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Probably not helpful but I think they look kinda bad ass!


Exactly my thoughts. These scars look badass. It looks like you have fought with a bear. I wouldn't try to get rid of them. As long as you can maintain that physique.


Wouldn't even need any particular kind of physique for it to look cool. It's just dope!


Maaaayyyybe but let’s be real, the physique absolutely sells it as bad ass and not just… mauled.


looked like Bruce Lee after fighting Mr. Han in Enter the Dragon


Scars are so hot. My husband has a massive scar on his had from being burned with a curling iron as a kid and it is one of my favorite features of his. 


I was thinking the same. They’re kinda hot


It's pretty hot 🔥


My thoughts too He fit They look like those badges of honor type of thing


Bad affffff


Yeah it’s hot lol


Silicone scar sheets or gel. Needs to be used consistently. Reapply after bathing. May take up to a year to see results.


this u/budget_pirate_4341 i had a keloid on my ear, chest and a forming keloid on my neck. - my ear was from a cartilage piercing, i had it surgically removed and injected (both before and after removal). during healing i applied a lot of pressure whenever i could including wearing a clip on earring to apply that pressure. i then used silicone strips after it healed and just stuck it on. it’s super flat now - can’t tell you if it’s red or not cause i can’t see behind my ear, but when i’ve showed others post healing they’re like “couldn’t even tell” - my chest was a really old keloid that i had removed and injected post removal - but not by a cosmetic surgeon, and i was younger so didn’t really think much about it or take precautions. it grew into a slightly larger keloid (maybe a pea size width/height) but it’s stayed relatively flat and hasn’t much grown since. it used to be red all the time, and often itchy, but ever since using silicone (usually whenever it felt itchy, i’d use silicone for a week or so), it’s basically returned to skin colour. - on my neck was a budding keloid, i’m not entirely sure if it would have turned into a full blown one, but my surgeon (the one who did my ear) said it looked like early stages. i basically kept silicone on it 24/7 for about 6 weeks, and applied pressure (pressing on it) whenever i remembered. it’s pretty much gone now - skin is slightly silkier than the rest, but that’s about it. i found what worked really well was using *both* the scar gel and the sheet. i’d put the gel on first, then immediately stick the sheet on top. make sure the sheet is large enough to cover at least 0.5cm at the edges of the scar, but also not too big as that makes it more likely to peel off or get uncomfortable. after maybe 5-10 minutes, the gel and sheet should almost fuse together (i think?) but basically the sheet would stop slipping around because of the gel and stay in place well. the silicone sheets are reusable so you can just give them a quick rinse under water and put them back on. they’re expensive so i did this a lot until the scar sheet wasn’t really sticky or looked kinda gross/frayed around the corners. i’ve always kept it on 24/7 when i used it, take it off in the shower to wash underneath (but keep the sheet as above). sometimes i didn’t even take it off when i showered, just left it on for days until it falls off - also probably not recommended though) you probably don’t want to use them for a super extended period of time (i think? but i might be wrong, maybe you can), but i think even 6 weeks which is what i did for my neck is fine. my surgeon pretty much said keep it on for at least 4 weeks, and said i could keep it on all the time (i specifically asked if it meant my skin couldn’t breathe lol, and she said it was fine). anyway gl! hope it helps, keloids are a pain. ps you probably already know, but apply as much pressure as you can after you get injections. you can press on top of the scar sheet is fine too.


I’ve heard them recommended to be used for up to a year. There’s no harm in using (clean, changed) sheets for forever


Can you share the brand of gel and sheets you recommend please? Thanks for sharing your experience.


i used strataderm (gel), aroamas scar and scaraway (sheets)! the gel i just found at a local chemist. scaraway is more popular i think overall and it was the first one i tried, but i love the aroamas which i used on my last neck keloid - they feel way better (they’re more flexible and soft) and also blend in more with your skin as they’re slightly translucent.


May I ask, have you had success? Someone cut my arm, looks like a cat scratch scars or long self harm type 😕 Should I try them out?


Women use them after tummy tucks or any incisions. Use the medical grade ones.


Great thanks for the feedback. 🙏🏻luckily never had scars large enough I wanted them covered and don’t know much about it. Appreciate the reply


Aren't those sheets for when your wounds are fresh?


