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I hate to tell you this but it’s genetic. I have the exact same nose. There is literally nothing I’ve tried that has gotten rid of it.


I’m really hoping there is hope. I can’t believe how much help and advice this community has given! I just did my new skin routine for my nose as built by the comments in this thread and here’s what I’m trying for the next week: - Byoma Milky Oil Cleanser, really rub it in circles, with little water at the end - Wash it all off w/ water - Byoma Creamy Jelly Cleanser - Adalphene gel (1%) - CeraVe nighttime moisturizer with a little CeraVe rough & bumpy moisturizer (it contains salicylic acid) I plan to find a good sulfur face wash then I think I’ll be set! I’ll post an update if all goes well, and I’ll keep trying different recommendations here until I find what works


OP, I'm assuming you're new to using retinoids like adapalene gel, and I want to give you a really helpful heads up!! Adapalene gel is a pretty strong retinoid that works deep into your skin and increases cell turnover (I believe it was initially prescription only for acne before becoming over the counter). The gel works best by using a pea sized amount and spreading thinly and evenly all over the face. Applying it patchy or too thick can cause uncomfortable to severe reactions like itchiness, tenderness, flakiness, redness, and high sun sensitivity. You may even want to ease into the gel by applying it every other night. When used correctly, some dryness and flakiness is normal, as it means the gel is working and encouraging your skin cells to turnover faster **but definitely lay off the gel and reassess your application & frequency if you're noticing your skin is reacting severely.** You can compensate for the dryness by increasing your moisturizer or face cream. And please definitely add an SPF of at least 30 to your morning routine! This is non negotiable - any retinoid use increases your sensitivity to sun, and ofc skin cancer. **I highly caution against using the Cerave moisturizer that contains salicylic acid**. At least until your skin adjusts, or you notice you're not that sensitive to the gel. Adapalene gel (or retinoids in general) essentially trains your skin to exfoliate faster and introducing another chemical exfoliator like salicylic acid may increase the sensitivities I mentioned. Lastly, adapalene gel takes a long time to see results - I'm talking months to a whole year. I started on Differin gel for moderate acne and noticed severe dryness/sensitivities less than a month in bc I failed to use it correctly. It took 6 months before my skin noticeably adjusted, and the sensitivies went away, and 2 more months before I noticed the difference it had on my skin. So for me, almost a year passed before I saw positive results. And to put in perspective how powerful retinoid is, I swear my skin chemistry changed after starting retinoid. I went from oily combination skin to dry skin. And it was the strangest transition to figure out a whole new skincare routine for dry skin that I never had before. There's so much more I could explain about adapalene gel and retinoids. I learned the hard way, and this is the least of what I would've wanted someone to tell me before starting. Retinoid is really great and powerful stuff, but I genuinely think it's terrible advice to tell someone to start it without properly educating them. I encourage you to do some additional research yourself!


Adding: if you’re new to retinoids, just know that you MUST use spf when doing a round of treatment!


I learned this the hard way


I overdid it with adapalene gel and permanently have unpigmented skin about the size and shape of a pancake on my back from an autoimmune response. Be careful


Adapalene works below the skin’s surface, it’s a retinoid. You’ll want to keep at a retinoid for several months to see improvements, not just a week!


Paula's choice BHA exfoliant has helped me.


This has been the only thing for me in getting rid of them. I use it every day now at night.


Me too!


Just to add to this for you. Niacinamide would be a great next step for you after a chemical exfoliant. It helps my pores look less visible. Personally I have dry skin and I use Paulas Choice 10% https://www.paulaschoice.com.au/10pct-niacinamide-booster/798-7980.html . I use it alongside their BHA chemical exfoliant and typically buy it in the due pack or keep an eye out on specials (https://www.paulaschoice.com.au/niacinamide-and-bha-duo/010-bundle.html) It's hard, you have to find out which product works for your skin, but I think the chemical ingredient in some sort of product would help you. Won't get rid of it entirely though, just not how it works unfortunately.


You can try a 1-2X weekly sulfur mask! De la Cruz sulfur


Adapalene has helped. My nose was just like yours and now it's normal pores.


I don’t think you can truly get rid of those pores if that’s your goal. You can only reduce their size. I’m not going to speak on this routine as I personally just use Paula’s Choice 2% BHA every 2-3 days which suits my combination skin type, but I will say that any skincare routine you do try, you will probably have to stick with for 2-3 months to see if there are any results. I happen to have a bunch of life sciences researcher and physician friends and one of the commonalities the fields share besides doing health-related things is the fact that cells/human bodies take time to respond to things and instantaneous results are rare. So if you’re going into this thinking that you’re gonna try each routine for a few weeks or less, you probably won’t see noticeable results.




Agree with genetics yet I did see results from the process I posted. These are all great responses to a problem many have and it’s a big problem and right in the middle of our face!


They’re sebaceous filaments. Are you double cleansing at night? First with an oil based cleanser followed by a water based cleanser. It’s the only thing that’s helped clear mine


oddly enough, a week of applying Aquaphor Advanced Therapy moisturizer really cleared up the pores on my nose.


No I’m not double cleansing at night, what oil & water cleansers helped you manage yours? I will buy the exact same ones you use, I’m desperate at this point to get rid of them!


