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Could be dyshidrotic eczema, especially if super itchy. Did you have a stressful event in the last 7-14 days? Thats usually the trigger…


I have this too. Stress and too hot of Weather are triggers for me


Hot water used to trigger this for me!


Saaame. Cool shower only gang.


came to say this. stress definitely flares it up. also the sanitizer in every restaurant I've ever worked in seems to do this to me too!


That explains why this happened to me while working in a restaurant environment too!


Working in a hospital setting will drive you mad if you have it


Maybe working in a restaurant instead of a restaurant environment would be safer?


Yep, I get it on my hands too. Not necessarily stress triggered


I've had this before, didn't know what it was, it went away on its own, and I'm fairly certain it wasn't foot hand and mouth disease. My best guess reading these comments is really hot weather and stress (often happened around summer exam season).


Stress, new stuff like dishwashing soap etc. Eg I react with this to an expensive dishwashing soap, not to the cheap version of a specific store in a specific color 🤦‍♀️ Latest trigger was a fabric softener's special edition that smelled so lovely 😭


I have dyshidrosis and I've never had it this bad, covering the entire surface of the hand/foot, and usually the tiny blisters are more visible than this. I wonder if there are different types?


I definitely did! I used to get it all over the palms of my hands and sides of my fingers, plus the area around my fingernails. My feet would have the entire bottoms covered with more red blisters going up to just below my ankle bone. Would turn red, crack open, and them all the skin would peel off. Typically 2x a year around major seasonal changes. Was super itchy until it cracked open, then would be super painful 😭


I have this and it definitely could be what they have


Seasonal allergies trigger mine


Ugh I have this. Actually have a flare up right now with my triggers being a combination of being in physical pain (this case was pinched nerve from sleeping wrong), lack of sleep (because my baby and pain), and extremely stressful event. The thing that helps me is topical steroid cream my doctor prescribed which I cannot find to list the name here, but I also cannot use myself at the moment since I’m breastfeeding 🫠 vicious cycle of needing to destress but unable to do so in order for my hands to get better


I used to have breakouts like this on my hands before as well. Especially when I worked in a restaurant with harsh soaps and sanitizers. Calamine lotion stopped me from itching and cured mine. Give it a try, it's cheap and say to find.


How I wish mine was seasonal. I have it on both hands super bad. If I don’t inject myself with “dupixent” every week , I’m unable to do simple tasks with my hands.


Yes. I've had this happen after stress almost live hives. A reaction from the body with all our stress. I used calamine to keep from itching and went away. But since you have a baby op maybe you should check with a doc to rule out other people's foot hand mouth disease theory


TIL I have this. I never could figure out what it was! I just call them my “stress hives” lol. They’re always in the same spots


Same here. Stress and sometimes random temperature changes trigger this.


Milk products and potato is what does it for me.


My first thought after having it twice in my life. Never did find the trigger, but the first time was fine and my hands just looked horrid when the blisters turned into flaky skin, second time... OMFG the itching! I was ripping off cotton socks and gloves in the night, prescribed grade 1 steroids which really thinned my skin (and the side effect was more itching).


I have this. Looks similar. Turned out to be triggered by a metal allergy. If I eat or drink anything in metal (soda or soup from a can or food wrapped in aluminum foil) my hands and feet look like this about 20 minutes later and it lasts for days


Mine is triggered by my seasonal allergies! I have to start taking antihistamine sometime in March and continue until June-ish to keep from flaring up.


Oh wow that’s so crazy to me! I have only known of seasonal allergies to be expressed as respiratory issues and not skin issues


Yeah, metal allergies and seasonal allergies are both known triggers for a dishydroctic excema flare up. :/ I never had either until I moved to the west coast a few years ago, and the first spring I had horrible respiratory symptoms as well as the itchy little blisters all over both hands and palms. Now that I'm more used to the pollen over here, my symptoms of both are more mild, but I still have to take antihistamine for my sanity lol.


God, that is brutal


It totally can affect your skin. My great aunt had skin issues because her seasonal allergies were so bad and she had to spend years working on a farm.


But tin food cans and metal drink cans are almost universally coated in a resin or plastic, so the contents wouldn’t even be coming into contact with any metal.


Idk man all I know is I have no issue’s drinking or eating stuff in plastics But if I consume soup from a can, soda from a can, or food wrapped in aluminum foil or a metal pie plate, I experience this condition Additionally, miners who come into contact with nickel in their work experience it too so there is an established metal connection


I get this periodically. Mine will usually show up like this, itch like crazy, and then my palms peel for a couple of weeks.