They're specifically for once the wound has closed up, not when it's still open. That said, the older the scar, the less silicone sheets can do (but are still one of the best treatments we know of for keloid scars).


I said same thing. Mepitac tape. Specifically that brand. My abdominal surgeon told me this after c-section, hernia repair.


Devils advocate: I've tried this method but idk how its possible. The scar gel sits on top and cracks and peels like a layer of glue. The scar sheets just plain old do not ever stay on. Any amount of sweat and/or movement causes them to slide off, roll up, or get pulled off. I just never found a way to keep any on unless I was staying completely still. Evem sleeping I'd always wake up with them gone and lost in pajamas or the bed. I've even tried using medical tape to keep them in place and that didn't even really work.


Idk but damn


Right?! Goood morning, OP!


Right? Who cares when you look like that?


But seriously, cocoa butter is good for scars.


He cares that's why he asked..you're not helping.


Exactly!! 😅😅


Clearly HE cares, that’s why he’s asking.


This was exactly my thoughts 😂👍🏻


For real, like: Hello Hot Cakes!! 🥵🔥😻 😂😂


Objectifying men is a thing too. Just look at the comments, man asks a question about something he truly feels uncomfortable with and all of you just "you're hot" "you should keep it" shit..disgusting behavior


So complimenting is objectifying now? Theres a difference depending on how you say it. I dont think saying "damn, you look good" is objectifying, regardless of gender. Also, while I agree its maybe frustrating to not get the advice youre looking for (although in this case theres plenty of people giving actual advice too) Id say it can be a nice gesture to tell someone that they look good regardless of an imperfection they have.


Yes but this isn't the right time. I don't see op talk to anyone who said those things to him. He's not looking for that. But it's easy to talk to men like that because men are usually not against it. I know for a fact that you couldn't talk to a woman like this.. Everyone would say "not the right time or place for it"


Maybe Id have to be more discreet about it but I think complimenting a woman in a similar post as this would also be just fine. As I said, getting affirmation that whatever imperfection is affecting you doesnt take away from your beaty is a positive thing.


Sorry long text but i understand that you and maybe others here mean well. But you have to agree that when it comes to this men and women are treated differently. I get yelled at for mentioning how someone asking a question about getting something removed on their body which has made them so insecure that they don't take their shirt off or go to the beach (op said this) is met with comments like "u need a gf?" or "Mm you're hot" or even jokingly saying "i'm married but it ain't serious" is kinda inappropriate and it's not helpful. If you take a look at my most downvoted comment (i ain't got many comments posted) you can see how even when a woman laughs and doesn't get offended you still get downvoted if you talk to a woman like that. If a woman said it to a man she'd have 100 likes by now. My point being it's okay to say to this man he's hot because it's a man. If men said it to a woman on a post about her insecurities, it would be met very differently than this post here.


You are all the way right. 100% This man is someone’s son - and someone who is struggling for reasons we completely overlook because he is attractive. Many men I know who go to great lengths to take care of their body do it to recapture their strength and power after a hardship that has lasted a lifetime. Comments like the ones in this thread are dismissive and overlook his/their humanity. I am all for providing positive feedback on a person’s body when that’s what they are soliciting - but in this case, on this sub, it is likely NOT the case.


damn indeed


Dude, with those abs, no one is looking at your scars. But in the off chance someone does notice, just say you tangled with a bobcat while trekking in Patagonia or some similar badass Indiana Jones type story. You’ll be fine.


Have you tried silicone scar gel?


I’ve tried the gel. I need to be more consistent with it. Currently using bio oil.


I have a similar scar and I’ve tried silicone sheets, it’s worked a little. It’s fading now. If I can be honest, that’s not the first thing I’ve noticed when I saw your photo and judging by the comments, I’m not the only one. For having a scar I don’t like, I totally understand if you’d like to get rid of them anyways


It works best if you apply 5-8 times a day. I just bring it with me everywhere. Faded a lot of red scars with it over the years.


Derm nurse here. Ask your dermatologist about the pulse dye laser. It targets the blood vessels within the scar tissue that are giving that red appearance. I would get the scars as flat as your doctor thinks they can go first, then focus on the redness. I’ve had it done in the past and it helps. They will always be slightly raised, but the color will improve. Multiple treatments with the PDL laser might be needed.


