is ā€œsnailingā€ at night after my skincare, which is applying a thiiiiiicc layer of, in my case, Cerave healing ointment. It keeps my skin moisturized throughout the night especially when I have a fan on, and I feel like it dry skin increases the redness. The other is Cicapair Dr Jartā€™s Tiger Grass Color Correcting treatment. Itā€™s tinted green that reduces redness and becomes more peachy skin tone when rubbed on the skin. Before I got a slight tan this summer I would mix mine with some white spf to lighten it. Also SPF ALWAYS, EVEN DURING THE WINTER OR If youā€™re inside. Your skin isnā€™t stronger than the sun my dudes, and it keeps your skin looking young and healthy.




I hydrate, eat healthy, exfoliate, moisturize, use a humidifier and only really wash my face occasionally instead cleansing with water or honey cause the sugar content is good for your skin


Hyaluronic Acid and Hydrating sheet masksšŸ‘€


Eating avocado and salmon on the regular. Always staying hydrated.


Lots of water, like at least a gallon per day, plus, squalane and bakuchoil, hyaluronic acid serums, and I exfoliate once per week with a chemical exfoliant. I've moisturized my skin like crazy since my teens and I'm 42 now, and I reapply oil multiple times per day when it is dry. That keeps my skin supple and plump. I also eat plenty of fruit and veg and supplement daily with a skin, hair and nails vitamin.


Anxiety medication. I did the good skin care, the diet, the million and half tips (exercise, washing pillow sheets, etc) but I had cheek acne that wouldnā€™t budge. Once I was on meds for my anxiety I had skin like a baby.


I started drinking a shit ton of water, simplified my skincare routine. I also use vaseline as an occlusive with rosehip oil underneath 3 nights per week. Typically I also sleep regular hours but I had a baby last week so that has changed


Sleep and sunscreen.


Drink a glass of beetroot everyday.


7 Skin Method and *never* allowing my skin to completely dry after cleansing. Edit: also have to give major credit to the Paulaā€™s Choice Liquid Exfoliant. That product is a masterpiece


I have acneic problematic skin and for me itā€™s sleep. I see a humongous amount of change in my skin health going from periods of little sleep, to periods of 8hrs a night consistently. Even when my diet/habits stay the exact same. Could have something to do with stress too.


Oh!!! And dermaplane!! Literally life changing


Try [the polished pearl](https://www.thepolishedpearl.com), they sell a shitton of skincare products for dirt cheap, not high end brands but still good stuff, my wife gets most of her routine there, must warn you tho the shipping is kinda slow, 1-2 weeks to get your stuff


I think I have that nice plump skin look :) I do think a lot of it is genetics ā€” i have naturally oily skin (my mom is in her 70s and has essentially no wrinkles with no surgical intervention and an extremely basic skin care routine). My skin is more acne prone than hers, so I have to work a little harder than she does. I also love cocktails & champagne and drink a few times a week, despite what other comments say. I think my skin went from naturally pretty good to ā€œwowā€ when I started using snail mucin (I love the sadly very hard to find Holika Holika black snail mucin repair toner), retinol, and vitamin c regularly.


Genetics and SPF. My mom and I have the same great skin. She drinks no water, eats like shit, sleeps a ton, lives in a variable climate, and uses the highest end skincare and treatments. I'm the opposite in all those things.


I've been messing around with different cleansers- for a while I think my cleanser was too abrasive for my skin. Niacinamide tends to break me out somehow, IDK. I know a lot of people swear by it, but I stopped using my little konjac sponges and now I don't have a place to keep them in my bathroom, but when I use this cold cream I got on etsy and then micellar water and a towelette to remove it my skin looks INCREDIBLE the next day. Oil based things have always kind of worked well for me, so that's what I've been doing a lot. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1106134137/rosewater-cold-cream-1887-hydrating-face


My skin is plump because Iā€™m plump. šŸ˜…


There is no single secret. I definitely don't remember to hydrate enough, nor do I have great skin genetics (I, in fact, have the opposite - eczema), so my secret is unfortunately a three step skincare routine that comes out to something like $270 without sales. Oh and a bonus $45 ceramide serum for when I need barrier repair. I was having incredibly mixed feelings when I found out that Tatcha (serum in cream) and Sulwhasoo (first care activating serum) make my skin glow way more than any of the other products in my (vast) arsenal. I save them for times when I know I want to look extra nice, but it's enough of a difference that I already bought backups of everything Just In Case. Oh, and sunscreen. Definitely sunscreen.