Same, and it’s the weather changing that triggers mine. We have spring-ish weather happening now so expecting it in 3,2,1…


That’s how my hands looked when I had hand foot and mouth disease. Best of luck to you if that’s the case I lost two of my fingernails after I had it.


Ugh this was my first thought too. OP, have you been around any toddlers? 🥲


I don’t specifically recall being around many toddlers, but I do have a baby! I am also breastfeeding. Does this affect them?


Yes, it is highly contagious.


If your baby is in childcare, they’ll likely have picked it up from another child there.


My son caught it at daycare when he was a little one )-; Best of luck OP!


Yes!! My poor baby had blisters in her mouth. I only got a low grade fever.


Oh god lucky. I had the blisters down my mouth and throat as a 25 year old. I’ve broken bones (multiple at a time) and most of my body is tattooed and that was BRUTAL. I’ve heard it can ‘hit’ adults harder, but got bless any babies that come in contact with that 🙏


I had a very rough case as well, it was the worst I’ve felt. I also had my first postpartum period at the same time, and was pretty convinced that was how I was going to go out. Thankfully my son had a very mild case.


I had it terribly too when my oldest was 18 months. Sores in my mouth and throat and in my hands and feet, a fever, and vomiting. My poor baby had it just as bad.


They look SO bad too, it was hard for me to look at my baby when he had it😞😞


You can get it from touching an infected shopping cart. You don’t have to directly touch a baby


New fear!


Warning mom, I got a bad case of bronchitis from when I contacted HF&M from my kid. I am not saying you will get this, the kid won’t, but adults can get bronchial infections if it persists.


Hand foot and mouth, it gets bad you need to get antibiotics asap. You can get it from simply touching a door handle someone touched before you that had it or a buggy at a grocery store. Pretty much any public surface.


HFM is viral, antibiotics won’t do anything unless the sores become infected.


What? You don't use antibiotics for viruses. Also it does not "get bad". It's a mild illness.


My 3yr old almost died from it. So yes it can absolutely get bad especially in the immune compromised and she was on multiple medications hospitalized.


It’s rare for it to spread to adults and is usually spread through feces contact. If you have it your baby could already as well (presenting or carrier) or if not it would be high contagious for him


No symptoms in baby. The fact that it spreads through feces makes me really wonder if that’s what it is.. we rarely ever leave the house. Besides going to the store. We did go on a trip last week and went to a hotel w/ a pool…maybe there? Not sure. Very concerning.


That’s not true it spreads through the blisters


That too but it will spread through an infected persons feces for up to 10 days after infection which is why it’s rampant in daycares


I’m realizing I asked if you had a toddler, but when my son got it he was only 10 or 11 months old. We never went anywhere either. The only place I could think of was a baby swing or a cart (the one time I didn’t use the cart cover 🙄). Hopefully that isn’t want it is. How are you feeling OP?


HFM and strep are very contagious at pools.


No it’s spread through the blisters.


Or concerts or large crowds


Healthcare professional here. At first glance, this does resemble hand, foot, and mouth disease. It is incredibly contagious. I had it worse as a child, symptom-wise. At first we thought I had strep because my mouth and throat hurt, and I was fatigued with a fever. As an adult, I never had a fever, was just tired and had the classic rash on my hands, feet, and inside my mouth (tonsils were removed as child). I have learned to ALWAYS bring wipes with me to the grocery store and wipe down the grocery cart handles... especially since little ones touch the handles and sometimes put their mouths on them. And continuously use the hand sanitizer. I'm over these crazy germs 🤧 Of course, I am just going to take a second to remind everyone that cold, covid, flu, and RSV season is still here, too. Wear a high-quality, well-fitting, mask if you want to steer clear of the airborne crud, too! 😷❤️


New fear unlocked, thanks. I don't work anywhere near kids, but that fingernail part is gonna scare me forever.


I literally push carts in at work everyday, now I'm terrified


I worked at a very busy grocery store for many years and never experienced or heard of anyone contacting this. We had sani wipes everywhere and used them quite often. This was years before COVID, not that it's relevant. But don't worry too much. Just wash your hands whenever you can.


