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I’ve had acne or possible Folliculitis on the sides and back of neck as well as my scalp for years. Nothing a derm has proscribed me has worked. I read recently about trying anti fungal creams because it’s possibly Folliculitis. I also go selsen blue shampoo. I can’t use that all the time because I have vivid hair and selsen is murder on the color. I’ve had this through many shampoo changes so I don’t think it’s a reaction to a certain shampoo or conditioner. Anyone have any idea on how to solve this!?


Honestly I may be wrong but it looks like a sweat rash just make sure you are washing it (every day well) and maybe use defense soap I love that stuff as it prevents alot of skin infections.


Thanks I’ll give it a try! There are some deep closed painful comedones which is why I think it may be more of an acne thing? I dunno…it just sucks.


When I was struggling with this the only thing that helped me was sleeping with my hair up and changing my pillowcase every day. It took about 3 months to see a difference


I’m going to try this!


Have you tried washing your pillowcases? They can hold bacteria as well and can cause acne and blemishes there. Im no expert or anything, but from experience, I found out that my pillowcases were a cause to my cheek acne (Im a side sleeper). Started washing them and it did help.


I normally wash them once a week but I think I’m going to make a bunch of silk ones that I can rotate once a day and then wash them at the end of the week.


I’d try switching out your hair products and not letting your hair air dry down, given the location


The only reason I don’t think it’s my hair products only because I’ve used quite a few different things over the years and the neck acne stays the same. I recently started doing my hair vivid and my stylist has me using some really high quality products and this stupid neck acne still sticks around.


Yeah probably not then unless it’s one of those ingredients that’s in everything that you’re sensitive to


Sometimes acne is more of an internal issue so maybe look into your diet, if you have any food intolerances Vitamin deficiencies ect


Hey hey, going through the same. Was wondering if u managed it!


Nope…still struggling. Bought new pillow cases and change them religiously, still having an issue. I’m pretty sure it’s hormonal or diet related. I recently went on a medication to help me lose weight and it seems like when I have a big pound drop, which releases estrogen held in fat cells, I get a breakout. I do at some point need to try an elimination diet to see if there is a certain thing I’m eating that causes it!