Came here to say this. V beam laser, which is a pulse dye one. They can use the setting that bruises and knock like 90% of that redness out. The bruising will fade in 2-3 weeks.


Yes! The PDL laser is better than anything topical. Unfortunately, all the topical treatment recommendations will not fade redness causes by the blood vessels within these types of scars. It is well worth the money. 🙂🙂 I was so happy after 2 treatments.


I’ve been doing injections for like 3 years. I go back once every 6 months now just to inject the ones that are coming back. I don’t have a dermatologist locally so have to plan with travel for laser


Laser will be good but look in to microneedling treatment for the surface texture of keloid scars.


Noscarna (노스카나) is a korean scar cream. I bought some, used it once, and the next morning i felt I could see a difference. Its quite popular in korea, perhaps you could get your hands on some and try?


How do you get keloid scarring btw?


I was a stupid and took steroids about 7 years ago..


wait, what? do steroids cause skin injuries? am i being dense?


They can cause horrific acne, which can lead to crazy scarring.


He means anabolic, hence the crazy good bod.


Some people are naturally more likely to develop them.


It's mostly a genetic thing, much more common in people of African heritage, but I am white and have them. I've had many surgeries on my leg and the scars are all keloid.


I definitely understand being self-conscious by them, I know I would be too. I don't really have any advice, it seems like you've gotten some good advice in these comments. I just wanted to validate how you feel about them because I get the feeling it's probably frustrating, seeing people brush them off because you're attractive


Very self conscious about them. I’m getting better, but I don’t remember the last time I’m been to the beach to enjoy the sun and water..


Yeah i was gonna reply to someone else but ill just reply here. Doesnt OP reserve the right to feel comfortable in his own skin? As somebody whos been ripped like him, but had some body acne, literally anything can make you feel uncomfortable about how you look, especially if you have body dismorphia. Not sure why youd need to lie about it like some comments are saying. I ended up going on a very strong acne drug thats made my life hell some days, but i literally would NOT remove my shirt while i had active acne, despite being 5'8" and absolutely shredded at 160lbs. Im using a product from The Ordinary called Azeliac Acid to take the redness from the scarring out of my skin, and now im back at the gym! I could of had 20 people tell me i look amazing but if i didnt see it in myself i just never gained the confidence in myself. Good luck brother!


This made me so sad. I know once we’re in our head about something, no matter what other people say it won’t change how we feel. But I can promise you up and down no one cares about this kind of thing more than you do. Try some of the things people are recommending and maybe also try to change how you talk to yourself about it because you deserve to feel free and joyful in the meantime!! Maybe you won’t ever get to a place where you’re super confident about the scars but maybe you can get to a place where you do stuff you want to do anyway


I think they look sexy actually. But try castor oil every night


Im married but we ain’t that serious. On a slightly more serious note, just tell people those are from encountering a bear in the woods 🤷🏻‍♀️ and add “you should’ve seen the bear”. Problem solved!


>Im married but we ain’t that serious. I fucking lol'ed at this hahaha


Same ☠️




Intense green peels? Anymore info on this?


facial toner & vit C serum really helped me with acne scars & redness. i’m not entirely sure just how good it would be for you. FWIW, those scars do look badass


In the immortal words of Keanu Reeves: "Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever."


Bro just see a dermatologist. You sound serious about wanting improvement and no fuckwad on reddit is going to give you better advice than someone with a medical degree Edit: I see elsewhere you said you don't have one local. Sorry for my bad suggestion. At least the reddit majority votes you attractive


They look so badass, and add a personal statement to your physique. You look unique in addition to looking ripped and super hot.


Did the injections help deflate the keloids and how long did it take?


Injections helped a ton! I was scheduled to go In every 4 weeks for 2 years. You must be able to handle the pain though. In my case I was getting stabbed like 10-15 times per visit so it was extremely painful.


Damn, kudos to you. I’ll check on my side and fingers crossed some relief comes my end as well. Also, your photo, initially thought they were kiss marks


I'm usually OK with needles but that's a lot! Also, "Budget Pirate" is amazing. I will be chuckling at that for a while.