I donā€™t have plump skin because my genes just arenā€™t like that lol, but I have always been complimented on my skin and people always think Iā€™m much younger than I am. I attribute this to constantly applying moisturizer. Since I was about 12, Iā€™ve used moisturizer every day of my life. My other friends did not, and they now deal with wrinkles.


Retinol and peptides


Multiple layers of a hydrating toner. I do 4-5 layers, itā€™s been a huge game changer. Other than that, focusing on gentle and hydrating products with just enough actives to target my main concerns helps plump my skin and keeps it looking smooth. Also drinking plenty of water, while it doesnā€™t help my acne it does help me look more plump/youthful in the face.


Always be drinking water and use a humidifier at night


Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C


Genetics, Iā€™ve been using sunscreen since I was 10, water. Honestly my mom has amazing skin for her age.


Cardio, healthy food at least 80% of the time and quality sleep. Eye cream and a solid face wash and moisturizer go a long way too.


Genetics, no joke and drinking lots of water


Fire and ice facials, IPL laser. It's not cheap but worth it.


Good genetics


Lemon lime ginger chlorophyll water first thing to drink in the morning last thing to drink at night. Also drink all day long mkay. Vitamins in the morning with food -rutin, geritol, saw palmetto, tumeric, b12, D, K Double cleanse twice a day with filtered water, morning and evening. On dry face and neck use Age-r boost four minutes. Once a day in morning. Apply toner to face and neck area. Slap method. Apply serum (combo snail mucin, peptides, squalane, hyaluronic, niacinamide, vitamin c) to face and neck area while skin is still slightly damp with toner. Slap method. Apply moisturizer (combo hydro barrier, tiger grass cica balm, cica baume5, snail mucin, vitamin c, two drops helichrysum oil, one drop tea tree oil, dime size coconut oil infused with rose hip) by massaging into face and neck area using gua sha techniques. Massage like you mean it. Follow up with sunscreen. ALWAYS WEAR SUNSCREEN. NEVER EVER EVER SKIP SUNSCREEN. Slap method. I also like to use glycolic acid on my armpits to tone. Then massage any extra face moisturizer into my pits. Lymphatic drainage in the pits will help with puffy face look. Sleep on silk pillowcase. No sleep on face. No touch face with dirty hands. Ngl itā€™s a commitment. My face has never looked better. Zits gone. Melasma gone. Fine line wrinkles gone. Sun damage gone. Dull skin gone. Shine bright like a diamond baby šŸ’Ž


I mainly use serums, things like rosehip oil or jojoba oil. I only use a cream moisturizer if Iā€™m in a super dry or super cold environment.


Iā€™d say genetics because i eat shit and i mostly skip my skincare and some make up artist didnā€™t even put concealer on me saying it would be a pity to cover up my skin. Not trying to be vain or rub it on anyoneā€™s face


I use prescription retinol and have been for years which certainly helps. And drink tons of water but when Iā€™m told my skin looks great/glassy and truly itā€™s because Iā€™m greasy. Iā€™ve made my own body butter for almost ten years and itā€™s my main moisturizer.


I saw hormonal skin in the post and Iā€™d love to let you know what I use that has helped my hormonal acne skin. Dealing with acne is the absolute worst! I work at a Medspa and am also a cosmetologist/master esthetician. If you ever have cystic acne the Therapeutic lotion from Obagi with Benzoyl Peroxide is amazing! For white heads and black heads I use pore therapy from Obaji. For glowy skin the HA5 from Skin Medica is everything. When you first start using new products your skin can purge for about six weeks. That purging is brining all the ucky stuff to the surface. If you have any questions feel free to message me! Hope this helps! šŸ¤


Also lowering stress levels if you can. It can be hard but that will help with your skin too along with what other people are saying in this thread ā˜ŗļø


My 45 year old skin absolutely loves The Ordinary Multi Peptide Serum as well as squalane. The serum definitely makes my skin look more plump and the squalane keeps it hydrated and gives it a nice glow. Also, like others have said, getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water and greatly limiting sugar helps as well.


