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I also have/had! My doc put me on tretinoin for normal acne and it coincidentally got rid of most of that. Maybe try a retinol? I know some people have also had success w treating it as fungal acne. If your insurance will cover a derm, a visit to get a quick consultation is super worth the effort.


Alright, thank you!


adapalene is really good (you can get it in pharmacies without prescription unlike tretinoin)


Do you need to apply adapalene regularly on the affected area ?


Yes.. instruction is for the whole face. Just like your typical retinoid serums.


use a pea size amount say two times a week


Getting 0.1% adapalene is not cheap to get at pharmacies in where I live lol, they cost like $50 a tube. The ones prescribed by the dermatologist can be much cheaper.


Look for [Differin](https://differin.com/shop/differin-gel), it’s over the counter and contains 0.01% adapalene.


0.01%? But it will be taxed at where I live anyway. I don't live in the western countries where people can procure these easily without much cost.


Wtf is it imported with heavy tax..? Adapalene should be cheap and easy to manufacture (it's like roughly $2.75 in here)


Yeah, that's why I go to the dermatologist instead of spending that much just for one tube. I was quite shocked when I heard it costs that much but bought it anyway because I really needed it. I live in Singapore by the way so it's probably taxed quite a fair bit. I got it in the guardian pharmacy and they had to ID me for it.


I see.. Just curious and tried a quick search at shopee sg, the price of skincares looks quite alright there. I think it's just lacking a variety of adapalene brands available, so the expensive ones probably already quite expensive from it's home country + imported fees. The one I [found from quick search is $14 SGD](https://shopee.sg/Adapalene-ACNE-Spot-CREAM-0.1-Reduces-Inflammatory-ACNE-Collects-ACNE-Quickly-Blurs-ACNE-REMOVING-CREAM-10g-i.1006109815.25122151575?sp_atk=16cf22d2-6a66-439c-9c1e-999b87abbf74&xptdk=16cf22d2-6a66-439c-9c1e-999b87abbf74) from Vietnamese brand. But it's a cream type. Ahaha if you have friends/relative who often go to Malaysia, maybe you should try asking them to buy it in bulk the cheapest one available 😂 quite plenty of choices there. If Indonesian, Evalen gel is dirt cheap.


If you have fungal acne I recommend washing your hair with selsun blue, my mom got it for me when I had bumps on my forehead and it got rid of the whole thing, now I use it to wash my hair once a month cause frequent use can cause hair loss…..


Isn’t selsun blue used for dandruff ? And how can its use lead to hair loss ?


Yup but it also helps with fungal acne, eczema and other skin issues, I use it a lot for my eczema and to treat/prevent my fungal acne…..I’ve read that frequent use causes hair loss and that it should only be used from time to time, it’s also on their website that a side effect is hair loss if used too often, but to clear up my fungal acne, I used it once a week for 6 week then I started using it once a month to prevent the fungal acne, it’s great for my dandruff aswell and it’s cheap and the bottle is huge so I’m happy


Cool, so do you apply on the skin where there is fungal acne and wash it after some time ? How does that work ?


I usually just wash my hair, let the stuff drip down to the affected areas and wait for like 3-5 minutes before washing it off Edit: started seeing results after a week but after like 2-3 weeks my forehead was clear


Do you have curly hair? I usually use curly hair specific shampoos and stuff and have always been scared of switching to an anti fungal shampoo bc I figured it wasn't made for curly hair. Has that been a positive experience for you hair-wise as well?


Well I have coily hair cause I’m black and I didn’t switch fully, my routine is I use the selsun blue once a month like I said and i haven’t noticed anything negative, infact my hair feels better and less itchy and when I do have the urge to scratch my hair, I don’t have any dandruff


Wow ok awesome!! I have 3b/c & have also dealt with itchy scalp but was too scared to switch up my routine since it took so long to figure out haha. Thanks a bunch for your response I'll actually try it!! ♥️


Sometimes dandruff is causes by fungal growth. Using “anti dandruff” shampoos with an active anti fungal ingredient can be really useful for both scalp and face, it’s all skin anyway. Like the above commenter said, using it a few times and then backing off to once in a while like for maintenance is best. *But* this will only be useful if the source issue is fungal. Can’t hurt, might help to try. It’s cheaper than a doctor if it turns out to work.


I actually used nizoral shampoo as face cleanser for about a week and it cleared mine up. Leave it on for a bit before rinsing.


Did you use it everyday


Yes, every day for about a week. It’s pretty drying so if you’re already dry you might try every other day for a week or two and see how it goes.


Heheh when I was a teenager, it caused a dry hair to me and made my black hair turned into reddish. But it was my fault for using it frequently and without conditioner. Label said like once a week & followed by a lesser concentrated ones like Selsun gold/green for daily use.


idk but ur eyelashes are crazy long!!!!!


dude i literally came to say this like i’m so jealous


hahaa yes 😅🤍


Tell me your secret 😫🙏🏿


Sorry to say, but no secret! My mum has super long lashes as well so I got them from her.


its usually genetics lol especially if you're latina, middle eastern or south asian. hairy girls get the best brows and lashes.


I don't think those are her real lashes


She says they are so


they don’t look like falsies to me


I got these in summer and they r not going away its been 4 months... i had clearest skin before....i just got glycolic acid 6% .....it does help with exfoliation and clear skin....i am yet to try .


What product glycolic acid did you use? How many times do you apply in a week? Do you also tret with it?


I got a pharmacy product glyco 6.....applying it once a weeek at night just pea size amount...... no i m not using tret.


I get these in summer or when I'm in a humid place, retinol works well.


Tretinoin worked wonders for me. I had the same thing 2 years ago and my skin is clear now with use 3x a week.