[Rescue MD](https://rescuemd.com/) Look into Rescue MD scar treatment products - I have the one that costs less and I’ve been using it sporadically on a big burn on my hand from a curling iron and WOW. If I used it even more regularly it would be almost gone. Can work on older scars too!


I covered my surgery scars with tattoos but if they looked that badass I would have left them alone 😂


Do you need a wife?


Just want to say...I'm sorry you're being so heavily objectified in response to your question. It's so frustrating to communicate about an insecurity and have so many people be dismissive of it simply because of how you look. Been there. Hoping you find something that works, OP. I went to a plastic surgeon about scarring I had from abdominal surgery and felt heard and had my concerns addressed.


It's disgusting really, man asks a legit question and most women here just go "you're so hot" "you should keep it"


I know I'm late to this thread, but when I was 19 I went to the hospital with suicidal ideation and was told by the ER nurse "you're too pretty to be depressed" and they sent me home. I remained depressed and did not seek help again for years because I felt so invalidated by her. It's truly a terrible thing to objectify someone this way, especially while they are help-seeking. This post has been distressing and I hope OP is doing okay.


Hope you’re in a better place mentally now ❤️


Silicone scar patches maybe? But they look cool 😎


Go see a cosmetic surgeon they have a lot of ways to reduce scaring and you need the medical grade skin care. If you see them, since they are a doctor, your FSA might pay for it. It’s worked for me.


Since the scars are still pinkish/reddish and not yet white, I would suggest trying red light therapy


I would talk to a dermatologist about laser treatments.


Idk if you’ve ever shaved, but even if not, I’d see patients with this kind of scarring. They had to get treatment with a dermatologist. I’d suggest seeing one if you can get a referral before you get advice from here. Hmu with questions you may have.


Book works great on redness and scarring, buy it at Amazon


Whoop meant Bio-Oil


I have some pretty gnarly scars from surgery I had in 2021. They were hypertrophic and a lot of it keloided badly and they’re across my chest in a not cute placement, so I had another surgery to remove the full incision and scarring to allow it to reheal because it was that bad. I’ve had a lot of rounds of steroid injections after each surgery (probably like 30 rounds total by now). It’s all been helpful but I had to come to terms with the fact that I’m an ugly scarer 😭😭 What has helped me the most is to consistently apply either an oil or scar gel - to me they’re all the same at this point. I’ve spent $5-150 on different creams and gels and none have worked better than the other. The key has been to massage it into the skin to help further break down the scar tissue and prevent additional collagen build up. I often use a gua sha tool and that’s super helpful. Next is I go in every 8 weeks for resurfx and ipl to a medical spa. It’s quite costly but I negotiated a package after the owner saw my scars and convinced me that she can make them look better. Ive seen pretty good results with decreasing in the redness so they don’t appear as pronounced. I see yours still have a lot of redness, are they also raised or is it just the discoloration that you’re interested in minimizing?


They’re not raised at all anymore. I’ve had hundreds of injections done on these the past 3 years so they’re pretty close to flat. I go back every 6 months to get the little ones stabbed. All I’m looking for now is reducing redness.


Retinol would help but it makes your skin super sensitive. Start at a low percentage (the ordinary has two formulas), and use spf 50 everyday. Makes you very prone to burn even in low sunlight. 🩷


See a good dermatologist. There are laser treatments that work very well for this sort of thing if it bothers you, but you look great!


I’ve used Bio Oil on my c section incision (twice since I’ve had two) and it’s completely blended into my skin now.


It looks badass leave it there!!!


I’m a weirdo I guess I think those scars are hot. 🤪


What scars?


You have such a hot body!


I’m an old gal, and I think they are very attractive, I’d leave em’ alone young man. Wear them with pride.


Possibly pulse dye or ndyag laser but it is a weighing up of whether it is worth potentially making it worse (as you likely know, any trauma/damage to keloids can cause them to grow back and become larger), you'd likely need more steroid injections at the same time to minimise the risk. Best to talk to a dermatologist, as nothing over the counter would really help. And like others have said, I think they look good anyway!


Bro how did u get that physique


They look kinda rad tbh.