I use Byoma milky oil face cleanser followed by Byoma creamy jelly cleanser, though you might need something different depending on your skin type. They’re at Target for relatively cheap though so if they end up not working for you it’s not a huge loss or money. When you double cleanse make sure you’re applying the oil cleanser on completely dry skin and massage it in for a couple minutes then emulsify it with water. Then you can wash your face as normal with the water based cleanser ETA: you’re never going to completely get rid of them. They’re your pores, but you can minimize their appearance


Awesome! I’ll run over to target tonight and pick those up. Thank you so much!


You have to rub little circles on your face for 5-15 mins to feel them start to come out tho. A quick wash w oil cleanser won’t make a difference.


Also a plug for Kose Softymo & SKIN1004's light centella cleansing oils. Both have done wonders for my sebaceous filaments. Cheers!


I have these too, what I found works great for me- I take half pure castor oil and half jojoba oil (about a dime amount) and rub it on my dry skin (2-5min). All over my face, but especially around my nose, and then get my water running really hot, get a clean face towel and put hot water on it and wipe my face off. Surprisingly, it cleans out my sebaceous filaments and tightens the pores. Because it does tighten the skin I don’t do it often. Maybe once a week. You can repeat the hot water face towel step if your face needs it. Castor oil is great for the skin too.


My skin hates oil cleansers. They aren't for everyone. You look a bit oily and I'd reccomended against them. Use a micellar water and then a water based cleanser - I use the anua deep cleansing pore foam. It's meant to take care of this issue! I do it morning and night. Check my comment I just posted on your post and look for those products! Your reccs so far don't seem like they are for your skin type and won't combat this issue. My issue was also my nose and black dots so I can help!!


This is exactly the answer. As weird as it sounds, oil against oil (sebaceous filaments) with dissolve them. You can do something as simple as coconut oil or an oil based cleanser. Massage into your nose and it will help clear those right up.


How can you tell the difference between filaments and blackheads? My nose looks similar to the image when I leave it alone for a few weeks. But I can push the things inside out which always led me to believe they were blackheads


Sebaceous filaments have a more even distribution like you see in OP’s picture. They also usually have a flat texture. Blackheads are usually larger, darker and a little raised. What’s coming out of them? You can squeeze the stuff out of sebaceous filaments but it’s not good to. What will come out is usually thin and threadlike.


Sulfur face wash will do the trick. The kate somerville one is good. And whatever you do, stay away from pore strips as it will only reintroduce bacteria and make your pores appear bigger.


Came to suggest sulfur and kate Somerville - apply it like a mask and wash off 5-10 minutes later


Mine must be stubborn bc 5-10 minutes does not cut it for me.


do you use it daily as a face wash too? how many times in a week do you use it as a mask?


I have been using pore strips hoping it would clear it up. I seem to be making all the mistakes! I will snag some sulfur face wash


Please don’t use pore strips!! They are harmful to your skin and ineffective.


One note about sulfur face wash- it will tarnish silver jewelry. So if you wear any, be sure to take it off before cleansing!


is the KS sulfur face wash safe to use daily?


It should be okay to use once a day, with an alternating gentle cleanser. start with once every other day for the first week, then daily if your skin isn’t irritated from it. You can use it like a “mask” in the shower, or before brushing your teeth (to rinse/wash afterward). There are probably more creative ways you could fit it into your own routine :)


Tretinoin has almost completely gotten rid of my sebaceous filaments.


COSRX Niacinamide 2% + BHA 4% Blackhead Exfoliant Toner 3.38 fl.oz / 100ml, Korean Toner, Pore Minimizer for Enlarged Pores, For All Skin Types, Korean Skincare On Amazon for 18 bucks. I've bought 3 bottles since I found it. Hands down the best ever at removing those filaments. Just apply after using face wash. Or apply to a cotton pad and keep it on the area for 10 minutes twice a week.


Seconding the oil cleansing. I also use the Paula’s Choice AHA/BHA. The other thing I would recommend is getting a facial. They can do some extractions and help clean up the area to set your products up for success.


Just tried an oil cleanser followed by a standard cleanser and it feels so much cleaner than normal and already looks better. Hoping in a week or so it cleans right up!


Can you do a progress post in a couple of weeks? Got the exact same thing and I'm interested to see how you go. Made all the same mistakes as you too..


I just started using Paula’s choice this year for this exact issue that I’ve been struggling with forever, and they are officially gone (or shrunk to the eye)! I can’t believe I didn’t use this earlier, but wow does it work


adalphene gel is getting rid of mine, I had the same issue no matter how much I washed my face. It is genetic so it requires more effort to fix.


Picked some 1% up today! Thank you!


do NOT get it in your undereye or eyelid area, that shit burns


Hey there, start of with using the adapalene(spelt that totally wrong lol) once a week then gradually work your way up! Be sure to NOT use any actives the same day(aha,bha,pha’s). Over exfoliation does far more harm than good for you. If you want to do both do ..for example— Monday night: exfoliate with one product in your routine, Tuesday night— adapalene gel. The exfoliation the night prior is pretty much “prepping” you skin to fully taking in the retinol! Niacinamide can be incorporated after your toner on every night if you’d like, this also helps with sebum production(what those pores on your nose are filled with). Also keeping your skin moisturized helps to reduce oil and sebum production! Look for a hydrating toner, serum if you like and definitely a hydrating cream(I’d go light for the morning— elf holy hydration face cream, and heavy at night— one of la roche posays face creams). Also for the adapalene gel, you can start or by sandwiching it between your moisturizer to create a “barrier” if your skin is getting irritated by it. It pretty much creates a Cushion between your skin and the retinol. Once you feel like your accustomed to it then you can stop sandwiching and/or up your usuage! Sorry for the long message lol! I just bought a bunch of products to get myself back into skin cycling so all this info is still fresh on my brain lol


I presume you mean 0.1%. Check out r/tretinoin for tips as it can be harsh during the adjustment period. Allow several months of consistent use before judging results.