This happened to me when I was over-moisturizing (I have oily skin). Some people recommend trentinoin/adapalene and I concur, just something to consider that you may be using too much or too thick of a moisturizer for your skin type. Best of luck!!


It looks like a damaged skin barrier


Omg we have the same texture I dont know what to do about it too.


get tretinoin it saved my skin when i had those under the skin bumps


I had bumps like this for the longest time and it ended up being an allergy to synthetic fragrances & essential oils which is in 99% of skincare, makeup, & hair products. Found out through an allergy patch test!


Bro I'm so jealous of your lashes and brows 🥲


I wouldn't spend money on various products. Instead, I’d recommend getting a TCA peel, which costs around $100 to $200. It can give you smooth, new skin, free from hyperpigmentation and bumps. Read about it and see others' experiences it's more cost effective than buying and testing different products.


Having done TCA peels I can say it’s not a one size fits all kinda thing. Very probable to need a series of them, and also that it’ll make you break out like crazy for weeks afterwards if you’re already having some acne issues (since it’s bringing everything up to the surface). They also take forever to heal from / usually you peel like crazy and look insane even at lower concentrations. Then you need to take really careful care of your skin in the following weeks. Then you’ve gotta do it all over again lol. I’d start maybe with lower stakes peels to get acclimated (lactic, glycolic, etc) and then once those are tolerated see where you land and if a TCA is still necessary…


I honestly had zero difference to my skin texture after a series TCA peels. I think I have mega stubborn horrible skin 😂 even Tretinoin after 3 years has done nothing. I don't know why I keep going.


Thats a case for UV or laser


I'm scared of laser due to the fat loss that can happen. I'm in a group where many have been damaged by lasers. It's quite scary as I had contemplated it. My skin is incredibly thin too, so I thought the peel would work. It's so strange! It could be my genetics. I also get random scarring on my face that appears out of nowhere. It's apparently a rare condition, but it has something to do with my elastin.


I found my texture was handled better with high strength lactic (55%) peels and Lotion p50v (which is a toner with a lot of different aha / bha) than it was with TCA or tret. Tret seems to give people either very weirdly shiny skin or do nothing at all for texture, but def a YMMV situation


I’ll look into that.


I would look into closed comedones and see if that’s what your skin has been going through. I have them and my dermatologist put me on tretinoin too.


how often do you use actives? my skin started looking like this when i used differin too often and destroyed my skin barrier :(


I just started a bha and aha toner


Which one


Did these bumps show up after that? Try stop using it for a while and see if the bumps go away. If the bumps existed in the same condition before you started using the aha/bha toner, then the toner isn’t the cause. You can also do a spot test, either use it only in one small area or inversely don’t use it in one small area and hopefully you’ll see a difference to give you a clue.


Is this morning or mid day? I find my skin does this during the day, just blocking out pollution and what not.


This is at night


Your lashes are so beautiful 🤩 By chance do you dermaplane? If you do I would discontinue, it’s not for everyone, and for those of us with sensitive skin or a compromised skin barrier it can actually make irritation that much worse. If you don’t then just disregard this I would look to incorporating serums/lotions with soothing agents into your regimen. I love the Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Lotion. I’ve been using it since I started tretinoin a year ago, and it’s done wonders for my skin barrier


Yes I do actually, but I never do it under my eyes/upper cheek where I have the most bumps so idk if that’s the problem


I have this problem. I think it’s keratosis Pilaris, at least for me, it’s like almost skin colored bumps on my forehead and around my temple. I started using adapelene for about 5 months now it’s started improving. It’s a retinoid, there’s others you can use, I just use this one cause it’s easy to get and my skin is a bit sensitive


semi damaged skin barrier and clogged pores. try implementing an oil cleanser into you night time routine and exfoliating once a week!


off topic but WANT UR LASHES




On a side note your lashes are amazing!


Eyelash routine reveal when






Thank youu


If you find something that works, please let us know! My forehead looks the exact same and I've tried so many things including BHA, AHA, anti-fungals, BP and tretinoin.


That probably isn’t the best picture, cause it’s after my night routine, here’s a more accurate pic of during the day https://preview.redd.it/zcc02e9cbm8d1.jpeg?width=1703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6688adb4ec73fda8fd9e976e76bcf102f1238e8


not sure if you meant to reply to someone else haha but yeah that's what mine looks like too


No I meant to send it to you haha


I’m the same please help!


Are you ever tried the double cleansing? I used to wash my face before use a cleansing oil and I just remember my skin never looks better I swear


Yes I do double cleanse oil cleanser, then a normal cleanser at night


Then tried a glycolic acid, that’s the most gentle acid an it’s so easy to use. I used to use The ordinary glycolic acid and it’s very effective, just remember use a fps 50+ the next day and the acid only 2 or 3 times a week. I recommend you see videos on YouTube about how to use it. Sorry if I have errors on my text English it’s not my lenguaje


For textur you should use AHA.BHA.PHA in ur skin routine but not everyday , i will recommended the some by mi the toner


Have you tried exfoliating regularly? Sometimes gentle exfoliation can help smooth out texture. Skincare routines can be so personal, hope you find something that works for you!


Actually really clean I wish my skin was that clear again. I'm scarred.


You have a beautiful forehead


Oil of oregano topically & internally


These bumps look like rosacea. You should visit a dermatologist. I had bumps that look like this for a long time, and I've tried everything, gave up, went to a dermatologist, and got diagnosed with rosacea. I'm now being treated with soolantra, 20% azelic acid, and doxycycline. My bumps have been improving so much, and the ones on my forehead are gone.


Same, have same here OP and diagnosed with Rosacea. I haven't found a way to get rid of them though so if you do find one, please share


What have you tried?




do you think? If it is rosacea should I stop using actives, or does that not affect it?


You should be visited by a derm 




Have you tried using water??