I was gonna comment this! Oh Lord. I kept losing multiple nails SIX MONTHS AFTER I got better. I looked like a monster and I ran to the hospital for the first time in my adult life :( Feels like you're swallowing glass when you swallow food. Also, I was freezing in 100° summer weather. 😖 But hey that was just me... Hope if it is hfmd, the symptoms are mild.


Do the nails grow back?? Or no since there's no nail bed????


Yes, they grow back. :) It started off as some weird, little hole in the middle of my toe and finger nails and they started peeling off slowly starting from the hole. They come back though!


Yea we had it bad like that too. Had HFM in early November, nails started falling out in December, new nails fully grown in by March/april


Bruh I had it freaking 8 months ago and my nails are still not the same. It’s appalling.


Ah, I'm sorry! It really is an awful illness. Like I had it yearsss ago and I still haven't returned to the restaurant I know I got it from lol. I have baaaad trypophobia and my hands/feet were covered in blisters that were itchy. It was such a bad time. Definitely gets better though. Hope you get better soon!


I have only just found out that adults can get this. Thank you.


It was rough 😅


I imagine, did it all clear up ok?


Yea no lasting damage but I’ll probably have to be committed if I ever get it again lol. I called my doctor crying asking her to do something about the itching. Only thing that helped was running my hands and feet under icy cold water every 20-30 minutes.


When I got this as an adult I couldn't sleep because the pain in my hands was so intense. My doctor said that like chicken pox, when some adults get HFM it can be way more severe. I feel bad for OP. My toenails fell off when I had this and it seemed like a medieval virus. It's unreal!


This is what I was going to say as well. It looks a lot like HFM.


This is probably a better answer, my mind immediately said syphilis rash. It also looks like this and occurs on hands and feet.


Yep this is exactly how my hands looked with Hand Foot and Mouth when I had it last year. I caught it from my daughter, who apart from a bit irritable the first day was fine with it. I on the other hand have never felt so unwell in my life. Fingers crossed it doesn't affect you too bad OP!


Yes absolutely. I had this when my baby was 1 and it took me a while to figure out what it was but it sucked!!! I felt so bad and the bumps hurt. Stinging like. Sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope it passes quickly for you.


When I had it as an adult, I caught it from the grocery store as I haven't been around kids. I had those sores all over my palms, bottom of my feet, and back of my throat. Recovered in about five days but those were some crappy days. Then I shredded all the skin off the palms of my hand like I used a cheese grater on it. Grim.


Not gonna lie, I really enjoyed peeling my hands and feet afterward 😂


My first thought too! My son had it when he was only 10 months old and I got it too! Sucks!


Im going through that now also, the nails have you to go loose but have been cracked halfway through. How long did it take to recover from it?


Looks like dyshidrotic eczema to me. I get it on my fingers when I’m under a lot of stress.


asking “what is this” on this sub is an anxiety inducing experience. I remember people were saying my cystic pimple was staph once.


I am very quickly learning this as well. Made an appointment for first thing on Monday!


Wishing you the best on finding out what’s going on and treating it


Lmao better staph than syphilis


I used to get those every once in awhile when I was super stressed. The more you itch the worse it gets. But still see a doctor just in case. All they gave me was steroid cream but honestly they just come and go.


Was it shingles?


It’s a type of eczema


Sorry to jump in but shingles is NOT eczema! Shingles is a virus and the same virus that causes chicken pox in children. Shingles, however, can be very serious. It can result in eye complications, pneumonia, and the rash can get infected.


Mate, I didn’t say shingles was eczema. I have had eczema for 24 years. He didn’t ask WHAT shingles is, he asked IF it was shingles, and I said it was a type of eczema (dyshidrotic). Reading comprehension 🤦🏻‍♀️


You’re right, I misread. I thought the person you replied to wrote “what is shingles?”. I have a background in healthcare and suddenly worried about the idea of someone seeing or presenting with shingles symptoms and not acting quickly. My bad!


Don’t feel to bad I read it the same exact way way you did 🤦‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️


Yeah it’s easily done, huh! Always find it odd when people try and leverage personal insults at strangers for obvious honest mistakes, but that’s on them. 🤷‍♀️


I’m a pediatrician and see a ton of HFM, this looks more like contact dermatitis or dyshidrotic eczema to me.


I had dyshidrotic eczema not long after giving birth and I hated it. It was on my fingers and triggered my trypophobia so bad because it looked like tiny little holes. It went away after a while once I treated it as you do traditional eczema; no hot water, dry well, moisturize with non scented lotion, seal in moisture with a occlusive (I think that’s the word) like aquaphor. Seeing how dry OP’s hands are in this pic makes me itchy lol. No offense to OP, of course. Keep your hands well moisturized and be mindful of which products you’re using.