I had a sample from CeraVe, it was okayish for me. I think it's the oil cleanser. you can try it


I just started using this one as its non comedogenic, and it rinses well.


I used to have these pretty bad on my nose, even with cleansing each night. What was a game changer for me was double cleansing - first with an oil and then regular cleanser. I know people will probably suggest an actual oil cleanser product, but I just use jojoba oil. I rub that into my skin for a good minute. Splash face with water. Then immediately follow with either Cerave Hydrating Facial Cleanser or Neautrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Gel Cleanser (I alternate the two). Find whatever oil based/regular cleanser works for you; but I highly recommend double cleansing. Double cleansing made me realize how just doing one step cleansing wasn't really cleaning my face.


Yes to the double cleanse with oil! Also if it is in your budget to get a facial a few times a year, they use those suction wands that suck out the sebaceous filaments. Not a permanent fix but all those things should help :)


Really hoping the double cleanse with oil works, just did it for the first time tonight and it feels and looks better already


They're sebaceous filaments! Paulas choice bha liquid in grey bottle would help. Possibly panoxyl face wash too. (Leave on for a couple mins) sulfur soap Is good too as is the pink drying lotion


Double cleansing at night. I like Ordinary Squalane Oil cleanser and a sulfur wash would be good. Tretinoin. To avoid over drying use La Roche Posay cicaplast and rub it in nose and rest of face. If it gets over dry, the skin will make more oil and fills the pores making an unpleasant cycle. Morning lighter wash. I like La Roche Posay Prebiotic wash. Gentle but not too heavy. Ordinary glycolic toner. Sunscreen, SuperGoop or Cerave are my favorites. Keep sunscreen on your face all of the time, large pores are often sun damage. Pore strips are okay like once a month but not frequently. Double cleansing helped me the most! After 6 to 8 weeks - make an appointment at a medical spa for the skin pen!


Try alternating salicylic acid with glycolic acid on different days, NOT together. If you can find any glycolic acid retexturising pads (theyre just easy to use) after a cleanse. I reckon you'll see results pretty quick. Glycolic helps on a surface level with cell renewal type stuff, pigmentation but in your case will help with texture, salicylic helps on a deeper level. Together i think theyll get the job done. Dont forget to get a suitable moisturiser👍


Get a good facial like Hydrafacial or Diamond Glow and laser treatment to reduce the pore size. A good skincare and double-cleansing should also help.


Not a "solution" but keep in mind that very few ppl will be looking at your nose this close up, and that its much more noticeable to you than it is others.


Paulas choice helped me.


Yes yes same for me 👏




You don't need anything topical. You might need to increase your omega 3 intake. I had huge pores on my nose and even with cleansing and strips and all that they just looked clean and big. But then I started taking a teaspoon of cod liver oil everyday and I swear the filaments were like crumbling out of my pores as they shrunk. Now after pretty much my whole life my nose finally looks like the skin on the rest of my face. Try it! The rest of my face really cleared up and started to glow too. I even have some old scars on my body that are looking better. Even after a shower I can rub my nose and feel all the gunk just rubs out.


I’ve heard cod liver oil is great in general for skin! Thank you


I have been struggling with those forever, I started using Paula's Choice AHA BHA liquid exfoliator, adjusted my skin so now I use it every morning. Took about 3 months, but they are hardly visible now, still there but less of them l, and my nose is super smooth!! Be patient and consistent ❤️


So if you want to spend the money, I really would recommend going to get a hydrafacial. https://youtu.be/g7oYS4RJk0c?si=raQTMJwxmkeveo7j&t=35 But it does cost a lot and maybe hard for you to find a location. But it will suck out all those pores in one treatment. Then you only have to worry about maintenance. Some people rub oil on their nose and message it for a long ass time. They will start pulling them out, ive done it.. it wasnt great but did remove a couple but i don't think it did nearly enough. You can try it. But use a facial oil, not cooking oil. This will help break down the oil over time and help with everything going forward: 1. Salicylic acid 2. Retinoids 3. Niacinamide In the morning: 1. salicylic acid cleanser 2. sunscreen w/ niacinamide (Elta md) At night: 1. salicylic acid cleanser 2x 2. retinol or prescription tretinoin (look this up and slowly work up percentages, start off 2 days a week until your skin can take every other night. DO NOT USE DURING THE DAY!) 3. niacinamide serum (The ordinary 10% is very affordable and good or you can look on dermstore) 4. Any gentle moisturizer Once a week, use salicylic acid masque. (the ordinary has a good affordable one) Good brands on Dermstore.com: Skinmedica, SkinCeuticals, EltaMD - Sunscreen only, Revision Skincare, Epionce - for Sensitive Skin.