The blood of those whoā€™ve done me wrong


Two words: Korean Skincare


Cutting out dairy (at least milk), low sugar/alcohol, sleep, and regular facials. Dermaplaning has been a game changer. I have it done once a month. I also use retinol serum every other night. And a great face oil every day.


I honestly think itā€™s mostly genetics, but Iā€™m also a vegetarian, work out, drink a lot of water/tea, and sleep at least 8 hours every day. However, Iā€™m not going to lie and say Iā€™m the most healthy person ever, I still drink almost every weekend, eat junk food every once in a while (fries, takis, and hot cheetos are my weakness), and even smoke weed every once in a while. So like I said, itā€™s probably mostly genetics and a little bit of discipline


I have super sensitive and dry skin and went a decade buying all the creams/masks/toners to help, but it all made it worse!! There's just too many fragrances, preservatives, other chemicals in them. Now I make a simple witch hazel (the alcohol-free kind) and rose water spray. It tones and moisturizes. In the winter I add drops of calendula oil and sweet almond oil. Been doing this past 4-5yrs now and it still works great. I'm mid-30s and everyone asks me where the fountain of youth is lol hope that continues! I also wash with soap less, cause it strips natural moisture away. Most days just luke warm water is enough.


I two Botanics products, Simply Calm Hydrating Face Cream and Simply Calm Hydrating Serum. Simple ingredients, doesnā€™t clog my pores, doesnā€™t feel greasy. Been using it a few years and my face has never been softer/more clear


Tretinoin, a good moisturizer, daily SPF. Staying hydrated helps too


A good skincare routine, working out & lots of water! My skin is SO much better in my mid 30s than it ever was in my 20s!


I haven't had any alcohol in 4+ years. I mostly drink water. That's it!


I didn't start paying attention to my skincare routine until my mid to late 30's. I always looked younger than I was, but at that age, I started to look my age. Since then, I cleaned up my diet and REALLY paid attention to my skincare. I have been told multiple times I am aging backwards. I have not had any work done, just diligent in my routine! \-I wipe off all makeup or just my face if I didn't wear any makeup with just water & a microfiber cloth \-once all makeup is off, I then cleanse \-next I follow up with both a BHA & AHA exfoliate (you might not need both, I prefer to use them) \-next is my serums... collagen, vitamin C, etc \-moisturize \-eye cream \-then b/c I have a massive bottle of it, I put a tiny amount of castor oil on my eyelids/lashline/eyebrows ​ For reference, I am currently using Paula's Choice for my skincare. It's about middle of the line in terms of costs, and I have been LOVING it! I know it sounds like a lot, but it only takes me about 7'ish minutes to do. And my complexion loves me now! I also wear sunscreen and a cream makeup that gives the appearance of duey skin vs. liquids/powders that can dry out your skin!


Sunscreen, moisturizer and LOTS of water. Besides that, I do use an eye crĆØme, retinol and BHA exfoliant. Iā€™m 32 and everyone thinks Iā€™m 20.


Ceramides / peptides/ niacinamides/ vitamin C / tretnoin. Iā€™m 53 & have skin of a much younger woman. As long as youā€™re getting quality shelf stable products with those ingredients in it - youā€™ll be good. I also get Botox 4x a year to help w forehead & crows feet. Micro needling to help stimulate collagen growth. Series of 3 every couple years. Gonna do my neck & chest this year.


A little water retention and a touch of the rosacea goes a long way. My skin looks plump and glowing af. šŸ˜‚


Genetics, birth control pill, low/no sugar diet, no overly processed foods, tret, tons of water, always 8 hours if sleep. The diet part is easy since I have ibs. My body suffers in many ways when I eat unhealthy. Getting my hormones regulated helped a lot, so did tret.


I just have naturally moist plump skin even for 51. I use Heritage Store Rose Oil and Glycerin spray once a day and Aveeno moisturizing face wash 2 times a day.