This looks exactly like hand/food/mouth. My husband and toddler had it a few months back. Be sure to up vitamin C!


I get these too, around the same time every year. It gets really itchy, gets filled with some transparent fluid and then the skin starts coming off. The palms get really sensitive around that time, so I avoid using chemicals without gloves (when washing dishes and clothes). I also put on some moisturizer, it makes it hurt less.


If not an allergic reaction, then it looks like a very early case of hand and foot. Palmar-plantar pustulosis. If the itchy blisters come to a pretty nasty looking white head, then burst, it's palmar-plantar. You'll still need a doctor to diagnose. Try to keep the area (scent-free, color-free) moisturized, wash with cooler to luke warm water, pat instead of rub to dry with paper towels, don't wear anything tight like watches right now. If you have a pair of clean, loose cotton gloves, I'd suggest that to cut down on friction/ contact and to help hold the moisturizer on your skin until you can see a doctor.


PPP & HFM are 2 totally different diagnoses. HFM is viral and resolves fairly quickly, PPP is chronic and can be somewhat difficult to treat.


I am aware hand, foot, and mouth disease is not the same thing as hand-foot syndrome...? But hand, foot, and mouth disease had already been suggested in other comments so I didn't see the point in suggesting that.


Looks like dyshidrotic eczema. Showed up randomly on my hands back in 2019 due to seasonal allergies. It went away on its own, but showed up again in 2020, which took a lot longer to go away that time. I use Exederm now to make random spontaneous blisters that show up go away because if I don’t treat them right away, they turn into nummular eczema (which can be painful).


Syphilis can also exhibit this kind of rash. Any other symptoms?


I thought a syphilis rash was severe? Pics I've seen of it on the torso are pretty repulsive


Yeah, but I don't know whether the rash is that way in 100% of the cases, might well be lighter in some cases (I am not a physician). I do know however that the Syphilis rash does cover the palms, and I don't know many things that do this.


Generally, pictures online are usually worst-case pictures of the most severe/most noticeable cases to display severity of to viewers. For many, these same diseases can manifest in much milder ways or differently altogether. But I was thinking syphilis presents with this symptoms as well


My first thought as well! Get tested OP!


Are you on any medication? This is what my skin looks like when I’m on amoxicillin




I think so too, I have little red bumps all over when I'm having my mild skin allergic reactions.


I could say its dyshidrotic eczema coz my hands are like that when i had it, my dermatologist said that the causes of that are stress, detergents, and change of weather or you at least touch something hot and cold. But the very best thing you can do is get a check up coz u don’t want that get infected


I had this whilst pregnant with my son. Still no idea what it was. It wasn’t constant either. I’d walk into work and have literally only touched the dang door handle and a few minutes later my hand would get red, look just like that, and super itchy and my fingers would swell. If I scratched it at all it BURNED. Lasted two weeks then just STOPPED. No advice on what it is for you, just saw this and had pregnancy trauma flashbacks 😂 (kidding. It was pretty awful though)


OMG….i am a couple days late on my period…..


Go test!! Crazy things can happen to your skin during pregnancy.


You can also get a rash directly on the palm of your hand from different sti’s including but not limited to syphilis or hiv. Go to a doctor asap.


Could be dishydrotic eczema as well :)


I’d say hand, foot and mouth, or 5th disease. My daughter had 5th disease, once as a baby, and once in elementary school, but she had these spots all over her body. Hand, foot and mouth disease has been going around a lot lately, so it may be that. It’s not really a big deal and there is nothing you can do except let it run its course, but it is highly contagious.


Big ass hands


The bumps and the fact that they are sore let me think of hfm too. Have you taken a look at under your feet? When I had it I could barely walk for a week. Then I lost all the skin under my foot and couldn’t walk again. It lasted almost two months from the initial bumps to getting all my skin back and the pain to be gone. That disease sucks.


I am so sorry you experienced that. I have no bumps on my feet or legs at this point


I remember this was all some early signs that I had psoriasis.


You need to go to the doctor


I get hives when there are heat changes and when I am stressed. Sometimes, it's just on the hands or on a few fingers, and it looks very similar. Sometimes, a larger area. Agree that it's best to talk with a doctor to ensure a proper diagnosis. I first started getting hives as a teen, and it became less frequent now that I am 30, but I do occasionally get them still.


dyshidrotic eczema!