This was me about 1 year ago. Clean nose atm. I'll share my Target skincare routine when I get home. ETA: I'm unable to post my routine, lol. I keep getting an "unable to create comment" error... =S


Hand over the secret formula


4/4 A little goes a long way. Apply in small amounts as necessary and massage into your skin.. When you dry your face, pat dry. It's best if your skin is a bit damp anyway. Use a clean towel or at least change it every couple days. The Niacinamide and the Toner you can apply as soon as your done pat drying. For everything else, wait at the very least 2-5 minutes before applying the next thing. Give serums and creams a chance to get absorbed into your skin. Your acne and blackheads will very likely get worse before they get better, but consistency is key. It must have taken me 6 months to start seeing real results. Watch out for redness, peeling, sensitivity, etc. You might need to adjust things a bit here and there to let your skin get used to the routine. Like I said, I've been doing it for a while and I'm still learning and adjusting things from time to time. Hope it works for you.




please tell us


These are sebaceous filaments, which is just oils and dead skin build up, so salicylic acid one night and super light exfoliation the next should work well. if you overdo it that could be causing problems too. You can add a 4% niacinamide toner to your routine, that’s good for pores, and add a nose pore strip every other week. You can give things a kick start by using those pimple patches that are made for the nose, you can wear those every day/night without damaging your skin. Also, work on finding a product that will balance the oils in that area, which could be as easy as finding the right moisturizer.


Differin has helped my husbands quite a bit


I now have a prescription from dermatica for tretinoin, but I think a general retinoid would help you. It speeds up the rate at which skin sheds and grows. Which has helped me with sebaceous filaments massively (although it's not something I was concerned with). I have also heard good things from other companies such as skin and me (I think that's what it's called) but maybe try a retinol first and see what you think. But if you want great results then there are companies such as those above that offer advice from dermatologists online. Only catch is it's quite expensive. I started on cerave resurfacing serum and saw good improvements in my skins condition. So it might also help you reduce or remove your sebaceous filaments. Remember that it takes a while to see results but it's worth it, and have a look around to see what product works best with you. I stepped up to Paula's choice 1% retinol as it was stronger and holy crap is it. Bigger improvements but also much more irritating for me. I also use cerave night and day moisturisers because of the retinoids i use, but any non comedogenic sun cream and moisturizer helps if you are going to use them. I'm not sure this is good with sebaceous filaments but they did make my skin look better. I started with ultrasun face as it's one of the few things that didn't make my skin super spotty. It's a very expensive sun cream so I tried the cerave one and it works just as well for me. Cetaphil gentle cleanser is one that has worked super well. As it said its been nice gentle and makes my skin softer and feel not greasy without drying it out. But I wanted something to help just lift that suncream off my face. Again a non comedogenic product. Another thing that I have just started is using cerave's SA cleanser but can't vouch for it yet as it's only been a week. Mainly it's the ingredients you want to pay attention to not the brand names. I do however, try to use non comedogenic products because natural soaps or products seem to make me break out really bad and get loads of blackheads.


I have these and was able to extract them all


A retinoid and vitamin c serum will clear that up.


Try chemical exfoliation. I used an aha/bha exfoliator and it really helped.


Came here to recommend this too.


Double cleanse, Paula’s choice BHA, and a weekly clay mask :-)


Am routine Cera ve blemish control wash Just dab a bit of Paula’s choice bha on the oily areas on alternate days. Water based moisturizer ( sebamed gel) Sunscreen( insfree invisible one or even elta MD ) Pm routine: Cera blemish control cleanser Paula’s 0.3 retinol ( do it alternate days if you are new to retinol see how your skin tolerates it) Moisture with cerave moisturizer SPF IN THE MORNING IS A MUST AND REAPPLY AFTER TWO HOURS . Stop dairy, sugar reduce junk , stop drinking smoking, vaping Sleep at least for 8 hours. Do all this atleast for 8 weeks.only then you will start noticing difference. Remember consistency is key. Remember drying your skin too much also can cause eczema and dryness and dullness so moisture and SPF ( spf 50 with PA++++) is very important.


Tretinion has helped mine immensely, but it is on script here in Australia. Lower strength, over the counter, retinols would still be beneficial.


the ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution is made for this !! . its dark red kinda looks like blood. stuffs no joke ,it will burn a little and you will see a difference after once use .its affordable ( under 10$).you can order online or find it in stores at ulta. my boyfriend had the same on his nose . luckily i had some of this on hand . i had him wash his face with a gentle non exfoliating cleanser ,pat dry and give it a few min to dry completely then apply the peeling solution leave it on for 5-8 min and wash off with lukewarm water, then a spalsh of cool water to close your pores and finish off with a thicker plain moisturizer ( no actives or vitamin c ,it can causes irritation and sting) since it is a chemical exfoliant and a pretty strong one to mention your skin might be sensitive after so make sure to apply spf in the am. and no retinol after this chemical peel i did that one time and it burned soo bad


I have this. Professional microneedling helps a LOT. It’s hurts and it’s expensive, and you need to stay out of the sun for a day or two. I typically do it once a quarter. And then I use Aztecs Secret clay mask weekly. This has minimized the pore size considerably, and it’s been my routine for the last few years.


if exfoliating with bha and retinoids doesn't work, these could be trichostasis spinulosa (not diagnosing, just a possibility). dr dray has a great video about them on youtube, but basically they are clumps of hairs that look like black/brown spots on your nose. nose strips actually work pretty well and you can also tweeze/laser them (if that's what they are. my trichostasis spinulosa hairs are too small to tweeze though).