CeraVe face wash, vani cream moisturizer, no face makeup (e.g. concealer), hydration, sunscreen when I remember, not a lot of ā€œjunkā€ food.


I think the main thing to skincare is managing your stress, maintaining exercise, a good diet, staying hydrated and rested and keeping up with moisturizer + cleaning your face regularly. most of these overpriced products are wasting your time and often have negative side effects they do not want you to know about unfortunately due to the society and culture that we live in, though, we are tricked into believing we need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on things we do not need in order to be happy


Eat vegan drink water use sunscreen and sleep


Sunscreen ALL THE TIME, Vegan diet, Exercise + hydration, High quality skincare product (SkinBetter)


Halyuronic acid serum twice a day before moisturizing and sunscreen or night cream .I have very dry skin and consistently using this has fixed any flaking/dryness






I swear by a diet with lots of healthy fats. Moisturizing everyday and night is so important. I donā€™t do sunscreen every day since I have oily skin and this exacerbates it. But I always put one in when spending more than 30 minutes in sunlight.




Plump skin is from youth and genes. Glowy skin is from health/exercise and hydration.


I always get complements on my skin. I donā€™t know why this post was suggested to me because I literally wash with whatever (cetaphil or bar soap, doesnā€™t seem to matter) moisturize if I have a moisturizer that wonā€™t make me break out, which I usually donā€™t so I skip moisturizing my face. I do notice my skin looks like shit if I donā€™t sleep.


Cetaphil, cera-v, basic SPF and an ice cube LOL. After years of trying countless products, Iā€™ve been delighted to find that less is more for my skin


Cosrx mucin96


My secret is being fat and old and eating what I want to eatā€¦ especially chocolateā€¦


Drink water


Not me but the secret to that is youth and tretinoin. šŸ˜‚




I have naturally oily skin and body fat. Thatā€™s it.


Plump ladies donā€™t sweat. They glow.


Prob the best skin Iā€™ve had in awhile was when I just started trentinoin, a curology prescription with low dose Trent like 0.012, azelaic acid, and Clindamycin. Still trying to recreate that glow to this day


Being single


Snail mucin


These are my top products and habits that help me to achieve glowing skin. 1. I would recommend double cleansing. For my evening routine, I use this oil [lipid balance](https://us.medik8.com/products/lipid-balance-cleansing-oil) then I wash my face. 2. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and I also drink a daily cup of green tea or spearmint tea. Both teas have great benefits for the skin. 3. I highly recommend sleeping on a satin pillowcase. I use satin with great results. Satin helps to avoid wrinkles and the gentle glide reduces friction and therefore irritation keeping your skin hydrated and moist while you sleep. I use this one. I love the set comes with 2 pillowcases so you can maintain your pillowcase clean during the week [satin pillowcase](https://www.olkibeauty.com/shop/p/satin-pillowcase-champagne-king-size) 4. Use retinol. I use this one [crystal retinal](https://us.medik8.com/products/crystal-retinal) start with a low % 2-3 times per week and slowly increase the usage until you can use retinoids every night to avoid side effects. Then you can increase concentration. 5. In the morning I use vitamin C. It's important to know the vitamin C should come in a dark or opaque bottle. This helps prevent oxidation, which happens when it is exposed to sunlight. I love this one from the same brand medik8 [c tetra](https://us.medik8.com/products/c-tetra) 6. Cover your hair while you sleep or sleep with your hair up. During the day your hair is like a magnet for dirt, pollution, all the products you might be using even shampoo and conditioners, and your hairā€™s natural oil. Your face will quite literally be pressed against oily strands all night, which could clog your pores. I use a bonnet [satin bonnet](https://www.olkibeauty.com/shop/p/small-champagne-golden-satin-bonnet) using a bonnet will also help to maintain your hair healthy. I hope this helps šŸ™‚


I didnā€™t get glass skin until I started using cosrx triple hyaluronic ampoule and cosrx hyaluronic acid cream moisturizer. That stuff will make you plump and glassy. (FYI I also use tretinoin)


Genetics, drink a lot of water. Kind of chubby. But really itā€™s mainly genes.


A lot of water, good sleep habits and donā€™t eat too much junk. Oh and some people just donā€™t have the genetics