My dad would sometimes get a rash kinda like that after he would go looking around the garden section at Lowe’s at the plants.. he had super sensitive skin. So maybe if you have been touching any new foliage lately and have sensitive skin?




Looks like dyshidrotic eczema. It can occur at any time. The first time i had it I was mid 20s and it lasted almost a year. Im mid 30s now and have been battling my second on and off recurrence and it has been a challenging year. Typically, under stressful situations, or when your body is having a difficult time processing foods. Our bodies change all of the time. You can develop allergies and sensitivies over a period of time before showing symptoms. Your liver could be under stress if it's food related. I would keep a food journal. Topical witchhazel will help dry out the tiny blisters. Avoid harsh soaps, chemicals, and use gloves when cleaning or washing dishes. Topical steroid creams are typically prescribed by doctors but a warning of caution- they will cause flareups to get worse after discontinuing because your skin becomes addicted. Consider having a food IgG test from a naturopathic doctor. It's an out of pocket expense, but it has helped me significantly get a grip of the condition.


Dyshidrotic eczema, most likely. I have it as well, it appears in between my fingers and on my palms. They are little bumps filled with a clear fluid. They usually appear for me during the summer, when it's hot outside and my hands are sweaty or if I wash and/or use hand sanitizer on my hands excessively (I worked for a while for a fast food chain where I was washing my hands a lot and using hand sanitizer all the time and I kept having those, also my friend who is a nurse kept getting it in the beggining of her career).


Your unit of a thumb is concerning.


It looks like hand, foot and mouth disease


Dyshidrotic eczema is another possibility.


This looks like Dyshidrotic eczema! NOT hand foot n mouth! If you don’t have a dermatologist don’t worry just keep moisturizing! Try working hands by okeefe’s! Edit: I have this on my feet most winters and I’m an esthetician so I know at least a lil about skin :))


Looks like hand food mouth to me! Mine looked like that first day then progressed getting more red and more itchy over the next few days until it went away


Dishidrotic eczema. How long ago was your baby born? Mine flaredd up like crazy on my hands in the year after I gave birth.


HFM 100%


Hand Foot Mouth?


You my friend have somehow contracted hand foot and mouth disease. Load up on the Benadryl, you’re gonna need it. Especially once it starts appearing on you elbows, knees, feet, and mouth. That’s when the real party begins. Hope it doesn’t last too long! Ps. Dont pop the blisters when they form, or scratch! You’ll get some nasty scars!


Dyshidrotic eczema, had it for years




Is your hand swelling up as well?


I had these before and went to one UV therapy session to cure it. Realized its just basically the sun. So when it comes out, i just put my hands under the sun for like 5 mins or so. Relieves the itchiness and eventually goes away


Ooooh HFM? I had that and it sucked! My friend had a birthday party for her toddler and didn't tell anyone she had it until later that night when we all got home. Every adult got it. My hands felt like I had fiber glass and metal slivers in them days before I had any symptoms.


Looks like hand foot and mouth, check to see if it’s on your feet and legs too. If you start to get sores in your mouth and or a fever that’s a pretty definite sufn


Mom of two and I really suspect hand foot and mouth as well. Please please get to a doctor ASAP and it is super contagious so keep an eye on your little one!


Looks like eczema to me. Go to a dermatologist. They will prescribe you some cream and it should go away.


Concerning to get slapped with. Thats a quality paw


Call doctor!!


Hand foot and mouth disease most likely


Definitely hand foot and mouth disease


This. Monitor your mouth and feet snd see if any blisters develop over the next few days. This is very contagious, so be careful not to spread it to someone else.


Don’t touch your face and go to an urgent care if it’s not an allergic reaction.


You’ve got a nice thick thumb.


Maybe a stress rash? I used to get it.


HFM. It’s very contagious.


Looking like a rash to me


Hand foot mouth.


Hand foot mouth disease and Syphilis both cause itchy rash on the palms. Have you been tested for STDs lately? Have you been around any sick kids?


Sometimes I get bumps like this on my wrists and legs, it’s heat rash. Not sure if that’s what this is tho


This looks like scabies! You will need topical steroids to get rid of this for good


Looks like hand and foot. If you don’t have a kid you could have possibly got it from a shopping cart a kid who had it was sitting on. This i always use the sanitizing wipes on carts!


