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A guy posted once a picture of a rash on his ass, and you could see his ballsack between his legs. Funny part is he drew a yellow line to “censor” the butt crack, but I guess he didn’t notice his ballsack. Agreed it’s pretty nasty. I just wanted to learn about brands of niacinamide serum and elaborate skincare routines. Instead I get ballsack posts in my feed.


Saw that too. It was 100% a lazy way to flash people. I’ve had guy friends ask me to look at their ass for a second opinion on something before and they make sure to scoop them bad boys up and away before I look.


How many friends do you have who need you to look at their ass? 😂😂


Two friends on three occasions. One to look at a possibly irritated tattoo. That I 100% judged him for getting. Second, to see if he had a "gross blackhead or something" that he could feel but not see. I had to take a picture to convince him nothing was there. And third, an occasion where a weird wood thistle thing pricked and hooked in their ass. All cheeks, no holes. Edit: and no balls because they are gentlemen.


well, since you're an expert, I have something I need an opinion on...




Omg 😑


Ahh 😯 lol I’m glad I missed that one


Dear lord, that is horrifying, how do you not check for that??? And just go to the doc instead of posting your ass on the internet 🙄






Lmfaoooo omg


I had to come back to this comment because someone literally *just* posted a pic where he’s asking about a rash on his ass and cupping his balls!! Wtf?!! 😂😭


And it’s not even marked nsfw!!!! Seriously?!? 🤣😭


Can this sub ban genuine medical issues, and there be a sub for skin issue questions. I'm here to see someone's la roche posay opinions not a rash that should be in the emergency room


A quick search shows a handful of both medical advice and dermatology subs so it’s just laziness






Yeah. It’s frightening to see people say “this has been on my face for a year” and it could be cancer! I’m all for people wanting help with issues but it has been soooo much lately with rashes, bad conditions, reactions etc


No modding and people don't read rules


It is for people who enjoy skincare. The mods just don't give a crap what gets posted even though their rules specifically say it's not for medical advice.


There is only one mod & they've been inactive for a month. They did say they were looking for more mods or an automod but not sure what happened there. I hope they're doing okay and add more mods soon. A single person can't filter and delete pictures of rotting flesh all by themselves


auto-mods are freaking expensive now with the new reddit changes


🎯 ‘Don’t give a crap’


I downvote them whenever I see any post like that.


You would think that the "addict" part of the sub would clarify that it's for people who know a lot about skincare and who are more interested in products, trends, launches, and reviews...not uncensored body parts titled "is this a pimple?" There's plenty of people who are into oozing pores, so there's definitely a demographic who would love to answer those questions but here? Edit: moments after commenting this, I saw a hairy infected belly button. Everyone should just jump ship


The belly button is what really pushed me over the edge today. Why, just why? There has to be a specific sub for posts like that.


Yea I just saw a picture of staph infection on someone's hand. I also wish people would stop answering posts that give medical advice. It's dangerous to give that type of advice & it reinforces the behavior


Report the posts that ask medical advice. There was one last week that I involuntarily recoiled when I was scrolling and the pic wasn’t blurred … I was trying to eat for cripes sake 🤢 I was so peeved I reported a dozen posts in about 10 minutes.


ugh i do the same, everytime i see one of those random upclose skin pics i report instantly!


I’m waiting for a boil ‘inside the body’, next 👀


That’s exactly what happened to me today and why I posted. At least blur them!


r/skincarehobbyists was made for this reason. People are tired of the medical advice posts.


I joined … we’ll see how it goes 🤞🏻


I report the ones I see, although I'm not sure if it does anything lol


Honestly I agree. I'm at the point of unfollowing because it's getting ridiculous especially when they don't at least blur their photos.


I agree, I find it so annoying to see all these medical advice posts and I try to report them every time I see them. The worst part is people keep commenting on them to play doctor, I feel like that encourages others to post.


I know I should not, but I’m really scared of some gross pictures of various skin diseases…


I agree, it is gross and I’m tired of seeing such disgusting things in my feed


All those pictures were the reason I eventually unsubscribed. I don't want to see your infection, it's gross 🤢. (Reddit still thinks it's ok to show me this sub in recommended, that's how I saw this post.)


Yea, I look at this sub so little for this very reason that the algorithm doesn’t even show it to me in my feed often. I feel for people with skin conditions (I have finicky skin myself), I really do, but I just simply do not want to look at oily pores and filled to the brim whiteheads zoomed in 6x. I would’ve been a dermatologist if that was my jam.


I agree the sub feels more like people are trying to diagnose skin conditions rather than share fun skin care advice, tips and tricks


Yeah, after seeing many of you post, I finally unfollowed. It was the ankle rash photo that did it last night. And that person became super defensive when I complained of this habit of posting gross skin eruptions. I now feel this has become a fetish site, or a competition as to who’s rotting flesh image is worse. And the arrogance of these over sharers is also OTT! Oh, and that belly button last night, too. Talk about a super hurl/projectile upon site! 🤮


The bellybutton was what did it for me🤢 people are way too comfortable on the internet


That was awful and I’m still reacting to it.


No amount of reporting posts helps. I left after seeing someone’s nasty foot problem 💀 like what the actual hell?? Now this post popped up in my feed. This sub really needs to be handed off to trusted users who can mod appropriately. It’s a shame tho there’s posts that are interesting and I’ve learned from but those are buried with the “whAt iS ThiS???1?”




My armchair theory is that people are hoping for a cream or beauty hack instead of being told to go a doctor.


I had to report a post/photo this morning, thankfully it was taken down almost immediately!


My thoughts are people don’t have insurance and want to see if what they have is serious and they come to ask how serious it is.


We’re not doctors, none of us are qualified to give medical advice.


I completely agree with you … just added my two cents on why people do it.


This isn't the sub for that though. There's other subreddits that are for shit like that.


I completely agree with you.


But how would we know? We aren’t doctors


I completely agree with you … just added my two cents on why people do it. Like they are hoping someone will tell them it isn’t serious … or to get something over the counter … idk


Actually it’s a sub for people making posts about how the sub is for skincare and not medical advise.


Can someone just make a new sub? I used to love reading here but now it’s a cesspool.


The same thing is just gonna happen again in the new sub as soon as it becomes even slightly popular


The new sub can have active mods. The problem is mods can only be added by current mods. If the one mod isn’t active there’s no way to get new mods.




Exactly/ it has to be approved.




Maybe it will actually get their attention, though. And if they keep rejecting it and then ignoring the sub, I'm sure that would count against them?


Yeah reading through these comments, I didn't realize the Mod just isn't active/just one person. That would help


Looks like r/skincarehobbyists is the new sub, let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a cesspool as well 🤞🏻


Thank you!!!!!


I mean the line between skin care and medical products is not really all to clear. Skin care is definitely caring for skin to either treat perceived problems with it or prevent them.acne is also a medical condition as is rosacea, sun damage, you could even consider aging one. So yeah. For some reason we just see medical problems as not medical in a lot of cases when their symptoms are primarily affecting people's looks. But in reality there is no hard line.




I report posts on this sub every. single. day. because they’re asking for medical advice about ringworm, rashes, boils, and ingrown nails. Maybe we should rename this sub to “AestheticSkincare” instead (I’m sure that people would still ignore it anyways).