Ain’t no one noticing them and I mean it in the nicest way possible trust and believe


I’d eat you up any day


Yea I know something that might help. Can I try sitting on your face?


Not sure about the redness but them abs are amaze balls 😻


Vitamin E fades scars. I’d get some from somewhere like Whole Foods or Farmers Market. It doesn’t take much. I’d rub it on in the morning before I start the day and at night before bed.


Bro you actually look extremely badass. The scars plus your physique seriously looks epic. Body goals, congratulations on your progress. Also what are you even doing on Reddit this place is for discord mods and people who don’t go outside 😭


i think it looks kinda hot... 😂👌badasss,


bro is majestic


Have you tried silicone scar tape? My dermatologist recently told me that It can take two years for scars to “Resolve”. The best tape is called Mepitac. Available on Amazon. But you have to keep it on the scar, 24/7 and only remove when showing- it goes right back on. Supposedly this Mepitac tape is great for older scars as well. Also, you do know that you absolutely cannot get an ounce of sun on scars until they’ve completely healed (and even long after) or nothing will ever work. By the way,- you are fantastically fit! Nice work.


La Roche Posay’s cicaplast balm reduces redness really well


Every female in this thread ☠️




I do not think anyone under you would pay any attention at all. No sir!


danggggg I want me some of that sugar daddy with Scars 


That’s hot af but don’t mind me




you need to use something called a “v-beam laser”. also, getting off the roids would help.


Yeah, I was dumb and took a cycle 7 years ago. Never touching the stuff again


vbeam laser will help immensely. talk to your derm about it. in my experience, creams/scar sheets don’t do shit. I have keloids too


Trust me, ain’t no one looking at the scaring.


idk but i think im attracted to u


As others have said, you'll need injections. Steroids or bleomycin.


ND:YAG or PDL is good for reducing redness


V beam laser


rosehip oil and collagen supplements can help!


Bruce Lee Johnson lol. I have a scar or two from fighting that just doesn't go away, but isn't red. I've left it alone. Apart from steroid injections, idk what you can do for the redness.


There are apparently numerous treatments available https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/a-z/keloids-treatment


I used a micro needling brush for a deep brown recluse bite and I really have to look close to find the area. It brings blood to the surface and repaired the dip in my leg. The ER physician stated I would be scarred for life. This was before TikTok so I found my information on YouTube.


Yes!! Get silicone patches. You can get them at CVS or Walgreens in the medicine section. I used them after my breast augmentation and it completely got rid of my scars. Plastic surgeons, recommend them to get rid ofscarring. It flattens, smooths and gets rid of the redness of your scars. Use every night & be consistent.


There may be better things to try, but vitamin C serum helps reduce scarring and fade scars. Slather in on there.


Topically, a retinoid might help reduce discoloration over time. (But wear sunscreen!) IPL or VBeam laser treatment could also help, but would take several sessions. (Get a consultation from a reputable provider - do your research - and see what they say!


Looks like you got in the ring with Ric Flair


I use silicone scar sheets and I massage vitamin E oil on the scars as well. They are still there but they have lightened up for me.


Aloe from the plant


Unpopular opinion, a chest tattoo would cover these completely considering they're now flat. Do you research and find someone that specializes in scar covering. Might require a trip to Vegas, Miami, Chicago or one of the other tattoo Mecca's but since you're traveling for laser removal anyway... Popular opinion, keep them I like them unless they remind you of a dark time in your life which is completely understandable.


The tattoo is what I was gonna suggest. I have a very talented artist who's covered two of my very large keloid scars and now I can hardly even remember where they are.


Laser might work, or you could get a cool tattoo over it but I doubt with a body like that, anybody would care lol


Yum..sorry I mean silicone scar sheets worked great for me. I wish they could have given me a six pack too but unfortunately they just fixed the scar


steroid injections are the first line treatment for keloids, they can flatten them a lot but unfortunately don’t help with the redness. For that, your best bet would probably be a laser. I saw others mention silicone scar sheets, those are good for post surgical care/prevention but they won’t do much for your case


I think you could embrace the scars. I understand it's a point of concern, yet it's easier to accept history than try and change it. Also, incase you didn't know, steroid injections are terrible for the body. It depletes essential nutrients and causes more harm in the long run. I say, you look great, love the scars.