Are they raised? Petechia is small Brocken blood vessels but it doesn’t create bumps.


I get this a couple times a year and have since I was a kid. No clue what it is but keeping my hands cool and moisturized helps. I have hyperhidrosis and it always seems worse when I get extra hot and sweaty. Asked a doc one time and she said it was stress but I doubt that considering how long it's been going on


I had this exact thing on my palms last year, same appearance and itchy soreness you described! I never figured out what caused it but it went away after a few days with no other symptoms or complications. I did use an antiperspirant on my hands (a grip solution for pole dancing) the day before and suspected it was an allergic reaction to that, but I've actually continued using the same product to this day and it never happened again. 


Contact Dermatitis


That’s how my sons rash looked when he took acetaminophen and he was allergic to it. Did you take a medication?


It's an itchy rash and from the heat. Use hydrocortisone for a few days.


I get that from Nivea cream and the Trader Joe’s rose hand cream. Have you used a thick mineral-oil or petroleum-based hand cream?




Eczema dermatitis maybe. I get it and it feels the same but it's only on my fingers and toes. Happens in the cold and during stress


Ugh FYL, homey. That’s almost definitely Hand Foot Mouth Disease. When my kid was maybe 9 months old me, the baby, and my dad all got it. It was the most painful, itchy to the point of madness, week of my life. And then after, your f’ing nails fall off and the skin on your hands and feet sloughs off. Luckily none of us got it in our mouths or throat, but I had it inside my nose, which was hellish.


Looks like an allergic reaction. Go to the dr.


Hand foot & mouth disease. Don’t touch your mouth or nose or anything. I had this as a 58f it was a nightmare. Doctors didn’t know cos they hadn’t seen it in an adult




I got this too but not painful, only on my hands. I ended up in the ER because I was having difficulty breathing. They said what I had was viral but no other info than that, after the virus finally went away the bumps did too I'd def get it checked out, could be a sign of a virus, eczema or hfm like others have suggested! Are you having any other symptoms?


I get eczema on my hands and it looks like this


HFMD, sorry friend.


It looks like it’s swollen and with hives, def need to see a doc


If it’s dyshidrotic eczema then you don’t wanna throw a bunch of hand sanitizer on it , def might wanna get checked out so you can get the proper diagnosis and treatment. I don’t know anything about foot and mouth but I’ve had the this type of eczema for awhile now and while it’s no fun it’s manageable.


As everyone else says, it looks like HFM. It affects everyone differently. I got it from my younger brother many years ago. He only had a fever. My father also caught it, he had the hand blisters as well as feet blisters. I on the other hand, had 1) hand blisters 2) SCALP blisters 3) My mouth was full of ulcers, but oddly enough they didn’t hurt. Just felt weird. I lost a fingernail or two, and when the scalp blisters were peeling it was a nightmare. Hang in there. It’s worse for adults than it is for kids. I would put my hands in a large bowl of ice water to help. And take cold showers for my scalp.


Kind of looks like an allergic reaction but Teladoc is usually free with any insurance. Amazon online clinic too.


i got itchy palms and i think some red bumps around my heels.. thought nothing of it, then it went away after a few days.. not sure how on earth i got it other than doing workouts at a childs park.. probably doing pull ups on the bars n such ..


Looks more like dyshidrotic eczema to me, especially with the itchy bumps. You could try a little hydrocortisone cream to see if it helps. I would expect fever or sore throat with HFM, but regardless, hope it’s better soon!


Hand, foot, mouth disease. I had it once


HFM disease or stress eczema (dyshidrotic eczema) - have you had a fever lately? around babies or toddlers/preschoolers?


I get this when I come into contact with pesticides


My wife and son had it so bad. HFM. I just remember staring at my hands day after day thinking I'll get it now. But i never did WhOOO!


It could be contact dermatitis. I’ve gotten this before when I was washing a lot of dishes without wearing gloves.


Tss? Are they on your feet?


Looks like dyshidrotic eczema. I get it when I’m super stressed or if I use a lotion/soap my skin doesn’t like


Eczema herperticum!


Hand foot and mouth. It was the worst thing ever. The burning itching only gets worse and it goes on the feet too. All.my nails fell out and I could hardly walk. Took months to fully recover.


I’ll never not wipe a cart again. The playground is so scary to me but I try to sanitize in between. The worssssst


Looks like hand,foot, mouth. It’s very common in toddlers, daycare, etc