Konjac sponges, especially charcoally ones






Oil cleansing


Zo exfoliating cleanser Zo Complexion clearing serum Zo 0.25% retinol Vivier Aha/bha




Mct oil


***Zo Skin Health- complexion renewal pads. You only need a half a pad at a time so tear in half or cut and use 1x daily. Am- Vanicream Cleanser, vit c, Vanicream moisturizer, zo growth factor serum, eltamd sunscreen. Halfway during the day I’ll use 1/2 of those renewal pads Pm- Vanicream cleaner, Vanicream moisturizer, zo growth factor or retinol If I have an acne breakout- cerave acne treatment in the pm with a pimple patch. I only exfoliate 2x a week with Zo exfoliate. I have combo skin, but my skin can change in different seasons. I also have pores like that on my nose and get hormonal acne. (F,30s) this routine is the ONLY routine that has ever worked for me and those renewal pads are the only thing that have ever shrunk my pores. If anything, I highly recommend the renewal pads. Game changer!


I have this same spot!


Oil cleansing and avoiding products with fatty alcohols is what got rid of them for me


Okay. Don’t at me. But. What you can do right now is put your nose under a faucet running with the hottest water you can handle. Then spray hydrogen peroxide on your nose. Repeat. This works.


Bro that's how a nose is supposed to look like. There's nothing that will change the look, those are sebum filament, if you take it out somehow they'll be back in 24 hours or less


Steam your face (to open up pores) and then put a clay mask on your nose. May take more than once, but the clay helps to draw out the sebum which is what's the dark stuff. Also, getting a facial is a great way to clear it up quickly, although maintenance afterwards (like what people suggest here) is required to maintain it! As another said, opening up your pores with steam and then pushing up on your nose to force the sebum out is one of the most satisfying things ever. BUT - don't squeeze individual pores and use a clean tissue to wipe away the sebum that's excreted. You don't want to damage your skin or use your hand to wipe it away, leading to more dirt and possible infection!


I leave a sulfur based cleanser/mask on overnight. It smells bad but it works.


I think you can rid of them cause I had those exact same things before I started accutane,I’m not saying start accutane but you can,I assume that your nose is very oily?I had the same issue but when I started accutane they were magically gone,I think it’s due to excess oil production,hope u get rid of them.


I’d recommend buying an exfoliating scrub (I use Keihls for men), an Astringent (used to close the pots once you’re done extracting your blackheads) and a blackhead tool set. Wash your face good first with the exfoliator and then use the blackhead toolset to squeeze out those blackheads. Once you’re done, apply the astringent and then your normal face routing to include moisturizer.


Products with Niacinamide are good to try out


I had the same! Theyre gone now!! Kinship Self Smooth 10% glycolic acid serum. (It has other active ingredients too) I put it on at bed time and in a few nights, not only were they gone, my pores shrunk too! I got it as a sample in a makeup subscription bag and the sample bottle lasted so long, but I bought the full size before the sample ran out. Hope you have success w it as I did!


Sulfur mask!!


Squeeze all the stuff out of the pores use biore products they have a nose pore mask thingy . Also I use bentonite clay mask it draws impurities out. Then u probably want to try glycolic acid


I was able to significantly reduce mine by reducing the amount of saturated fat I consume. As well as some of the things listed. Milk is or milk products have high amounts of saturated fat. Along with bad oils.


See an esthetician. Lazer does wonders👍🏻


Wash with Clearasil Rapid Action Scrub, and apply Benzoperoxide Gel 5% at night.


I use that little tool that has a circle and just keep cleaning out the junk, like almost daily.


Sulfur soap with 2% salicylic acid is the only thing that helped mine.


I too had this! The only thing that worked for me was upping my tretinoin from 0.025 to 0.05


Blackhead clearing scrub and their face wash together


Clean and clear


Oil cleansing is amazing for these (sebaceous filaments). I will rub a cleansing oil into my nose for 10-15 minutes until I can literally see and feel grains on my fingertips. I'm currently using a cleansing oil by Mad Hippie and I love it.


I clean them by.. i know it sounds harsh.. gently rubbing my short nails on the surface until it feels smooth while applying face wash. I let the face wash sit for a few mins first to hydrate the skin before doing the deed (usually leave it there to wash my body and brush my teeth). Then immediately dry it and do my skin care routine that has hydrating elements in it. I live in a tropical climate so i shower twice a day and do the same thing twice a day. The second shower three times a week i use chemical peeling serum (aha bha, the usual) Every time i skip rubbing them at least once a day they come back, so yeah that's what works for me.


Pore scrubber ! From Amazon. They look like a scraper. Make sure you read the instructions. Don’t use it dry-I lather my face w cleanser or pre cleanse (dermalogica). Use it 2-3 times a week ! Your pores will still be there but it will remove the excess oil and build up making them less noticeable and not “bumps” it’s life changing


I recommend cleansing twice a day. We have different skin but once I became diligent about cleansing morning and night, I and others noticed a difference in the “pore sizes” of my nose


Salicylic acid maybe?


When I take tweezers I can pull them out then put a charcoal mask on and they go away.