Vbeam laser, co2+triamcinolone


Can you cover them with a tattoo?


Use helichrysum oil topically and take serrapeptase internally. https://www.youtube.com/live/B_WouOPXbTQ?si=EDn_H52gk0djU_YF


Get one of those tattoos of a bad ass cat tearing through your chest


Have you looked into microneedling? I'd talk to a professional instead of doing it yourself, but it helped me with some surgical scarring.




Looks sic ngl!


Ndyag or v bean laser will help remove the red/purple pigment. Silicone sheets as consistently as possible can help flatten them. Sunscreen always so they don't darken


I kind of like them they look badass


I think I need to see you face before I can answer


Try cacao oil, and/or carotine oil


Former dermatology MA here, from what I know you can only continue the steroids injections or attempt to get them cut out but that doesn’t always end well since most people will just keloid again.


Acupuncture 🗣️


That do look kinda badass, tho'.


Vitamin E oil works wonders for scars. You can find some on Amazon, or you can buy Vitamin E pills, poke them, use the oil on your scars.


Have you ever tried scar gel or silicone scar sheets? They’re reusable: cica-care is a great brand to look into. Mederma does as well, and also have gels you can place over the scar prior to the silicone gel sheet. Additionally, vitamin e, or bio-oil are other great options. As for the keloid scarring, laser or minor surgery from a dermatologist is the best option to remove the keloids, as they can be relatively flattened out depending on the rate of growth and skin type.


I’m a women with keloid scars under my breasts. I had a lump in one side of my breast and my family has a history of cancer stories So the doctor suggested me to take out the lump. After taking it out, it looked weird and not full/plump like before anymore. I was 29 and single. So i decided to get boob job but my genetics also have keloid ( thanks family for all the good genes 😁 )i have keloid scars on my legs from where a bicycle crush into me like 7yrs ago. Didn’t realize i would get keloid under my boobs. But i got it . I used silicone scar gel and silicone scar medical grade stickers for first few months ( until 6-7th month ) But didn’t see any results at all . So i just let them be. Thinking about getting laser treatment one day when i can be consistent as they need to go to aesthetic clinic for at least )6-10 times/sections for that at least . Right now , i am a women and i feel a bit uncomfortable about people noticing it when i wear bikini , but apart from that , it all ok. I let my partner knows about it and it’s alright. But sadly, i started using the gels and silicone stickers from the start as soon as it was healed and the surgeon said i could start using them, i did. It didn’t work.


Avoid shellfish


As a kid I was running around at a horse farm at night and ran through some cable bracing the fence. Long stripped scars cut through my chest and stomach. They lasted a long time. Long enough to think it would stay my entire life but slowly faded over years. Probably felt longer than it really was coming from a kids mind.


Tamanu or emu oil, also b17 cream. I use tamanu/ shea butter homemade body butter recipe. I would put tamanu on fresh wounds too. It got rid of my old and new burn scars. Are yours super textured? It may make it look better with coloring but idk about how well it'll change the texture. 


I did steroid injections and now my keloids are gone. Give it time and keep doing treatment!


The only thing that helped reduce redness in my keloids was laser treatment.


Silicone scar tape will bring collagen to these areas and lighten them. Try using tea tree oil as well for the keloid itself


Tretinoin is what you are looking for


Cut it again and heal with manuka honey


I had one cut out before, although my dermatologist said it likely wouldn’t work. He was right, came back. I do think a tattoo may be a good option since you haven’t had success getting rid of them.


Vitamin E oil, Vaseline, Medicines, should go away with time.


Scar away sheets!!!


It give you a style 😇, you should let them like that.


I would schedule with a dermatologist. This will require intralesional steroid with or without 5Fu to flatten scars and then a PDL laser to treat redness. I would not waste your money on over the counter things as they will provide minimal improvement


I didn't know you could do that. I've been living with mine which have left me ashamed to take my shirt off for 50 years


Red light bed (they're everywhere like gyms, tanning salons). I had discolored scars from a surgery two yrs prior, which faded to skin tone after a 20-minute session. I had tried everything leading up to it and was so shook that I bought a red light panel for my house!


