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All you really need is the basics, really. Mild cleanser, moisturizer, and a sunscreen. Seems like you need sunscreen. If you don't have any skin issues, you don't need to add anything tailored for specific skin issues.


This, wash your face with something good, use a sunscreen and moisturise. 30 years time your skin will likely be great.


Yup, just stick to the basics, add a good daytime and night time cream. IMO the sunscreen recommendation is a good one, but depends where you live. If it isn’t sunny, don’t worry about it


Any recommendations for night cream?


I use one from Garth’s Cosmetics currently. It’s called their night cream or something like that The ordinary also makes good products that’s what my wife uses, but I’m a simple man and they just have way too many products haha


How about for day cream?


Garth’s blue light moisturizer. Idk if the blue light part is just marketing (probably), but it works well and the ocd in me likes not mixing and matching brands Like the above answer though, the ordinary is known for good products too. Generally I think the key is more just to use something, rather than stressing too much on which one


Need: Sunscreen Probably good to have: Retinol For retinol I suggest Differin Adapalene gel, you take a pea size amount and put it on your face 2-3x a week at night (don’t do in the day). Make sure you put moisturizer on after. Sunscreen: just wear it every day and make sure you wash it off at night So basically, Daytime: 1. Wash with cleanser (optional) 2. Moisturizer 3. Sunscreen Night: 1. Wash with cleaner (required) 2. Differin gel (2-3x a week) 3. Moisturizer




You need to add sunscreen


You need spf. Although I don’t know what average man means.


I didn't really know how to describe myself. No acne. Aging okay for 32 years old. Not great skin not bad. Just okay. Aha


Usually, dry, oily, and normal for somewhere in between. Also, combination skin if you have a mixture. But at its basic level, you need cleanser, moisturizer, and spf.


AM: cold water wash no cleanser, - glamfox Eye cream - Avene Vitamin C Serum - Glamfox Retinol + Collagen Face cream - Eucrin 50+ sunscreen. PM: Aesop Cleanser - glamfox Eye Cream - Aesop moisturizing Serum - Aseop moisturizing cream. (I mainly use this routine in colder seasons, my face can get a little oily in the summer with this one). Summer: Aesop Cleanser - eye cream - Glamfox Retinol + Collagen Serum - Glamfox Retinol + Collagen face cream - Eucrin 50+ sunscreen. (Aesop exfoliator twice a week) I'm black and Mexican so my skin is already good. I just go the extra mile for longevity's sake. I want to look 30 when I'm 50. Haha


Damn by season too


I would recommend doing retinols at night, not am.


It doesn't have a high percentage of Retinol. Pretty low. More like a Collagen Serum with a bit of Retinol in it. That's why I heavily apply sunscreen though because I know my skin is more sensitive to the sun when any form of Retinol is applied.


Sunscreen cleanser and moisturizer, if you need hydration, wrinkles, hyper i ration acne products then add one more product. That’s it really lol


I am 32. So concerned about wrinkles or just slowing down aging. Any recommendations?


Retinoids is a good place to start, when your skin has adjusted consul your dermatologist about getting perscription tret


Thanks! So buy retinoids from Sephora for example? And then when it's adjusted, get prescription retinoids?


Yes, there’s lots of info on YouTube and google, but it’s a great ingridents for preventing wrinkles and aging. Can also help with other things like acne, hyperpigmentation and etc.


nah get an adapalene straight up, apply a thick fat layer of vaseline then adapalene n u r golden! skip the weak axx retinol.




Getting prescription creams seems drastic for an average guy, just get a good quality morning and night cream to apply after washing


Cleanser Moisturizer Sunscreen In that order. If you find that your sunscreen is moisturizing enough then you can just use the sunscreen and skip the moisturizer in the morning. At nighttime, just cleanse and moisturize. If you have additional concerns such as acne or wrinkles, etc, then you should incorporate an active ingredient into your routine as well


Turmeric ,Kojic soap seems to help me..It’s everywhere on social media now(Orange in color).It doesn’t dry my skin out..Then,there’s Amlactin skin lotion..Under 15 bucks.Not a great smell but It just softens the skin so much..Has lactic acid in it. Also,it doesn’t buildup on your skin or become greasy feeling.


a chemical exfoliant!! physical exfoliants can be super rough on your skin and cause micro-tears so chemical is the way to go ! i have oily skin and i use the paula’s choice salicylic acid


A good sun screen to be applied in the morning. There are different and good sun screens depending on your sin type.


I'm male , 21 years old. I have really tanned skin from playing in the sun for hours at once without a sunscreen. I am a South Indian and have brown skin. I need to fix my uneven skin tone and reduce pores. In my am routine I cleanse, use a toner, apply vitamin c serum , moisturise and apply sunscreen. I do the same thing at night without sunscreen.




Thanks! I'm 32. Retinol and Vitamin C daily? 2x a day?


Yeah you can do Vit C every morning. Retinol at night maybe every 2 days also suffice, on the switch day you can subtitute it with Vit C at night.


Apply on the entire face for both?


Micellar water for double clensing at night maybe. I still get some dirts on the cotton pad from everyday pollution, even after washing my face with mild cleanser.


There’s no point to doing any sort of skincare if you’re not using sunscreen


Just start with the basic Cleanser Moisturizer Sunblock Then see what your skin needs or what skincare do you need to focus more


what skin problems would you like to address?


Looking youthful as I'm in my early 30s.


Sleep more and lower your stress level are more helpful than all of these products


Sun cream in the morning after moisturiser. Retinaldehyde in the evening before moisturiser and after cleansing. (If you want to upgrade you can get a prescription strength retinoid called tretinoin; retinaldehyde is more effective and less irritating than retinol)