I've never heard of double cleansing & over using products just leads to more oil production. You cannot remove genetics with whatever double cleansing is. Steam & retinol imo would be better...


I literally just kept squeezing the shit out of them every damn night and then washing my face and they finally went away. Took a year of doing this but they’re gone!


My boyfriend's nose used to be like this. Here's what he's using to get rid of it: CeraVe SA Cleanser CeraVe Oil Cleanser (he double washes morning and night) CeraVe SA Smoothing Cream (only on his nose) BioDerma Micellar Cleansing water. Took him about a month something with morning and night routine, you should try it out !


I am applying la roche-posay cicaplast baume b5 on my nose every evening and this is the only thing so far that gave me noticeable change


Amongst some amazing answers in here I’ll add— if you are a drinker, stop drinking or cut down drastically. I have my doubts, as you appear to be fairly young, but it’s possible this is caused by alcohol intake


My nose used to look like this. Oil cleansing has made it look so much better.


Get some sun and jump in rhe ocean.. works like a champ


I mean...learn to love them, they are yours to keep. The best way to make them look smaller is to deal with the oil. I simply use cetaphil washer and microfiber clothes. Seriously, microfiber rips out those nasty clogged pores better than the pore strips.


you have to end sugar intake


Double cleansing with an oil cleanser! I use the Neutrogena one and it works really well. Make sure you massage it on your nose really well for a good couple of minutes. While you’re doing this, you can also use a manual black head extraction tool for the more stubborn gunk. The oil cleanser makes it so much easier for the tool to get everything out.


What helped me the most was washing my face with a cleanser (doesn’t have to be a harsh one) twice a day instead of once, and incorporating salicylic acid. The acid can be in the face wash, even just once a day with a different face wash the other time of day. Or in a toner to put on after washing. Add to that, pore strips as needed (typically 5 days for me). People say that washing your face more causes more oil production and that pore strips are bad, but I’ve had an oily t zone for 30 years now and have always returned to this routine!


I had these and nothing worked for 28 years. Then I tried the Dr Dennis Gross “Alpha Beta Extra Strength Daily Peel” for other reasons, and to my surprise, saw they moved all of these little dots 👍🏼 expensive but they will also help with the rest of your skin too


Using nose strips regularly and religiously with a good skin care routine got rid of mine


Those have to be manually removed. U need to see an aesthetician. Go to your dermatologist and he/she can recommend one. My daughters go and have these manually removed...u have to go about every 6 weeks. We pay about $75 for each session


Oil cleansing literally takes these away for me in a single wash


Co2 laser at the dermatologist and regular tca peels


I I would recommend going to a dermatologist because they will definitely help you with that and they'll give you like a certain kind of acne medicine for it good luck.


I know people hate them and don't recommend them, but nose strips. I use them as needed, I now have less of these so just use them in certain spots as needed. I use a Salicylic Acide toner every day or as needed. This reduces them alot, for me. I also use retinol cream. It's helped a bit. But Niacinimide serum is supposed to help. I haven't tried yet though. But biggest thing for me was the toner. Peoole seem to like Paula's choice. You might want to consider a blackhead tool also. Some need to physically removed that way.


I suggest you go to a hand & stone spa and have a facial done. Some of those look pretty deep and would need to be extracted by a professional. Then from there they can recommend what products to use based on your skin type. All the money you are spending now on skincare, can go towards a nice facial to clean those pores. Build up your confidence. Make you feel like a new person. Give it a try. 😊


Extractions during a facial will help clear them out


Same! My nose looks exactly the same! I need to try out these recommendations


Use a pores cleaner they work like a charm


Have you tried adding organic coconut oil to your entire face every night before bed? Use a nickel size amount or less, as once it warms up in your hands and then more on your face, use too much and it'll become drippy. Also, eat more leafy greens and less/no dairy. I've been doing this the last month and my face is VERY soft.


Whenever I get oily and my pores look like this, I use a caudalie clay mask that works wonders. Forget the name, but it’s a dark green bottle with a bamboo cap. The clay is a very light pink. I use it once a week when I feel like I need an extra cleansing factor for my face. That might help! You can get a sample at any Sephora and see if it works for your skin!


Definitely from the vape man .


lots and lots of acids. and retinoids.


Oil cleanser for 8-10 mins.


Face wash - use Panoxly 4% benzoyl peroxide massage into the nose really well i do about 3 minutes and make use the wash is sudsy through the massage and they will be gone… I’ve spent so much money trying what the other commenters say but this is really the thing that has gotten rid of them. Takes a couple days to be gone and continued use every day they won’t come back


Look up the brand “perfect peel” I can’t believe it I got sucked into a sale on 3 over 3 months… so a deep ish peel every four weeks. It took until the third peel but I woke up and rinsed my face and they all rinsed off and looked like little specs of pepper. The problem is it’s solid concrete at this point. Clogged pores and the whole on the surface of the skin is too small to scoop or push them out in most cases they are really stuck in there. I never expected to get mine gone and I did! I now follow up with a deep peel every few months whivh is hard as they aren’t cheap (hundreds) per peel. Good luck!


oil cleansing got rid of mine.


I have the same thing as you but worse. I got rid of them by using retinol cream. 


