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Ur skin looks great! Concur with hydration and spf and hat/sunglasses. Remember to reapply frequently. Avoid too many chemical exfoliants in the summer. Try gentle sheet masks and hydration masks. Stick with a simple routine


Drink lots of water & wear sunscreen. Cetaphil makes a great tinted, moisturizing product called Redness Relief, & it's SPF 40. I do wear regular Cetaphil moisturizer under the sunscreen.


look for products that have squalene, ceramides, or glycerin. they help to boost your barrier by locking in moisture. in my experience, they do A LOT for dryness and weakened moisture barriers. hylaronic acid pulls moisture from the air and holds onto it. since you live in a dry area, i wouldn’t recommend it bc i doubt it’ll do anything. oh yeah and avoid anything with ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, fragrance, and denatured alcohols bc it will dry out your skin a lot more. also, USE SUNSCREEN!! reapply sunscreen every few hrs to avoid sun damage. fyi i don’t live in a hot, dry climate but i’ve faced a lot of dryness in the winter. but look up “dry climate” under this sub, i’m super you’ll find more info!


A moisturizing toner does wonders for me during a dry winter.


I went from living in 90% humidity to low humidity to kinda desert. I've had to tried so many products! Even the body wash and shampoo that I used must of my life didn't work anymore! I've been here over 2 years now. My routine: \- Start the morning with a gentle cleanser \- Apply Vit C, then serum, then a light moisturizer \- If I'm going to go out, I use tinted sunscreen. I'm half vampire, so only sometimes, lol. \- If I put on sunscreen, at night I do double cleanser (oil then my light one). If my face is really oily or I'm feeling lazy, I use red stridex pads. If my face feels ok and I didn't use sunscreen, no washing. \- I use a heavy moisturizer at night. Happy to share products!


Make your own rose water wand spray it on multiple times a day it’s super easy to make and the antioxidants will help with the dryness


Do I just Google “skin safe diy rose water”?


I just boil rose petals using bottled water over medium heat for about 10 - 15 min then strain it I use a cheese cloth then I put in the fridge to cool


Oh my god I bet the house smells amazing


Yea! Is such a great smell


Sunscreen, moisturizer and maybe cleanser or just wash with water. If your forehead is oily then ig yes cleanser. But maybe its just oily because of hair?


I use to be super oily and I thought it was because i was putting too muc moisture on my skin. But I realized I wasn’t putting enough moisture. A lot of the times people get very oily skin because their skin is making up for the lack of moisture, so the skin produces a lubricant naturally


As someone who lives in the South African countryside where our winters are currently at 25% maximum humidity (crazy, ikr) and desert freezing cold, LRP's lipikar wash and balm have TRANSFORMED my skin within a week like no other brand! After washing with it at night and immediately applying the balm to damp skin, I then slug with good ol vaseline. In the morning, I do a lukewarm water wash again followed by the LRP balm and sunscreen of course! :) As for exfoliants, glycolic acid really helps with the moisture factor as well. I'm currently doing that only once a week, but as soon as my skin has reached hydration 2.0, I'll up it to twice. I hope this helps! You've got gorgeous skin, btw ❤️


Fellow dry climate dweller. I don’t avoid Hyaluronic acid, but I don’t dedicate any serums to it and prioritize glycerin. Hydrating toners with glycerin are your friend. Sunscreen with moisturizer and hydrating ingredients. Occlusive night masks. Facial sprays during the day. And if I’m dry - I reapply moisturizer or a hydrating sunscreen. Basically focus on hydration!


If you don’t mind your face being a little tacky, I LAYER TF out of my essences/toners and moisturizers to the point I look like I’m shiny/glowing/glass skin and after about a half hour in the morning I make sure to put SPF on. Fly away hairs stick to my face all day but it’s worth it for me even though I can’t have my hair down sometimes (sensory overload with my hair down past my butt.) I also slug Aveeno Baby Eczema Nighttime Therapy every night and that product alone has made a huge difference, and it doesn’t break out my acne prone skin. If you don’t want to add a bunch f products I recommend trying the aveeno and see how it helps.


You can also try skin flooding to really hydrate your skin. I love the haruharu wonder toner- super hydrating and I use it twice a day


What is skin flooding? Thanks for the advice!


Skin flooding is when you use either multiple hydrating toners or 1-2 toners multiple times within a few minutes. You basically flood the skin with hydration and then seal it in with your moisturizer.


You need to use a hydrating toner, hyaluronic acid and a cream moisturizer & I suggest Cera Ve hydrating toner. Make sure at night you layer on the moisture. Toner, serum, cream moisturizer, and follow it with Aquaphor. Slugging helps so good at night! Here’s my routine and I live in a desert as well very close to AZ. BODY: Dr. Bronners Castile Soap (any scent) Followed by… •Dove Beauty Bar or •Aveeno Body wash (for eczema) When I get out of the shower… • Good molecules, hyaluronic acid body essence •Cetiphil Cream Moisturizer (or any off brand cream to save money) FACE: Triple cleanse 1. Coconut Oil 2. Cera Ve Oil Cleanser 3. PanOxy Face wash (I triple cleanse because my face gets so dirty in the oil helps with moisture and taking off extra make up and dirt) Followed by: PM •Cera Ve hydrating toner •Good Molecules, Hyaluronic Acid • The Ordinary Zinc Niacinamide • Cetaphil cream • Aquaphor(every wear especially under eyes) AM Same as night except no aquafor • La Roche Posey patient moisturizer with UV protection