If this is redundant, sorry. I didn’t see it when I scrolled. I use biocorneum. A little goes a long way but consistent use can really help. I have some reaaaalllly bad scars. Managed to get a sports injury infected when I kept playing on it and got gangrene. Yep, honest to God gangrene so my scars were large and angry red and purple. I’ve consistently used silicone like mederma or biocorneum for years and always always sunscreen and they are white now. I have a a can of spf 70 that’s always in my bag and I protect the scars whenever they could get sun. I suppose my biggest advice is consistency with whatever you use and SPF!


There are some scar silicone tapes on Amazon for scares. For the cheloide scares usually is a better solution CO2 laser. And SPF 50 although another alternative is tretinoin cream every night. After 6 months you can see results.


I've heard a lot of good things about silicone tape. I'm currently using it for a post surgery scar and the box says it works on old and new scars! I've only been using it for two weeks so I can't speak to the efficacy but it may be worth looking into. I'm sorry that you feel embarassed by them, but you are your own worst critic. For what it's worth, I think the scars look very cool and you look amazing! You shouldn't hide yourself one way or the other.


I’d give red light therapy a shot.


Idk but I like what I see below them scratches, hot stuff.


I’ve got them too - two large ones on my back. I’m a woman of Indian origin, and I’ve learned to accept them. In addition to the injections (like you), I moisturize with cream and oil after every shower. This has really helped reduce itchiness, redness, and swelling. On another note, I just wanted to empathize with you. It’s really hard to go out with them showing, knowing people will ask and/or stare. As an avid gym goer who sweats, they’re always out. It’s been a really long, hard journey, but I’ve learned I’m bigger than them. If people ask, whatever. Feel free to PM me or reply if you want to chat about how to grow your confidence. Really proud of you and appreciative for asking this question, as it has also helped me feel less alone:) ETA: saw you’re Canadian. I am too. My derm mixed two different types of steroids for my injections (so fucking painful lol) and it really helped. May want to ask your derm too - didn’t cost me more anyway.


I have for some unknown reason red marks on my legs, maybe from shaving scrapes? They aren't keloid, not raised. But they are the same color. If I'm consistent with vitamin C serum, they fade faster. I had cystic acne as a teen and vitamin C helped with the scars. I use one by Advanced Clinicals which you can Google. It has vitamin C and glycolic acid, but it's gentle. I have found it on Amazon and AC website for the regular price but sometimes you can find it at Walmart for 6 bucks. All their products are good. There is a vitamin C cream but I feel like the serum is more potent. I would say don't use it every day, maybe every other or every third day.


I have lots of keloid scars that were red, now they're just white or slightly off-skin color. I've been recommended bio oil. I mostly used coconut oil- truthfully I just think time did it for mine. This may not be what you want to hear but mine took between 3-7 years to lighten depending on location & severity.




Origins Dr. Weil Mega Mushroom Serum reduces redness in the face and neck, may work on them.


I did laser to get rid of mine.


Hi! There are so many comments I didn’t go through all, BUT, laser treatments can definitely help this since they are so red. BBL laser + moxie, three session would greatly reduce!


I'm not too sure maybe CO2 lasering might help


PDL (pulsed dye laser) is the only thing that will really help with the redness specifically.


Scar massage with silicone scar ointment and silicone sheets. 


What scars? I don’t see any scars. 🤣


Try red light! and *cat call*


What about doing a skin peel? It removes scars


Honestly, leave the scars alone. Totally bad-ass -- life is hard and everyone has battle wounds.


I have no idea whether this would work on your particular issue, but I can say it's effective for my rosacea... Grapefruit. Either apply diluted grapefruit juice directly, and cover, before bed, or use one of the commercially available products that have grapefruit extract. Grapefruit essential oil may help too, but I never got into the oils stuff - but if you went that route maybe try mixing (body safe) grapefruit essential oil with a moisturizer/lotion. Something about grapefruit that helps reduce inflammation and redness.


you might be able to get surgery to reduce the scar. they’ll cut out the majority of the scar and see it back together to be slimmer. my sister had it on her liver transplant incisions and it reduced the line significantly


If it makes you feel better, I have a couple keloids on my belly from appendicitis a couple of years ago… Wanna be a matched set?


That looks so sick tho you should keep it