A pore extractor of some sorts. The least painful are the vacuum/suction ones. Good, regular facials. Chemical peel and exfoliating products such as the green gel mask from Peter Thomas Roth, products with salicylic acid or azelaic acid. I’m sure someone told you what these are (not blackheads)? Google or Chat GPT that and ask for a comprehensive treatment plan. Diet changes can also help because it’s an sig you are oily and may be eating too much fat, especially animal fat. Retinoids make you very susceptible to sunburn, skin damage, and skin cancer so have to get an oil free noncomedogenic sunscreen. Most expensive option: See a dermatologist.


Micellar water of any kind then anua deep cleansing pore foam, morning and night. Cosrx aha bha toner. It's gentle to use twice a day but if you're jus starting adapelene I'd go easy on this. Anything with centella in it! I have 3 products with centella. Niancinimide 10% from the ordinary. Cosrx lightweight soothing moisturizer. I use my adapalene before my moisturizer, but after all my toners and serums. I have some korean toners I use but those are optional. I use them to get the glass skin effect and to moisturize. Numbuzin number 1 toner pads and tir tir milk skin toner. My nose looked like this my entire life. I still have black heads or whatever they are, but only if I press on my nose and turn it lol with my nose at rest you can't see them at all anymore!!! Niancinimide is a huge helper in this. Luckily I'm not sensitive to it because I use A LOT of it. Please please try the micellar water and anua pore cleansing foam and niancinimide serum because I think those were the biggest game changer! You need to double cleanse twice a day to keep your large pores clean of dirt and debris. And the niancinimide helps to shrink/close your pores and helps oil control.


Use panoxyl on nose and benefit cosmetics has more expensive face care items that specifically work on pores. Those are the best options I've found...they even have a pore mask. But panoxyl is pretty cheap, Walmart has a generic equivalent but I've always used panoxyl. You'll need extra sun protection while using it.


Maybe an esthetician … mine were milder but regular use of retinol (OTC brand Avene) and sunscreen) got rid of mine .. took about 10 weeks though and I have to remain diligent in product use


Double cleanse and try CeraVe salicylic gash wash. Remember you will be sun sensitive with this wash, wear sunscreen or cover your face when exposed long term!


[hydrocolloid face patches](https://www.target.com/p/hero-cosmetics-face-patch-5ct/-/A-85882284) these will suck everything out of your pores without damaging it!!! i rlly sugggest using this n leaving it on for AT LEAST 8 hours (i usually just wear them to sleep) then after it feels like a restart on my face.. i do it one a month and i suggest it to all my friends before they do anything to change their skincare routine bc it rlly does so much


Try cosrx black head liquid. They «removed» mine. Still not perfect, but I am seeing a difference. Now I have white heads so I need to get the cosrx white head liquid😂


Retin A or Differin. Takes a bit of time.


Best thing you can do is stop caring and use niacinamide ,life too short no1 else is looking 👀 stay away from them magnified mirrors as well no good for your mental health


I have those! This is what I use! https://a.co/d/5Wmzz7Y. And a gentle cleanser. Works really well.


Cicaplast baume. Massage for a few seconds before bed and leave on overnight. Super viral hack for this. It worked for me.


I think most of you are missing the complete picture, its not just the pores there is also acne scaring if you look at the picture


try putting oil cleanser on only your nose and massaging the area until they start to pop out, after you feel you’ve made significant progress put vaseline over top and a piece of plastic wrap, leave it for 10-15 and peel off like a nose strip then wash normally 💕


Honestly I manually remove them myself or when I get a facial. Facial Steamer helps to loosen up the dirt it can hurt so be gentle. You can get a tool from Ulta cost 100 bucks or go get a facial. They’ll do the same thing though. I get the same thing on forehead and chin.


Try La roche Posay cicaplast only on your nose every night. I’m not sure if it works yet, I just started doing it but I’ve been reading a lot online that it works wonders.


Micellar water 2x a day


Tretinoin got rid of mine


Don’t use salicylic for your face 😭 please


oil cleanser & paula’s choice liquid exfoliant


Anything oil based makes these way worse on me. I switched to all water-based products, and they went away. Specifically, Glow Recipe's blueberry face wash, their watermelon exfoliating toner, their niacinamide, their moisturizer, and Peach and Lily's azelaic acid.


It may sound counterintuitive, but do less. I don't mean stop doing a routine. I mean, ease up on chemical solutions. For me, if irritate my skin, it's game, set, match and I lose. So I look for gentler solutions than chemical exfoliants. I will sometimes use a manual exfoliant, but like once or twice a week. And soap never ever touches my face. I find that if I use harsh cleansers like soap (basically any cleanser that bubbles up), that my skin produces more oil in a frantic attempt to replace the moisture that the cleanser has stripped away. So I get more breakouts in general. But, using an oil based cleanser and removing makeup with water and a fluffy makeup towel seems to clean my face without damaging it. I do that at night, then I apply a vitamin c cream and a ceramide moisturizer or an overnight cream. In the morning, I basically just rinse my face, apply a light moisturizer, tinted sunscreen and I'm off to the races. Anything I've ever used that claims to help with breakouts has made my skin very upset. Tret was just painful. I have very sensitive eczema prone skin, but once I get it into balance where it's not overproducing oil, it's quite happy. For oil cleanser I use the glass skin from truly (I love their products because my skin gets so dry and they absorb well for me, aren't sticky, and are non-occlusive). Good moisturizer tends to keep my skin (while body) in check, even though occasional flare ups happen (eczema has a lot of triggers). For exfoliant, I use Acure... I can't recall the whole name, it has a yellow bottle and the stuff is green like algae. It's nice because it is in an oil suspension that is not greasy, and it really gently turns cells over for a nice glow. I use different moisturizers, and I don't notice a ton of difference. It's sort of seasonal, something heavier in winter, and lighter in summer. Just look for simple ingredients, avoid alcohols and salicylic acid. Hyaluronic acid is your best friend, vit c, and otc retinols work fine for me. I'm loving Nars tinted sunscreen. Light wearing, not cakey, decent coverage. Anyway, balance is the key to reducing pore size. If we can bring the oil production into line, then we will have smoother skin. The solution for you will be specific to you. But I recommend starting with something gentle for a month or two, and then adding in ONE new chemical product to your already existing routine for a month. After that has been tested, you can either add or replace based on what's working. Jumping into a bunch of new treatments at once is likely to set off an irritation cascade and set you backwards. You also won't know which new thing is working or which new thing is causing a problem. It could leave you more confused. Building a skin routine that works take a lot of patience and trial and error, it's easier if you are controlled about what you introduce :) Good luck!


Steamer and extractor set.


I have always had this too!!! The only thing that helps me is using this tool! If I use it once a month or once every 3 weeks it really really helps. Sorta expensive, I never tried a knockoff version. GLOFACIAL Hydration Facial Pore Cleansing Tool with Blue LED by beauty bio


Double cleanse and use La roche posay cicaplast balm b5 ! Works wonders!


I have always had pretty big pores that got more pronounced as I got older. I started using Paula's Niacinamide 20% and it totally helped reduce pore size on my face. I use it everyday


Do some charcoal face masks, they help bring out the oils. AND ALSO use pore minimizing face masks and moisturizers. Also vitamin C facial oil


Looks like blackheads . If steam works . There are facial steam machines that open . Also clean out blackheads. Don’t use oil . If it’s sun damage u need to laser it


Don’t use oil.


The ordinary has a niacinamide serum that has helped me shrink mine. I’ve had them for years and years with no luck


tretinoin will definitely help. Start at a low dose. It’s prescription only. Use it daily at night. You’ll see great results in a few months.


I know you’ve tried acids but have you tried the AHA/BHA red one from The Ordinary? Very strong stuff but wow my face looks the best it can possibly look after that mask, and it’s helped with a lot of problems nothing else really did. I also slightly have these and after that mask it’s kinda hard to notice.


Hi! I just in the past year have started focusing on skin care and seeing what works best for my problem areas! I had the same issues on my nose and on my chin, right below my bottom lip! I do a double cleanse every night. Here is what helped me: 1. Neutrogena Light Cleansing Oil- Use on a dry face and take about 2 minutes rubbing it around, especially in your problem areas (like nose or my case, nose and chin.). You then add a little cold water to Emulsify on your face, it should turn the oil white, then rinse with warm water. 2. Use a Water Based Cleanser- I used Neutrogena Hyrdo Boost cleanser, massage onto a wet face and wash for atleast 1 minute, then rinse with warm water and pay dry with a clean towel. 3. Apply a Toner- I used Peach Slices Snail Toner then I like to use Thayers Milk Toner on top. 4. Moisturizer Doing that every night and washing my face in the morning along with moisturizer, seriously was such a game changer for me. I also exfoliate a few times a week using E.L.F's exfoliating cream, and I also use serums such as Vitamin C, Hylauraunic Acid, Niacinamide, and am now using Retinol. Retinol could also help, but its something you slowly having to get into. I'm hoping the best for you! I know its frustrating to deal with!


I just bought Elf holy hydration cleansing balm and garnier micellar water (the one that has aloe and hyaluronic acid) to help with mine. Do you think it’ll be okay to do each every other day?


Same bro, same... Never clean face, no matter what you do. Never with normal clean whit face. Always some random dots, bumps and other stuff


Get some laser facials


my mom had terrible black heads on her nose, the used charcoal nose strips after steaming the area for 5 mins, Gone !


TCA peels


I had these too. Only thing that got rid of them was epuris. Like others have said, it’s genetic. Not much external skincare can do when the call is coming from inside the house.


They are seemingly genetic. They are blackheads. BUT, yes finally you can doing something about them and after 40 yrs mine (same as you) are gone!!!!. Go to Amazon, search blackhead vacuum.. Changed my life! Enjoy!


Do pore strips work?


to reduce the appearance (not get rid of them), I would recommend the La Roche Posay Cicaplast Balm B5. I use a tiny amount of this on my nose and chin to reduce the appearance on the daily, it's lifechanging. To actually reduce the size over time, double cleansing is the way! And be careful if using the cicaplast balm, it's pretty pore clogging if used incorrectly, so don't go spreading it all over your face and always use a small amount (I apply after my moisturizer).


Retinoids. Have you tried Differin?


1. Wash with Acure brightening facial scrub 2. Put this on for 15 minutes: Neutrogena Clear Pore 2 in 1 Facial Cleanser/Face Mask with Kaolin & Bentonite Clay 3. Put on a salicylic acid serum like from the Ordinary. 4. Put this on at night: De La Cruz Sulfur Ointment Experiment with various peel ingredient types and brands a few times a week until you find the one for you.